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GAF, my house has been vandalized with graffiti, what can I do to prevent this again?

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I live on a corner lot, with a white vinyl fence going all the way around the yard. The fence that goes along the side of the house has been tagged 3 times already in the past year, 2 of those times were both in the past week.

It's incredible difficult to clean it off, and I can't afford to keep buying new fence panels. We've tried getting motion detected spotlights, and security cameras, but the problem is they can just hide under the fence. There isn't really a way we can get a good view of them because of angle.

Here is a picture after our cleanup to give you a better idea of the layout:


I really have no idea what else to do besides stay up every night and wait for them. I've contacted the police on every event and they documented it and said they would keep a closer eye on the neighborhood, but I don't feel like that is going to help much.

I need a permanent solution. I was thinking of installing some kind of lamp post to light the area more, or maybe plant trees along the park strip to cover my fence more, but both of those are pretty expensive options, and may not even deter them.

Anyone dealt with repeat graffiti vandalism or have any advice?


Wow, you've been hit 3 times and the police still blew you off? I'm not sure what would really make a difference short of security cameras, and since they'd be pointed off your property I don't know if there'd be any issues with that.


Elden Member
They make security cameras that can mount to fense post. Also inform the local police and request someone drive by occasionally, make friends with some police officers. (I see you've done the first part from your OP, but making friends with the actual police in your area would be the next step)

Also consider a dog who will bark if he hears people messing with the fence.

Another idea would be to setup a neighborhood watch patrol.

If you want to go extreme add in irrigation system to the lawn that turns on at night every 5-10 minutes in short burst. That should keep anyone from tagging the fence unless they want to get wet.

-Edit- Also have you considered coating your fence in a wax or clear coating that repels paint? Its not a fix but should help with cleanup.


A taser gun defense grid.

I am sorry to hear that op. If you are able, install a camera system? You can pick up a decent kit from newegg for under $300.


One of my neighbors had a simular set up as you and their fence got tagged constantly over the years. Besides trying to catch and prosecute the people doing at in hopes that it serves as some sort of example there's nothing you really can do. It's a giant white canvas facing the street. Folks are gonna want to tag it.
The fence is your property? The pictures make it look like you're in a condo or similar development and that the fence should be property of the HOA.


Do you have an HOA? They might have more clout.

Also try posting to Nextdoor to see if anybody might have any information.

The fence is your property? The pictures make it look like you're in a condo or similar development and that the fence should be property of the HOA.

That stood out to me as well.


It looks like a beautiful canvas. Maybe invite some artists you trust to put their beauty on it?

That's immediately what I thought. A beautiful white fence is just begging to be painted.

Of course, if he is part of an HOA they may not allow that. :(

A neighborhood mural would be awesome though.
That's immediately what I thought. A beautiful white fence is just begging to be painted.
End of thread.
Seriously, i know people that used to do this and your asking for trouble with a huge white fence like that, couldn't it at least be a different colour or have plants growing on it?


Wow, you've been hit 3 times and the police still blew you off? I'm not sure what would really make a difference short of security cameras, and since they'd be pointed off your property I don't know if there'd be any issues with that.

I mean, they haven't exactly blown me off, but they can't park a car outside my house 24/7 either. I'm sure they will drive by my house a few times a night for the next couple weeks, but someone could tag this within minutes and be gone. So while they are helping, I don't see it as a solution really.

They make security cameras that can mount to fense post. Also inform the local police and request someone drive by occasionally, make friends with some police officers. (I see you've done the first part from your OP, but making friends with the actual police in your area would be the next step)

Also consider a dog who will bark if he hears people messing with the fence.

Another idea would be to setup a neighborhood watch patrol.

If you want to go extreme add in irrigation system to the lawn that turns on at night every 5-10 minutes in short burst. That should keep anyone from tagging the fence unless they want to get wet.

-Edit- Also have you considered coating your fence in a wax or clear coating that repels paint? Its not a fix but should help with cleanup.

I've considered almost all of these options. The wax coating seems like a good idea, but from what I've read it sounds really expensive. I also worry if I do something specific to deter them from the fence they will just get angry and spray paint the stucco on my house or something.


If you live in a city you should be able to contact a non-emergency line to report graffiti and have the city come and clean it up.


The fence is your property? The pictures make it look like you're in a condo or similar development and that the fence should be property of the HOA.

Yeah the fence is my property, and there is no HOA. The houses were all built by the same home developer, so that's why they are similar color.


lol try that in Germany...They don't give a fuck here. Your property, your problem :E

Yeah same here (in Utah). The police basically told me "Whelp that sucks, but make sure you get it cleaned up soon because it's violating city code."


Yeah same here (in Utah). The policy basically told me "Whelp that sucks, but make sure you get it cleaned up soon because it's violating city code."

Wait, what's city code?

I still say you should just have some local artists come out and do their magic. Much better than the naked white.


Wait, what's city code?

I still say you should just have some local artists come out and do their magic. Much better than the naked white.

It means your house has to meet certain specifications of the neighborhood. One of which is not painting murals on your fence.


It means your house has to meet certain specifications of the neighborhood. One of which is not painting murals on your fence.

I know what a city code is I was wondering what the specific one was. :p

Fuck the police though do it! It's the only way to be sure. Boring white canvas + attempts to stop graffiti = escalation of graffiti.

More seriously, if you'd be willing to do it you'd probably be able to approach city council about it as a neighborhood beautification project. Unless they're tight ass boring people they'd probably acquiesce.

Buuuut... I'm guessing you want to keep it white. :-/


I know what a city code is I was wondering what the specific one was. :p

Fuck the police though do it! It's the only way to be sure. Boring white canvas + attempts to stop graffiti = escalation of graffiti.

More seriously, if you'd be willing to do it you'd probably be able to approach city council about it as a neighborhood beautification project. Unless they're tight ass boring people they'd probably acquiesce.

Buuuut... I'm guessing you want to keep it white. :-/

This is pretty true. Removing one tag only makes them want to pop two up, etc


This is pretty true. Removing one tag only makes them want to pop two up, etc

This is the hardest part about all of this. There really isn't a solution that doesn't have the chance of making them want to tag harder.

Also, I didn't mention it earlier, but these are punk kids tagging gang signs. I'm not doing a mural on my fence, but even if I did, I wouldn't put it past them to write their gang signs on top of it.


This is the hardest part about all of this. There really isn't a solution that doesn't have the chance of making them want to tag harder.

Also, I didn't mention it earlier, but these are punk kids tagging gang signs. I'm not doing a mural on my fence, but even if I did, I wouldn't put it past them to write their gang signs on top of it.

Tangentially: You'd be surprised. Murals are often left unviolated by even the most amoral taggers.

More on topic: It's probably the same group of kids doing it every time so you just have to catch them once. Will one of your neighbors allow you to set up a motion activated night-vision wildlife camera across the street to catch them in the act?


Get a Scream mask and a pair of sickles and hide in the bushes. Pop out and give them something 2spooky to remember.


1. Dress all in black
2. Hide in nearby bushes
3. Wait for dark
4. When graffiti kids show up, spray them with bear repellent*
5. Laugh**
6. Call police

*Make sure it is pointed away from your face
**Repeat as needed
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