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Forza 5: The monetization is even worse than you think.

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I listed games that had the microtransactions, such as the newer battlefield games, Dead space, even AC black flag to name a few. Do the games seem "more" grindy than the ones before it? Not really. Does it break the game simply because the transactions are there? Not at all.

So your comparison of Game A versus Game B is flawed right from the jump because of practical examples on the market we can point to right now.

Are you kidding? Dead Space alone changed the entire franchise's weapon system to be part-based so that they could monetize it.
There are a few mentions on Twitter, but the problem is the main stream "media" has glossed over the microtransactions. It should have been a prominent story along with the fact that Forza 5 has much less content than past iterations. But hey, let's give it a 9/10, 5/5.

Not only are they glossing over it, some such as Sessler do not even mention them in their review. Seriously, not a single mention of DLC or microtransactions....



TeamVVV are big Forza fans and their criticism grabs my attention. I had no idea Forza limited the cars in free drive. As a photographer, I loved taking many cars out and just snapping pictures.

You can't turn gamers into car lovers if you don't let them get behind the wheel of the cars.

I'm disgusted about this turn and my heart is broken. Forza was my favorite franchise but I cannot support these decisions.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I had no idea Forza limited the cars in free drive.

Yeah, this is my biggest single issue with the game. There is just no good reason to do that other than incentivizing the micro-transactions.


Gold Member
Polygon, IGN, Game Informer and Gamespot also leave out this information. journalism indeed.

So all the biggest fish magically ommit the fact of this awfull rip-off... Well, that's not strange. At least now we know their mouth is full of hard $$.
Polygon, IGN, Game Informer and Gamespot also leave out this information. journalism indeed.

Does the press get a different copy than retail with everything opened up? Or do they get the retail version and then a code to unlock everything?

I can see if they get a fully opened copy that they might not even be aware of these things until the game is released, but I highly doubt that. Even if that was the case, they should be seeing these stories and following up with Microsoft for comment.

TeamVVV are big Forza fans and their criticism grabs my attention. I had no idea Forza limited the cars in free drive. As a photographer, I loved taking many cars out and just snapping pictures.

You can't turn gamers into car lovers if you don't let them get behind the wheel of the cars.

I'm disgusted about this turn and my heart is broken. Forza was my favorite franchise but I cannot support these decisions.

Yep. I wonder if they'll 180 this or just ignore the complaints to make more cash off of the devout and ignorant.

Because the american press gets it for free, It's like how Sess thought Xbox Live was free....

Hey guys remember when Sony was going to do the same thing with Gran Turismo?

The microtransaction-focused game, Gran Turismo HD: Classic will be the online-focused entrant into the GT-series. In this game, players will (reportedly) start with no cars or courses available to them. Instead, they will need to purchase their stable of cars and courses to race on. The pricing reported in the Famitsu piece indicated that cars would cost between 50-100 yen ($0.43-$0.85) and courses between 200-500 yen ($1.71-$4.26). There are approximiately 750 cars and 50 tracks available for purchase in the GT: HD Classic. Let's do the math:

750 cars for $0.50-$1.00 (Sony will round-up, don't you think?)
50 tracks for $1.50-$4.50

A complete copy of the game will cost gamers somewhere between $426.50 and $975, and that's without factoring in whatever Sony decides to charge for the menus (since that's all you'll get with GT HD: Classic).

Except of course, the base game was going to be free...


Junior Member
Hey guys remember when Sony was going to do the same thing with Gran Turismo?


Except of course, the base game was free.

I had to think about that as well, every one was screaming murder. But just keep on trying and one day people will except the change. Wouldn't be surprised if MS is going to implement the grand vision in an year or to by way of some updates
Yeah, this is my biggest single issue with the game. There is just no good reason to do that other than incentivizing the micro-transactions.

Dan used to talk about the cars being available in free drive as a good thing. During the release of 4, he responded to talk of earning all the cars by saying Forza was designed for players to create their dream garage, and more casual players had the joy of driving any car at the outset.

Turn 10 abandoned its own design principles to make a buck.

Oh, and while I normally cut reviewers slack, shame on them for not mentioning this.

Sess was caught red handed when he added the PSN plus price to the PS4, in order to conclude how the price of both consoles was even keel when you add in PSN + subscription. Another journo on gametrailers thought Live Silver allowed multiplayer.

Essentially these folks don't pay for shit, so unless the game is completely designed around micro transactions, odds are that in most cases amount and quality of content will be what determines value.

I don't see any other explanation for how accepting of micro transactions the press has become.
Dan used to talk about the cars being available in free drive as a good thing. During the release of 4, he responded to talk of earning all the cars by saying Forza was designed for players to create their dream garage, and more casual players had the joy of driving any car at the outset.

Turn 10 abandoned its own design principles to make a buck.

Oh, and while I normally cut reviewers slack, shame on them for not mentioning this.

Reviewers suck. They can't even be objective in any way because they are so ignorant. It's all garbage these days.

