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Got enough Virus Cores? GAF reads/watches/PLAYS the .hack series! (10th Anniversary)


Got my copy of MUTATION in the mail today. Decided I'm slowly going to play through all four of the first series, because of this thread.

One question though: do copies exist without the Liminality DVDs? My MUTATION doesn't have it, and the case isn't a dual DVD one either.


Where are you? In North America they came packaged with each game. In Japan they were sold separately, and in the UK they were packed in with SIGN boxsets.


Dot Hacked
This updates so long it spans two posts back 2 back! Since it covers over 10 hours of playtime and concludes 3 on-going stories it oughta be okay ta go for a double! Now I said before that the arena stuff pays off in this game and something else does to! The campaigns! Even if I whined about 'em being reused in each game, they're brought closure in this one.

- Stray Mecha Grunty: Kepel starts to think he's doomed to have all his robots turn on him. The Proto Gurah incident gives Mecha Grunty some character and shows Kepel the light, in a heartwrenching way!

- Chim's Kicker: Kubo learns its important to raise Chim Chims naturally and we learn Chim Chims return their stored energy back to the world.

- Lucky Data Collection: In the first game Atoli was anti-kicking Lucky Animals. However in this one she's all for kicking one to complete the quest. And then there's that prophecy the Kudan gives which is plot relevant!

- Bikman's Model: Bikman comes to realize that using fancy tools and exposing the lives of others isn't the way to becoming a world class painter and that maybe painting for art instead of to become famous is a better path.

- Chase the Bounty: We find out how Chaotic PKers earn their title: by going through trials of their own and being selected by CC Corp to "role play" villians in a quest open to the public.

- Highway Master: After failing at "tag" the Golden Goblins actually race! When they lose at that they accept defeat and seem abit friendlier in offering you to join them!

Now let's see how the Abyss quest line pays off...

//G.U. Vol.3: Redemption - Epilogue

Σ Hidden Forbidden Sin Realm - The Land of Sin Ran Hati

At the forest's entrance there is no Tabby to be found! Instead, there's a Vital Vista who introduces himself as a wandering Holy Crest User named Moytura. He informs Haseo & friends that three Evil Crest Users are in the forest preparing to ressurect Cernunnos. The forest is full of karma of those who died there without fulfilling their ambition, which is being used as fuel to ressurect the dark god. The three were Moytura's pupils at one time before being tainted by the underworld and he regrets not having destroyed them himself, especially after they offed fellow pupil Ilad. He begs the "Judge" Haseo to stop them and defeat Cernunnos for good.


Atoli: "Forest of Pain" is a pretty scary name if you ask me...
Kuhn: "Forest of Pain", huh... Such an ominous name...
Pi: Also called the "Forest of Pain"... It's a nostalgic place for you, isn't it?
Silabus: This is the first time I've ever been to the "Forest of Pain"... It's quite exciting.
Gaspard: The "Forest of Pain"'s name alone is scary enough without even having to go in...
Piros the 3rd: Let's go, my friends! An exciting adventure is about to begin!!
Alkaid: The "Forest of Pain"... I'm getting excited already, Haseo!
Saku: The Forest of Pain... what a scary name.
Bo: I'm gonna try my best, Haseo. I'm gonna try my very best.
Endrance: Let's go, Haseo.
Antares: Seems like this is turning out to be quite an event. Don't lower your guard, kid.
Matsu: Heh, you leave everything to me. Got it?
Yata: It's almost like coming home, isn't it Haseo?
Zelkova: Hehehe, I'm so happy that I'm getting to go on an adventure with you, Haseo!
Shino: Cernunnos... Pretty exciting, huh?
Bordeaux: The "Forest of Pain"... That's a great name! I'm getting really pumped up about it!!!
Kaede: This is my- my first time in the "Forest of Pain"... I just hope it's not too bad.
Natsume: Boy, the "Forest of Pain" seems so scary... Oh! But I'm not backing down!

"The Forest of Pain... well... It... It feels like it's been years since I was here..."

They enter the forest proper and see no Tabby in sight. "Wait a sec, did she go in by herself?"


