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Franchise Newbies: What would it take to get you to try Monster Hunter World?

Monster Hunter is a really odd series for me. I've played four games so far (MHFU, Tri, P3rd and 3U) and beaten almost all of the quests in each. I've invested hundreds of hours into it over the past decade... and yet I'm still not sure if I genuinely like it or not.

MH is an incredibly difficult series to get into, it's dense as bedrock and requires a massive time commitment to progress and enjoy. It's a titan in Japan, but still hasn't found a ton of traction in the West. With Monster Hunter World, Capcom finally seems to be overhauling the series; re-evaluating the core mechanics in an attempt to make a more streamlined game that sacrifices none of the challenges and thrills of the original.

So, I'm curious:
-People who have been wary of trying the series, what would it take for you to give MHW a shot?
-People who have tried an MH game, but ended up giving up on the series, what would it take for you to give it a second chance?

Frequent complaints people have about Monster Hunter that seem to be addressed by MHW:

Problem: ”Combat is slow and clunky."
Fix: The player moves much more fluidly now, and weapons have multiple special moves to aid with evasion, closing distance, capitalizing on openings, etc. The team seems to have taken some cues from Dragon's Dogma.

Problem: ”There are too many annoying animations that take forever."
Fix: The extended animations for things like gathering and healing are gone. No more crouching down five times to gather a handful of herbs, or flexing after consuming a potion (as an enraged Tigrex rampages towards you).

Problem: ”The segmented world is confusing to navigate and adds very little to the fights."
Fix: The transition between zones in each major area is now seamless, so it's basically like having mini open worlds. Areas are now filled with natural traps to use against the monster.

Problem: ”Upgrade trees are blind, and sometimes end prematurely leaving you with a gimped weapon."
Fix: You can now see how far down a path goes. Unknown whether you can also see the stats of future upgrades.

Problem: ”The monsters gang up to fight you, even when it makes no sense."
Fix: Monsters now have a hierarchy, and will beat up on each other (dealing pretty major damage too).

Problem: ”Keeping track of the monster with paintballs is annoying and wastes valuable time."
Fix: The new Scout Flies system auto-tracks the monster after you've found it once.

Problem: ”Switching between melee and ranged weapons is impossible because they require different armor sets to use."
Fix: Any armor can now be worn with any weapon.

Problem: ”Underwater combat sucks."
Fix: It's gone, and has been for a while.

Frequent complaints people have that DO NOT seem to be addressed by MHW:

Problem: ”The constant grinding is monotonous, drop rates are too low and crafting/upgrading takes too many materials."
Possible Fix: This is currently an unknown, but we have seen that crafting/upgrades appear to still require various amounts of 3-4 materials. Here's hoping they have a system in place that 100% guarantees rare drops for breaking certain monster parts.

Problem: ”The fights have time limits, so I could waste 50 minutes on a tough monster, then get hit with a failstate and gain nothing."
Possible Fix:The timer is still in, and while it isn't an issue most of the time, it'll definitely bother some people. Capcom could rebalance resting at base camp and remove the timer, and/or reduce the reward for beating a monster if you go overtime.

Problem: "Restocking in-between missions takes too long."
Possible Fix: It would be excellent if players could set inventory slots to always be certain items (Ex: slot 1 is always Mega Potions, slot 2 is always Might Seeds, etc) and then pay a fee at the end of the quest to refill all of those items to their max.

In addition, there are total unknowns like: ”Are there still ‘Plesioth hip-check' style broken hitboxes?" and ”Is Rajang in this game?"
Generations introduced item sets. You can register your usual items, and you have multiple slots for different sets. Before a mission, just pick a registered set you created and you'll automatically take all the items out from the box, and any items that aren't registered that you have on you will be automatically deposited. You can choose item amounts, too, when registering, and if you're short when withdrawing, you'll just take everything you have (or none at all until you get more).
I've played 4 entries in the franchise, they all felt bad to control.
Fixing that would be one. A proper lock on would help.
Lots of issues that are likely too ingrained into what Monster Hunter is so I'm not sure.


The only thing Monster Hunter I ever played was the demo for the Wii U game, which I hated.

The improved graphics are a big deal to me, and the gameplay looked somehow more fun than that demo I played, even though I'm not sure why.

That's all the reason I need to buy it, and if I don't like it after all, then I'll just return it or sell it.


Never played a monster hunter game before but i'm buying this one because why not? It's on xbox too

that's pretty much all the reason i needed. if it sucks, well, wasted money. but i preordered andromeda so its nothing new for me.


A demo.

I'm already interested in this due to it being on console and not handheld, but having never played an entry before, I need the game in my hands to decide whether to buy it or not at full price.