Sess was caught red handed when he added the PSN plus price to the PS4, in order to conclude how the price of both consoles was even keel when you add in PSN + subscription.
I thought that was just him being a biased ass?

Another journo on gametrailers thought Live Silver allowed multiplayer.
Yeah, I actually watched that episode. There is a gif of that part somewhere on gaf.
I had to think about that as well, every one was screaming murder. But just keep on trying and one day people will except the change. Wouldn't be surprised if MS is going to implement the grand vision in an year or to by way of some updates

The issue with GT at the time was the "Freemium" wasn't really an accepted business model, so the narrative was "If you buy everything, it will cost you $450!" and the outrage at the time was perfectly acceptable. With the advent of freemium being mainstreamed in the mobile world, this business model would be accepted - and was essentially what the free version of Drive Club was going to be (well, it was a limited set of the full game and you could upgrade to the retail version for a price).

You want to give me a GT game for free and charge me $0.50-1.00 for cars? I'm all over that as a casual race game fan.
We've been repeatedly told by microtransaction defenders in this thread to "Vote with your wallet", and "If you don't like it, don't buy it."

So yeah, I guess.


Using your own rate, the most expensive car in the game (6,000,000CR) would take you 27 hours to earn.

27 hours.

For one car.

ONE CAR. Out of ~230.

You will never in this lifetime unlock everything just by playing the game.

That's one way to look at it. Another way is that I have played for ~5 hours, have six cars, and enough money to buy a whole bunch of additional cars (from one to ~25 cars depending on price). Oh, and I haven't even used the tokens supplied with the game for no additional charge. I can get another 5-10 cars for that. So:

5 hours.

For 30-40 cars.

You also get free credits every day form your drivitar. So actually, you could eventually get many cars without even playing more than the first few races (to configure your drivitar) if you wait for those credits to come in. But spin it the way you want. At the end of the day it is nothing more than a progression system. Hate it, love it, complain about it without even playing, whatever suits your needs. We'll see in the long term how stingy the economy of this game really is, or is not, but after only playing a bit over the weekend I already have access to a ton of awesome cars.
Yeah, I actually watched that episode. There is a gif of that part somewhere on gaf.



Junior Member
The issue with GT at the time was the "Freemium" wasn't really an accepted business model, so the narrative was "If you buy everything, it will cost you $450!" and the outrage at the time was perfectly acceptable. With the advent of freemium being mainstreamed in the mobile world, this business model would be accepted - and was essentially what the free version of Drive Club was going to be (well, it was a limited set of the full game and you could upgrade to the retail version for a price).

You want to give me a GT game for free and charge me $0.50-1.00 for cars? I'm all over that as a casual race game fan.

exactly my point.

change takes time :) what seems unacceptable now will seem acceptable in a couple of years.
I thought that was just him being a biased ass?

I honestly think it was an oversight. It would be biased if he said that the Xbox One offers better value anyway, because it's a better system with better games, My knee jerk reaction was that it's because he's biased too. I see it more as a consequence...
That's one way to look at it. Another way is that I have played for ~5 hours, have six cars, and enough money to buy a whole bunch of additional cars (from one to ~25 cars depending on price). Oh, and I haven't even used the tokens supplied with the game for no additional charge. I can get another 5-10 cars for that. So:

So MS was kind enough to pack in free virtual currency? The generosity!

exactly my point.

change takes time :) what seems unacceptable now will seem acceptable in a couple of years.

I don't think $60 games coming with $50 of DLC out of the gate and $100 token packs that don't even buy the top car will ever be accepted.
Are you kidding? Dead Space alone changed the entire franchise's weapon system to be part-based so that they could monetize it.

And it messed up the game how? I'm not talking about the gun parts being better than the tool parts, as that's a separate QA/lore issue. How did that new system make the game worse?

Not only are they glossing over it, some such as Sessler do not even mention them in their review. Seriously, not a single mention of DLC or microtransactions....


He mentions it in this review, despite it being a different game (closer to the 5:27 mark):


Also, look at how the FM5 review was done. I don't even know if he realized how ridiculous the pricing was due to how uninvolved he is with that genre.

But conspiracies and all...

Edit: Would the reviewers have been given enough tokens/whatever to review the game without having to purchase anything/everything?
So all the biggest fish magically ommit the fact of this awfull rip-off... Well, that's not strange. At least now we know their mouth is full of hard $$.

I haven't seen any of them crying on Twitter, so I can only assume that they were given tons of Forza bucks with their review copies.


And the game still scores high as fuck cuz FORZA AT LAUNCH.

It all amounts to a blatant attempt at encouraging people to spend more money. All at the detriment of the game from several important angles.

Crazy that they would do this to their community of fans.
I'm confused. I was told by people here that they no longer give you free cars in Forza 5. Then while playing this weekend I was gifted 3 cars by the game.