The epilogue of the previous series had ya scraping your way through the longest dungeon in the game, 15 floors deep. The Forest of Pain is 100 blocks long and while it lacks the imminent danger of Data Bugs and high infection levels, if ya go in unprepared it'll test your patience and party management skills. There are many 1-time only items to obtain here but you gotta earn 'em by completing specfic tasks! A number of 'em are pretty simple but as you progress they get stricter! Get a combo of X or high, break X amount of objects, open X amount of treasure boxes, use Skill Trigger X amount of times, nothing too bad but its just a warm up! Also you can only put items in storage from Platforms. No removing them. What ya go into the forest with is what ya got outside of things obtained from the tasks, breakable objects, and the occasional treasure box. btw Regular monsters get you squat outside of exp. They drop nothing. And to really drag things out there'll be Chim Sphere usage/farming & Chim Assassains to make your trek as unpleasant as possible! Pain's in its title for a reason! You may laugh when you spot an Onion Mash, something ya first met way back when at the beginning of Rebirth, but look at its HP. 2200?! The place is crawling with monsters from throughout the series but their stats are jacked up off the charts! Regular monsters with 2000 hp~ and it only goes up from there!


Haseo & friends survived long enough to reach Block 30 where they found a warp point which took 'em to Indieglut Lugh. The Evil Crest Users were there waiting for the Judge. They summon the shadow of their dark lord to smash Haseo to bits, and this time are smart enough to back far away after summoning their latest, greatest monstrous beast instead of ya know being up in its face letting it turn on 'em. They offer a snide compliment when Haseo and his friends end up defeating it but aren't terribly concerned as they warp away. The good guys are returned to the forest and move ahead in search of Tabby. It's only when they reach Block 50 does Haseo come across a certain someone taking a catnap! "First she calls me up, then she's not where she said she'd be, and now she's lying here fast asleep in the middle of a place like this..." She wakes up super ecstatic to see Haseo again and picks up like old times by annoying him with a great big hug! "Get... OFF ME!!" This seems very familiar. I guess no matter how much Haseo grows, when paired with her he'll always be the same!


/without shino/
Haseo's annoyed she wasn't at the meeting place she herself had suggested~ "Hehe. I guess I got a little ahead of myself. I didn't just want to stand around and wait, so I went inside for a bit and got chased around by monsters for awhile. And pretty soon I realized that I kind of lost my way... And then... And then I got sleepy, and then I was asleep!" "This is the 50th floor. This is so beyond losing your way." lol. He says she hasn't changed a bit, but she says Haseo totally has. As if he's lost his rage or something. She was worried about him but is glad he's okay, and she got an e-mail from Shino telling her she'd been saved.


/with shino/
"Ah..." "Long time no see, Tabby." Tabby's super happy to she Shino and says it feels like the old days when they were on adventures as the Twilight Brigade. "If only Ovan and Teacher were here..." Haseo's about to tell her about Ovan, but Shino had already explained the situation in an e-mail to her. "Ovan never talked to anyone about how he felt. He just carried everything inside himself. Although, I'm not sure I would've been able to help even if he had talked to me..." not true says Shino. "Because he had you and Haseo around to shield him, Ovan could concentrate on keeping a very low profile." That's quite true since TaN had divided their attention between him and the two newbie recruits.

Either way... she reminds Haseo why she quit playing: to become a nurse. "This is the last day I'll be coming to The World." He asks if she's going already and she says she's got a test the day after tomorrow. Haseo thoughtfully asks if she'll be alright since the studying must be hard and all. "Well, Haseo, you look like you're perplexed at your thoughtfulness, and surprised that it feels nice at the same time. Am I right? :)" if she learned anything from Sakisaka it just had to be that... she's logging off now and will e-mail him later!


After defeating the boss of Block 50 a notice pops up saying this is the final block you can warp to from town. So if ya leave the forest from Block 51 or above and then wanna re-enter, you'll have ta start back at 50. Which makes this a good point to take a break an head back to town, take stock of your inventories, check your e-mail... but stopping halfway through is so not in the spirit of the Forest of Pain!! So Haseo & friends continue onward! From Block 51 on there'll be 4 conditions per phase to complete. The new conditions are defeating X amount of enemy parties, getting KO'd X times or less, and use Awakening X amount of times. These are in addition to previous conditions which raise the stakes even higher! If ya thought the rewards were lacking before, this is where the unique 1 per game items come from. Not every condition gives ya a unique item but as this is a 100% run they must all be cleared! btw is it just me or is the area getting darker the further into the forest we go?


Dot Hacked
Check it out! Special events taking place at Blocks 30, 50, 70, and 100. Were they purposefully mirroring the numbers which are more or less the level/area caps of the original .hack games?

