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Giant Bomb GoTY 2016- Agent 47, take out that Doom Marine


After finishing all 5 days of deliberations i'm okay with most of their awards, except 1.

How The Witness did not win "Best Looking Game" is fucking beyond me.

First that game's art style is damned gorgeous. It's not hyper realistic and not cell shaded, but a beautiful blend of the two. It's extremely varied with a number of different areas having a unique atmosphere with each one. The lighting was beautiful and their use reflections in the water was top tier.

Finally and the most important. This was the only game where the way the game looked directly impacted how you play the game. I won't go into details but if you watched their discussion on "Best Moment" you know what i'm talking about. Even forgoing that though, using the environment to solve some of those puzzles had to be done in such a way that doesn't make it obvious how to arrive at the solution but at the same time not completely esoteric.

Add to that the multiple "point of view" puzzles coupled with beautiful art and I think they done fucked up. I was shocked that nobody even fought for it. Like what in the hell?



It was a battle between Inside and The Witness for me. Both games have immaculate art design. Inside's cohesiveness is insanely impressive. It was deserving of the accolade. It's more a crime that The Witness wasn't even mentioned.


It's why I think 'Best styyyle' and 'best looking' need clarification. Because there are things like art direction that trump pure technical visual fests. Witness and Overwatch for example, have amazing art directions, whilst Uncharted 4 just looks technically great

I don't think this separation matters, and it's not like the people deciding GOTY awards in this industry know much about technical aspects or can even measure them.

A single "best-looking" award should be enough, one that simply encompasses the final product on display. How many textures or polygons it's pushing shouldn't matter. Which is how Inside trumped the likes of UC4 and Doom. All four games I've mentioned are incredibly good looking either way. I'd also put in Hyper Light Drifter into consideration which just has absolutely gorgeous pixel art and use of color, and a style all of its own.
Top 10 discussion was waaaay too mild this year.

Giving Dan, Alex and Jason a free pass on the bottom 3 makes me think they should make this a top 5 and make the decisions much harder.

Jason hasn't even finished Hyper Light Drifter.

If this was a Top 5, it would have been a bloodbath. And let's be honest, that's what we want. Jeff knows it too, that's why he casually bumped TF2 to number 5.


Nope, not really. I think you're reading into things too much.

Yeah, I didnt see anything like that.

Giving Dan, Alex and Jason a free pass on the bottom 3 makes me think they should make this a top 5 and make the decisions much harder.

Im for it. Those last spots were being bartered and greased rather than them being deserving recipients. Not saying they are bad games (or even not deserving,) but the discussion in the video suggests the group as a whole had other choices in mind.
Top 10 discussion was waaaay too mild this year.

Giving Dan, Alex and Jason a free pass on the bottom 3 makes me think they should make this a top 5 and make the decisions much harder.

Jason hasn't even finished Hyper Light Drifter.

If this was a Top 5, it would have been a bloodbath. And let's be honest, that's what we want. Jeff knows it too, that's why he casually bumped TF2 to number 5.

I agree with this, if only because I'd like the last cast to be at least an hour longer. I love a good 5 hour podcast!


Yeah Snapmap gets lumped into being bad when people say "The campaign is great but everything else sucks". It's a shame really because snapmap is incredibly powerful. Its probably the best console map creator ever made.

Consoles get a creator like that about once in a generation.
Id say that's the difference though; it's good for a console thing. Doom 4 should have had proper mods the way Doom 1 and 2 did. Snapmap by comparison to that stuff is wildly unimpressive.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree with this, if only because I'd like the last cast to be at least an hour longer. I love a good 5 hour podcast!

It'd likely be a lot shorter. The top 3 is already clear to everyone going in, so there's only 2 slots left to discuss, and none of them would be crazy enough to think Hyper Light Drifter, Thumper or Stardew Valley would make those last two slots, and they all would be let them go a lot faster.
Any Thumper doubters need to go (re)watch the Quick Look. Alex's battle with world 4 is one of the more underrated GB moments of last year.
It'd likely be a lot shorter. The top 3 is already clear to everyone going in, so there's only 2 slots left to discuss, and none of them would be crazy enough to think Hyper Light Drifter, Thumper or Stardew Valley would make those last two slots, and they all would be let them go a lot faster.

