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Gizmodo: Xbox One is worse for everyone if Kinect not mandatory

Get back to me when you have examples of what we'll now apparently be missing out on in Xbox One exclusives. Meanwhile, publishers remain free to unleash all their fancy ideas and make a Kinect exclusive game if they reckon it's worth it. What with every single Xbox One owner having a Kinect, it might be.
Perfect summary. 5 star post.


Honestly, I don't think it matters either way. We don't live in a world where consoles get exclusive games any more. Every game gets ported to as many systems as possible for financial reasons. No matter how many Kinects are on XBoxes, unless Microsoft absolutely kills the PS4 in sales (won't happen), publishers are never going to release significant games that rely heavily on the Kinect because it will mean they can't really port it to the other systems to make money.

The only company that's going to make games that require and heavily use the Kinect is Microsoft themselves, so the fact that every console comes with a Kinect is bad news for those of us who have no interest in being forced to use the Kinect when it comes to first party software.
Honestly, I don't think it matters either way. We don't live in a world where consoles get exclusive games any more. Every game gets ported to as many systems as possible for financial reasons. No matter how many Kinects are on XBoxes, unless Microsoft absolutely kills the PS4 in sales (won't happen), publishers are never going to release significant games that rely heavily on the Kinect because it will mean they can't really port it to the other systems to make money.

The only company that's going to make games that require and heavily use the Kinect is Microsoft themselves, so the fact that every console comes with a Kinect is bad news for those of us who have no interest in being forced to use the Kinect when it comes to first party software.


For third party publishers to take Kinect seriously, X1 would have to be absolutely crushing PS4 in sales worldwide.

Ironically enough, the developers who will make the most unique kinect titles will actually be indies.
How many of those 24 Million still love and use Kinect? It's like the Wii, it sold a boatload and then it collected dust in many a house.
yeah, and if good games were made for them then they wouldn't have collected dust. In the case of the wii it's because devs were scared off because the masses weren't buying any 3rd party software period. Nintendo themselves made great use of motion controls though. In my opinion they proved the worth of the tech. In the case of kinect it really was just junk hardware that no developer in their right mind would want to work with. The new kinect is a much better piece of tech.
Kinect will always have an inherent problem in that no matter how good they make the technology, its simply too limited in scope and design to malke a gaming experience as amazing as something like Last of Us, Dark Souls, Mass Effect or Journey.

The no controller free Kinect only games will never be as good as proper games. It'll always be on rails type games or fitness stuff. A huge oversight by MS. The same thing will happen with XB1. You'll just get more precise version of Kinectimals and Just Dance etc.

Gizmodo don't know what they're talking about.


Not sure how it is worse for players that weren't interested in Kinect. I wouldn't have expected mind bending progress even if it was mandatory, since third parties wouldn't be able to rely on that for the PS4 and PC versions. Shit, the article is a damn shame though.
Kinect will always have an inherent problem in that no matter how good they make the technology, its simply too limited in scope and design to malke a gaming experience as amazing as something like Last of Us, Dark Souls, Mass Effect or Journey.

The no controller free Kinect only games will never be as good as proper games. It'll always be on rails type games or fitness stuff. A huge oversight by MS. The same thing will happen with XB1. You'll just get more precise version of Kinectimals and Just Dance etc.

Gizmodo don't know what they're talking about.
I would have said the same thing about smartphone games but some of my favorite titles this gen were smartphone games with fantastic touch screen controls that were every inch 'proper' games


you wanna see a 180? lets see how gamers feel about it in a year or two. watch how integrated kinect is to the xbox one. gaming, UI, media, apps. it will be inseparable. it will be easy and quick. it, or something replicating it, will become the next standard in gaming.

I do agree Kinect will be amazing with time. Whether it should be forced is another issue. Blaming the public for the lack of it is still insane though. Microsoft did a crappy job of introducing the X1 when they tried to force so many things at once (both Kinect 2.0, digital only, online check-ins).
I agree 100%. The Xbox One would definitely be worse for everyone if Kinect isn't mandatory. I don't know about anyone else, but I actually like and look forward to new technologies or improved versions of potentially promising technology such as Kinect. I'm pretty damn stoked about using the new Kinect to control the UI on Xbox One. I'll enjoy using it to control and watch TV, I may even start actually using Skype, just because I can, and maybe, just maybe, some games will make good use of the technology.
Haha just read the gizmodo piece. Honestly, it reads like it was written by an angry tech blog commentator . For those who haven't read it, gizmodo is basically saying that having a kinect in every box doesn't matter and that forcing it to be connected at all times will somehow inspire developers to come up with practical applications for it. Since it it can be unplugged now, they somehow won't have any great ideas for implementation. Sorry, developers either have ideas or they don't. This policy shift won't change that one bit.


This is my point. People who dont want to use the kinect dont have to but its there for those who do or will do with compelling reason to.

