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GAF's Top 10 Sonic Games


I really only thoroughly played the classic Genesis games so that's what I will rank.

6. Sonic 3D Blast. Controls are not good here. I don't have fun playing this game.
5. Sonic Spinball. I liked it as a kid and I still like it now.
4. Sonic 1. Later levels get cheap. Missing spin dash.
3. Sonic 2. There's the spin dash!
2. Sonic & Knuckles. I think this game is genuinely amazing. It may as well be tied with...
1. Sonic 3. Love it

Best soundtrack is so hard to choose. What I know for sure is the final boss themes get better from Sonic 1 to S&K. It's wonderful.


1) Sonic the Hedgehog 2
A magnificent momentum platformer that built on its predecesssor in the right ways. It's really the best of its genre, and I won't hear otherwise.

2) Sonic the Hedgehog
It's a little strange when stacked up next to its sequels, but the original game has an utterly unique sense of flow, and made the player actually think about how best to engage with the level design.

3) Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
What? I like Sonic 2 so much that I'm including it a second time. You got a problem with that?

4) Sonic Rush
It's the Sonic concept taken to its natural conclusion. High octane speed levels designed to explicitly reward skilled, practiced, play. It also has Blaze the Cat, whose hover mechanics complement the level design without completely obnoxiously overshadowing Sonic (unlike Sonic 3's Tails)

5) Sonic & Knuckles
That's Sonic & Knuckles, WITHOUT Sonic the Hedgehog 3 leeching off of it. Sonic & Knuckles is a good game, with a multiple character dynamic that benefits the level design.

6) Sonic Generations.... 3DS
Doesn't get the love it deserves, maybe because it uses a lot of Sonic Rush's ideas. Maybe because it's disgustingly short, I dunno.

7) Sonic Generations
Really exquisite 3D Sonic gameplay, with some mostly decent 2D gameplay to support the pacing of the game. Final Boss is literally the worst thing in the entire Sonic series though.

8) Sonic Advance
Such an underrated gem, it's like an unofficial 5th classic Sonic game. As a playable character Amy really flips a lot of Sonic conventions on their head.

9) Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Just the right amount of edginess to make it feel legitimately cool to its target audience, and some of the very best Sonic-in-3D gameplay. It's a padded game, but back then padding was a good thing. Gave our games enough longevity to last however many months it would be before another game came out. I'm mostly just nostalgic for this game though

10) Sonic the Fighters
I'm not a fighting game person, but Sonic the Fighters feels nice and chunky, and it responds surprisingly well to random button mashing. It's colourful and brainless, and quite fun


You know, when presented with me giving a ranking system for Sonic games, I have absolutely no clue how I'd go about it, every game has a "well I like this Sonic game but..."

Chao Garden - With a Sonic Adventure 2 mini game.

Sonic R - Fun but holy hell was it short, also the Super Sonic racing song.

Sonic Heroes - I don't remember hating the level design in the latter half like I normally do in Sonic games.

Come to think of it I don't remeber hating the latter levels of Sonic Adventure Battle on the GBA either.
I am happy with the top three as it is. Just proves what Sega needs to do next to win our hearts. Not enough CD love though.


1. Sonic 3K
2. Sonic CD
3. Sonic 2
4. Sonic Adventure
5. Sonic Generations (toss up, honestly)
Maybe it's because SonicGAF has spoiled me in terms of lists, but seeing all these lists with no explanation has me sad.
edit: look at all these fellow Sonic avatars! Hello, friends!
SonicGAF has always been here, in Gaming Community. Thread activity has slowed though, especially with the news that Sega has nothing for E3. We did recently do a poll for best soundtrack. Very controversial due to certain games not even ranking.

omg so good

Thanks friends. Schala would be proud~


Alright. Looking back I played plenty of Sonic games back then.
Most of these are through the Gamecube ports and Sonic Mega Collection.
#1 Sonic 2 (Mega Drive)
#2 Sonic 3 and Knuckles (Mega Drive)
#3 Sonic Generations (PC)
#4 Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive)
#5 Sonic Adventure (NGC)
#6 Sonic Battle (GBA)
#7 Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (NGC)
#8 Sonic Advance 2 (GBA)
#9 Sonic Spinball (Mega Drive)
#10 Sonic 1 (Game Gear)


1. Sonic Generations
2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
3. Sonic 2
4. Sonic CD
5. Sonic Rush
6. Sonic 1
7. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing: Transformed
8. Sonic Colors
9. Sonic Advance
10. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
When people post Sonic Adventure 2 Battle are they referring to the Gamecube version specifically or just Sonic Adventure 2? I grew up with the Dreamcast version and the Battle subtitle always gets me a little bit. I guess the Gamecube version was the more popular one.