Yeah but imagine the TF2 vs Inside fight


Does anyone else get really annoyed by them always saying "it doesn't hang" or similar ways of talking about the games hanging? I've never heard people use this phrase for lists before, until I began listening to these podcasts each year. I still never hear it anywhere else. It sounds so weird to me and they say it pretty much constantly.

I feel like a crazy person.


Does anyone else get really annoyed by them always saying "it doesn't hang" or similar ways of talking about the games hanging? I've never heard people use this phrase for lists before, until I began listening to these podcasts each year. I still never hear it anywhere else. It sounds so weird to me and they say it pretty much constantly.

I feel like a crazy person.

It felt like they said it more than usual this year and was getting pretty grating to hear for sure lol


Yeah, definitely. I haven't played Stardew Valley and I imagine it's pretty great based on how many people I've heard rave about it, but what Dan described every time he tried to fight for it sounds like the opposite of anything enjoyable. Every time he tried to argue for it on the basis of 'there's just so much to do' or 'it's got so much stuff in it', and how oppressive he made the time cycle mechanic sound, it completely works against what he's arguing for. In the post-Skyrim, post-NMS, post-Ur-Game world advertising something based on how much content it has is kinda offputting.

I wouldn't say Dan's argument was great, but unlike say, invisible inc, EVERYONE was playing Stardew this year and everyone seemed to love it, at least in most internet circles I've been around. It's not like he got Battleborn on there because he liked it for some reason, he got a universally loved game that the other editors happened to not play or not have in their wheelhouse.


Top 10 discussion was waaaay too mild this year.

Giving Dan, Alex and Jason a free pass on the bottom 3 makes me think they should make this a top 5 and make the decisions much harder.

Jason hasn't even finished Hyper Light Drifter.

If this was a Top 5, it would have been a bloodbath. And let's be honest, that's what we want. Jeff knows it too, that's why he casually bumped TF2 to number 5.

Agreed - was hoping that the final discussion would be a little more... animated? Happy that Hyper Light got a place but everyone seemed to cave and 'settle' for what they admitted wasn't their ideal ranking way, way too quickly.
I wouldn't say Dan's argument was great, but unlike say, invisible inc, EVERYONE was playing Stardew this year and everyone seemed to love it, at least in most internet circles I've been around. It's not like he got Battleborn on there because he liked it for some reason, he got a universally loved game that the other editors happened to not play or not have in their wheelhouse.

It's kind of hard to describe why Stardew is so fun. Oddly, Dan's vaguest praise of it was the one that resonated with me, as a Stardew Valley fan, the most: he said, playing it just made him happy; and it's true, I absolutely get that feeling myself. The sounds, the graphics, the gameplay--all of it is pure bliss to experience. I myself have been trying to figure figure out why it's so fun, but Dan's statement is really the closest I've come to an explanation so far.

If it had clicked with anyone else on staff, any of those cold-hearted monsters, then it would've been a lock for the top three. The passion it inspires is the real deal--utter devotion.

There's some alternate reality out there where Doom and Stardew Valley switched places in the conversation and experiences of the staff, and it is a just reality. One crazy person that champions this weird thing, and a roomful of people that have an unhealthy reverence with every detail of this other weird thing. And Hitman would still top the list, because damn was that a good argument for it...


Does anyone at Giant Bomb realize Hearts of Stone came out in 2015, and that this year's DLC for TW3 is Blood and Wine? Anyone? Perhaps the people that quick looked it this year?

Bahaha - totally missed this. Considering they removed Rez due to potential issues and very nearly threw out games for having come out in late December of last year, I imagine this will prove contentious. Especially since Heart of Stone was brought up in more than one category.

Really shows that they need to start double checking release dates next year due to just how many games are coming out these days. They also come late to some late which can definitely cause confusion.
I too felt like Dan did a poor job at describing Stardew Valley in a way that sounded interesting. All he said was he played it so much and there's so much to do but he never really went on to why it was all so great to him.

I did like the group's reason for omitting Uncharted 4. They all recognize that the game is fantastic but not a game that anyone felt particularly passionate about. Very cool and understandable.

Alex definitely got pushed aside here. He admitted to not playing much Hitman or DOOM so I though this opinions about the trickled down top 10 would have been refreshing but after he said his peace about Abzu, he did not offer much to the discussion.

