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GAF Watches: The Batman Franchise

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I know. I know.
There are enough The Dark Knight Threads floating around already.

In this one, we watch ALL (yeah including that one) Batman movies that came before The Dark Knight. Now, I guess folks can watch on their own time table.

But right now watching Batman 66. Later Batman. Tomorrow most likely Returns. NExt week shall finish it off with Forever, that one and Begins.

Not really sure where to put the animated movies. But those include Phantasm, Subzero, Return of the Joker, Mystery of the Batwoman, The Batman vs Dracula and Batman Gotham Knights.

Batman 66 (The Movie)- Not really sure what this movie is called. I know Keaton's first tends to get the Batman title so usually see this as 66 or The Movie.
Greatest claim to fame. The most awesome Batman movie ever. It has it all bat gadgets including shark repellent. A thrilling chase with a bomb through the Streets of Gotham and 4 supervillains working together

The one that really started the trend. There are mixed feelings about it now. But without it, well who knows where we would be.

Batman Returns
My personal favorite (though not the best Batman film, I know its weird). This is one that was always a hit and miss with the fans. But it was also the inspiration for the awesome TAS.

Batman Forever
The slippery slope of quality begins here.

That one
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.

Batman Begins
The only one that matters as far as TDK goes. The best of the bunch as it stands.


The best part about the original Batman movie is the amount of effort they put into make up. I mean, they covered up the Joker's moustache so well :lol

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
So the oft-used .gif of Batman(Adam West) running through the streets carrying a giant bomb comes from the 1966 movie?

I have to see it now!
I also love Returns. It's more coherent than Batman 89 and more fun too-- although it's seriously wierd and not exactly a Batman movie. It's a Burton movie that happens to have Batman.

Batman 66 is just fun. Who cannot love the ending, after all the diplomats have been rehydrated?


Brandon F said:
So the oft-used .gif of Batman(Adam West) running through the streets carrying a giant bomb comes from the 1966 movie?

I have to see it now!
Second person today I spoke to who has never seen.

I would recommend for so many reasons. I paused to create this thread, but one of the greatest exchanges in history just took place.

Commissioner Gordon: It could be any one of them... But which one? Which ones?
Batman: Pretty *fishy* what happened to me on that ladder...
Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there's a fish there could be a penguin?
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea... Sea. C for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet, an exploding shark *was* pulling my leg...
Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
Chief O'Hara: All adds up to a sinister riddle... Riddle-R. Riddler!
Commissioner Gordon: A thought strikes me... So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance...
Batman: The four of them... Their forces combined...
Robin: Holy nightmare!
Penguin said:
Second person today I spoke to who has never seen.

I would recommend for so many reasons. I paused to create this thread, but one of the greatest exchanges in history just took place.

Commissioner Gordon: It could be any one of them... But which one? Which ones?
Batman: Pretty *fishy* what happened to me on that ladder...
Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there's a fish there could be a penguin?
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea... Sea. C for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet, an exploding shark *was* pulling my leg...
Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
Chief O'Hara: All adds up to a sinister riddle... Riddle-R. Riddler!
Commissioner Gordon: A thought strikes me... So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance...
Batman: The four of them... Their forces combined...
Robin: Holy nightmare!

That's simply amazing.


Batman Returns still contains the best scene of the entire 'franchise'.

It's the scene where Bruce and Selina are the only ones who show up at Max's costume ball as ... themselves. The exchange that follows under the mistletoe where they both finally realize who the other is really deftly handled. Great scene.


I admire your enthusiasm, but I cant bring myself to watch any besides Begins, B89, and Returns, at most.
JB1981 said:
Batman Returns still contains the best scene of the entire 'franchise'.

It's the scene where Bruce and Selina are the only ones who show up at Max's costume ball as ... themselves. The exchange that follows under the mistletoe where they both finally realize who the other is really deftly handled. Great scene.

I'm partial to the scene where The Penguin says that Catwoman is just the Pussy that he has been looking for.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Penguin said:
Second person today I spoke to who has never seen.