1) Sonic 3
2) Sonic & Knuckles
3) Sonic 2
4) Sonic Generations
5) Sonic Colors
6) Sonic Advance
7) Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
8) Sonic 1
9) Sonic Advance 2
10) Sonic Advance 3

All games I enjoy. I'm one of the few who really likes Heroes too, although I really dislike Unleashed, Secret Rings, Black Knight, '06 etc. Rush games are cool.
Well, the consensus is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Generations and Adventure 2 (Battle) are the favorite Sonic games and I'm ok with this.

Sonic R does not receives enough love tho. It's sad because is a well designed game (if you think it is not a Kart game o platformer game) and has one of the BEST OST in any Sonic game ever. It's short, yes, but, anyway F the haters
1-Sonic 3
I'll leaved Sonic & Knuckles part, as the game becomes too long and the S&K stages aren't that great.

2-Sonic Rush
3-Sonic Generations

Those are the Sonic games, I can recommend to any none Sonic Fan as a perfect start to the series, great way to see what this games are about and why the have such fans.

4-Sonic Adventure 2
5-Sonic Colors
6-Sonic Advance 3

Adventure 2 is so content filled, with a cool story. Sonic Colors is a very imaginative Platformer, Advance 3 soundtrack and stages are top notch

7-Sonic Rush 2
While the setting and story is pretty boring. The music and Gameplay are incredible.

8-Sonic 2
Amazing game, but has some questionable level design choices.

9-Sonic Unleashed
10-Sonic Battle

Great story, Unleashed is arguably the best looking platformer.

Runner up
Sonic And Sega All Stars Racing with Banjo & Kazooie.
Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games
Top 10? I'd really have to stretch it to make it to ten, but here goes.

1. Sonic CD
2. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
3. Sonic 2
4. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
5. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
6. Sonic the Hedgehog (Game Gear)
7. Sonic Spinball
8. Sonic Advance
9. Knuckles Chaotix
10. Sonic 3D Blast

Honorables: The other Advance games, Sonic & The Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Generations, Sonic 2 for Game Gear. Probably.


1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2. Sonic
3. Sonic 2
4. Sonic Generations

There the only ones I'd class good enough to put on a list.


I've only ever played like one or two handheld Sonic games, so that's why that list is notably absent of any of those. I also haven't played Lost World yet, but I played the demo. I doubt it would make anywhere past 10.

1) Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2) Sonic 2
3) Sonic 1
4) Sonic Colors
5) Sonic Generations
6) Sonic CD
7) Sonic Adventure
8) Sonic Adventure 2
9) Sonic Spinball
10) Sonic R


1) Sonic 3 and knuckles
2) Sonic 2
3)Sonic 1
4)Sonic Generations
5)Sonic Heroes
6)Sonic CD
7) Sonic unleashed (day stages)
8)Sonic Advance
9)Sonic Adventure
10)Sonic R
1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2. Sonic Adventure 2
3. Sonic 2
4. Sonic Generations
5. Sonic Rush
6. Sonic Adventure
7. Sonic Colors
8. Sonic CD
9. Sonic R (Guilty pleasure as well)
10. Sonic Unleashed (the non-Werehog half)


1. Sonic & Knuckles
2. Sonic Generations

3. Sonic Transform Racing (recent one - just needed funner weapons to be top dog)

Some of the rest were good, top 2 were stellar for me.
My top 10 in no particular order after the first two

1) Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2) Sonic Generations
3) Sonic Adventure 2
4) Sonic 2
5) Sonic Adventure
6) Sonic Colors
7) Sonic Advance
8) Sonic 1
9) Sonic CD
10) Sonic Battle


1. Sonic 3+K
2. Sonic 2
3. Sonic 1
4. Sonic Generations (traditional 2d levels were good)

Tried almost all of the other major releases, did not enjoy them (including Sonic CD)


1. Sonic Colors
2. Sonic Generations
3. Sonic Rush Adventure
4. Sonic Unleashed
5. Sonic Lost World

I don't really like the physics for the early 2D titles and the adventure games aged so badly that I would probably stick them at the bottom. Only major thing I feel I'm missing is the original Sonic Rush because of that naganuma soundtrack.
1: Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2: Sonic Adventure
3: Sonic Colours
4: Sonic R
5: Sonic CD
6: Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
7: Sonic 2
8: Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
9: Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
10: Sonic Generations

Honourable mention goes to Sonic Unleashed. I don't even mind the werehog gameplay, but they had to make it completely unbearable to play those stages by looping this damn song every time an enemy spawns, overwriting the outstanding stage music. Had the night stages been half as long and that song was removed it'd be top 3 for me.

