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God of War Ragnarok: SPOILER-HEIM


My thoughts on the entire thing. I was conflicted throughout the game.

- So much to take in and see and do, the sheer adventure of the experience is the best part of it.
- I was very surprised at how long it was, took me around 28 hours, and I went solely for the story. That's rare outside of RPGs.
- The ending is a dud, I expected so much from the last few hours, but you just fight Thor and Odin and it ends with no interesting twist or turn.
- And the Ragnarok part, where you gather your army, just amounted to backdrops, it didn't feel like any real use to gather all the realms or create giant Surtr.
- The post-game content and the side content is really good and adds a lot of value to the game.
- I think Atreus is a mediocre character, he's vanilla, and Kratos is 10 times more interesting. I was not a big fan of the Atreus parts, apart from when he was in Asgard. That was alright.
- Also, I don't know why others don't feel like this, but I find it corny to play as such a young kid, even if he is a god, he's tiny, and he fights with flying kicks and somersaults. It's a bit cringe.
- I like the combat, I only played on normal, so I didn't run into the frustrations I know a lot of people did, but there are a lot of cool moves and stuff to experiment with, and it all looks awesome.
- A bit too much companion switching.
- Some great bosses, a lot more and better than the first game, although the Balder fight from the beginning of the 2018 game is still the pinnacle of these two games in terms of bosses.
- There was a lot of talk on how this was gonna be more brutal. It was a little bit I suppose, but I expected a lot more.
- The first fight you had vs Thor early in the game was a lot better than the ending one.
- I don't know what a fuck was going on with Odin. Weird portrayal.

One part I miss from the older games was these lavish cutscenes with the gods scheming. A part of me wishes they ditched the over-the-shoulder camera, ditched Atreus going to Asgard, and instead had some cool cutscenes of Asgard and the gods as a side thing, as Kratos and Atreus made their way through the game. This would also give the game more time and options to include and develop more gods, as now they are limiting themselves to always having the characters in view of the playable protagonist.

Now, the story, I'm gonna go more in-depth on this, as I was not very impressed.

Brok's death was a big turning point in the story. But I thought it was bizarre how Atreus completely broke down and Kratos had to take him hunting and get his mind on something else. At that point, Atreus had been fighting a lot and killed many a creature, I don't buy him getting that affected by it. In fact, almost no one died at all, almost everyone apart from Brok made it. It's fucking Ragnarok and everyone is fine, and even when Ragnarok is going on, they still lament that the worst thing that happened was Brok dying.

The entire part in Vanaheim with Freyr and Freya was one of the worst parts of the story for me. Freyr is the most boring, underdeveloped, and pointless character in the game. Freya and Freyr have sibling issues, and it's up to Kratos to "heal" their relationship as he spouts affirmations and quotes about family to Freya, as she learns to value the relationship with her brother. It ends with Freyr talking about how he was also hurt by Freya, and that Freya needs to understand that, as she cries and hugs her brother. This sort of melodramatic drama is infesting too much of the story. The game wants to be a character study and is out of touch with the setting.

I really don't know what a fuck the writers were thinking with this.

It's all over the game, almost every character arch ends with some philosophical drivel. The amount of stupidity that comes out of some of these characters' mouths blew my mind.

At one point, Atreus and Angrbooa fight a caldron held by a giant, and the whole thing ended with them refusing to kill the creature because "she is just lost". The absurd situation of trying to make this giant monster into a redeeming creature was the least God of War you can possibly get. The fact that she was lost IS why she is a monster in the first place. In fact, Kratos himself struggles with the humanity of killing gods and creatures throughout the entire game.

This is dumb, and this is not a portrait of human psychology, no character in this game is written or portrayed as realistic, and trying to force them to be through traditional character development is misplaced and creates a plethora of corny weird, and out-of-place moments. For example how Atreus is trying to help Thor with his family problems by being an armchair psychologist while you are fighting trolls and stone monsters in the middle of hell. The game is not self-aware.

