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GOP Representative: "I am struggling on 174k a year"

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At a town hall meeting in Polk County, Wisconsin earlier this year, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) was asked whether he'd vote to cut his $174,000 annual salary. Duffy sort of hedged, and went on to talk about how $174,000 really isn't that much for his family of seven to live on. Then he went on to say he supports cutting compensation for all public employees, along the lines of what Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has proposed for the Badger State.

The whole thing was caught on tape, and it was posted to the Polk County GOP's blog, along with several other clips from the town hall. Then just that clip where Duffy talks about his salary was taken down and removed from the internet by the county party because, an official said, the YouTube clip "was being republished without our consent."

Here's what Duffy says about his salary:

"I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I'm living high on the hog, I've got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I'm not living high on the hog.".

Duffy also said that he pays more in health care costs and retirement savings than he did when he was a district attorney before he ran for Congress. That said, Duffy said he'd support the idea of "public employees across the board" taking a compensation cut.

"Let's all join hands together and say 'I'll take a pay decrease, absolutely," Duffy said.

A Duffy spokesperson told TPM that Democrats are trying to make the salary line into a partisan shot.

"Congressman Duffy is committed to working with his colleagues in the House to face these challenges head on, not score cheap political points," Duffy spokesperson Daniel Son said. "Wisconsin's working families don't need partisan Democrats in Washington weighing in on the economic hardship they continue to face, especially with a misleading attack like this that Congressman Duffy's constituents know to be false."

Like all House members, Duffy makes $174,000 in taxpayer-funded salary every year. The Speaker makes a lot more ($223,500) and the party leaders and president pro tempore of the Senate make a bit more ($193,400.)

All of them make way more than most people in Polk County, Wisconsin do. The median household income there was $50,520 in 2008, according to Census data.

Whether or not Duffy is rich is a matter for debate. But that's apparently not a debate the Polk County GOP wanted to have, at least not on the wider Internet. Here's a screenshot of what the page containing the video looked like on Monday. Today, the video is gone.

"The Polk County Republican Party's blog & website is provided for the constituents in our district and when it became apparent that the content on our website was being republished without our consent, I decided to take it down," the county party's "Web & PR Guy" told TPM in an email that lacked a name. "All content and video is copyright protected by the Polk County Republican Party and may not be used without written consent."

County party Chair Sandy Fretwell told TPM in an interview he had no idea why the video was taken down, but put the aforementioned IT guy in touch with us to explain it. Fretwell said he hadn't seen the video clip on the site, but said Duffy's town hall was held "about a month ago" and he was in attendance.

"I believe he was correct," Fretwell said when asked to respond to Duffy's line about not living "high on the hog" on his $174,000/year. "What he was mentioning was he has a mortgage just like everyone else...basically, that was the pay that got set and is afforded to all members of Congress."

The chair called Duffy's pay "a good salary" and acknowledged it's on "the upper end of things" for Duffy's district, but said that's not really a fact worth talking about.

"I don't know what your point is when you compare one legislator's salary to other legislators," he said. "Everyone across all 535 members and senators, they get paid equally."

Fretwell chastised the questioner for asking Duffy to on the spot congressional salaries he didn't vote for. He said that in his book, $174,000 a year was a reasonable salary for Duffy.

"Congressmen represent us, they have a certain amount of responsibility," he said. "Given compensation across the country, sure it's more than many people make but then again their responsibility is probably greater than many people's responsibility."

The video was posted on the his county's blog, and then removed later. Gee I wonder why.

I must be downright fucking impoverished at $36,000 a year.



This guy is struggling not to put his foot in your ass.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well he does have to buy 6 3DSes instead of one.


Lol, what an idiot. Maybe he should try living with an average income. or lower end of the scale like so many Americans.


Everything is moe to me
he supports 6 kids.
he's wealthy.

might aswell complain you dont have any free money after buying a new 100inch HDTV

ElectricBlue187 said:
Don't buy a car or clothes. Live in a box.
dont want to do that, cardboard is a insect magnet.
trust me.


listen to the mad man
I'm sure he is struggling. My girlfriend worked in personal banking for a while and she said that the people with the worst debt situations generally were in the doctor/lawyer class of salaries. Especially given his child situation. 6 kids going to private school / university would easily soak up $180k a year.