//G.U. Vol.3: Redemption - Epilogue

Block 70 yields another warp point. This one takes 'em to Morrigu Barrow where those evil dudes are on about how it won't be much longer until Cernunnos revives. They got no time to waste on the Judge, and summon yet another beast - The One Death. Like The One Sin before it, this sucker switches between Light & Dark elements with a tough to knock down barrier. Should be difficult, but... once that barrier is down the monster never stood a chance. Dual Guns + Beast Awakening dps >>>>> it! "It's no wonder you were chosen by Folset... But it's too late. The time has already arrived..." Off they go and once again Haseo's group is returned to the forest. I'm not imagining things. It really is getting darker, right? btw On Blocks 86 - 90 (and 95 - 99 save for 1 monster) the game pulls a very mean trick on you. The monsters contained within aren't hurt by physical attacks save for the Beast Awakening. Hope ya brought a Shadow Warlock or two! There are some monster immune to magic in other blocks, but that don't really matter considering Haseo's physical damage output. Oh and one of the conditions for the final 15 blocks is to be KO'd 0 times or less. This applies to party members to... hope ya learned party management by now!


Finally. Block 100. The final warp point lies ahead and takes them back to Indieglut Lugh. "Heh heh. Looks like you were late, Judge." The ceremony is complete and the one True Cernunnon rises up from the lake. "...is this what they call a Big Boss?!" well Cernunnos is certainly no snake in the grass... Anyways the three evil ones are overjoyed their master has returned until be begins killing them one by one. For the first time the fallen god speaks! "I have no need for a soulless piece of scrap metal." they beg to be by his side after all they'd done for him but its all for naught. They're all killed and he turns his attention to Haseo. "Folset's chosen one. I shall endeavour to teach you what a true god really is!!" Battle time? Battle time. Not for terribly long though. Once again the vicious combo of Dual Guns & Beast Awakening make short work of the god. Cernunnos finally accepts his own death and the unseen Folset chimes in saying a job well done judge! "I guess this puts the Forest of Pain event to and end." ...not quite. Haseo's warped away to the true end of the forest by himself. "This is... No... This is... Just like... last time...?" He reaches out for the bayonet and...


"I shall ask you a question. To your left there is a safe but extremely long road and to your right a short but very dangerous road. Which road would you take? Answer me." that's not what he asked last time! Haseo muses that the questions must be randomized! He thinks it over an recalls what Atoli had taught him "...Maybe stand aside and take in the scenery." The upsidedown man then poses another question "You and your friends go out for the day and decide to climb a mountain to get a good view of the land. But the mountain pass turns out to be very dangerous. Would you continue to climb the mountain? Or would you give up?" Silabus & Gaspard come to mind "You don't have to climb all the way to the top. You'd still get a good view." Wasting no time a third question is spit out "There is a giant beast that appears and bars your way. In your hand is a powerful sword. Do you slay the beast with the sword, or do you run away?" Haseo thinks of the power Skeith brought him "...I won't use the sword. Well... maybe I would. Whether I choose to fight or run, there would be no regrets." The final question is now at hand "Someone ransacks your domocile and takes your most important treasure. Do you chase after the thief and attempt to retrieve it at all costs? Or... Do you simply give up and and find something else to replace it?" Haseo doesn't need to think about this answer "No way I would ever give up. No way. Never." as Shino & Alkaid cross his mind "But... you know, they say that you gain something when losing something..." somehow that's not a good answer. "...I shall not bequeath you these swords." not again! Instead, he'll grant Haseo a wish!


That wish must be to speak with Ovan cause that's who appears. He asks if this is what Ovan really wanted and gets an eccentric answer from the him "...I feel as if I've been dreaming for a very long time. Do you ever wonder how precious memories are, Haseo? Looking back on the two of us, there is so much we gave each other, and so much we took away. You, my words. And I, your growth. We drive each other, share each other, complete each other... Don't you see, Haseo? We are never ending." could it be?! Ovan finally returning Haseo's feelings?? Forget marrying Alkaid... er, I mean Ovan tells Haseo to walk his own path until the time comes that they may reunite. Haseo's then returned to Indieglut Lugh, his friends oblivious to all that had transpired. They leave and are returned to the entrance of the forest where Moytura thanks them for bringing peace to the land.