It works best in Asgard. When Thor, Odin, and Heimdall just exist and walk around doing stuff and you just observe. It makes you get to know them without it being forced on you.

The game also features the most inelegant companion dialogue of any game I have ever played. Like always in these games, you walk into a new area and the companion starts to talk. But here, they do that with every companion non-stop. Every time you push over a log or go through a tight space, you know someone is gonna say something. It's too excessive. It feels desperate, it's like Uncharted on steroids.

Sindri and Brok both got their own little "arch". I thought that was unnecessary, another example of the game's extreme focus on traditional character arcs. They worked better as funny dwarf smiths and not dwarfs that needed "personal healing".

I can go on and on. There was so much that happened with the story, but I'll stop here. I thought it was a disappointing and clumsy story.

BUT. There is a lot of cool stuff to do and see, it plays well, and I generally like the game, even after all this bitching. To me, it's like a 92-ish game, not quite on the level of the first one, and not GOTY, but a great game nonetheless. Although I am terrified they are gonna do some Atreus-only game next time.
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I really feel like Sunny Suljic was by far the weakest voice actor and considering he had such a huge role, it definitely had an impact on the game. I initially thought it might have been because of his age but the actress behind Angrboda was absolutely phenomenal and she's around the same age.
I completely agree, I noticed it throughout the entire game. He automatically got the part because of his role in it all, but I do think the producers should have recognized this issue and kept him as a mocap actor only and got someone better to do the voice.

Considering he is older in this game with an "older" and slightly different voice, they could get away with it.
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Saucy Papi

BUT. There is a lot of cool stuff to do and see, it plays well, and I generally like the game, even after all this bitching. To me, it's like a 92-ish game, not quite on the level of the first one, and not GOTY, but a great game nonetheless. Although I am terrified they are gonna do some Atreus-only game next time.
If they end up doing an Atreus only game, I'm skipping it. I thought his sections were by far the worst in the game. But, on the flip side, I'm glad he left and Freya ended up being Kratos's war buddy since I feel that she was much better than Atreus. I definitely look forward to a game with those two.
i did enjoy playing the game. played it on give me god of war so i could get the best bang for my buck. platted and deleted to free up space for warzone 2. will reinstall for ng+.

being able to transmog armor is a great feature. a lot of the armor looks like dogshit though so theres really not much going on there.

when you fight helvetica and velveeta in outerspace, i liked the special piece of music that plays whenever they powerup together during the battle.

this games story didnt emotionally impact me. i thought it would but i never felt like kratos, atreus, or freya were in mortal danger. the high stakes didnt feel like high stakes. disappointed with some of the decisions the writers made but that seems to be expected these days, generally speaking.

atreus destroyed the mask? big fuckin deal, i never cared about it in the first place.

i didn't like kratos becoming verklempt with empty nest syndrome. it was some weird "caesar is home" moment and it fell flat for me. made kratos look corny.

i did not care when odin killed blue yosemite sam with alopecia. he was quickly replaced by a female version and i didnt feel his loss at all. and they telegraphed his death from a mile away. like t-dog in the walking dead. "hey this guy has a lot more lines than he ever had before. guess the clocks ticking..."

i liked fighting the berserkers. the drakes are the easiest "mini" bosses in the game. i dont remember the travelers being complete pushovers in the last game, but they weren't even challenging in the least this time around.

bear mcreary made a fantastic score and that was truly a highlight for me.

thats all i can remember.

reads post thinking - man this guy really thinks hes cool the way hes writing his review
reads username - well nevermind


Finished the story and main game after 60 hours. Meh.

Thought the story's ending was kinda lame. Whole story overall was disappointing. Super safe and predictable. Still not even sure what some of that epilogue was trying to communicate. Its like the writers had all their thematic catch phrases printed in big bold font all over the walls of the writers room so they could remember to jam them into every scene. Heavy handed, verbose, and with tonal whiplash. Felt very Marvel and its not an improvement over the last game's story, which I think is better. Last game was more emotional, better acted, much more tonally consistent, more focused, and more thematically interesting. Better edited too.

