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GameStop Weighs In On What Games Are Selling And/Or Pre-Ordering Well


Joe Shlabotnik said:
The Gamestops near me have had massive signage for Mortal Kombat for the last week or two, at least. The entire front window. It looks like a Mortal Kombat theme store right now.

Same here. It's completely decked in MK.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Gravijah said:
Are you saying that the games sales were influenced more by DC than MK or are you saying that the DC universe helped increase sales?
the latter.

and c'mon.. not like I'm awesome at predicting this stuff guys. :p Just my take. I plan on picking the game up (PS3 of course, thanks to multiple Tournament sticks)
Personally the DC thing turned me off that game, I've not bought it and have no intention of doing - it just seemed really gimmicky. I guess crossover fighters aren't for me *dodges bricks*
Saiyar said:

I dont think any sites subscribe to the accessory data so I dont think any analysts knew or at least reported the exact number just making claims based on packed in bundles...Though SONY really needs to get more software that uses MOVE out there. Sorcery coming so late has made me only use it (have Move) just for the sake of Heavy Rain, oh and I never did try it in LBP2, I guess it has functionality in that oh and in DDR too.


SolidSnakex said:
The 360 demo is rumored to be hitting in early April. As far as sales on the PS3 go, fighting games are one genre where sales on both platforms are extremely close.

I think that you're really underestimating how many people care about MK. Especially those that like the series but have wanted it to go back to 2D and specifically to how it was with the original 3 games. I'm one of those people. I haven't bought a MK game since UMK3.
Who's the girl in your avatar?


zoner said:
Whatever man. I got a hostess theme. DO YOU GOT A HOSTESS THEME?
Theme sucks though. Static images and a rotating background? And sharp knees too?! XD

borghe said:
and c'mon.. not like I'm awesome at predicting this stuff guys. :p Just my take. I plan on picking the game up (PS3 of course, thanks to multiple Tournament sticks)
Whatever...you talked negatively about MK, so what-ever like..talk to the hand.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
MK will outsell MvC3 pretty easily. It should approach or surpass MvC3's worldwide numbers in US sales alone. Won't be surprised if S/SF4 and MK do similar numbers in the US in the long run, though in total worldwide sales MK probably won't do as well because it's mostly an American thing.


Why people don't preorder at Best Buy (Reward Zone pts bitches!) is beyond me........

GS reward program costs money I think and is no where near as "rewarding" as BB.
gbovo said:
Who's the girl in your avatar?

Shay Mitchell

GQman2121 said:
Why people don't preorder at Best Buy (Reward Zone pts bitches!) is beyond me........

GS reward program costs money I think and is no where near as "rewarding" as BB.

GS does have some pretty nice rewards every now and then. Their current one gives you the chance to win a trip to NetherRealm Studios and a full MK arcade cabinet.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
GQman2121 said:
Why people don't preorder at Best Buy (Reward Zone pts bitches!) is beyond me........

GS reward program costs money I think and is no where near as "rewarding" as BB.
The reward program is free.

Amazon's better than either anyhow


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Spookie said:
Fuck dudebros if Brink doesn't break 1 mil I'll see my arse. :(

It's a little harder to sell Brink on first impressions, and explaining its appeal is a little difficult. But I think Splash Damage really does have something special on its hands, so it'll be a title with legs. I think it'll be this year's Borderlands in terms of consumer interest.
ZealousD said:
It's a little harder to sell Brink on first impressions, and explaining its appeal is a little difficult. But I think Splash Damage really does have something special on its hands, so it'll be a title with legs. I think it'll be this year's Borderlands in terms of consumer interest.

Brink is one of those games that could be helped a lot with a demo. I know that they've said that they wont' do a larger beta, but I hope that there's still a chance for a demo.
If the purchase intent study is any reliable that was posted at gamasutra, MK will blow the doors off the expectations in this thread. It had the highest purchase intent on the list if you combined both platforms.

If it sells 600k across both platforms in the NPDs (usa) I'd say that's a disappointment based on the past game's sales (2.5M worldwide for mk vs dc) and it's hype meter versus the hype meter for this game.
MK will sell over a million in its launch month, bank on it.

astroturfing said:
what about the Duke?

Gamestop has made thousands of dollars on 1999 preorders, but numbers are still probably meh.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Gamestop has made thousands of dollars on 1999 preorders, but numbers are still probably meh.

It's probably doing better than some people are thinking. Its development is pretty legendary, don't forget that.


I wouldn't treat this as a complete list of games that will sell so much as a list of games that are performing strongly so far.

Or in other words, I would view this more from the perspective of what's on the list as opposed to what's not on it.
I really, really hope L.A. Noire does well. Even if the game doesn't have flaws, I want there to be another to improve upon the first and others to jump on the technology.


Nirolak said:
I wouldn't treat this as a complete list of games that will sell so much as a list of games that are performing strongly so far.