Dishonourable mention goes to Sonic Heroes, that miserable heap of garbage deserves to burn in the flaming dumpster of gaming trash for all eternity.
  1. Sonic 2 (iOS/Android): This was the game that got me into Sega. I hated playing alone in games, lived out in nowhere and didn't have many locals that liked games, and the addition of Tails made the game feel so much more lively. Also, colorful worlds, less obscure tricks and gimmicks, than Sonic 1 had, just an amazing trip start-to-finish. Oh, and Super Sonic.
  2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Genesis or Saturn Sonic Jam): Sonic Jam version had some nice additions, but the music playback wasn't right. Waiting for the Stealth/Taxman edition.
  3. Sonic Generations (PC): This is probably the first game where, in spots, Sega figured out how to properly replicate 2D Sonic's level designs in 3D, instead of making three-second branch-offs that didn't come near each other. The graphics (especially the animation) are incredible, and while Classic Sonic isn't truly classic, the levels are designed around him properly. Love this game, wish they made more DLC for it.
  4. Sonic Advance 2 (GBA): People give this one a hard time, but I like how they themed everything around the running. From the racing post start, to the skid at the finish for extra score, and the running bosses (which sadly needed some work for the non-Sonic characters). It wasn't a hard game to beat, it let you limp along most of the time if you couldn't keep up, and people mistook that for being easy. But it was much more rewarding to learn the routes and speed and trick through them.
  5. Sonic Adventure (DC): Glitches everywhere. Terrible English VA. But they really poured their hearts into this one. There's this earthy, naturalistic tone, and if you research the trips Sonic Team took prior to development, you can really see the influence, the landmarks, the decorations. It told a big story, bigger than Sonic had ever tried to tackle before. And sometimes it just felt great running across the big Adventure Fields as a weightier Sonic, at a time before they decided boosters had to be absolutely everywhere. The GC and PC versions altered some of the graphics, which mishmashed the style a bit.
  6. Sonic Rush (DS): The natural progression of Advance 2, instead of Advance 3's jog off to the side. Had all the character of a real mainline Sonic game, although the level design got a bit nasty in spots. Blaze was a great character to introduce.
  7. Sonic Colors (Wii): Sonic with a much more direct platformer flair, but a welcome breath of fresh air. The Color powers were interesting additions, especially when
    Eggman turns them on you
    . Mike Pollock really got to voice a fun Eggman that added a lot of character to the game. Oh, and perhaps the first Sonic game where a water stage was fun, not a punishment?
  8. Sonic Rush Adventure (DS): A little weaker than Rush was in character, but a lot friendlier in level design. Some of the vehicle travel sequences were fun, but they tended to go on a bit too long.
  9. Sonic 4 Episode II (PC): Gets too hard a time. People retroactively give Episode 1 more credit now, which is BS. Episode 1 is still crap, but this one's alright. Just don't activate Tails' flight 5 miles before you actually need it, and you'll be fine. Bosses take too long, but are way more creative than Episode 1.
  10. Sonic Heroes (GC): A lot of promise, and at the time a welcome turn back toward a fantasy aesthetic, but of course it had a ton of problems. The GC NTSC version was the most stable, apparently the PAL versions in particular had a lot of hiccups due to how the physics were timed? The best versions of the stages are the Team Sonic Super Hard Mode levels, and I usually hate "hard" stages.

I wanted to include one of the GG games, like Triple Trouble or Chaos, but even though I've played some of them, I've never stuck with them.

Bonus: Sonic R and Sonic CD were regularly played in my portable CD player.
  1. Sonic Unleashed
  2. Sonic Generations
  3. Sonic Adventure 2
  4. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  5. Sonic 2
  6. Sonic 3D Blast
  7. Sonic Rush
  8. Sonic 4 Episode II
  9. Sonic Battle
  10. Sonic Shuffle
1) Sonic 3 & Knuckles
2) Sonic 1
3) Sonic 2
4) Sonic Generations
5) Sonic Colors
6) Sonic CD
7) Sonic Advance
8) Sonic Rush Adventure
9) Sonic Rush
10) Sonic Unleashed
Top 10 is a LITTLE generous, but I'll list top 5 with some honorable mentions!