But the point of the story isn't to say "qq whiny bitch", it's to point out an incongruity in tone--politicians won't cut their own salaries because, as they rightly point out, they have it hard enough as it is, but they will cut programs that help people who presumably have it exponentially harder than them. That's a problem. And notwithstanding overtures towards saying "I'd take a pay cut if everyone else did", the far more likely outcome is that everyone else will take a pay cut and he won't.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
ElectricBlue187 said:
If you have a kid, yes.

I've got two kids, make $36000 and I'm doing fine. These jackasses claiming they're struggling when they make almost 5 times what I do piss me off.

Guess what? It's YOUR fault you have a gigantic mortgage. It's YOUR fault you overspent and have to drive a used minivan. That's not "struggling." It's called responsibility.

Also, first reply NAILED it.
He actually thinks people will sympathize with him? Hell, some people work 2 shitty jobs just to be able to pay rent and he wants to complain about paying for a mortgage? Jackass.
Plinko said:
I've got two kids, make $36000 and I'm doing fine. These jackasses claiming they're struggling when they make almost 5 times what I do piss me off.

Guess what? It's YOUR fault you have a gigantic mortgage. It's YOUR fault you overspent and have to drive a used minivan. That's not "struggling." It's called responsibility.

Also, first reply NAILED it.
If you've got two kids on 36k you're better than me. I made that much for a year or so with one kid and it was definitely not something I'll want to try again.


nib95 said:
Lol, what an idiot. Maybe he should try living with an average income. or lower end of the scale like so many Americans.
Not the same thing.

Not saying this about you per se, but gaf has always had a problem with the idea that people live to their means until they're rich. Considering that a lot of his fellow congresman were wealthy to begin with, I imagine he is on the lower tier among his peers.

174k and being a public figure is pretty low scale. Actually it's on the low end of upper middle class (Which is why the definition of wealthy is too low). People making that tend to have the same debts as everyone else but amplified to fit their debt ratio.

I imagine he has to find a second residence in DC somewhere to boot.

I may be misunderstanding the article but it also appeared he was willing to cuts which I'm assuming was the whole point of the conversation- he tries to look like a hero, but that was stupid. Anyone making less than you will always think you're an elitist pig.

EDIT: I looked him up to find out his assets and discovered an interesting factoid. He was on Real World Boston and is married to Rachel from Real World San Fransisco.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I have 6 siblings, and my parents don't earn even half that much (fair amount less than half I believe). They aren't exactly strapped for cash either.
As much as this angries up the blood, I'll save my outrage for incompetent CEOs who are making billions of dollars. The super rich are the people we should be mobbing with pitchforks and torches.


user_nat said:
I have 6 siblings, and my parents don't earn even half that much (fair amount less than half I believe). They aren't exactly strapped for cash either.
where do you live?
how old are they?
did they go to college?
did you go to college?
what's the quality of your food?
what about insurance?


Subconscious Brolonging
The disconnect between the people in power and everyone else is just staggering these days.


Trent Strong said:
As much as this angries up the blood, I'll save my outrage for incompetent CEOs who are making billions of dollars. The super rich are the people we should be mobbing with pitchforks and torches.

You can't, the superrich are being protected by the still-rich-but-not-quite-superrich politicians like this.

Also, my father was one of 6 kids, and they were all brought up in California. Sure it was the 70s and 80s, but on a retired marine's pension they still did very well.


$174/year really isn't that much. Granted, he is in Wisconsin which has a lower cost of living on average, but still with six kids...good luck!

I'm okay with him making this salary. He has earned it. God bless.


Stumpokapow said:
I'm sure he is struggling. My girlfriend worked in personal banking for a while and she said that the people with the worst debt situations generally were in the doctor/lawyer class of salaries. Especially given his child situation. 6 kids going to private school / university would easily soak up $180k a year.

But the point of the story isn't to say "qq whiny bitch", it's to point out an incongruity in tone--politicians won't cut their own salaries because, as they rightly point out, they have it hard enough as it is, but they will cut programs that help people who presumably have it exponentially harder than them. That's a problem. And notwithstanding overtures towards saying "I'd take a pay cut if everyone else did", the far more likely outcome is that everyone else will take a pay cut and he won't.

The problem is living a lifestyle that you cannot afford.

He needs to cut back like everyone else.

LM4sure said:
$174/year really isn't that much. Granted, he is in Wisconsin which has a lower cost of living on average, but still with six kids...good luck!

I'm okay with him making this salary. He has earned it. God bless.