Otherwise I'll be waiting for a price drop.


Gold Member
Is it more or less anime quirky like Freedom Wars, which someone said was like monster Hunter? I just couldn't deal with it.


I have a feeling I'll like Monster Hunter unless the controls are really bad.

My issue is more on multiplayer oriented games. It's a huge time sink and you know future iterations will come along and outdid the predecessor in production values, and improve various flaws found before. Like Splatoon etc.

That doesn't mean I'm writing multiplayer games off but it does mean I'm selective. I'll will see if the games captured a healthy population first because I don't wanna invest time in a bomba.


It's on PC, that's all I needed. Everything else seems like they're doing away with grievances I would have had with the older games had I been playing them, which is just icing on the cake.


Someone gifts me the game and I'll give the game my all. ;P

I've never had the opportunity to try Monster Hunter, but it has always interested me. The first World trailer at E3 didn't click but watching some of the gameplay footage afterwards makes me want to try it.

SOO many games to play though! When's the release date?


Someone gifts me the game and I'll give the game my all. ;P

I've never had the opportunity to try Monster Hunter, but it has always interested me. The first World trailer at E3 didn't click but watching some of the gameplay footage afterwards makes me want to try it.

SOO many games to play though! When's the release date?

Just "Early 2018". It will most likely be coming out sometime in March.


A demo.

I'm already interested in this due to it being on console and not handheld, but having never played an entry before, I need the game in my hands to decide whether to buy it or not at full price.

Otherwise I'll be waiting for a price drop.
Basically this.
I only ever played a single MH game, MH3U for the Wii U and got about 10 hours in before giving up. I'm not very skilled at action games and found the combat too clunky/difficult to even get a basic hand of. I also don't really have many friends to play online with and I imagine these types of games are much more fun with other players. Due to my lack of skill/unfamiliarity with the series and my fear on playing with random people online due to past harassment/toxic behavior in other games I wasn't brave enough to try playing it online with random people either.

I do have some interest in trying to see if I can't get into the series with this game though and there seems to be many improvements to things I had issues with.


Meeting the creators...

Seriously, ive dabbled in MH, but meeting these two pushed me to the OMGGIMMENOW! Arena... Thisll be my first deep dive into MH



A demo.

I'm already interested in this due to it being on console and not handheld, but having never played an entry before, I need the game in my hands to decide whether to buy it or not at full price.

Otherwise I'll be waiting for a price drop.
I would be surprised if there wasn't a demo for this considering pretty much every game in the series has had a public demo of some kind.


I only ever played a single MH game, MH3U for the Wii U and got about 10 hours in before giving up. I'm not very skilled at action games and found the combat too clunky/difficult to even get a basic hand of. I also don't really have many friends to play online with and I imagine these types of games are much more fun with other players. Due to my lack of skill/unfamiliarity with the series and my fear on playing with random people online due to past harassment/toxic behavior in other games I wasn't brave enough to try playing it online with random people either.

I do have some interest in trying to see if I can't get into the series with this game though and there seems to be many improvements to things I had issues with.

There's a few multiplayer games where I'm a complete newbie and just choose to play with GAF. My experience thus far has been good.
-People who have tried an MH game, but ended up giving up on the series, what would it take for you to give it a second chance?

I've tried it on the Wii U. Loved the concept, but man, handling the camera was a nightmare for me. That's pretty much all I need to dive into MH: a better camera system.


I have a feeling I'll like Monster Hunter unless the controls are really bad.

My issue is more on multiplayer oriented games. It's a huge time sink and you know future iterations will come along and outdid the predecessor in production values, and improve various flaws found before. Like Splatoon etc.

That doesn't mean I'm writing multiplayer games off but it does mean I'm selective. I'll will see if the games captured a healthy population first because I don't wanna invest time in a bomba.
I think the problem people have with the controls is mostly due to the animation priority. There's a lot of commitment involved with most attacks and it can be hard to wrap your head around if you're used to third person action games with a lot of animation canceling. With MH, it's a bit more methodical and each weapon has its own rhythm that you need to get a feel for before you're able to really be effective with it.

Having the camera controlled with a second stick is going to make a huge difference. Even as someone who's played through a couple of the 3ds titles, I still felt there were times where I was fighting the camera more than I should. I believe there's also a more traditional lock on in World, but I don't think we've seen it in action yet.

Also, the games are fun with friends or multiple hunters but in the past it's been entirely possible to make it through the majority of the content solo. Some of the very late endgame monsters were a bit tough for a single hunter, but it's still completely doable for the most part. I don't think they've talked as much about the balance of World in this regard, but it would be very surprising to me if they tuned it to where you were significantly disadvantaged by rolling through the game solo.
There's a few multiplayer games where I'm a complete newbie and just choose to play with GAF. My experience thus far has been good.

