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Game series' that deserve revivals more than Crash Bandicoot

Recently there's been a contingent of gaffers hellbent on a Crash Bandicoot revival. It's not Crash didn't have great games, but a lot of you stopped playing Crash the second he dropped off Playstation platforms exclusively.


Throughout the years there have been over ten Crash Bandicoot games. Why the sudden interest in a revival? Crash's time has come and gone. Sony has historically played a big part in quirky, imaginative game exclusives and given their (small) stake in Shenmue III, they could potentially help revive a multitude of far more deserving franchises that actually warrant a revival.

Let's take a look at game series' that deserve a Sony revival more than Crash Bandicoot.

Dark Cloud


Near the beginning of the Playstation 2 life cycle there was what was being advertised in Playstation magazines like OPM (rip) and PSM (rip) a "Zelda killer." While more ActRaiser than Zelda, Dark Cloud and its sequel proved to offer an alternative to other action rpgs at the time with its emphasis on dungeon crawling, randomly generated dungeons, and town building. It wasn't Zelda, but what it offered it was extremely good at. As you slowly rebuild the town, stories and subplots open up. The sequel took it even further with the ability to build items and weapons and the choice between two characters with varying abilities. In the time since Dark Cloud 2's release in 2003, the Dark series has completely fallen off the map. With its developer Level 5's later success on series such as Dragon Quest, Layton, and Inazuma, there was very little vested reason to return to the franchise. I feel with today's gaming audience more open to action dungeon crawlers thanks to the success of series like Dark Souls, the Dark Cloud series has potential to gain a new audience and cement its place as a unique type of alternate RPG. Dark Cloud 1 and 2 have been re-released via Sony's ps2 classics for ps4, the first time to my memory that the series has been acknowledged by Sony since 2's release over a decade ago.

Jet Moto


Known for high speed and even higher difficulty, the original Jet Moto games made by Singletrac were some of the best games for the original Playstation. There have been three Jet Moto games. Two games (2124 and Solar) were cancelled, and the series just completely disappeared. After leaving Playstation, Singletrac games like Twisted Metal and Jet Moto were kind of left in the dust and shuffled between multiple developers. But whereas Twisted Metal had the occasional great game that saw a return to form, Jet Moto never got to see the light of day again. Since the last Jet Moto, the traditional arcade racer as it once was is kind of a dead genre: this generation didn't have a new Ridge Racer at launch for a new Playstation console, SSX's reboot completely bombed. Today's racing game is typified mostly by open-world offerings and simulations. That doesn't mean a new Jet Moto doesn't have a place if marketed correctly or even designed in a way that is more appealing to the more modern racing game taste. I think Jet Moto has more than earned a place in today's Playstation landscape and I'd be very interested in seeing how a modern interpretation would turn out.

Jumping Flash


Another game series that has only had two games. Noticing a pattern? Half first person shooter, half first person platformer, Jumping Flash was a unique beast when it launched and still remains that way even today. If you're old like me, it was probably one of, if not the first Playstation game you ever played. Something like that has lasting impact on you. Jumping Flash is the first game I ever played that actually took advantage of 3d space. Before 3d was mostly determined by graphics in something like Virtua Fighter. But Virtua Fighter (at the time) still only played like Street Fighter: backgrounds and environments were static, there wasn't much if any exploration in a 3d space. Other games that looked 3d, like Donkey Kong Country or StarFox, still took place in linear levels. There wasn't much gameplay difference between Star Fox and Space Harrier or Donkey Kong Country and Sonic. They looked different, but they didn't ultimately play too differently - the "3d" was purely aesthetic back then, and we were satisfied. Jumping Flash remains the first 3d game I ever played where the 3d was crucial part of the games design and gameplay and not just aesthetic. Jumping Flash still remains great to this day and is a great example of a game that could be transformed by and directly benefit from current generation graphical power. The vertigo inducing platforming could be something else to behold through the power of the ps4, and with Sony's stake in the VR game they've got even more of a reason to go with this than they do Crash Bandicoot.

But let's not stop there! There's a lot more that deserve a revival than Crash. This list is incomplete but these are series come back I'd rather see before Crash:

Panzer Dragoon
Intelligent Qube
Legend of Dragoon
Breath of Fire
Parappa The Rapper
Mad Maestro
Gitaroo Man
Mister Mosquito
Jak and Daxter
Clock Tower

What are games you'd rather see than a Crash reboot, GAF?


I really want to see Armored Core make a comeback. You had a lot of good suggestions especially Jumping Flash and Suikoden.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Going horror enthusiast route.


Parasite Eve (Third Birthday was more it's own thing than a revival, as it were).


Forbidden Siren series (we haven't had a new game since 2008, and it was a pretty good last game too.)

Two off the top.
Oh, shit. Jumping Flash has been in my memory for so long, but I didn't know what if was called. Ill throw in votes for that and Katamari.


I don't think this thread will go very far, but Klonoa. The first game on the PS1 is easily one of the most overlooked platformers out there, and although the concept of a 2.5D game is fairly common place nowadays and not as innovative as it used to be back in the 5th generation, I still could see it standing out in the current game scene, even amidst all the great indie platformers we have out there.
Recently there's been a contingent of gaffers hellbent on a Crash Bandicoot revival. It's not Crash didn't have great games, but a lot of you stopped playing Crash the second he dropped off Playstation platforms exclusively.

What? Wrath of Cortex, the first non-exclusive sold millions.

You don't think that maybe, just maybe, the gradual tapering in sales was due to the drop in quality? Even my favorite post-ND Crash, Twinsanity was incredibly short and buggy. The rest saturated the market without really innovating in the franchise. This thread premise is clown shoes. How hard was it to simply ask "what franchises deserve a revival" instead of this flame bait garbage.


Twisted Metal

Are the ones I miss.

Also forgot Vigilante 8. I only played the 8th one and I think 8 V2, but it was so good.


Would Jumping Flash be much fun/comfortable in VR? It hasn't sunk in for me yet just what sort of movement works best for user comfort in the medium.


The premise of this thread seems kinda salty/silly, but I'd really like a new Shadow Hearts game. I still think the the first two games are among the very top of PS2 RPGs.


It's not Crash didn't have great games, but a lot of you stopped playing Crash the second he dropped off Playstation platforms exclusively.
It's because the quality of the Crash games took a nosedive. Not because of platform exclusivity shenanigans. If the 3rd party devs had kept up the quality of the games, they'd still be played/sell. But they frankly weren't all that good.
The premise of this thread seems kinda salty/silly, but I'd really like a new Shadow Hearts game. I still think the the first two games are among the very top of PS2 RPGs.

It's not salty.

It just amazes me how gamers cry for game series who have a billion opportunities and at least a dozen sequels instead of games that were one offs like Panzer Dragoon Saga or Legend of Dragoon. Or something that had a really, really short life that would be amazing if brought back like Jumping Flash or Dark Cloud. It just feels like nostalgia for nostalgia's sake and not having any sense of practicality.
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