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Gary Whitta's Star Trek themed potty-training book

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No, seriously. POOPING IS LOGICAL!


This is an idea that has been percolating for some time and I think it’s time to finally share it. POOPING IS LOGICAL! is a potty-training book for young children and their parents based on the tenets of Vulcan philosophy as established in Star Trek. It’s an idea that my wife Leah and I, both of us geek parents, came up with after going through the travails of potty-training our own three year-old daughter. It’s a real potty-training book with real advice for getting your kid out of diapers and sitting on the potty like a big kid.

Working on this idea with my wife has been a really great collaboration. I’m a Star Trek obsessive and she’s a trained childcare professional who looked after other families’ toddlers for years before we had our own. So we were both able to bring a bit of our own expertise to it. POOPING IS LOGICAL! tells the story of a young Vulcan child who, just like kids on Earth, is hesitant to make the leap out of diapers and onto the potty. Fortunately his parents, who are wise and loving, are on hand to help him through this transition and assure him that pooping on the potty is a perfectly natural, safe, and grown-up thing to do. In a society based on logic, what could be more logical than pooping?

To Illustrate the book I reached out to my friend Mike Krahulik, the co-founder of the fantastic Penny Arcade. He’s been one of my favorite comic artists for a long time and his whimsical style seemed perfectly suited to a children’s book. He did some preliminary sketches and then the beautiful front cover you see above.


Under normal circumstances Mike, Leah and I would just crowdfund this thing and I’m pretty confident we’d hit our target. The Star Trek license is the issue. So the plan now is to put this idea out there on the internets in the hope of sparking a bit of buzz and perhaps getting the powers that be to take this a little more seriously. If POOPING IS LOGICAL! is something you’d be interested in seeing on bookshelves, do me a favor and help spread this around. Note this tumblr post, share it on Facebook and Twitter, with the hashtag #POOPINGISLOGICAL. Every little helps. Thanks!


Interesting idea for a book, although the premise of appealing to your small children based on logic and facts seems like a weak starting position. I was bribed with candy, and I loved it.

I dunno how CBS would really let this go ahead, but putting it on the internet to gauge interest before approaching them is probably a smart move.


What is most unlogical is this book seems to push the myth that western toilets are good for you when research has shown that squatting is a superior method of expelling excrement.

A true Vulcan would naturally choose the most efficient method of pooping

Juicy Bob

I'm no Star Trek fan but you have to respect what Gary's achieved with everything. It's way more than I or most of us ever will.


Sorry my kids like star wars...

I've tried to show them Star Trek but they can't get into it.

Chewbacca poops? That would be something.


North America gets potty training so wrong. Kids in other parts of the world are all potty trained by like 2, while most two year old's here haven't even started yet. Too many diapers.


there's something very irritating about your own taste in disposable, nostalgic pop culture infiltrating something as early toilet training for children who don't care about star trek

maybe you should just interact with your child in a natural, personable and fun way instead of indulging your man child obsessions for one second.
I'm no Star Trek fan but you have to respect what Gary's achieved with everything. It's way more than I or most of us ever will.

I dont respect people for having money, lol. I don't respect orci and kurtzman either, and they've "achieved" a lot more than a lot of people.
Ease up on the Whitta hate. Even if you don't like his movies the fact is he was paid to write a feature film by major movie studios. Pretty much all of GAF could only dream of having accomplished as much as he has.

I think the book is a decent enough idea. It scratches the right itch for a certain demographic.

Because this is how critique works, right?

Drive by name calling isn't how critique works either.


Such a stupid response. There would be zero topics and zero discussions about anything if one had to have first hand experience before commenting on something or judging quality of a product or work.

"Hey that bridge collapsed, I think they did a shitty job building it!"
"Yeah well how many bridges have you built?"
"Well met, friend!"
Ease up on the Whitta hate. Even if you don't like his movies the fact is he was paid to write a feature film by major movie studios. Pretty much all of GAF could only dream of having accomplished as much as he has.

I think the book is a decent enough idea. It scratches the right itch for a certain demographic.

Drive by name calling isn't how critique works either.



there's something very irritating about your own taste in disposable, nostalgic pop culture infiltrating something as early toilet training for children who don't care about star trek

maybe you should just interact with your child in a natural, personable and fun way instead of indulging your man child obsessions for one second.

Not just that, he wants us to crowdfund it for him.


at last, for christ's sake
Ease up on the Whitta hate. Even if you don't like his movies the fact is he was paid to write a feature film by major movie studios. Pretty much all of GAF could only dream of having accomplished as much as he has.

I think the book is a decent enough idea. It scratches the right itch for a certain demographic.

Drive by name calling isn't how critique works either.

this dumbass logic is dragging its putrid carcass from fucking 1990, when IMDB was born. Let it go and grow up
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