6 kids is pretty average here in Ireland. I've know families with up to 13 kids and they lived on hell of a lot less than him.


I don't care how many kids you have or how much student debt you have; if you "struggle" making $170,000/year in Wisconsin you're managing your money poorly and living beyond your means. Such is the American Way, though, I guess.


Vagabundo said:
The problem is living a lifestyle that you cannot afford.

He needs to cut back like everyone else.

He has. Didn't you read the OP? He drives a used mini van for fucks sakes! And you're telling me he should jeopardize his children's future by sending them to public school?! You have got to be kidding me! I'd rather go broke then send my kids to public school.


LM4sure said:
$174/year really isn't that much. Granted, he is in Wisconsin which has a lower cost of living on average, but still with six kids...good luck!

I'm okay with him making this salary. He has earned it. God bless.


This guy puts $7000 in the bank every two weeks. I don't care how many kids you have, how big your student loans are, and I don't care what your mortgage is.

If you simply live within your means you will never have an issue with that amount. If I banked $7000 every two weeks, with my current spending habits, I would be putting $5500 into savings every two weeks. And that would be WITH paying a mortage, WITH paying student loans for myself and my wife, etc. Hell, throw in a few kids and I'd still not only come out on top, but exhorbitantly so.

This is just yet another case of a wealthy republican crying foul because he doesn't want to have to live as his income dictates. "B-b-b-b-b-ut I need champage, caviar, lobster, and steak EVERY DAY."


Nekofrog said:
This is just yet another case of a wealthy republican crying foul because he doesn't want to have to live as his income dictates. "B-b-b-b-b-ut I need champage, caviar, lobster, and steak EVERY DAY."

LOL, love how you boil it down to him being a Republican! Yep. You're right. It's all about political party. If this was a democrat he would agree to work for free.


Zaphod said:
Don't have the kids if you can't afford them.
This is brilliant. If only wealthy people were allowed to reproduce there would be no more poverty!!! Thank you based god!


I tried to look at his assets, but no go. They aren't going to show up on the giv site until May.

He just assumed office apparently so maybe he's not feeling the effects of almost doubling his salary. However, I'm thinking the dual expense thing is still a killer. I remember there being a news show about how poorer Congressmen make ends meet.

He actually should be doing OK assuming he's in the same house he was in as a DA, but he will likely upgrade. If you're making 180k you are probably in a 500k house plus looking at private vs. public schools and I wouldn't even wager a guess on college tuition. He comes from a family of 11 so he actually has some catching up to do in the kid dept.


LM4sure said:
$174/year really isn't that much. Granted, he is in Wisconsin which has a lower cost of living on average, but still with six kids...good luck!

I'm okay with him making this salary. He has earned it. God bless.

That places him in the top 5% of income earners in the US. Median income is $50,000, so he's earning 3 1/2 times the national median income.

Poor guy, he must be struggling so very hard.


LM4sure said:
LOL, love how you boil it down to him being a Republican! Yep. You're right. It's all about political party. If this was a democrat he would agree to work for free.

Is he wealthy?

Is he republican?

Have republicans complained about this before?

I think my reasoning is sound.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
174 000$ a year ey?

I haven't seen those TED talks with Hans Rosling in a while but what was it, 2 billion people live on less than 2$ day? Something along those lines.


Nekofrog said:
Is he wealthy?

Is he republican?

Have republicans complained about this before?

I think my reasoning is sound.
"I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I'm living high on the hog, I've got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I'm not living high on the hog.".
Rereading the article & I must ask where is he complaining in this? He just stated he has bills to pay. There's no reason to feel sorry for him, but there's also no reason to think he is guilty of obscene wealth either.

Wealth is definitely not a party thing, so the reason is actually flawed. Honestly, I don't hear too many Democrat politicians insisting they foot their own bill for benefits or take a pay cut either so that question is always a stupid one.

Both parties are of the same mind. My reasoning is definitely sound on that unless you think silense is the right way to go.


zomgbbqftw said:
Solution - Don't have six fucking kids.
This right here.

How do you end up with six kids in the first place?
Did they have 2 kids and then decide that they wanted just one more but ended up with quadruplets or something?


Shorty said:
This is brilliant. If only wealthy people were allowed to reproduce there would be no more poverty!!! Thank you based god!
Awesome! We should just sterilize all those with credit scores below 720. Poverty problem solved.
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