I would recommend for so many reasons. I paused to create this thread, but one of the greatest exchanges in history just took place.

Commissioner Gordon: It could be any one of them... But which one? Which ones?
Batman: Pretty *fishy* what happened to me on that ladder...
Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there's a fish there could be a penguin?
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea... Sea. C for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet, an exploding shark *was* pulling my leg...
Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
Chief O'Hara: All adds up to a sinister riddle... Riddle-R. Riddler!
Commissioner Gordon: A thought strikes me... So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance...
Batman: The four of them... Their forces combined...
Robin: Holy nightmare!


I watched Batman Begins last night on Blu Ray. The transfer is GORGEOUS. Wow. Really impressed.


Solo said:
I admire your enthusiasm, but I cant bring myself to watch any besides Begins, B89, and Returns, at most.
I can see that.

I love the 60s movie for its charm. And its out there.

Forever I know is more miss than hit with most. But I like Kilmer as Batman. Chase is out. Er... Yeah

This isn't a good start fell asleep. (First day off in a week and worked a lot including almost 2 straight days up)

Commissioner Gordon: Penguin, Joker, Riddler... and Catwoman, too! The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate!
Batman: We've been given the plainest warning. They're working together to take over...
Chief O'Hara: Take over *what*, Batman? Gotham City?
Batman: Any *two* of them would try that!
Commissioner Gordon: The whole country?
Batman: If it were three of them, I would say yes, but *four*? Their minimum objective must be... the *entire* world.


Like I said the other night, Batman Forever is good to watch for nothing else than to see Nicole Kidman as Dr. Miranda Chase. Hot damn!

I'll probably partake in this next week. Keep coming up with an excuse to watch Batman Begins again, just never have the time.


JdFoX187 said:
Like I said the other night, Batman Forever is good to watch for nothing else than to see Nicole Kidman as Dr. Miranda Chase. Hot damn!

I'll probably partake in this next week. Keep coming up with an excuse to watch Batman Begins again, just never have the time.
Her laying in silk sheets. Hot damn!
people are derisive about the tim burton movies now, but you have to remember that in 1989 it brought a dark and dreary side to the character that was mostly unseen until then

and Batman Forever was kind of neat where a third Tim Burton movie would've gotten stale. I mean, it was pretty much a movie for 12 year olds, but as long as you don't take it too seriously, it's fun. but it wore then very quick next time around.
iirc the camp factor was pumped up a good deal for batman & robin. and the villians were downright lame, didn't come near the jim carrey+tommy jones duo, not even in the same galaxy. and then they toss in batgirl like an afterthought. hell even the title was lame. BATMAN AND ROBIN

i'd have to watch them again. been so long. but i think
forever >>>> &robin


Prime crotch said:
I still enjoy the Tim Burton movies, specially Returns, but Forever is just as bad as Batman & Robin.

...says no.

And Dr. Chase Meridian, not Miranda Chase *slaps self*
JdFoX187 said:
...says no.

And Dr. Chase Meridian, not Miranda Chase *slaps self*[/QUOTE]
and you had Uma Thurman on the other, so? Forever is a shitty movie, see it nowadays, the only good thing that came out of it was the first Batsuit which was very flexible. Tommy Lee Jones playing Jack Nicholson playing the Joker and Jim Carrey doing all of his personas at the same time wasn't fun.


I stay say give me Michelle Pfeifer anyday in a catsuit.

I am near the end of Batman 66.
And I never realized Batman and Robin took their time to label the dust seperator. Or did they always have a Super Dust Seperator in the Batcave? :lol
JdFoX187 said:

batman forever came out around the same time as my first masturbation experience. coincidence??? i think not.

in all seriousness though, nicole kidman was mind blowingly beautiful for a time being

way more

I loved all the spray's the old Batman had. More than just Shark Repellent he had the knock-out spray, and sneeze spray. Beyond that Batman had a "anti-" pill, potion or antidote for nearly every situation; Anti-Freeze capsules, the Anti-Mechanical Batray, a Anti-Penguin Gas Pill, Anti-Blast Batpowder.