Can def tell they had 2 games' worth of story and tried to compact it all. The game's opening was actually quite strong. Nice moody intro chapters. And Brok's death was a great twist and a genuinely sad moment. I liked how it gave Sindri an actual arc. Irony is tho that Sindri had more of an arc in this game than Kratos.

Lot of stuff could have been better, but 3 main things stand out to me. First two are that there is no real inciting incident and Kratos doesn't really have an arc in this game. They tried to like redo/rehash the Kratos becomes a good dad arc but he already did that last game. And the plot just sorta unfolds randomly because of (I think?) some shit Atreus already knew about before the opening scene. Third thing is that I'm not surprised they didn't kill Kratos, but the writers could have done a lot more with him given all the magic at their disposal.

Very messy story overall with so many hanging threads, underdeveloped characters, and contrivences up the ass lol. Even the main themes, of like ... making choices ... and I guess ... trust, forgiveness, family ... are fundamentally saying very little. Its like they want me to come away from this game thinking "I guess prophecy doesn't exist." Yeah no shit its a made up story device. Its not a bad story overall, just disappointing. Safe, standard, messy and merely good enough. Was hoping for more.
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100% everything and only GNA left now. The best game ever made.

God Of War Love GIF by Santa Monica Studio


Gold Member
Finished the story and main game after 60 hours. Meh.

Thought the story's ending was kinda lame. Whole story overall was disappointing. Super safe and predictable. Still not even sure what some of that epilogue was trying to communicate. Its like the writers had all their thematic catch phrases printed in big bold font all over the walls of the writers room so they could remember to jam them into every scene. Heavy handed, verbose, and with tonal whiplash. Felt very Marvel and its not an improvement over the last game's story, which I think is better. Last game was more emotional, better acted, much more tonally consistent, more focused, and more thematically interesting. Better edited too.

Can def tell they had 2 games' worth of story and tried to compact it all. The game's opening was actually quite strong. Nice moody intro chapters. And Brok's death was a great twist and a genuinely sad moment. I liked how it gave Sindri an actual arc. Irony is tho that Sindri had more of an arc in this game than Kratos.

Lot of stuff could have been better, but 3 main things stand out to me. First two are that there is no real inciting incident and Kratos doesn't really have an arc in this game. They tried to like redo/rehash the Kratos becomes a good dad arc but he already did that last game. And the plot just sorta unfolds randomly because of (I think?) some shit Atreus already knew about before the opening scene. Third thing is that I'm not surprised they didn't kill Kratos, but the writers could have done a lot more with him given all the magic at their disposal.

Very messy story overall with so many hanging threads, underdeveloped characters, and contrivences up the ass lol. Even the main themes, of like ... making choices ... and I guess ... trust, forgiveness, family ... are fundamentally saying very little. Its like they want me to come away from this game thinking "I guess prophecy doesn't exist." Yeah no shit its a made up story device. Its not a bad story overall, just disappointing. Safe, standard, messy and merely good enough. Was hoping for more.
You know, I never take stories too seriously, especially for these type of games. The things that stood out for me were the growing understanding/acceptance between father and son, that Odin and crew were bad, Freya was pissed, then not so pissed, Brok and Sindri story was sad.

However, my immediate thought on the game is how much fun chopping baddies in half is with a bloody big axe.


Just finished it.

Wow, what a game. Loved the way this was done. Brock's death was so shocking. He was one of my favorite characters. Odin had fantastic writing. Completely opposite to Zeus. And Thor was amazing too, felt so bad for him. The fact Asgard was so low tech was a cool twist, makes complete sense in that Greek civilization was way more high tech than Nordic civilization.

Disappointed there's no hammer weapon, but I think it would just be an axe reskin anyway. The spear is fantastic 😍

I haven't even touched much of the side content yept, but now I'm wondering if I should load up my save before the final assault to spend more time with Atreus. Gonna miss the kid. He grew on me.
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Gold Member
Considering the ending: while Atreus is out looking for other giants, he might stumble in another mythology and upset some kind of balance there. The gods of that mythology imprison him for that.