Later on in the alchemy district of Mac Anu, he and Shino are hanging out. He'd told her about what happened and is mulling over whether the Ovan he'd seen had been the real deal or was it all in his head? "It fellt like a dream. It didn't feel real. Was Ovan really there in front of me? Or was he just some kind of illusion?" good question! "So what do you think? Was he for real?" "...It was Ovan. You know... Ovan was smiling." He doesn't know how, but he's certain that Ovan will return someday~


Ressurection. To come back to life from death. After the fire "The World" had returned from near death. The same could be said for all of the Lost Ones. But what about Ovan? Will he to become a returner? With Cernunnos gone, Aura asleep, and only Folset remaining, now begins age of no gods in the game. How will the millions of players fair without them? For now, all is quite happy as they head to the new future.

I also vote for Alkaid :)
Voting for Alkaid as well =p.
Seems like a slam dunk. Guess there'll be no marrying Ovan!

Makes sense, then. This is a UK copy. My original INFECTION PAL copy

came with Liminality vol1, though.
I have no idea about this but maybe there was more than one print run of that series and only the first had Liminality? Just a thought.
When I first played this series I only had infection, had no money, and that's where my story ended.

The second time I had the entire series, I got though the first two (Infection, Mutation), but a few hours into Outbreak I got burned out and never finished again. I really need to go back and finish this series... only I no longer have my memory card so I'd have to replay Infection/Mutation lol 3rd times a charm right?

Also my favorite character is Mistral
and the fact the game takes her away from you towards the end of Mutation made me all kinds of angry


Dot Hacked
Wait ya all didn't think it was over after the Redemption epilogue did ya? The second season hasn't run its course yet! I hope no ones counting me out cause I'ma come out swinging even at what seems like the end! If something doesn't contradict canon is it fair game to include? I say yes! Even if said something's bundled in a gag comic! The following bonus content is brought to ya by the .hack//Wiki article on it cause I never claimed ta know everything!

//G.U. The Card Battle [Bonus #11]

Just as the Crimson VS forum & News Capture service in the games mentioned, Crimson VS has expanded beyond the net and into the real world with real cards! Much like the G.U. series itself, this card game focuses on characters whereas Enemy had monsters, characters, items, etc. This tcg's got two ways to play! One of which follows what ya find in the games with Crimson VS! The second being its own unique way which are a mystery to most english speakers lol. There's a total of 84 cards divided up between 4 levels of rarity (Normal, Rare, Super Rare, Ultra Rare). This is a drastic decrease from Enemy, and even from its in-game counterpart which had 150 cards! However what it does do like the previous tcg is covering multiple series past & present which is always a cool thing! With so few cards I kinda wished I'd given it a shot at trying to collect 'em back in the day.

//G.U. Vol.3: Redemption - Overtime

Upon logging out after clearing the Forest of Pain a new wallpaper waiting which was unlocked from clearing the epilogue! Tabby's e-mail stated she'll be logged in for the day and gives her Member Address to Haseo once again! Then a CC Corp e-mail pops up letting Haseo know special "wedding" events will take place in Hy Brasail! "I'm confused. I don't know who I should give these feelings to?" Right after that an e-mail from Aura arrives! "Put all your feelings into a song which you sing to just one special person. Into just one word of promise. May the Twilight Dragon smile upon you." she gives him a single Promise Card to send to just one very special person. "A promise... I..." He'll have time to think about his feelings cause not even the Forest of Pain completed all that needed to be done. Still had ta round up 9 more items/equipment and locate & beat 8 more monsters to complete their respective Ryu Books. Completing the Highway Master campaign & the top time on all ten courses was surprisingly easy, and no. The map glitch was not abused! There was a total of about 45 area words to obtain which brought things back to Rebirth levels. Beating Gaspard at Crimson VS and collecting the remaining cards was another thing to round up this 100% run. btw Tabby has her trademark weapon Feline Soul back! Guess Pilocchio & Ita are still around! Wonder how their information guild is fairing? Maybe we'll find out in another era~