If it exists Batman had a "anti-" for it. I forgot how much I genuinely loved that old show.


Why couldn't she stick around? Uma Thruman as a transvestite, a manly bad looking one, was scarring in Batman and Robin.

Uhg uuuhahhhh. That set my sexual growth back by at least five years.


Prime crotch said:
and you had Uma Thurman on the other, so? Forever is a shitty movie, see it nowadays, the only good thing that came out of it was the first Batsuit which was very flexible. Tommy Lee Jones playing Jack Nicholson playing the Joker and Jim Carrey doing all of his personas at the same time wasn't fun.
Nicole Kidman > Uma Thurman

I actually watched the second half of Forever about two months ago. Tommy Lee Jones is a horrible Two-Face, though I actually liked him in the movie. It wasn't as good as the Burton movies, but it was decent. Batman and Robin is just fucking bad though.


Just finished Batman 66.
Still remains a "classic"

Such over the topness but they embrace it. Unlike Forever and THAT one which seem to want to be serious and campy at the same time.

Anyhow, I generally leave this one out of rankings or discussion because it is really tough to compare.

I would recommend it for the good fun. If you go in knowing it will be cheesy and vastly different than any modern Batman on screen.


I think the Youtube clip is more than enough to say we watched it. :lol

Also, and this remains true. Batman 66 has Batman doing more detective work than the rest of the franchise combined at this point.

Take that as you will..


How dare you do this without finishing your TAS thread...your getting a beatdown!

Anyway I was a huge and I mean HUGE fan of Batman 89, but after Begins I really truly do favor that more now.

Although hey I'm not gonna lie when I was little Batman 89 and Returns provided me hours of fun as I would always watch them, and still to this day love Batman. I remember when watching forever, even as I kid I said...wait what hapened to Batman?

What was Joel Shumacher thinking making these? Can you really not tell those films were trash watching them...? I mean really those films are just awful.

I remeber thinking ok Forever wasn't as bad as Batman & Robin...but no it is.

Shame we were robbed of a old Batman Trilogy...I really hope we get one with the new ones.


Christopher said:
How dare you do this without finishing your TAS thread...your getting a beatdown!

Anyway I was a huge and I mean HUGE fan of Batman 89, but after Begins I really truly do favor that more now.

Although hey I'm not gonna lie when I was little Batman 89 and Returns provided me hours of fun as I would always watch them, and still to this day love Batman. I remember when watching forever, even as I kid I said...wait what hapened to Batman?

What was Joel Shumacher thinking making these? Can you really not tell those films were trash watching them...? I mean really those films are just awful.

I remeber thinking ok Forever wasn't as bad as Batman & Robin...but no it is.

Shame we were robbed of a old Batman Trilogy...I really hope we get one with the new ones.
I finished the TAS thread weeks ago.
I even sent you a PM about it because I noticed you didn't post in it. :lol

Just started 89. And it took me repeated viewings and someone pointing it out before I ever recognized that the opening credits was through the Bat symbol. :lol


Penguin said:
I finished the TAS thread weeks ago.
I even sent you a PM about it because I noticed you didn't post in it. :lol

Just started 89. And it took me repeated viewings and someone pointing it out before I ever recognized that the opening credits was through the Bat symbol. :lol

I just read my PMs :lol I had like 8.


I'm gonna read the thread now.
I just saw the batman 89 on TV the other day and did not remember it being as camp as it was. Its really nothing like Returns at all. The colour palette may be the same but the tone is completelt different. Returns was sinister and creepy. And upon rewatching it its also dirty as hell, I didnt recall the penguin being some kind of sexual monster. Face licking Pfeifer is great though, shes nuts.


I will watch Batman Begins, Mask of Phantasm and Gotham Knight in honor (maybe throw in my favorite Animated Series episodes).