Kratos, who is enjoying playing the god of peace in Midgard, gets no news from his son anymore and decides to look into matters. Cue new trilogy (or duology) in another mythology.
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God of War Ragnarok is pretty close to the actual myths/backgrounds of the Norse Mythology you do realize that?

Many of the gods are portrayed exactly as they are in the actual Myths with a bit of leeway. But 90% of it is exact same.
Eh somewhat. Thor while having moments of being angry and a drunk. was still caring and a hero. Granted this time in the story he may just of been in that more angry drunk mind set. But thor was never truly hated by other Gods other than Loki. Even then loki kinda pissed off all the gods. Even calling sif a whore that slept with every vanir and aesir

Odin I think was butchered the most because while yes he schemed he schemed for the greater good. his story was misunderstood and twisted for others to hear. Wish we had another perspective. As Odin was still a loving God just like humans he and his kin fell but also came out of those ruts.

Jotun were also seen as being perfect when they were not. Especially in later stories when they started the BS. Though deserving there punishments were not all called for.

I'd say they are potrayed from the more middle to worsened parts of there Mythological stories. But not the full story. while Odin would piss his son off. He never would of killed him.
50+ hours into the game and fighting Hrolf post credits and I'm beginning to hate these new enemy fight sequences that constantly hit you off screen, and the ability to cancel and move to the next attack. I thought the Valkyrie Queen from the last game was juuuuusst pushing it but they've decided to amp up the design right here with the Berserkers and Drauger pits.

And don't get me started with Gná... How it gods name did they think this was acceptable? It took my nearly 5 hours to finally kill her and that's because I've memorized every attack workflow they've designed and it doesn't feel rewarding at all - just an incredible annoyance; from the off screen attack, and the ability to somehow cancel their moves midway for another dubious RNG attack that can deplete anywhere from 35% to 60% for any attack regardless.

GOW 2018 already had an amazing combat formula save for the Valkyries. This is a game with excessive padding (backtracking), and combat design that was clearly designed for a different type of game.


He's chill and dumb when aggressive. Kratos was a monster but was always smart. He resented the Greek gods for using him and wronging him once even after he pledged his soul to them.

Thor on the other hand lived under shadow of one God I believe he could have easily killed if he wanted to but is constantly berated by his father who sees no value in him. His wife is sick of him putting up with it but all he does is drink mead to get past it instead of doing something about it. He's nothing like Kratos.

Kratos knew nothing but vengeance and rage. If Kratos vs Thor happened in Gow 2-3, Kratos would have decapitated him limb by limb and shoved Thor's intestines into his mouth before kicking his head in. Thor is lucky Kratos softened up by the time he met him.
Highly Disagree both Kratos and Thor were not in there prime. If they were they'd of destroyed a realm or two. Thor is kratos's equal. I'd argue if thor in his prime took on zeus and the titans he'd win not easily but he'd win. Just like kratos did.


Highly Disagree both Kratos and Thor were not in there prime. If they were they'd of destroyed a realm or two. Thor is kratos's equal. I'd argue if thor in his prime took on zeus and the titans he'd win not easily but he'd win. Just like kratos did.

I don't think it's about logic, more like dev choice. Also Kratos smashed way stronger enemies vs Thor.


Highly Disagree both Kratos and Thor were not in there prime. If they were they'd of destroyed a realm or two. Thor is kratos's equal. I'd argue if thor in his prime took on zeus and the titans he'd win not easily but he'd win. Just like kratos did.

Only one of the two are the 'killer of gods' mind you.

Is not an easy task getting this reputation.


I don't think it's about logic, more like dev choice. Also Kratos smashed way stronger enemies vs Thor.
Thor killed giants that were bigger and possibly stronger than titans. Hell we don't even know if thor killed any Gods. It's possible. Granted it's to the writing but Thor absolutely has power on par with Kratos.
Thought it would have been way better if Kratos fought Thor to the death and somehow that coincided with a death match between Atreus and Thrud.

