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Gaffers @ TGS impression thread


There doesn't seem to be such a thread so far, so I hope noone minds if I make one.
We (me, DCharlie, LEOsh, TekunoRobby) didn't stay all day today, because honestly a lot of the games just didn't grab us by the nads and make us want to play, and anything remotely interesting had huge queues (i.e. Level-5's stand), so we just left early.

Well, I was cautious, pessimstic, call it what you want, but this blew me away. It's NiGHTS. It's fucking NiGHTS. Gameplay is intact and almost exactly the same as the original. The one thing they've changed is a fucking improvement of all things. Now to cash in your chips, you don't have to go into the cage mid-loop, you just go into the cage at the end of the loop, so you can keep looping and looping and looping, until your time gets close to 0, then pop in the cage at the exit. Neato. Stage design of the part I played seemed pretty similar to the original NiGHTS, and the boss was also a little similar to one of the original bosses. Remember the big doll with the huge round ass that you have to pick up and throw through gates to break them? It was like that, only you were moving up a chute. So if you misfire, the guy floats down to the bottom. I failed because I misfired a bunch of times.

The only thing bad about the game at this point is the framerate. It seems like 15fps. I hope they clean it up before release. Everything else was slick and NiGHTS fans will be thrilled.

Seems like it has potential, but the demo was extremely repetitive, just hitting square square square circle continuously until the end of the level. And I don't know if it's a problem with the PSP buttons, or if it's actually a gameplay feature, but several of my button presses didn't register, which caused a bit of a headache. The graphics are cool, and the music is catchy, but unless the rhythm has considerably more variation later, I predict the game will be very dull. All style, no substance? Wouldn't be the first time :/ but there is potential, I reckon.

Little Big Planet
OH YES! OH MY FUCKING GOD! THIS IS IT! Played with DCharlie, LEOsh and a SCE rep as a foursome. The physics are amazing, everything feels so alive and fluid. And it's so unbelievable cute. If you don't know already, you can press the 4 directions on the d-pad to make different facial expressions which is insanely adorable. We played the exact run through the level that is in the old movie, ending with the skateboard, but the level seemed to have a few branching paths that the SCE rep wouldn't let us go down. This game is going to be HOT HOT HOT when it comes out. I hope it ends up being online with voice chat because that is going to be THE way to play... with some drinks for extra amusement.

Ikaruga XBLA
Seems like a perfect port, but in slightly higher res. I'm not an expert though, so I could be wrong. Good stuff nevertheless. Damn, I forgot to check out the achievements :(

Arkanoid DS
The paddle controller is neat, but the game is way too easy. Why? Because the screen is now about a third the width of the original game, and in the default setup, you can miss the ball three times and it will bounce back from the bottom of the screen. At the end of a stage, these three shields seem to replenish too. WTF. DCharlie had more fun with Space Invaders Extreme though... hopefully he can comment later.

That's all I played. The Level-5 queue was about three hours long. It was insane. I guess everyone wanted that limited cart.


Yeah, reading the reports from media just doesn't sound all that exciting to me. But I'm pretty jaded about TGS in general so that's just me I guess :p

However, I hope to contribute to this thread tomorrow when I go there.

EDIT: So yea i went to the show yesterday. Anyhow, dont have much to write so heres what wrote on some other forum which I will shamelessly repost here:

Didn't really play much but I have to say Space Invaders Extreme was really awesome. You see, I've never been big into Space Invaders, and all the remakes just don't do jack shit except for its nostaligic values. But this one, this one **IS** next-gen Space Invaders, finally someone thinking out of the box and giving new life to a very old game!!! Two thumbs up, and cannot wait for Feb 2008.

Yeah I noticed PS3 failures...I couldn't play Time Crisis 4 because of that. Lame.

PGR4, I didn't like much so I'll stick to PGR3 thank you.

FFIV remake looks awesome, but terrible voice acting choices (it's teh anime, gaaaaaaahh).

Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles looked like shit.

Ikaruga HD wil be very nice to have on XBLA. Now I can get rid of my Dreamcast and Gamecube versions for a profit!!!


Jonnyram said:
I hope it ends up being online with voice chat because that is going to be THE way to play... with some drinks for extra amusement.