I cannot rewatch the old Burton Batman franchise or Forever/Robin at all as that is basically banned by geneva convention as torture.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Christopher said:
What was Joel Shumacher thinking making these? Can you really not tell those films were trash watching them...? I mean really those films are just awful.

It looked like he was trying to combine the darkness of Burton's Batman with the camp of the 60s tv show. Lots of the stuff that pops up in Forever and Batman & Robin is just silly, like the Batman credit card. Plus it looked like they were just making shit up to sell more toys.

My biggest gripe with both of those movies is the villians. None of the actors brought their own flare to the characters. All the guys tried to one-up Jack's Joker, and all the gals tried to be Pfeiffer 2.0.


Amir0x said:
I will watch Batman Begins, Mask of Phantasm and Gotham Knight in honor (maybe throw in my favorite Animated Series episodes).

I cannot rewatch the old Burton Batman franchise or Forever/Robin at all as that is basically banned by geneva convention as torture.
Other than THAT one, I don't think they are that BAD.

Never realized how much the Joker's lipstick or whatever changed so much during the movie. He was introduced with a huge grin. Then during the City Hall scene he has this tiny little mouthstache.


Penguin said:
Other than THAT one, I don't think they are that BAD.

Never realized how much the Joker's lipstick or whatever changed so much during the movie. He was introduced with a huge grin. Then during the City Hall scene he has this tiny little mouthstache.

let me be clear here.

Old Batman to me represents everything that is wrong with the way Hollywood has approached most superhero movies in the past, forever.

It's this complete dismissal of the material to make it some bog standard archetype of what they believe the hero should be like, mixed with some ever increasingly absurd set pieces and gadgetry.

Burton's version of Batman doesn't resemble anything like BATMAN, unless you go far back when Batman sucked. And in that case, I would not want a movie made about those Batman comics :p
JB1981 said:
Batman Returns still contains the best scene of the entire 'franchise'.

It's the scene where Bruce and Selina are the only ones who show up at Max's costume ball as ... themselves. The exchange that follows under the mistletoe where they both finally realize who the other is really deftly handled. Great scene.

Yeah, the way Returns handled the themes of 'masks' between Bruce and Selina in that scenes was great, it was much better than the Bruce and Rachael exchange in Begins about 'masks', it was a more earnest and impactful revelation between the two in Returns.


Random (non) fun fact.

The scene where Vale threw water in Joker's face. And he began to "melt" freaked me out as a kid. So much that I avoided the scene until I was in college. So like 5 years ago. :lol


The best thing about Batman from Burton was Elfman's theme.

I also loved the original Batman 89's ending theme too with him standing on the ledge with that music so so iconic. Did returns end with that theme too? I forget.


My favorite part of the Batman Franchise is the flashback in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.


Christopher said:
The best thing about Batman from Burton was Elfman's theme.

I also loved the original Batman 89's ending theme too with him standing on the ledge with that music so so iconic. Did returns end with that theme too? I forget.
I think the Returns theme is better.
Sure pretty much the same thing.
But Returns loses some of the overness.

Also how did you enjoy the remaining bits of the non-existant thread? :lol

Aww the Joker is going after his girl.
And JAck is back to the huge grin lipstick.
Really weird.


Penguin said:
I think the Returns theme is better.
Sure pretty much the same thing.
But Returns loses some of the overness.

Also how did you enjoy the remaining bits of the non-existant thread? :lol

Aww the Joker is going after his girl.
And JAck is back to the huge grin lipstick.
Really weird.

I would still love to see the composer of Batman Begins do his take on the elfman theme....just for the hell of it, I bet it would sound a lot more fitting than you people think it would.

Oh wow so they did use the same ending music in returns...how did the movie end again? I don't remeber was it him standing on the ledge only this time is was snowing?

EDIT: Oh I loved the thread, and you DEF picked out the best episode as the top one....very good choice. THat episode stuck with me for a long time after viewing that.

Also do you think Scarecrow from Begings got his noose from that scarecrow design??
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