The lack of a Thor vs Jörmungandr fight was disappointing as well.

Casting Richard Schiff as Odin was just a mistake. He's a terribly overrated actor.

The animation for Deborah Ann Woll is absolutely awful. She looks straight out of a PS3 game as did the character model of Freya at certain points.

The game's length and the story simply don't match. There is so much padding and poor pacing that the story elements end up feeling disjointed.

Zeus was such a big part of the original games and Odin is entirely absent in the first game and barely a factor in Ragnarok.

The choice not to have either Kratos or Atreus die was a copout. They should have at least let Kratos die and then have Atreus retrieve his soul and die himself in the process.

Still a really good game, but surprised that this didn't get nearly the complaints TLOU2 got for its writing and pacing.

Airbus Jr

SPOILERS for those who haven’t played ragnorak, please don’t read this post

I just thought of something extremely crazy. So Kratos was suppose to die but in the end he doesn’t. Now I think Kratos being dead was suppose to happen but the reason everything changed in the end was because of BROK. Remember, he is technically a ghost and so he probably doesn’t exist to the Norns just like the lady in the sea couldn’t see him. I think Brok pretty much changed everything and saved everyone’s life. That’s just my guess but it explains why everything changed. If brok wasn’t alive, everyone would’ve been fooled by fake Tyr and most likely died leaving Atreus doing whatever he was doing with Kratos’s corpse in the mural

- Brok doesn't have a soul, so Giants while making the prophecies didn't see him and included ending, if Brok didn't discover that Tyr was fake - Odin then betrays everyone and Kratos dies, and Atreus works with Aesir.

Brok’s the GOAT

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Director explains why he didnt want Kratos to weild Mjolnir in the game. His reasoning? it wouldve been too easy, too expected, not surprising because everyone wanted it in the game. Umm what? So you chose the spear which was already in the PSP game? WTF is this reasoning. Apparently people in the studio were upset about it too.

And this is why you dont change directors. Not everyone is smart.

Pretty much the first question they ask him.

I think the hammer would have been too similar to the axe as well.
Gamers thought The Last of Us Part 2 was too different and edgy and thought Ragnarok was too safe lol

At the end of the day you can’t please everyone with sequels. Whats funny is I think a lot of naysayers would have been far more happy if TLOUP2 had played out more like Ragnarok, where its just another story about joel and ellie on the road again.


Just finished. Game is amazing but all Ragnarok part is disappointing and screams: "sorry, it's a PS4 game we can't show armies, Thor fighting with the snake or proper Ragnarok himself, so he would be only something in the background with zero interaction".
couldn't have said better myself
I'll take a Loki game if it's smaller in scale a la Miles Morales just keep it tight especially if we can get it in two years I don't want to wait another 4 years to hop back into that world it's just too good.


I think I got the similar feeling to ER.
Both these games are so big that I will probably rather replay 2018 and souls :p
This is a strange feeling


Thought it would have been way better if Kratos fought Thor to the death and somehow that coincided with a death match between Atreus and Thrud.

The lack of a Thor vs Jörmungandr fight was disappointing as well.

Casting Richard Schiff as Odin was just a mistake. He's a terribly overrated actor.

The animation for Deborah Ann Woll is absolutely awful. She looks straight out of a PS3 game as did the character model of Freya at certain points.

The game's length and the story simply don't match. There is so much padding and poor pacing that the story elements end up feeling disjointed.

Zeus was such a big part of the original games and Odin is entirely absent in the first game and barely a factor in Ragnarok.

The choice not to have either Kratos or Atreus die was a copout. They should have at least let Kratos die and then have Atreus retrieve his soul and die himself in the process.

Still a really good game, but surprised that this didn't get nearly the complaints TLOU2 got for its writing and pacing.
I also didn't like the Faye parts, she worked better as part of the "history" like in the first game, some part of what once was, rather than forcing her into Kratos's dreams as a driving motivation in a cheesy way.