Though, I'll admit. This podcast really lengthened my backlog. I immediately put INSIDE, Firewatch, Abzu, The Witness, and Hitman on my list.


Agreed - was hoping that the final discussion would be a little more... animated? Happy that Hyper Light got a place but everyone seemed to cave and 'settle' for what they admitted wasn't their ideal ranking way, way too quickly.
I imagine recording the holiday specials that same week played a factor and they had less time so they felt they had to settle more.
But maybe I'm just imagined things.


I too felt like Dan did a poor job at describing Stardew Valley in a way that sounded interesting. All he said was he played it so much and there's so much to do but he never really went on to why it was all so great to him.

I know it wasn't his intention, but Dan sounded way too self-serving towards the end. He wasn't even arguing about the games anymore. Just using "passion" as a tent-pole for his arguments and shutting down games that would give his choices better chances.

Alex was the MVP this year IMO.


Yeah, definitely. I haven't played Stardew Valley and I imagine it's pretty great based on how many people I've heard rave about it, but what Dan described every time he tried to fight for it sounds like the opposite of anything enjoyable. Every time he tried to argue for it on the basis of 'there's just so much to do' or 'it's got so much stuff in it', and how oppressive he made the time cycle mechanic sound, it completely works against what he's arguing for. In the post-Skyrim, post-NMS, post-Ur-Game world advertising something based on how much content it has is kinda offputting.

I think trying to describe why Stardew Valley is fun is a really difficult task. Akin to something like Animal Crossing, the description of that game doesn't really sound fun at all, but god dammed if it isn't.
I know it wasn't his intention, but Dan sounded way too self-serving towards the end. He wasn't even arguing about the games anymore. Just using "passion" as a tent-pole for his arguments and shutting down games that would give his choices better chances.

Alex was the MVP this year IMO.

Cutting U4 was the easiest and safest way to get Stardew Valley on the list. Dan is pretty terrible at articulation why a game he likes deserves a spot, but that move was kinda brilliant.

Alex was definitely the MVP though. His Pamler takedown in Hottest mess was beautiful and needed.


Seems like I'm in the minority when it comes to the decision to push U4 off the list in favor of Thumper, Stardew Valley and Hyper Light Drifter because I actually really like what they did there. As much as I like Uncharted, it's definitely a more interesting list with those other three games on it and considering that none of them thought U4 was amazing I was totally fine with it not making it.

As for the Heart of Stone discussions, at first I was wondering whether they just meant to say Blood and Wine but nope, they totally forgot that it came out last year. It is the stronger of the two expansions imo and I'm glad that it got some kind of recognition even though it should not have been eligible.

Alex was the MVP this year IMO.

I feel this way pretty much every year. Dude is at his best during the GotY stuff but then again he is one of my favorites of the group in general.

Aaron D.

Seems like I'm in the minority when it comes to the decision to push U4 off the list in favor of Thumper, Stardew Valley and Hyper Light Drifter because I actually really like what they did there. As much as I like Uncharted, it's definitely a more interesting list with those other three games on it and considering that none of them thought U4 was amazing I was totally fine with it not making it.

Agree 100%.

For me it boiled down to the impression that everyone recognized U4 for its merits, like presentation and storytelling, but there wasn't much firey passion behind it like Thumper, Stardew, and Drifter. Kinda reminded me of Dark Souls 3 in that regard.

I felt much better when they rounded out the bottom three spots with personal faves. Felt more representative of GB's unique flavor vs. some design by some consensus. In the end it felt like every entry on the entire list captured that fiery passion noted in 8-10.


I appreciate the idea behind doing Best Game differently but damn I missed the savagery of whittling down the list. Made the best game discussion more fun.

They have to change the way they do Best Music. Drew clicking around the Youtube video for the game's OST for 30 seconds is an awful way to do it.

Also, I love Dan but he is just not very good at debating in these podcasts. Countless times he tries to make a point and just gets shut the fuck down instantly by Brad or Jeff. Like when he brought up gears during best game.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Man, Brad has no clue what the story actually was in UC4. I loved the story but Brad got bits of 3 mixed all up in that jazz.
I played Hearts of Stone late so I assumed they were including it because it came out too late to contend for their awards last year but nope, October 2015. I mean, like most things TW3 it deserved the recognition last year really.
Been playing Hyper Light Drifter and I really like the game so I'm glad Jason fought for it in the top 10. I'm disappointed it wasn't really considered for best style and best looking though cause the game oozes style and looks beautiful.