Two more Doppelganger battles netted Haseo armor which basically made him invincible, a great accessory, and the final Dual Guns. Maxing out weapon levels was beyond quick thanks to Virus Core exhange. Just five VC's for a Master's Text? Yes please! Affection was simple to raise as well, thanks to God Chim Chim! Avatar battle refights came in second to last place this time. <Grunwald> posed no threat, <Victorian> hurt cause I was rushing, Fidchell was a pain since I'm no good at dodging his stuff, Corbenik the 2nd seemed like more of a pain than last time ~_~; the Cubia Alpha gauntlet was much easier but Cubia Beta was a tank as always. Saved for last was Team Haseo vs The Sweepstakers! Since Kuhn & Atoli were on his team throughout the whole Sage Palace tournament it was only right that they were brought along for this battle! At the arena counter they got a message from Ono saying "You're here! Let's settle who the greatest Arena Team is, once and for all! Please come to the Stadium!" An Edge Punisher, Twin Blade, and Harvest Cleric made 'em a well rounded team. Haseo decided not to use the broken armor from Doppelganger, nor his dash move or guns which made the fight abit more difficult then it shoulda been. It took a couple of Awakenings to take them down, they were pretty good! After the match Ono sent one last message "That was a good match... We hate to say it, but you won. Please take these items to remember the match by." they gave Haseo their three weapons! These completed the Ryu Book for item collection and thus 100% was achieved!

- G.U. Vol.3: Redemption
Game Cleared: 32:24:10 (130:01:38)
Game Overtime: 29:53:37
Game Cleared 100%: 62:17:47 (159:55:15)

//Peaco's Story

A wild Atoli appears in Pi's blindspot! She wants Pi to give her some heartful advice regarding Haseo! "Alas, I decline." says the old hag with a smile on her face... until Atoli pulls out a boxcutter, threatening to slash her own wrist! Pi quickly changes her tune and agrees to help get Haseo to look at her. Girls and boys like Haseo but whenever she's around he is apparently quite cold! "Before we nitpick away at your personality, there are some things we have to change on a fundamental level!" somehow the word fundamental spurs Atoli to charge off before her training can even begin! Pi sees this as a chance to run but Atoli hurries right back... with a new PC! "You don't get it at aaaaaaall!!" Nonetheless Atoli, or rather the Twin Blade Peaco hurries off to find Haseo! Later on at Canard's @HOME Alkaid is grumpy lately cause the new girl Peaco's been hogging Haseo. "Ah, so it's jealousy then. You're more girly than I thought, Alkaid." "Shaddup, Silabus! Listen, I don't give a damn about those two! I just happened to be passing through!" she gives Silabus a good stomping before heading out, but Peaco sneaks up in her blindspot and the two argue! "I know for a fact that you're anything but normal!" claims Alkaid.


"I'm, like, just an energetic and lively girl! Haseo-sans's, like, taking me to a field for novices right now. So..." *evileye* "Don't get in the way." this is one girl Alkaid can't win against! Later on Peaco reports to Pi in tears! She's happy Haseo is nice to her and they have lots of fun but the area he'd taken her to, the one he called his favorite was where... "This sky, these flowers, this entire landscape... It's all just data! It's fake!" he freaked out at Atoli so long ago! "Haseo has really grown up. Atoli-san, the same thing can happen to you too. As Atoli, don't you think?" Peaco rushes to the high level area Haseo's currently at and calls out for him as a boss monster stalks up behind her "There's something I have to tell you!" "Hey! Atoli, behind you!" despite being a newbie, Peaco knocked out the L100 monster in one hit leaving Haseo's cool pose all for naught. So he'd known all along it was her! Then why'd he let her stick around? "No matter what you look like... You're you, Atoli. And I'm me." hearing that makes her super happy! "Which means even if I go back to being Atoli, you'll still be this nice, right?" "Wha?! Umm... err..." and so Haseo runs away! The next day... Atoli shows up with about a half-dozen more PCs made just for Haseo, and Alkaid vows to exterminate them all!


Roots & G.U. - Xthension
: Things kick off when Haseo receives an e-mail from Ovan saying he's got something to entrust to him, so he ought head to &#916; Hidden Forbidden Festival. But the first to arrive on the scene are Saku & Endrance! Endrance asks where Haseo is and Saku's like "Uh... I think he's inside!" and tugs him away! At the Serpent of Lore Yata and Pi are picking up errors coming from the festival grounds. Shino comes along musing that the Ovan masks on sale at stands don't look like him at all when Atoli appears. "Has anyone else shown up?" Shino says she hasn't seen anyone but expects Haseo to arrive soon citing her womanly intuition. If he does show up it means their hearts are connected "Someone like Shino suits Haseo better after all." Shino denies it and tells Atoli to be more confident! Just then... "Teacher this is amazing! It's a festival area!" Tabby's impressed by the scenery, but Sakisaka is more surprised to see Shino! "Wha...?! I see two Shino's!" Neither of 'em have met Atoli before but Sakisaka's able to point out the real Shino. Seems like everyone showing up got the same e-mail from Ovan. Tabby hopes he restarts the Twilight Brigade or entrusts them with rare items lol. "No way." says Sakisaka "I'm surprised that I still have this character, and perplexed that I even logged in." classic. Tabby pesters Atoli abit asking who she is but Sakisaka gets her to knock it off. He reckons the obscure e-mail is just like the old days where Ovan said little and they had to figure things out for themselves. Tabby gets distracted by a road of all things and drags her "teacher" off down it. "Tabby's very energetic. She's like a typhoon." Atoli catches on quickly. And then, Haseo warps in and Shino suggests the three of 'em trail the others.