I think the game limits itself greatly with the "always on the player" camera. It means they can only use characters when they are near the player. In the originals, you had all these awesome cutscenes of Zeus and all the gods. To fix this in this game, they had Atreus go to Asgard, which was fine, but the amount of cool stuff around the gods from the originals is a sore spot.

The stuff they did in the old games was some of the best cutscenes in gaming.
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I also didn't like the Faye parts, she worked better as part of the "history" like in the first game, some part of what once was, rather than forcing her into Kratos's dreams as a driving motivation in a cheesy way.

I think the game limits itself greatly with the "always on the player" camera. It means they can only use characters when they are near the player. In the originals, you had all these awesome cutscenes of Zeus and all the gods. To fix this in this game, they had Atreus go to Asgard, which was fine, but the amount of cool stuff around the gods from the originals is a sore spot.

The stuff they did in the old games was some of the best cutscenes in gaming.

The part of the flashback dream sequences that got me was Kratos is whatever Armor I had him currently in... Probably the worst thing about in-game engine cutscenes... Made no sense at all.

I think this game and the previous game lacked some of the overall thought and care from the original trilogy. I also think they butchered Kratos a bit with his obsession about not wanting to go to war. I just don't think they did enough to earn that, especially with him killing Baldur in the first game... Like dude you've already killed 3 Aesir, you're already at war... But then you only kill two Aesir gods in the second game... That war should have been way more bloody.

I like that Naughty Dog and Santa Monica want to evolve and mature, but you have to keep your audience in mind as well and you have to remember one of the most important parts of storytelling is catharsis, especially if they're going to continue making their games longer and longer.
SPOILERS for those who haven’t played ragnorak, please don’t read this post

I just thought of something extremely crazy. So Kratos was suppose to die but in the end he doesn’t. Now I think Kratos being dead was suppose to happen but the reason everything changed in the end was because of BROK. Remember, he is technically a ghost and so he probably doesn’t exist to the Norns just like the lady in the sea couldn’t see him. I think Brok pretty much changed everything and saved everyone’s life. That’s just my guess but it explains why everything changed. If brok wasn’t alive, everyone would’ve been fooled by fake Tyr and most likely died leaving Atreus doing whatever he was doing with Kratos’s corpse in the mural

- Brok doesn't have a soul, so Giants while making the prophecies didn't see him and included ending, if Brok didn't discover that Tyr was fake - Odin then betrays everyone and Kratos dies, and Atreus works with Aesir.

Brok’s the GOAT

In prophecy Kratos die when he fighting to death with Thor. The battle still happened with or without Brok .
I think the moment Kratos changed his fate is when he said to Atreus "Open your heart". That's when Kratos finally letting his past go and change himself . So he convinced Thor to stand up again Odin instead of fighting him to death.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
What exactly was that green tear that Odin wanted to open? Does anybody know?


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the cipher, see MacGuffin (cipher). For the surname, see McGuffin.
In fiction, a MacGuffin (sometimes McGuffin) is an object, device, or event that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters, but insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant in itself. The term was originated by Angus MacPhail for film, adopted by Alfred Hitchcock, and later extended to a similar device in other fiction.
The MacGuffin technique is common in films, especially thrillers. Usually, the MacGuffin is revealed in the first act, and thereafter declines in importance. It can reappear at the climax of the story but may actually be forgotten by the end of the story. Multiple MacGuffins are sometimes derisively identified as plot coupons.


Gold Member
God, I was so happy they didn't fucking kill him.

Full thoughts:

Excellent game, obviously. I found the plot a little cliche, to be honest though. I was hoping for more of a swerve towards the end when it came to the prophecy stuff.

After all, Ragnarok was a Norse prophecy, not a Greek one, so I don't know why they didn't play up Kratos's past and background a little more. Make the cop out of not killing him land a little better.