Or in other words, I would view this more from the perspective of what's on the list as opposed to what's not on it.

The Gears of War ship is crashing and burning.

...you know, if ships could crash and burn. Can they?



Lost Fragment said:
MK will outsell MvC3 pretty easily. It should approach or surpass MvC3's worldwide numbers in US sales alone. Won't be surprised if S/SF4 and MK do similar numbers in the US in the long run, though in total worldwide sales MK probably won't do as well because it's mostly an American thing.

Nah, that's an unrealistic expectation considering the series current numbers.
I'm so confused by this thread. People are implying that MK isn't as big as the Vs series, that MvC3 sold better than SF4, and that MvC3 is some insane sales monster.

Truth is, MK will outsell SF4 pretty handily. It'll top 1M first month easy, im sure. If those horrid 3D MKs were able to do so in the last couple years, this MK will surely do so no problem.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
SolidSnakex said:
Brink is one of those games that could be helped a lot with a demo. I know that they've said that they wont' do a larger beta, but I hope that there's still a chance for a demo.

Yeah, a demo might work pretty well for them. But I think it'll do well regardless. I could be wrong, but I really do think that its mechanics are so strong that it'll generate some really good word of mouth for them.

Shalashaska said:
I really, really hope L.A. Noire does well. Even if the game doesn't have flaws, I want there to be another to improve upon the first and others to jump on the technology.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about. L.A. Noire is going to be a mega hit on par with Red Dead Redemption. The critics will lavish praise, GOTY awards, millions of copies move, yadda-yadda-yadda. Rockstar Cycle will begin anew with whatever big game they come out with next after that. Probably GTAV.
The Abominable Snowman said:
I'm so confused by this thread. People are implying that MK isn't as big as the Vs series, that MvC3 sold better than SF4, and that MvC3 is some insane sales monster.

Truth is, MK will outsell SF4 pretty handily. It'll top 1M first month easy, im sure. If those horrid 3D MKs were able to do so in the last couple years, this MK will surely do so no problem.
I agree with this post.
SF4 had a better first month than MvC3 and it debuted later on in the month as well.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I would not be surprised to see MK hit a million on 360/PS3 combined for April. MK's appeal reaches farther than Marvel vs. Capcom's (despite the Marvel connection) and has always been strong. It's single player is very strong with a very good amount of content. Not even counting online play (which can't be worse than MvC's...can it?).

The hype for MK with the casuals will end up outpacing MvC's by a fair margin IMO. Add in regular fighting fans as well and you will have a high selling game.

Hell, if they wanted to be dicks, they could just outship Capcom and claim those as sold as Capcom usually does when it overships their shit.


I can tell you that the Gears pre-orders are soaring through the skies, and the game is over 5 months away.

Mortal Kombat is tracking to do fucking amazing, even better than SF4. (It's that hardcore touch that drives the dudebros)

Pokemon was absolutely massive, as always (still selling copies every week off the shelves!)

Homefront is the fastest traded in shooter of the year so far. Literally, it's laughable how fast people have come back and complained about its singleplayer, and the multi is "sooooo derivative". One guy even brought it back because it wasn't "dark enough in tone" than he would have liked.
Maxrpg said:
I can tell you that the Gears pre-orders are soaring through the skies, and the game is over 5 months away.

Mortal Kombat is tracking to do fucking amazing, even better than SF4. (It's that hardcore touch that drives the dudebros)

Pokemon was absolutely massive, as always (still selling copies every week off the shelves!)

Homefront is the fastest traded in shooter of the year so far. Literally, it's laughable how fast people have come back and complained about its singleplayer, and the multi is "sooooo derivative". One guy even brought it back because it wasn't "dark enough in tone" than he would have liked.
Interesting, thank you. I miss those old gamestop anecdotal sales threads :(


Maxrpg said:
Homefront is the fastest traded in shooter of the year so far. Literally, it's laughable how fast people have come back and complained about its singleplayer, and the multi is "sooooo derivative". One guy even brought it back because it wasn't "dark enough in tone" than he would have liked.
That's sad actually.
My friend and I went to Gamestop the other day, so he could trade Homefront to get Crysis 2. And the employee was like "What? Another one? Is the game really that bad? There's been like dozens of people either asking for returns or just trading it!".

My friend did liked it, just didn't consider it was worth the $60.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Maxrpg said:
I can tell you that the Gears pre-orders are soaring through the skies, and the game is over 5 months away.

It really helps that you get the beta for pre-ordering it. Not everybody got Bulletstorm.

And yeah, I can corroborate on the fact that there's a lot of trade ins for Homefront. More than is typical for new releases anyway. It's the new Medal of Honor, except it sold even less.
Effect said:
The Sims 3DS is an example of a game selling on pure name brand alone as nothing of it has really been shown. EA no doubt counted on that. I wouldn't be surprised if it's traded in at high numbers quickly after launch.
...in which case Gamestop makes moar money
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