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Fumito Ueda talks ICO, SotC, and The Last Guardian


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Snipes424 said:
So after watching the trailer again, I noticed there are colorful butterflies around the creature every time.

What could this mean!?

Its gonna diiiiiie.


Interview said:
SS: Is Trico the only creature of that size in The Last Guardian’s world?

FU: Again, I can’t give you any specific details. But there may be something like that out there…

Holy shit.


Snipes424 said:
So after watching the trailer again, I noticed there are colorful butterflies around the creature every time.

What could this mean!?

Maybe the creature is still young and will eventually undergo a metamorphosis, like how caterpillars turn into butterflies?:lol


Shurs said:


The LG looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking good. :O


The Everyman
apana said:
That's sort of a tough and random question. I dont know um, ex 700, would be my best guess. I think those are the edge lit ones. Also isnt it sort of hard to notice black levels unless its really dark? I hate to say it but my personal opinion is that either the tv or the camera is making this game look pretty bad.
waaat? it looks so goooood


So he, along with the rest of Japan, thinks that the label "art" is indicative of complexity? God damnit


The Everyman
John said:
So he, along with the rest of Japan, thinks that the label "art" is indicative of complexity? God damnit
another way of saying that is that it's a demonstration of mastery, which a lot of people do use "art" for.


-COOLIO- said:
another way of saying that is that it's a demonstration of mastery, which a lot of people do use "art" for.
a lot of people use the word "artistic" as an uninformative qualitative adjective, too. it's silly.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
John said:
So he, along with the rest of Japan, thinks that the label "art" is indicative of complexity? God damnit
That's not the only definition he gave, but what does it even matter? It's probably the best for him, or anyone else, to keep making things without a concerted intent to make them be art. You can't really force something like that, it's best when it happens naturally.


Lord Error said:
That's not the only definition he gave, but what does it even matter? It's probably the best for him, or anyone else, to keep making things without a concerted intent to make them be art. You can't really force something like that, it's best when it happens naturally.
that's not really where i was going with this


HK-47 said:
Its gonna diiiiiie.

They both die. Just make me cry already.

I so want to go back and replay ICO and SOTC now, but I don't want that to ruin my experience for the HD version.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
John said:
that's not really where i was going with this
I wouldn't mind if you'd expand on that then. Also note that his exact quote indicates that he's aware of other definitions too, but chose to spell out those he said are typical Japanese ones.

As a sidenote, Ueda avoid speaking of his games as art like a plague, and what I read into what he said there probably stems from that. Trying to downplay that games=art gives any advantage to games, by using that definition. Deep down it's probably not what he's thinking, but he's got budgets to use and profits to make at the end of the day, to make his bosses happy.


Lord Error said:
I wouldn't mind if you'd expand on that then. Also note that his exact quote indicates that he's aware of other definitions too, but chose to spell out those he said are typical Japanese ones.

As a sidenote, Ueda avoid speaking of his games as art like a plague, and much of what I read into what he said there probably stems from that. Trying to downplay that games=art gives any advantage to games by using that definition. Deep down it's probably not what he's thinking, but he's god budgets to use and profits to make at the end of the day, to make his bosses happy.
welp, i'm not in the camp of trying to convince ueda that his games are art. i don't really care what he thinks of his own work, but what i think is worth noting is this really large cultural impasse we've got here. i've never come across a convincing argument for any tangible definition of art, but those involving qualitative judgments are the ones i think have the least amount of perspective. and as one of the industry's foremost icons on the topic, i'd had hoped that ueda had some.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
seat said:
Oh, the hyperbole!

ShockingAlberto said:
you people, I swear to god

Atmoski said:
I totally agree, its just creepy.

The guy wrote "looking at its creator" (through the TV!), I'm pretty sure he wasn't serious you muppets :p. But I'm sure he's a fan and admires it, but just injected some humor into it. I think you guys who take some posts a little bit too serious are funny, like it's insecurity or something.
Snipes424 said:
So after watching the trailer again, I noticed there are colorful butterflies around the creature every time.

What could this mean!?
It's a full on double rainbow.
All the way across the sky!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
John said:
but those involving qualitative judgments are the ones i think have the least amount of perspective. and as one of the industry's foremost icons on the topic, i'd had hoped that ueda had some.
And, I'm pretty sure he does. If you read his quote a bit more carefully. He never even says that's the definition he advocates, just that it's what's typical of Japan. From that quote alone he's also clearly aware that there's others definitions in any case. He mentioned on several occasions that he's very inspired by European authors and artworks (not that it's not obvious from his games), so it would be highly unlikely that he's locked into just his own nation's mindset when it comes to that.
Gravijah said:
Remember when Ueda was attractive and didn't look like a total dork?

I miss those days..
Why should you give a fuck what he looks like? Dude could wear a purple umbrella hat and still not effect you in any slight way.


pseudocaesar said:
Why should you give a fuck what he looks like? Dude could wear a purple umbrella hat and still not effect you in any slight way.



Dresden said:
Ueda-san, I'm sure, appreciates you taking the time to defend his honor.