Also, the fact this game was fucking hamstrung by the Ps4 was very obvious. The big set pieces were good, but they could have been so much more if the game had been able to push the Ps5. Let's hope a third game gives us that.

I'm just happy there's a good chance there will be another game. This is a fantastic series, and I'd definitely like to see another go around - this time actually in a game that pushes the bloody hardware :messenger_smirking:

Edit: and as for the next pantheon, I hope they have some balls and do the Judeo-Christian stuff. Let's have some Archangels, Lucifer, and Old Testament fuckery. Kratos versus actual fucking God. Woop.
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Gold Member
SPOILERS for those who haven’t played ragnorak, please don’t read this post

I just thought of something extremely crazy. So Kratos was suppose to die but in the end he doesn’t. Now I think Kratos being dead was suppose to happen but the reason everything changed in the end was because of BROK. Remember, he is technically a ghost and so he probably doesn’t exist to the Norns just like the lady in the sea couldn’t see him. I think Brok pretty much changed everything and saved everyone’s life. That’s just my guess but it explains why everything changed. If brok wasn’t alive, everyone would’ve been fooled by fake Tyr and most likely died leaving Atreus doing whatever he was doing with Kratos’s corpse in the mural

- Brok doesn't have a soul, so Giants while making the prophecies didn't see him and included ending, if Brok didn't discover that Tyr was fake - Odin then betrays everyone and Kratos dies, and Atreus works with Aesir.

Brok’s the GOAT

Spot on.

Brok was the unknown quantity, which is always the thing that undoes prophecy.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Just finished. Game is amazing but all Ragnarok part is disappointing and screams: "sorry, it's a PS4 game we can't show armies, Thor fighting with the snake or proper Ragnarok himself, so he would be only something in the background with zero interaction".
Yeah i remember when the horizon fw director responded to last gen criticisms and said they were able to do everything they wanted despite being held back by the ps4. Then the game came out and the big final battle is literally a cutscene lmao.

At least gow didnt relegate it to a cutscene, and had some interaction with the salad dressing happening all around you. i recall the wolf eating the dragon that was attacking you, and a couple of valkyries coming in for an assist which was pretty cool. Still, I cant believe its 2022 and we still havent come close to what movies mastered 20 years ago thanks to CG armies. I could understand the jaguar CPUs holding back giant armies but the PS5 finally gives them the CPU power needed to have more than just a linear corridor rush to the boss fight, and they pass on it.

And I say this as someone who loved the game. It's a brilliant game. But just a brilliant PS4 game designed around the same limitations holding back the PS3 in 2006. The setup is remakarble. Fernier on your side. Sutr on your side. Fucking Sigrun on your side. Entire Elf army on your side just like The Two Towers in 2002. Except that these elves can fly. Just a 15 minute head on charge at the wall with the wolf destroying everything in your path wouldve been so much more amazing than what we got.


Gold Member
And I say this as someone who loved the game. It's a brilliant game. But just a brilliant PS4 game designed around the same limitations holding back the PS3 in 2006. The setup is remakarble. Fernier on your side. Sutr on your side. Fucking Sigrun on your side. Entire Elf army on your side just like The Two Towers in 2002. Except that these elves can fly. Just a 15 minute head on charge at the wall with the wolf destroying everything in your path wouldve been so much more amazing than what we got.

The technical limits certainly hurt, but to be honest, nothing in the two new games feels as absolutely gigantic as some of the set pieces in the first three games - made for much older hardware. Kratos never feels dwarfed by anything in this game, like he does in the first trilogy.

Maybe an actual Ps5 game can give us that scale again.
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The nicest person on this forum
The technical limits certainly hurt, but to be honest, nothing in the two new games feels as absolutely gigantic as some of the set pieces in the first three games - made for much older hardware. Kratos never feels dwarfed by anything in this game, like he does in the first trilogy.

Maybe an actual Ps5 game can give us that scale again.
I think the way camera works in new GOW prevents it from getting Cronos like set pieces.


Gold Member
I wish they had given Odin a different character model.

