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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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neorej said:
Blade Runner has less impact on popular culture, but it def is the better film.

BTW, is it a coincidence that Harrison Ford is a lead in three of best films(-series) of the 80s?
Spielberg also asked him to play Dr. Grant in Jurassic Park.
If Cowboys and Aliens limps past $100 million, Ford will have been in a movie that has grossed $100 million or more in each of the past five decades. That's a testament to his staying power, appeal, and ability to pick good films. :)

It's currently at about $99 million.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
If Cowboys and Aliens limps past $100 million, Ford will have been in a movie that has grossed $100 million or more in each of the past five decades. That's a testament to his staying power, appeal, and ability to pick good films. :)

It's currently at about $99 million.
"Good luck kid... ...you're gonna need it!"

oh wait...


Professor Beef said:
Star Wars fans need to realize that boycotts only work if you DON'T buy something.
Bullshit, my face had an obvious look of consternation when I handed the Best Buy clerk a crisp $100 bill.

Take that, Lucas!


Kung Fu Jedi said:
To take this even further, Lucas didn't even want Ford to play Indy. It was Spielberg who thought it he was the best choice after seeing Empire. Lucas said he preferred to work with someone that the hadn't worked with in the past.

Now, it's hard to think of anyone, including Sellick, playing Indy.

What the fuck. Who wants to work people you never worked with before? Talk about not knowing wtf he's doing and taking a pointless risk.
KingGondo said:
Bullshit, my face had an obvious look of consternation when I handed the Best Buy clerk a crisp $100 bill.

Take that, Lucas!


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Finally got my box set today. Watching Episode IV right now. VERY impressed with the sound and the visuals. So many details are visible now. C3PO and R2 look so beat up! LOL!
Post more impressions of PQ please :)


chubigans said:
Well it looked like that boycott of Star Wars worked!

And by worked I mean it was always going to fail miserably. Not that anyone expected otherwise, nor was that the point I guess. :p


*sigh* thanks a lot Star Wars fans!

And it's not even on steelbook. It's just a cheap cardboard box flip case!

Still not buying and I doubt George/Fox cares with the monies he got from the sell of this Blu-ray version. :/


KingGondo said:
Bullshit, my face had an obvious look of consternation when I handed the Best Buy clerk a crisp $100 bill.

Take that, Lucas!

Anth0ny said:
One good point the Plinkett dude made, is that at this point, Darth Vader (and all the Star Wars imagery, in general) has been milked, used and distorted so much, that it lost a lot of its charm, when you actually watch the movie.
I seriously wonder sometimes if Lucas has severe O.C.D. issues. Some of the changes to the films are trivial and nonsensical.

As much as I despite Lucas (which is a gut thing I can't rationalize away), I prefer to think of him as a victim instead of as a money-grubbing schemer who carefully times the re-releases of Star Wars so he can keep the IP "relevant" and keep the cash flowing. But I'll bet you can tell which of those I think is reality.

Please make another damn movie, George. All those "personal films" you wanted to make before SW took off? Make another non-SW film as great as American Graffiti. Hell, don't even worry about it being that good. Just try. I think every Star Wars fan would like to see you prove you haven't totally lost your abilities, because this shit is just sad.

Replicant said:
Still not buying and I doubt George/Fox cares with the monies he got from the sell of this Blu-ray version. :/

And the upcoming 3D version. Which will probably have more changes. And then whatever shit version he releases after that.

Professor Beef said:
Let the hate flow through you.



George Lucas was seduced by the darkside of the senility

The good man that was your creator was betrayed and murdered...from a certain point of view


apana said:
Kind of random question to Star Wars nerds out there, was Palpatine actually a bad leader?
To most the Galaxy more than likely carried on how it always did with little difference.


Night_Trekker said:
I think this is a change we can all appreciate. JEJ > Bale's horrible "badass" voice.

Read this in JEJ's voice:

"But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."




neorej said:
Read this in JEJ's voice:

"But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."

"Sometimes the truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded... "
neorej said:
Blade Runner has less impact on popular culture
mmmm, i don't know if i totally agree with this. i think BR's influence is possibly even more far-reaching, if not as easily identifiable in today's culture.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Blade Runner takes effort to understand, and is less accessible to the minds of the masses ( and children).
Veidt said:
Blade Runner takes effort to understand, and is less accessible to the minds of the masses ( and children).
i think some of the concepts in SW take some effort to understand. specifically issues like the bond between parent and child, the gray areas of morality between "good" and "evil" and the concept of redemption through action. a lot of these concepts are painted in STARK contrast to one another because of lucas' inability to write intelligently, but nonetheless require some effort on the part of the viewer to appreciate, identify and in some cases mentally re-write in order to make them less clunky.

insofar as the question of "which has produced more STUFF for us to consume?" over the past 30 years, star wars definitely outweighs blade runner by orders of magnitude. in terms of which has had more of an influence on film-making, storytelling, and art in general over the past 30 years, i think one could make a compelling argument that blade runner has done more than star wars.
Ether_Snake said:
What the fuck. Who wants to work people you never worked with before? Talk about not knowing wtf he's doing and taking a pointless risk.

It was more about the fact that he had already worked with Ford on three movies, and obviously Jedi was in the works. From what Speilberg says, he had to convince Lucas that Ford was the right guy for the part, but once he did, it became obvious very quickly.

JB1981 said:
Post more impressions of PQ please :)

I've only watched A New Hope thus far, but it looked great in terms of PQ, although I have to agree with some of the pervious posts that the CGI that was added with the special editions does look a bit dated at times. Still, I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I've never seen the original in this much detail ever. Looking forward to watching more this weekend.


Veidt said:
Blade Runner takes effort to understand, and is less accessible to the minds of the masses ( and children).
yeah pretty much. blade runner is packed with themes and ideas, while the only running theme throughout the star wars trilogy that i can tell is money is pretty great.


chubigans said:
Well it looked like that boycott of Star Wars worked!

hardcore fans are and will always be in the minority with little or no influence outside of their own world. even if Lucasfilm Ltd does, one day, release the original theatrical cuts of the original trilogy (ep 4 - 6), the outcome won't be the result of hardcore fans' want

Mr. Sam

I watched A New Hope for what I think is the second time ever last night. Yeah, like I've said, not a big Star Wars fan. Up until Obi-Wan rocks up, nothing that noticeable. After? Whoa.

  • Obi-Wans dragon scream or whatever sounds like it's supposed to trigger a dance track. What the hell is that?
  • Those dewbacks look horrible. They're completely out of place and the bad CG will age worse than any physical effects, which at least have charm.
  • The stormtroopers are accompanied by a flying droid of sorts. Also out of place. Also bad CG. Get that out of there.
  • Han and Greedo? Not that bad. Not that bad.
  • Han talking to Jabba is abysmal. Bad CG Jabba, natch. Han stares at his mouth throughout the scene, then steps on his tail. I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I'd imagine that if you step on Jabba's tail, you better be prepared to have your eyes forcefully removed from your head. Ruthless space gangster my arse! The scene's entirely superfluous and about as welcome as a punch to the nuts. My least favourite addition.
  • Assorted stuff that I imagine got added like this:
    "And then there's this bit with the random floating droid and-- what the hell is that?"
    "What, George? I don't see anything."
    "Exactly. There's no random CG crap in there. I told you, mar every shot. Why is this shot not marred?"
    "Well, I, uh--"
    "I-- I, uh--"
    "Never mind! Gotta do everything myself. Here, Spielberg lent me his Jurassic Park stuff. Grab that brontasaurus, drop it awkwardly right in front of the camera so it looks entirely out of place and gets in the way, aaaaand we're done."
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