1) Sonic CD
2) Sonice Generations
3) Sonic 2
4) Sonic 3 & Knuckles
5) Sonic Adventure 2 (Guilty pleasure, promise)

Honorable mentions: Sonic Unleashed day levels, Sonic Rush and Sonic 4 Episode II are okay


10. Sonic Heroes
9. Sonic CD
8. Sonic 2
7. Sonic Adventure 2
6. Sonic and the Secret Rings
5. Sonic Adventure
4. Sonic Unleashed
3. Sonic Colors
2. Sonic Generations
1. Sonic 3 and Knuckles


2.Sonic 2
3.Sonic Generations
4.Sonic 3
5.Sonic Screensaver
6.Sonic Adventure
7.Sonic R
8.Sonic CD
9.Sonic Dash
10.Sonic 1

Obviously I just kind of gave up after 3. Sonic CD and 1 are technically much more polished than Adventure, but I had more fun dinking around in Adventure, spin-dashing off of and experimenting with whatever geometry I could reach. They took out some of that fun in the DX versions.

If I ever get to play the widescreen Sonic 1, my ideas on it might change. They should bring it to Steam.
Well, the consensus is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Generations and Adventure 2 (Battle) are the favorite Sonic games and I'm ok with this.

Sonic R does not receives enough love tho. It's sad because is a well designed game (if you think it is not a Kart game o platformer game) and has one of the BEST OST in any Sonic game ever. It's short, yes, but, anyway F the haters

I loved Sonic R when I was a kid; it looked great, had a catchy soundtrack, and had Sonic characters in 3d.

The game hasn't aged well; it controls like a nightmare, only has 6 levels, and is horribly unbalanced.

*Miscounted: it only has 5 levels.


  1. Freedom Planet
  2. Freedom Planet
  3. Freedom Planet
  4. Freedom Planet
  5. Freedom Planet
  6. Freedom Planet
  7. Freedom Planet
  8. Freedom Planet
  9. Freedom Planet
  10. Freedom Planet

The only correct list.


10. Sonic & Knuckles - The rest of Sonic 3, and less exciting. Came too late (and at the same price) to change my mind about either title.
9. SegaSonic the Hedgehog - Weird, but fun, and hard. I love the visual style in this game.
8. Sonic CD - This game is too damn big and tedious. It mostly gets a pass due to its sublime JP/EU soundtrack.
7. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - A disappointment for me at the time. I was surprised how short it was until the rest of the game turned up in S&K. Awesome (allegedly Michael Jackson created) tunes though.
6. Sonic Generations - More of Colours, sans abilities, but made up for it with wonderful, sickly sweet fanservice.
5. Sonic Colours - After a long spell of mediocrity, console Sonic returned with a bang. Essentially a revision of the day stages from Unleashed in terms of playstyle and features, albeit with creativity and pacing hugely cranked up. And much more of it. A franchise was saved overnight.
4. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Feels more setpiece-y and streamlined over the first game, but still plays amazingly, features killer visuals and music, and has a legitimately fantastic finale which the first title could not muster.
3. Sonic Lost World - Once you get past the initially awkward control scheme, a fun, beautiful, deathly hard, strangely Nintendo-centric Sonic game emerges. Felt fresh and new in the way a reinvention of Sonic should, and still does.
2. Sonic Adventure - I love this game for so many reasons. The first legit console Sonic since Chaotix, my first Dreamcast game, and my first gen 6 game is a flawed, brilliant, mad melting pot of ideas, content, bravado and style. It still blows my mind how much there is to see and do in this game. I love it and always will. Phenomenal soundtrack.
1. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) - Sega's first attempt at usurping SMB, obviously inspired by it, and most successful at emulating it. It's a game of skill and precision more than any in the franchise. Speed feels earned, momentum management is rewarded, and it's nicely challenging throughout. Still feels the most iconic to me, too.
1. Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Genesis)
2. Sonic CD (Sega CD)
3. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (PC)
4. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (PC)
5. Sonic and Knuckles + Sonic 3 (Genesis)
6. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
7. Sonic Generations (PC)
8. Sonic Spinball (Genesis)
9. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Game Gear)
10. Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis, or Sega Saturn)

Note: I have not played Unleashed, Colours, or most of the other games released after Sonic Adventure 2.


Off the top of my head

10. Sonic Triple Trouble
9. Sonic Adventure 2
8. Sonic Adventure
7. Sonic Colors
6. Sonic Advance 1
5. Sonic 2
4. Sonic CD
3. Sonic Generations
2. Sonic 1
1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles

might change the order when I think it over.
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