Endrance blindly followed Saku deep into the area and stops by a lake where he says he's turning back. Due to Tabby recklessly running full steam ahead she & Sakisaka have caught up to those two, then power on ahead as Saku presses Endrance into following 'em. The two end up at a dead end and only now does Tabby consider the possibility that Ovan would arrive where they started to begin with, but the Lucky Animal Sleipner shows them there's yet more path to follow! More and more people are entering the festival grounds including Silabus & Gaspard who're working at a stand making yakisoba! Tohta & Saburou stop by for a bite to eat and Kuhn's illness acts up when he spots Saburou "What a coincidence, I'm alone too." but she's totally uninterested in him. Tabby spots a treasure box and just has to open it! Empty. ...Or so they think. Black spots begin pouring outta it along with a really weird looking monster. "This is the treasure?" "Of course not! Just look at it!" they take a couple swipes at the black spots then turn tail and run. At the same time, Saku is edging up closer to Endrance "Master En... We are finally alone. I... I..." when the terrified typhoon known as Tabby runs straight into her, sending Saku flying lol. Saku asks wtf their problem is and they very poorly explain what happened which displeases her "Don't try to fool me with words that don't even make sense! How dare you interfere with me again!" the monster catches up and Endrance tries to some normal attacks to no avail. "What do you all think a girl's heart is? I'll crush you. Vak Don!" Saku is also totally ineffective. The monster appears to be launching an attack of its own when two shots ring out and bust its bubble. Haseo! Endrance tosses Saku to the ground as he and Tabby rush over to greet him, but he goes right into his an attack!


"This is the end." the monsters down, deflates, and a weird looking Chim Chim pops outta it. Haseo tells everyone to stay back but Shino tells him to cool his jets "It looks like it has something to say." The Chim type thing seems to be saying something but no one can understand... no one but Atoli! "I am... what you call... AIDA." Tabby's confused "Teacher, what's AIDA?" he has no clue! Haseo's upset at this "All AIDA should've been destroyed by Ovan's Rebirth." The AIDA responds saying that what got destroyed were the ones that weren't adapted to this world. Shino seems to get it "AIDA absorbs information and evolves. Instead of attacking people like monsters, isn't it possible for them to be reborn and assimilate into game characters?" Could it be "The World" has now accepted AIDA? This chatter must bore Saku cause she seems to fall asleep~ even as an angry Haseo goes on a rant "How am I supposed to accept that? How many players fell unconscious because of them? I can't forgive them. No matter what." he turns his guns on the scared lil anomaly but Bo pops up asking him to forgive 'em. He says they were scared which is why some lashed out at people but have since changed their ways. "Hatred won't change anything." Bo gets through to him and Haseo lowers his weapons.


Back at the fesitval the place has gotten packed! Along with tons of regular players, plenty of well known ones are there like Bset, Gord, Pilocchio, Ita, Silver Knight, Taihaku and more! Saku woke up and is having a blast at a shooting range gunning down targets that look like Haseo, while Endrance has very happily collected a buncha goodies with Haseo's face on 'em! Later on Haseo's back in the woods pondering the message from AIDA. Flashback! The AIDA looks like its gonna attack but no, it had never tried to attack anyone in the first place. It just wanted to leave a message "Returner". Back in the present Shino says "It means a person who has returned, right?" in a place Ovan summoned 'em to an AIDA came and left a message like that, the two have to be connected! Atoli shows up, or rather was there the whole time leaving him annoyed he'd been blindspotted by her yet again! Tabby was behind him to! His secret weakness is spreading! Atoli asks what Haseo wants to tell Ovan should he bump into him again. "Pi. It looks like fun." "Yes." but... don't expect those two to join the party. Sitting back and watching is their thing but its nice to see Yata's lightened up. Meanwhile in an especially beautiful grass field Aina warps in and sees her brother standing under a tree and rushes over to him! After some deep thought Haseo strikes a pose like he did at the end of Roots, only this time he's not alone. He calmly announces his answer "Welcome back, Ovan."