Both confirmed.

Lv-5 the hotness reconfirmed :D


Tag of Excellence
I'll be there all day tomorrow for some proper impressions.

Nights = surprisingly good

Little Big Planet = AMAZING (although I played with a few slow guys, I had to literally pick them up one by one in my rocket pack to bring them to the rocket pack power up since they couldn't reach it themselves)


PGR4 = awesome

Arkanoid DS = awesome

Rockman Dash Mobile = horrible (I dunno why I played this)


LBP has been confirmed with voip and the lips actually animate as you speak online.

MGS4 was good stuff?


TekunoRobby said:
I'll be there all day tomorrow for some proper impressions.

Nights = surprisingly good

Little Big Planet = AMAZING (although I played with a few slow guys, I had to literally pick them up one by one in my rocket pack to bring them to the rocket pack power up since they couldn't reach it themselves)


PGR4 = awesome

Arkanoid DS = awesome

Rockman Dash Mobile = horrible (I dunno why I played this)

No more heroes impressions if possible!:D


Tag of Excellence
later said:
What did you think of the nights control scheme?
Honestly a bit convoluted. The game could be played using just the nunchuk alone and you wouldn't miss a thing. It really doesn't use the Wiimote in any remarkable way other than titling it side to side to do an acrobatic move. Granted I don't speak Japanese so I'm just going by the broken English the assistant gave me.

Also to add what Jonnyram said about the framerate; not only was it a bit chuggy but it would occasionally dip into the low teens in some spots. Of course they'll iron it out for release for a solid 30 (I hope) so no one should worry.

Tenbatsu said:
No more heroes impressions if possible!:D
I'll be there bright and early to check out Level 5 before the massive rush and to play as many games as possible. If anyone else wants to come along please let me know.
Yay for NiGHTS and LBP. Can't wait for both.

About NiGHTS's controls, I think there is two control schemes - one that predominantly uses the nunchuk whilst the other mainly uses Wiimote. I could be wrong but thats what i thought.


Did anyone get to play white knight as yet I saw the videos and was wondering if it's just as good.

When the lines die down at least.


Alkaliine said:
Yay for NiGHTS and LBP. Can't wait for both.

About NiGHTS's controls, I think there is two control schemes - one that predominantly uses the nunchuk whilst the other mainly uses Wiimote. I could be wrong but thats what i thought.

I think your right.


Undisputed game of the show IS (no ifs or buts , it IS)

Space Invaders Extreme
Taito, DS.
You know, they`ve tried to jazz up Space invaders a number of times and it just hasn`t worked out too well. Akkenvader aside i guess.

But man, Space Invader Extreme was something completely unexpected and reminded me of what used to be great about TGS : seeing something we knew nothing about. Now the press are in every nook and cranny it`s nigh on impossible to not know about everything under the sun. This one slipped under the radar for me - and it had have been on the radar, i might still have passed it by ...

BUT DAMN! this is HOT HOT HOT. Rez style sonics (VERY similar infact) , new game play twists (insane power ups, chain shots, bonus for linked colours etc), trippy EEE / Rez style graphics on a "yee olde pixelz" tip.

Yes! YES ! YEEEEEEEEEEEES! I can`t wait for this game.

Other stuff with one / two word summary.

GT5 Prologue : not as nice looking as the shots/video in game, track was barren. Handling great. Very smooth. In car looked very sexy.

MGS4 : Looks great, will definitely buy. No need to play/see anymore. Suitably impressed.

LBP : I`m in love. Fantastic fun, very cute, great multiplayer action. Very exciting product.

Ratchet : Surprised to see frame rate issues, but looked incredible. Again, already decided to buy, didn`t play.

Uncharted : Looks great, blah blah blah already decided to buy blah blah blah didn`t play.

Eye of Judgement : this could be very interesting indeed! Impressed with the idea - could really take off.

Lots of PS3 breaking again - Sony need to figure out their display boxes!

Played next to nothing.

Zoids Alternative : my dark horse Japanese game for this year. Old school Front Mission by the looks of it, with Zoids (gritty dirty looking zoids, not all colourful ones! wooo!)