What gives?
Sess was caught red handed when he added the PSN plus price to the PS4, in order to conclude how the price of both consoles was even keel when you add in PSN + subscription. Another journo on gametrailers thought Live Silver allowed multiplayer.

Essentially these folks don't pay for shit, so unless the game is completely designed around micro transactions, odds are that in most cases amount and quality of content will be what determines value.

I don't see any other explanation for how accepting of micro transactions the press has become.

It could possibly be the case that they were 'gifted' all the cars so they didn't really know how much of a pain in the ass it would be to unock..

That said, fuck that kind of journalism.

Fuck. This thing has really pissed me off.

And fuck reviewer gifting.
I haven't seen any of them crying on Twitter, so I can only assume that they were given tons of Forza bucks with their review copies.
Which is ridiculous. If they're reviewing a different product from the one we're getting, what use is it for us readers and consumers?

If they're getting 200 dollars worth of Forza tokens, then that should be made unmistakably clear in their reviews - as in RRP: $60 (+ $200 in microtransactions).
I'm confused. I was told by people here that they no longer give you free cars in Forza 5. Then while playing this weekend I was gifted 3 cars by the game.

What gives?

You don't get cars for leveling, they still gift cars from time to time, more often if you are a V.I.P.

And the cars they would gift you were only worth 100 credits if you tried to sell them to get more money unless you went to the auction house. So the only people who should be complaining are the people who didn't like playing the actual game and only wanted to drive 1 or 2 cars.

And anyway the only way to get those cars was to grind drive through all the events.


Not only are they glossing over it, some such as Sessler do not even mention them in their review. Seriously, not a single mention of DLC or microtransactions....


Ya, I notice that too, and this time he can't get away with excuse like "ignorance".
He know micro-transaction is in and he ask about it in an interview too.
Why did he purposely left this "feature" out of his review?

I wonder how much micro transactions were pushed onto Forza after the announcement that you could get it for free with day 1 copies of the console. They are going to want to make money somewhere, racing games are easy.

It is one of my fears about DriveClub on the PS4, with that being free on plus (well for a lite version) I can see there been many car and track dlc's for them to try and squeeze some extra pennies from you.
He mentions it in this review, despite it being a different game (closer to the 5:27 mark):


Also, look at how the FM5 review was done. I don't even know if he realized how ridiculous the pricing was due to how uninvolved he is with that genre.

But conspiracies and all...

1) Microtransactions in Forza should be mentioned in the Forza review, not the Ryse review.
2) He says they seemed "acceptable" in Forza, when nothing could be further from the truth.

And I'm not saying there isn't a right way to do microtransactions in games like Forza, it's just that they way they did it is beyond the pale. I prefer everything being on the disk and having cheat codes, but if they want to milk customers, something like Tiger Woods 07 was at lease reasonable - it was about 1100 MS points ($13-14) to unlock everything out of the gate - all courses, all pro shop items, all courses, all golfers).

It's not ideal, but $13 seems palatable, $50 does not. Especially when there are things locked behind that $50 that most players could never earn without buying them.
You don't get cars for leveling, they still gift cars from time to time, more often if you are a V.I.P.

And the cars they would gift you were only worth 100 credits if you tried to sell them to get more money unless you went to the auction house. So the only people who should be complaining are the people who didn't like playing the actual game and only wanted to drive 1 or 2 cars.

And anyway the only way to get those cars was to grind drive through all the events.

Yeah, people were giving the impression you ONLY got cars from buying them in game, either through in game money or buying "tokens" in game.

But I was gifted 3 cars in the few couple hours of playing, and I'm not even "VIP", so that's fine with me. I don't need to drive every car in the game, but I'll be happy to buy a few of my favorites eventually when I earn enough money.


Junior Member
I don't think $60 games coming with $50 of DLC out of the gate and $100 token packs that don't even buy the top car will ever be accepted.

I really hope you are right, I will not buy it or any MT game for sure. But Forza 5 is being bought at the moment so we will have to see if people buying the game and buying credits are making up for lost sales....... you never know.


Which is ridiculous. If they're reviewing a different product from the one we're getting, what use is it for us readers and consumers?

If they're getting 200 dollars worth of Forza tokens, then that should be made unmistakably clear in their reviews - as in RRP: $60 (+ $200 in microtransactions).

I just glanced at the polygon review, 9 from Gies, and there isn't even a single mention of the microtransactions, unless I've missed it. How is this not worth talking about in a review?
I just glanced at the polygon review, 9 from Gies, and there isn't even a single mention of the microtransactions, unless I've missed it. How is this not worth talking about in a review?

Gies gonna Gies.

I'm shocked that he hasn't made the jump to Microsoft community manager yet.


People -- stop supporting games that use microtransactions. It's that fucking simple. Don't buy them.

Or at the same time, just don't use the Microtransactions. I agree that they're absolutely detestable, but they're also not required to play this game. It would be way worse if they were mandatory to purchase some exclusive cars, but that isn't the case. It's hard not to support Forza when its a really fantastic driving game.
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