Pi: "The menace has been dealt with. The situation is as predicted."
???: "I suppose it's not possible to resist the will of Heaven."
???: "What are the people of Schicksal up to?"
Pi: "They have already moved on to the next phase."
???: "Give the oar to the ferryman."
Pi: "I'll do as you say."
???: "Gather at Acheron, oh, Prisoners of Charon."

The second time I had the entire series, I got though the first two (Infection, Mutation), but a few hours into Outbreak I got burned out and never finished again. I really need to go back and finish this series... only I no longer have my memory card so I'd have to replay Infection/Mutation lol 3rd times a charm right?
On the bright side if ya go for a third you'll at least maybe know the first to games enough to get through 'em relatively quickly & easily?

Also my favorite character is Mistral
and the fact the game takes her away from you towards the end of Mutation made me all kinds of angry
Its super sweet when
ya finally do get her back but yes going on without her cheerfulness is tough
an prolly part of the reason Outbreak is so rough.

Outbreak has that effect on people.
Yup its a real slog with Terajima being one of its few bright spots.


Dot Hacked
Getting alil quiet in here eh? There's still plenty of stuff ta cover! So... Best Wishes? Now we know where Pokémon got it from! Sadly the BW crew get snubbed with their cg image transitions. The first one always has some amount of credits over it. I had to sit through a number of them more than once to get the cleanest shots an some still stank. I tried >.<! Ya all voted for her, so here comes the bride!

//A Promise... [Bonus #12]

Haseo: "Alkaid..."
Alkaid: "Haseo... H, hey! Come on! Don't just stand there! You know.... uh, say something!"
Haseo: "...It's OK."
Alkaid: "I'm... I'm holding you responsible! You're like the charming prince that woke me up from my endless sleep! You've gotta be cool, and real sweet, no matter how demanding or needy I am!"
Haseo: "...I'll make you happy."
Alkaid: "...'kay. I promise I'll make you happy too!"

"And just so you know, I'm persistent and I never give up!"


CG01 | CG02 | Atoli
CG01 | CG02 | Pi
CG01 | CG02 | Saku
CG01 | CG02 | Endrance
CG01 | CG02 | Shino
CG01 | CG02 | Bordeaux
CG01 | CG02 | Kaede
CG01 | CG02 | Tabby


CG01 | CG02 | Kuhn
CG01 | CG02 | Silabus
CG01 | CG02 | Gaspard
CG01 | CG02 | Piros the 3rd
CG01 | CG02 | Bo
CG01 | CG02 | Antares
CG01 | CG02 | Matsu
CG01 | CG02 | Yata
CG01 | CG02 | Zelkova
CG01 | CG02 | Azure Kite
CG01 | CG02 | Azure Balmung
CG01 | CG02 | Azure Orca
CG01 | CG02 | Natsume


These don't all play out the exact same way. Similar but I spotted a number of differences powering through 'em. Gaspard's is the only one who's scene in Mac Anu begins facing the Chaos Gate instead of away from it. Instead of "The Path You and I Walk" playing during the credits for Piros's scenes, we get his theme song instead! Rather dejected Pi, Atoli, & Shino make an appearance in Endrance's scene at Mac Anu! Pi also makes an appearance in Yata's scene. The azure trio all have the same message for Haseo, translated live and in person by Bikman! Azure Kite also has a different credits song than the rest. Tabby & Haseo are the only couple that run through Mac Anu. Her credits are filled with several new scenes which weren't in this or previous games. Natsume is the only girl that won't marry Haseo, instead she turns "chaotic" an lunges at him like Piros and the azure guys do! Piros's theme plays over her credits. Her credits is also full of lotsa silly images! Both Tabby & Natsume's voice actress credits list the japanese actress rather than the american one.