But making it optional and still bundled does not effect the software made for it.
Just because someone can unplug it doesn't mean it suddenly disappears entirely. It's still there available for use in every household that has an XB1. This article is absolutely silly.
I agree 100%. The Xbox One would definitely be worse for everyone if Kinect isn't mandatory. I don't know about anyone else, but I actually like and look forward to new technologies or improved versions of potentially promising technology such as Kinect. I'm pretty damn stoked about using the new Kinect to control the UI on Xbox One. I'll enjoy using it to control and watch TV, I may even start actually using Skype, just because I can, and maybe, just maybe, some games will make good use of the technology.

I'm struggling to see how it would be worse for those who have never had any interest in Kinnect but would otherwise consider buying an Xbox One if they had the option to buy a cheaper Kinnectless SKU.

So far all I got is the money I save from the Xbone not being a viable purchase.

I don't care about Kinnect's 'potential'. I don't care if that would somehow be compromised by 'splitting the user base'. (Not that I think it even would. Anyone who opted for a hypothetical No-Kinnect SKU wouldn't have ever been part of that user base to begin with, they would simply be additional to it.)

Basically, sure, I'd like to play Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct, but I have no interest in wiggling various parts of my body or barking orders at my TV, and I have no intention of paying the extra £100 or whatever amount of money Kinnect is bloating the cost of the Xbone by to not do those things.


I'm struggling to see how it would be worse for those who have never had any interest in Kinnect but would otherwise consider buying an Xbox One if they had the option to buy a cheaper Kinnectless SKU.

I see that argument all the time, and I don't think it's 100% relevant. You assume that people who are not interested in kinect now cannot be interested in any feature it can provide, ever. It's a "I don't like it and I don't want to like it" scenario.
It's not like there is a single use for it. And having the device included with each console gives a better incentive to find new uses for the sensor that would appeal to other people, instead of making it a one-trick pony.


I almost feel like Microsoft would have been better off if they had made Kinect 2.0 an actual integrated part of the console. I know that's impractical, but it would have solved the problem of gamers viewing the thing as an expendable add-on.

I have no doubt they tried.

I guess time will tell, MS is going to constantly gather stats on what % of connected owners have their Kinects plugged in.


They were hyped, they had their fun, they are gone.

Seriously, those casual consumers who petted virtual animals with the first Kinect for 3 weeks and whose Kinect collects dust since then, do you really think they will be back because they can pet animals more accurately now? Hint: they don't give a shit.

If I ran a gaming news website I'd be curious to run a poll of kinect owners, to see if they were excited about kinect 2.

I wonder how many people that paid over $100 for kinect 1 were disappointed in the value they got out of it, and don't relish the idea of paying again for kinect 2?
As ive said before microsoft is missing a trick here. All they need are gloves with vibration motors inside. Even in minority report, the gold standard that every kinect fan seems to want, had them.
This is brilliant, that'd make me much more interested in using it.

Imagine a game that used minute vibrations to help you crack a safe as you used your hands to wind the tumbler. Or similiar feedback for lockpicking in an elder scrolls game. Such great potential there, it really is a shame the device isn't being put to better use.


If Sony had included a ps4 eye with the console it would have actually helped ms. It would have given devs more incentive to include camera and mic functions in core games as these features could be used on both consoles. However the kinect is a far more advanced piece of hardware and the implementations of these features would probably work best on it, making the ps4 sku look worse in comparison. As it stands there is little incentive in putting kinect features into core games as those features will not be relevant on ps4 and pc skus.


Honestly, I don't think it matters either way. We don't live in a world where consoles get exclusive games any more. Every game gets ported to as many systems as possible for financial reasons. No matter how many Kinects are on XBoxes, unless Microsoft absolutely kills the PS4 in sales (won't happen), publishers are never going to release significant games that rely heavily on the Kinect because it will mean they can't really port it to the other systems to make money.

The only company that's going to make games that require and heavily use the Kinect is Microsoft themselves, so the fact that every console comes with a Kinect is bad news for those of us who have no interest in being forced to use the Kinect when it comes to first party software.

This right here. Finally a post that is right on the money. 3rd parties aren't going to dick with kinect, even if it's bundled with every system.
I suspect that even if it was as originally intended, with a 100% install base, there's still PS4 and PC without it... as big as gaming is and as many consumers as they are, that's essentially a user base split 3 ways for multiplatform titles from the companies who have the money to do interesting things with it - at least in the way people envision it. Not a lot of functionality would go into multiplatform titles because anything more than a bullet point is extra time and money.

Exclusives would and still can go all out, though... and start incentivizing use by making 3rd parties keep up.
I'll use Kinect 2.0 for the media center features it brings. I'm sure the games will be there. I like using voice commands in games and to launch apps with it now.


To Gizmodo:

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