Hesemonni said:
Ueda-sans that I've rescued on the internet

Rescued Ueda-sans that rewarded me with sex

:lol ooooh I love these threads

I wish sakaguchi would get that attention these days


SS: Shadow of the Colossus was known for its unusual control scheme. Will The Last Guardian follow suit with its controls, or will the controls feel familiar to players?

FU: The actual method of controls and button layouts have not been decided yet, because it doesn’t take much time to change the control scheme. But because we’re using the theme of an animal for The Last Guardian, I also want people who are not serious game players to try out this game. So I want the controls to be simpler than before.

Even simpler? The fudge, SotC had perfect controls.
Blutonium said:
Even simpler? The fudge, SotC had perfect controls.

He's compared it more to ICO and ICO's controls were simple compared to SoTC. Although both still have the momentum based animation and it's clear that TLG has it also.
seady said:
They both die. Just make me cry already.

I so want to go back and replay ICO and SOTC now, but I don't want that to ruin my experience for the HD version.

Ha, I've been saying the same thing. "I want to play SOTC again but I'm waiting for an announcement of SOTC remake so I can play it in HD". *Announced at TGS* "I'm going to play SOTC for good ol' time's sake".

I'm up to the last colossus on my second run of hard mode from an earlier save and I sort of don't want to finish.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
Ha, I've been saying the same thing. "I want to play SOTC again but I'm waiting for an announcement of SOTC remake so I can play it in HD". *Announced at TGS* "I'm going to play SOTC for good ol' time's sake".

I'm up to the last colossus on my second run of hard mode from an earlier save and I sort of don't want to finish.
Do the time attack modes instead. You can do some awesome stuff with the items. For example, using the parachute from the normal time attack mode:



Lord Error said:
And, I'm pretty sure he does. If you read his quote a bit more carefully. He never even says that's the definition he advocates, just that it's what's typical of Japan. From that quote alone he's also clearly aware that there's others definitions in any case. He mentioned on several occasions that he's very inspired by European authors and artworks (not that it's not obvious from his games), so it would be highly unlikely that he's locked into just his own nation's mindset when it comes to that.
fair enough. bad conclusion on my part.


Thunderbear said:
The guy wrote "looking at its creator" (through the TV!), I'm pretty sure he wasn't serious you muppets :p. But I'm sure he's a fan and admires it, but just injected some humor into it. I think you guys who take some posts a little bit too serious are funny, like it's insecurity or something.

This man was the only one smart and intelligent here, have my vote in the category "User with better IQ at NeoGAF in 2010," will win easily, I think.

Obviously that was a humorous exaggeration of the picture, clearly wanted to take advantage of a photo where Trico is interacting with the boy and make a comparison about the greatness of Ueda.


Lion Heart said:
I don't like how they darkened Tricos mouth an eyes so much, I prefer the E3 trailer look better. It looks evil now.

Yeah Trico is looking pretty shady, like he's gonna attack whenever he gets the right opening.


apana said:
Yeah Trico is looking pretty shady, like he's gonna attack whenever he gets the right opening.

I think thats what makes the relationship between the boy intesting. Its just not a giant teddy bear. But a wild beast.


Travado said:

This picture is so full of life, Trico really seems to be a living creature, looking and admiring his creator.
Shiiiiit, I just started laughing uncontrollably when I read this.


Actually the way Trico seems to be staring at Ueda reminds me of those two silent hill producers from the Konami Conference. :lol


The main concern I have with the game right now is not about the boy or the beast, but about the world/environment they will be interacting with. I really want a huge world with a lot of mysterious creatures and places to explore. Maybe that's why this game is taking so long, they are trying to add all that stuff in.
17 people have posted or quoted Uedas picture, in this thread. I see many in this thread who absolutely seem to worship him. Is it because of Ico/SOTC, or something else?

I thought a lot about GAF was to collectively hating on industry people. It's like we all come together and hate on people who are not cool. Like Patcher and Dennis Dyack, and that crazy Nintendo PR lady.
I'm glad to see people be more respectful towards him, but some of these comments are almost on the zealot side of things. Maybe I am reading it wrong, but it makes me weary and sad, when people take it to such extremes. Some fanbases actually makes me dislike a game more than I otherwise would have.

In the case of Ico/SOTC, it's just hipster gold. You meet some jock who can't stop rambling about the Ico and how he played it forever, and then he was like "Omg" when he saw that film reign over me, but then it turns out that he has only seen the game on the shelf and a video at youtube.

I actually don't know if I think Ico and SOTC is all that. To me there is defintely, at least a bit of bullshit to the era, with it being sophisticated art.. It's being blown up to be to good for it's own good.
It's blown out of proportions I think about how alive the griffon feels. It's well done, but it's also a bit emperors new clothes, and this reaction would have happened regardless of what Trico would be.

I really admire the games, but I actually think that some of the "fans" make it less, than it should be.

I don't know where I am going with this. Probably opening pandoras box. Or toilet. or both. Meh. I suck. :I


That was a great interview and finally Ueda revealed some new details about the game's mechanics.

However i wonder if i'm the only one who didn't like their music choices for those trailers...I understand that these music themes are not the official soundtrack but still,their choice worries me a bit...they're very Disney-esque in my opinion.
I hope the official soundtrack will be more in tone with the atmospheric,subtle music of Michiru Oshima.
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