Beating the shit out of Toby from The West Wing in fancy dress felt wrong.


The nicest person on this forum
The issue is the level of graphical fidelity in the new games is too high for that crappy Jaguar in the PS4 to render at a decent frame rate.
I think PS4 can pull it off, the over shoulder camera is bigger obstacle than the actual tech in my opinion.


I’m only halfway in and I opened this thread by accident. I’m glad to hear Brock dies. Take Sindri with you. These characters are lame.

I’m playing GoW and simply have no interest in the life of these two.

I guess the writing just isn’t strong enough. These guys are constantly making corny jokes about stuff like identity theft and then shoving exposition down my throat.

Take them all. Leave only Kratos. And Freya too, I guess. She’s alright.
50+ hours into the game and fighting Hrolf post credits and I'm beginning to hate these new enemy fight sequences that constantly hit you off screen, and the ability to cancel and move to the next attack. I thought the Valkyrie Queen from the last game was juuuuusst pushing it but they've decided to amp up the design right here with the Berserkers and Drauger pits.

And don't get me started with Gná... How it gods name did they think this was acceptable? It took my nearly 5 hours to finally kill her and that's because I've memorized every attack workflow they've designed and it doesn't feel rewarding at all - just an incredible annoyance; from the off screen attack, and the ability to somehow cancel their moves midway for another dubious RNG attack that can deplete anywhere from 35% to 60% for any attack regardless.

GOW 2018 already had an amazing combat formula save for the Valkyries. This is a game with excessive padding (backtracking), and combat design that was clearly designed for a different type of game.
Which difficulty are you playing on?


I’m only halfway in and I opened this thread by accident. I’m glad to hear Brock dies. Take Sindri with you. These characters are lame.

I’m playing GoW and simply have no interest in the life of these two.

I guess the writing just isn’t strong enough. These guys are constantly making corny jokes about stuff like identity theft and then shoving exposition down my throat.

Take them all. Leave only Kratos. And Freya too, I guess. She’s alright.

You need help brah damn
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
God of War 3 already does it on PS3, if they wanted to they could.
Nonsense. Can’t believe you would make this argument. Those gow games didn’t even give you control of the camera allowing devs to push visuals far more.

What’s next? Are you going to post resident evil 0 gifs with prerendered backgrounds?


Gold Member
It’s what I’m asking for.

I don’t know how you justify wasting time with these characters. The minutes devoted to super corny jokes, standing around their workbench, and hearing their explosion really starts to add up.

Brok and Sindri are fine. Angrbodr is a waste of space, though. Zero character development, and a deus ex machina jump-in save at the last minute. At least the dwarves help to flesh out the world, and the effect Odin has on it.
SPOILERS for those who haven’t played ragnorak, please don’t read this post

I just thought of something extremely crazy. So Kratos was suppose to die but in the end he doesn’t. Now I think Kratos being dead was suppose to happen but the reason everything changed in the end was because of BROK. Remember, he is technically a ghost and so he probably doesn’t exist to the Norns just like the lady in the sea couldn’t see him. I think Brok pretty much changed everything and saved everyone’s life. That’s just my guess but it explains why everything changed. If brok wasn’t alive, everyone would’ve been fooled by fake Tyr and most likely died leaving Atreus doing whatever he was doing with Kratos’s corpse in the mural

- Brok doesn't have a soul, so Giants while making the prophecies didn't see him and included ending, if Brok didn't discover that Tyr was fake - Odin then betrays everyone and Kratos dies, and Atreus works with Aesir.

Brok’s the GOAT
Brok has a soul he is just missing the part of the soul that direction. And the norns see Mimir who is also reanimated, so not quite sure I buy that as consistent writing.


Gold Member
Although I am terrified they are gonna do some Atreus-only game next time.

I very much doubt they’d do this. Especially when it’s so easy to bring Kratos into a whole new world and set of gods, just by having him go look for Atreus. They know what the draw is. And it ain’t the kid with the bad fade, and worse acting.
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