Gundam: Troy whatever : still having frame rate issues. Looks fairly uninteresting.

Ikaruga / EEEE : Oh baby... say my name.

VF5 : It`s VF5 alright. Japanese release for sure.

PGR4 : Looks insane. but need to see it on a screen bigger than a couple of sheets of A4! Bikes looked weird though.

That`s really about it - very dull show to say the least. I think the internet is ruining the appeal of the show - there are no surprises left. Well... except for mobile gaming which now looks to be huge! Every game under the sun is going mobile! Tobal, Ys , The game paradise... you name it, it`s going to a mobile phone somewhere.

Sony getting much better on the PS3 front, with some games looking very nice. MS still using the small screens for their demo booths which i think is a mistake when compared to the big plush Sony screens they use.

So - yeah - disappointment all round. Got some lovely t-shirts though!


Tag of Excellence
DCharlie said:
Undisputed game of the show IS (no ifs or buts , it IS)

Space Invaders Extreme
Taito, DS.
You know, they`ve tried to jazz up Space invaders a number of times and it just hasn`t worked out too well. Akkenvader aside i guess.

But man, Space Invader Extreme was something completely unexpected and reminded me of what used to be great about TGS : seeing something we knew nothing about. Now the press are in every nook and cranny it`s nigh on impossible to not know about everything under the sun. This one slipped under the radar for me - and it had have been on the radar, i might still have passed it by ...

BUT DAMN! this is HOT HOT HOT. Rez style sonics (VERY similar infact) , new game play twists (insane power ups, chain shots, bonus for linked colours etc), trippy EEE / Rez style graphics on a "yee olde pixelz" tip.

Yes! YES ! YEEEEEEEEEEEES! I can`t wait for this game.
After watching you play it, that's definitely on my list tomorrow. Rez Invaders looked like a souped up remake a-la Pac Man CE except heavily infused with music. Definitely looked fun and different enough to really stand out.

DCharlie said:
So - yeah - disappointment all round. Got some lovely t-shirts though!
Hahah I guess I should swing by and check out the Capcom store tomorrow.


To those who have played NiGHTS: Did you play as the children? If so, did they control well? Because from what I've seen it didn't look too good.


Tag of Excellence
Ydahs said:
To those who have played NiGHTS: Did you play as the children? If so, did they control well? Because from what I've seen it didn't look too good.
The controls were pretty crappy yes. You sort of hobble around on foot and jump like a tepid fish.


I was lucky enough to go for "work" today and just had a few impressions of things I've seen so far. I mostly did a lot of walking around and just getting a feel for the show, and if my schedule isn't too full tomorrow, I'll probably make the ride out to Makuhari again so I can play a little more.

Quick Impressions:

Nights - Definitely very impressed with this one. I was a huge fan of the original and it looks like Sega was able to recapture the magic of the original.

Little Big Planet
- I honestly had no idea what this game was about initially, and didn't have much sense of the game from previous shows and impressions from them. While in the Sony booth I would walk past and watch for a second or two and didn't really get it.

Then, I decided to actually watch a whole run-through by a couple players and it totally impressed me. The physics, the open-endedness of it all. Definitely a fantastic concept and one that I'll be looking out from this point. Hope to give it a try tomorrow.

Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan: Wow. Definitely my game of the show thus far. Watched this in the theater that Sega had set up and this plus LBP may push me towards a PS3 purchase in the near future. Anyone into samurai movies and Edo period Japan will eat this one up. Plus they've used real locales in Kyoto like Kiyomizudera to up the realism. Looks great so far and really looking forward to this one.

I'll try to post more later and after going back to the show tomorrow. Please note these impressions are from someone who hasn't owned a game system, other than the DS, until purchasing the 360 a few weeks ago. The last system I played seriously was the Dreamcast.

I've been to E3s of the past, and I would have to say that this show did have a subdued feel to it. This is my first Tokyo Game Show, but I didn't walk away feeling blown away by anything, or like there was something that stole the show. It may also be that I went when the show was closed to the public, so the feeling in the hall may not have been as electric as it would be otherwise.

More impressions tomorrow...