I believe I saw a online/community or such thread on this site meant for people looking for others to play with in games, I rarely visit the gaming side so I could be mistaken. Will certainly look into that or an OT thread for the game should I get/try this game when it releases. Will certainly be refreshing to find others to play online multiplayer modes with who are much less likely to be sexist, elitist or just plain jerks that I seem to always get in my experience with online.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Im wary of modern day Capcom but MHW does look good.

Feels like a spiritual successor to Dragons Dogma, I can get behind that.


The ability to take it on the go at a moment's notice.

Or at least knowing for sure that friends are going to pick it up.


I tried to get into Monster Hunter with my friends who love it, but I could not see the appeal for me personally. I want to love it, and it seems like I should, it's one of the closest things out there to PSO after all, but I just couldn't get into it. Partly it was grinding the same hunts over and over, partly it was that the world -while beautiful- felt like it gave me no reason to explore it, partly it was just because I have become more of a single player gamer over the years, partly it was because of the obscenely long play sessions my friends wanted to do (16+ hours? Come on guys!). I might give it another shot with World when my friends get into it, but I make no promises that I will like it this time.


Wait...combat fluidity and awful movement are fixed?
Can we dodge and dash and looking all cool now?
Right now I've got a PS4, PC, 2ds, and Vita. What's the best Monster Hunter I can play?

I recommend 4U (or 3U, maybe) for the most solid experience for a new player. MHGen can sort of work, but it's way too side quest heavy and not as well built of an overall experience.
Wait...combat fluidity and awful movement are fixed?
Can we dodge and dash and looking all cool now?

The movement looks less stilted than in the past, but it's still MH at it's core. Time will tell whether it feels "good," but I can almost guarantee you won't be freely dodging and dashing around like in a Platinum game.

Things like the weird restricted camera are still there too, for some reason.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I don't need to be told. i've played toukiden kiwami and toukiden 2 over 600 hours combined, and i've heard that its just Monster hunter. if monster hunter really is like toukiden, i won't have any problems engrossing myself in this game, even if its my first one

the reason why i am considering this one is because its on a console and it looks like what a AAA console game should look like


the player control is meant to be slow, otherwise it would be very easy, the monsters aren't as fast as in a game like Bloodborne, imagine if soulsborne series had Devil may cry movement ?? it wouldn't work, same thing for Monster hunter

i agree that some animations are annoying and take too long like sharpening your weapon or looting a monster


Gold Member
Make a large open World where you could discover monsters of all shapes and sizes from tiny to extremely rare. Basically BotW with the MH combat and enemies.

The segmented World is terrible and gets boring extremely quickly.

I will probably still try MH World though especially if there's a demo.
World seems like it fix a lot of things I don't like. Such as segmented areas, shitty camera, slow ass gathering animations, and outdated graphic. Monsters that are supposed to look menacing just look underwhelming on 3DS.

I also generally don't like grinding. I need more reasons than just to get better wares and to slay stronger monsters, so a better narrative would go a long way for me.

All the time I thought of when I played 3U was, how is this supposed to be fun??
Better tutorials is a big one, there are so many friggin' systems in these games and it can feel completely inscrutable if you don't have people who are already experts to teach you.


Better tutorials is a big one, there are so many friggin' systems in these games and it can feel completely inscrutable if you don't have people who are already experts to teach you.

You might be in luck this time.

Check out some footage, there is a lot of help/explanations happening while you're playing.

They are also adding a lot of QOL stuff like damage numbers, the ability to turn on lock-on, info where to get items for crafting etc.
Camera and the controls felt very clunky when I had the chance to play it. This one looks more like Dragon's Dogma so I'd definitely try it. Hope that there's a demo I can try before taking a decision.


Camera and the controls felt very clunky when I had the chance to play it. This one looks more like Dragon's Dogma so I'd definitely try it. Hope that there's a demo I can try before taking a decision.

This one still looks to be like the others in that you still have to commit to all your attacks, but you can evade in more directions out of an attack than just forward or side now. The camera should be improved though, I assume.
I've always been kinda tempted to try the series but it always felt a like it'd take too much work to get into and I figured I'd get bored of the grind.

I'm going to give MHW a shot though, what I've seen so far looks pretty great. It certainly seems more newbie friendly & honestly it being on PS4 also helped pique my interest since that's my main platform atm.
I would likely buy a Switch release. I had been planning on having the Monster Hunter released in Japan as my first until I found it it wasn't getting localized.


The only thing I'm waiting for to try it out is for the game to come out. Can't wait tro try Monster Hunter for the first time with that title.
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