As someone who didn't enjoy Inside, I understand Jeff's frustration with the game throughout the deliberations


Man, Brad has no clue what the story actually was in UC4. I loved the story but Brad got bits of 3 mixed all up in that jazz.

If you're referring to the
"He's not a Drake"
stuff, then Brad was kind of right. That stuff is really poorly teased in Uncharted 3, but 4 is the one that straight up tells that part of the story.


I got grudge sucked!
I listened to all 5 days and it wasn't quite as interesting as last years were. Couple of things that I noted. Nobody on the crew must have replayed Oxenfree after beating it once (if they beat it at all) because it was never mentioned at all and there is no way you can miss the stuff that happens there. Thats a pretty bad omission IMO.

I still get tired of how Jeff develops grudges for certain games, and how he can't wait to tell you and anyone else who will listen on how over it he is. Cut that shit out, nobody is impressed that you didn't like Inside as much as the others. At least there were no embarrassing moments like reading the plot synopsis of Life is Strange on the internet.


Looking back at the Mike Kennedy/Chameleon thread, I don't know how that doesn't at least place in Hottest Mess category.


I mean, you're at the first one literally 10 seconds into the game, which ones are obvious for people are going to heavily depend on your observational skills and just personal biases. And also, besides the WTF THATS AWESOME moment of finding them, the puzzles are still the better part of the game in terms of gameplay so it's not surprising there.

I fucked up -_-

I think it is the best moment on day 4.



Any Thumper doubters need to go (re)watch the Quick Look. Alex's battle with world 4 is one of the more underrated GB moments of last year.

I paused the podcast when he was making his final impassioned speech and watched that video because I hadn't actually checked it out before. I instantly became a fan and knew exactly what he was talking about.
I paused the podcast when he was making his final impassioned speech and watched that video because I hadn't actually checked it out before. I instantly became a fan and knew exactly what he was talking about.

I understand if it isn't everyone's thing, but there is no doubting the dude's conviction.
I 'just' started the game and my mind is blown how he could miss them all.

You are guided towards the first one about 5 minutes into the game..

BTW which day was Breads spoiler talk about the Witness? Skipped it, but I want to listen to that now that I'm playing the game...

I didn't find it 5min into the game but I did eventually find them. Of course when you know about them then you see one right at the beginning.


After finishing all 5 days of deliberations i'm okay with most of their awards, except 1.

How The Witness did not win "Best Looking Game" is fucking beyond me.

First that game's art style is damned gorgeous. It's not hyper realistic and not cell shaded, but a beautiful blend of the two. It's extremely varied with a number of different areas having a unique atmosphere with each one. The lighting was beautiful and their use reflections in the water was top tier.

Finally and the most important. This was the only game where the way the game looked directly impacted how you play the game. I won't go into details but if you watched their discussion on "Best Moment" you know what i'm talking about. Even forgoing that though, using the environment to solve some of those puzzles had to be done in such a way that doesn't make it obvious how to arrive at the solution but at the same time not completely esoteric.

Add to that the multiple "point of view" puzzles coupled with beautiful art and I think they done fucked up. I was shocked that nobody even fought for it. Like what in the hell?



How the game plays with perspective for gameplay purposes doesn't affect how good it looks.

Personally I think it looks fine, but it wouldn't have been my pick.
Was just listening to the waypoint podcast and Austin did do the environmental puzzles either. See? Dan isn't the only one LOL.

It boggles the mind someone can miss them, but at the same time I really wished they did something. They are basically cool collectibles if you are into those type of things, but if you aren't than they are pretty meaningless.


I didn't find it 5min into the game but I did eventually find them. Of course when you know about them then you see one right at the beginning.

Yeah, I kinda knew about them, because I skipped the spoiler talk to late, but I figure I would have recognized the one on the first hill as one regardless.

Totally missed the first one though.

It boggles the mind someone can miss them, but at the same time I really wished they did something. They are basically cool collectibles if you are into those type of things, but if you aren't than they are pretty meaningless.

They are the same as everything else in the game. Puzzles. Meaning comes from your enjoyment in finding and solving them.
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