DCharlie said:
[...]Space Invaders Extreme[...]
BUT DAMN! this is HOT HOT HOT. Rez style sonics (VERY similar infact) , new game play twists (insane power ups, chain shots, bonus for linked colours etc), trippy EEE / Rez style graphics on a "yee olde pixelz" tip.
Yes! YES ! YEEEEEEEEEEEES! I can`t wait for this game.

Oh hell yes. Admittedly I stopped reading at the first mention of "Rez". Creaming of pants still underway. Sounds awesome. Who do I need to kill/blow/take hostage for a quick teleport to Japan? I'm green with envy.

Sho Nuff

Space Invaders Extreme RULES!

Ratchet and Clank Future also is very lovely.

Devil May Cry 4 looks really stunning, I think it's visually better than Ninja Gaiden 2. I only played the 360 ver though.


Now I'm hyped for NiGHTS! Great impressions! Woohoo!

Thanks Jonny and DCharlie!

I'm so glad Space Invaders turned out to be such a hit.
After reading the huge Space Invaders feature in the latest Retro Gamer I can't wait to hear and see more about this new game. :D


This TGS, for me at least, has been very disappointing. I've been five years in a row, and in the past, could always count on some awesome, cool, great types of announcements - new games, breaking announcements, etc. This year, however, I'm not feeling any of that.

Granted, I have seen some cool stuff so far, but nothing on the level of years past. White Knight Story has an awesome trailer, but after actually checking out the game, it was hard to fall in love with the slow, plodding gameplay. Devil May Cry 4 looked pretty darn good, too, but I've seen this game in various forms for the past two years and am getting sick of simply watching/playing updated builds. A good chunk of the US-centric games being shown off on the floor were E3 or Leipzig builds. I can forgive this fault, considering most of those titles are getting US release dates later in Japan, but it's kind of hard not to guffaw at seeing a Tony Hawk's Project 8 build on the PS3 on the show floor.

It was also hard for me not to notice that there are way less exhibitors this year, including some past favorites of mine, such as Genki. Gone are the huge and elaborate booths for crazy Chinese MMOs, and in there place are simply the big publishers/developers that we'd expect to be there. And they are there, showing off pretty much stuff I've already heard about/played/grown tired of.

I did find some good on the floor, however. FF IV on the DS looks pretty damned impressive, as did Dragon Quest on the DS. Most of the XBLA and VC titles looked tight. But, I was hoping for more "bang" this year with all these next-gen consoles really getting their gears turning.

PS - my game of show is Dream Skincare for the DS, which only slightly beats out Doko Demo Yoga. Believe in the yoga, believe in skin care!


Wonderdog said:
It was also hard for me not to notice that there are way less exhibitors this year, including some past favorites of mine, such as Genki. Gone are the huge and elaborate booths for crazy Chinese MMOs, and in there place are simply the big publishers/developers that we'd expect to be there.

Welcome to the Hi-Def Era.


I haven't seen a ton of stuff, but MGS4 and LittleBigPlanet are both really good, and make an excellent first impression upon playing. The Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan presentation was also really good.

My pick for my surprise of the show is Final Fantasy XIII Versus. It's just a CG trailer, yes, but the setting and aesthetics (realworld Earthen environment, very interesting portrayals of magic/crystal powers, actual blood in a FF game) are absolutely fascinating to me, and I'm very, very interested. I'm not sure how all the XIII games are going to fit together, but Versus absolutely has my attention now.


A request to all the Gaffers attending the TGS... could somebody please describe in details the controls for NiGHTS?



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Honestly a bit convoluted. The game could be played using just the nunchuk alone and you wouldn't miss a thing. It really doesn't use the Wiimote in any remarkable way other than titling it side to side to do an acrobatic move. Granted I don't speak Japanese so I'm just going by the broken English the assistant gave me.

Also to add what Jonnyram said about the framerate; not only was it a bit chuggy but it would occasionally dip into the low teens in some spots. Of course they'll iron it out for release for a solid 30 (I hope) so no one should worry.
Whoa whoa WHOA, are you telling me that NiGHTS is not even 30 fps?!?! Here I was EXPECTING a perfect 60 fps (why the hell shouldn't it be?) and it's currently diping into the TEENS? That's simply not acceptable.

Sho Nuff said:
Devil May Cry 4 looks really stunning, I think it's visually better than Ninja Gaiden 2. I only played the 360 ver though.
I thought that was pretty obvious. It actually uses next-gen visual techniques (shaders, advanced shadows, and all sorts of other tricks) while presenting some very rich environments. NG2 didn't even come remotely close to DMC4 visually.


dark10x said:
Whoa whoa WHOA, are you telling me that NiGHTS is not even 30 fps?!?! Here I was EXPECTING a perfect 60 fps (why the hell shouldn't it be?) and it's currently diping into the TEENS? That's simply not acceptable.

That would have been my impression of a Gaffer @ TGS.


First tragedy, then farce.
TekunoRobby said:
The controls were pretty crappy yes. You sort of hobble around on foot and jump like a tepid fish.

sounds like NiGHTS. :lol

Hopefully like the first one playing as Children is limited to walking up to NiGHTS to begin the dream


Tag of Excellence
dark10x said:
Whoa whoa WHOA, are you telling me that NiGHTS is not even 30 fps?!?! Here I was EXPECTING a perfect 60 fps (why the hell shouldn't it be?) and it's currently diping into the TEENS? That's simply not acceptable.
Well it might've been my play through. Before loading the stage he had to completely restart the demo because I started in invisible world where the only visible polygon was my character and the background.

But yes sometimes there would be slow down when you were doing little acrobatic flips and doing circles around items. The effects would overload the engine and it would check into the teens. The framerate was pretty shitty and the big lowpoint of the demo. I was also expecting 60 but I can deal with 30. I'm sure it'll be ironed out before release so there's nothing to worry about.

Kasumi1970 said:
Any news on Star Ocean 4? How does MGS4 play?
MGS4 = Gears of War + Ghost Recon + Metal Gear Solid. If you're expecting classic MGS1 gameplay don't bother with this game. I happened to really like it and felt that the series finally took a step forward and evolved with the rest of the genre. The replayability just for the demo alone is through the roof.
Y2Kev said:
Thanks JGAFFERS!!!

How is DS3 rumble!!


Personally I love how it feels, the vibration does seem to location specific, to a degree. For instance, when playing MGS4 and say a gun is fired to the right of Snake, the controller vibrates accordingly to the right of the pad...
if Nights has no Non Waggle option i will be pissed.

Just give us the option to play the game with tight responsive(non-waggle) controls sega!

only the option ...


played the Final Fantasy IV DS game. Nice FMV, the controls were not so good in my opinion. Very high random encounter rate, and in general DS-ish 3D graphics similar to FFIII that weren't really my cup of tea, especially with my nostalgia for the original version. One thing that irritated me was casting a spell on all enemies, it hits them all individually, unlike in the original where a spell just quickly hits them all at once. Really slowed down battles :/

They had a mega theater show, no cameras, at the Square Enix booth. There was an abosulute GORGEOUS trailer for FF XIII with English voice over. It really impressed me, and I'm not impressed with Square/Enix much these days. there were japanese subtitles.
the voice was very odd but cool, in a FF XII Fran kind of way. Creepy but really neat at the same time.There was video of the shiva motorcycle. It was kind of cool I guess, but it's hard not to get over the strangeness of the idea. Lightening doesn't really roll off the tongue either.

The FF XIII story is that of a Chrono Trigger Zeal-ish type city floating above the world with dirty unpure people living outside of it or something similar. All I could think of 'this is like zeal, and there's nothing wrong with repeating that idea!

The trailer also had a bunch of other silly mobile phone game (Including parasite eve 3, lol) And a few too many Kingdom Hearts trailers that all looked meh.

There were also demos of Crisis Core avaliable, which is out here but I hadn't played it yet. I will admit it was very nice, and pretty fun to play (I didn't really get the controls). I was pretty turned off by the aesthetic of the game, but when I actually watched the FMV and played it It was actually pretty good.

They had a new cooking mama DS game. I made Carpaccio and peanut butter. It was pretty fun!

And some random arkanoid game for DS. Which was actually quite fun!
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