//&#916; Screaming Idling Princess [Bonus #13]

This is an area one "Master Zed" discovered a few years ago. It has no mission! It has a monster that is much to high in level for the area!! It has a Platform that's functional but who's map graphic is out in the sea!!! In Rebirth there's a quest that uses the area words &#916; Screaming Returning Princess so the theory is they changed words at the last second and boom, a messed up area is born! The monster "-" is actually an Azul Sachem first seen later on in Reminisce where it gains its appropriate name, cries & stats. Its drops are "Healing Portion" and "Fairy Drop". Portion would go on to be corrected as Potion in the later games but even with a messed up name it works as it should! As for the Platform who's icon on the map is way out in the water, it still works as normal for the most part. You can't use a Return Feather or whatever to warp to it, and in later games passing by it doesn't bring up the "# of Platforms Passed" text. That's all for this lil oddity!


Getting alil quiet in here eh?
I didn't even know it was updated 'till now. Maybe I should do what all the cool kids are doing and subscribe to threads so I don't miss out.


CG01 | CG02 | Kuhn
CG01 | CG02 | Silabus
CG01 | CG02 | Gaspard
CG01 | CG02 | Piros the 3rd
CG01 | CG02 | Bo
CG01 | CG02 | Antares
CG01 | CG02 | Matsu
CG01 | CG02 | Yata
CG01 | CG02 | Zelkova

Didn't even know about these before! Or perhaps I just never bothered to check, having to wade through those closing credits again and again for the girls took its toll... definitely seeing some new stuff here.

//&#916; Screaming Idling Princess [Bonus #13]

This is an area one "Master Zed" discovered a few years ago. It has no mission! It has a monster that is much to high in level for the area!! It has a Platform that's functional but who's map graphic is out in the sea!!! In Rebirth there's a quest that uses the area words &#916; Screaming Returning Princess so the theory is they changed words at the last second and boom, a messed up area is born! The monster "-" is actually an Azul Sachem first seen later on in Reminisce where it gains its appropriate name, cries & stats. Its drops are "Healing Portion" and "Fairy Drop". Portion would go on to be corrected as Potion in the later games but even with a messed up name it works as it should! As for the Platform who's icon on the map is way out in the water, it still works as normal for the most part. You can't use a Return Feather or whatever to warp to it, and in later games passing by it doesn't bring up the "# of Platforms Passed" text. That's all for this lil oddity!

Didn't know about this, either. Then again, the way the Area Word system in both series is set up you'd think these kinds of bugs/glitches would happen more frequently... but who has the time to check all those potential areas!? There must be hundreds of 'em. Finding this one must have been a total fluke.

Stage On

You know it really is too bad they didn't add in an extra special one where you could send the card to Ovan just for the lols that would have generated.


Dot Hacked
PSP resolutions leaving me stumped... Oh well, hows about more bonus content? From SIGN to Versus there's bound to be some songs in there for anyone! Also I've updated the 2024/2025 parts of the OP with descriptions! Oh an this doesn't count for this thread but for those interested:

- Versus
Game Cleared: 19:22:30
Game Overtime: 10:33:28
Game Cleared 100%: 29:55:58

Yup. Its a .hack game alright!

//O.S.T. [Bonus #14]

Tracks: 183 | Length: 07:03:16 | Season 1
Tracks: 185 | Length: 07:29:53 | Season 2
Tracks: 134 | Length: 04:44:13 | Season 3
Tracks: 502 | Length: 19:17:22 | Total

Alil less if we discount at least 4 songs from the Link soundtrack which can be found on G.U. 2 & Trilogy's and if we kick out silly bonus tunes (Matsuyama saying goofy stuff over Piros' themes, etc). But my overall guesstimate is that there's closer to 550 pieces of .hack music out there. Despite these fifteen O.S.T.'s containing nearly 500 songs, there are still so many songs are missing! The various anime have their full length OP/ED full length & instrumental/karaoke flung off onto seperate singles cds or other places. None of the game soundtracks feature every last piece of music you'll hear in 'em.

Link is by far the worst offender in this area. You can buy & listen to music in-game. Up to 76 tracks... the soundtrack only has 49 tracks, 2 of which are just bonus tracks not even heard in the game. So much of its awesome original "gamey" music (not character themes, epic music, etc) are lost to the abyss. If only it had been three discs long... -_- The other games at least had an out. Various pieces of music not sound on their soundtracks were given away on cds with the .hack//The World & .hack//G.U. The World magazines... good luck collecting 'em if you're a westerner!

- Favorite Cover: Link
Its got strong competition but the coloring really catches my eyes and the character art is top-notch!

- Worst Cover: Legend of the Twilight
Nothing else even comes close. Why the plain black background????

- Other Thoughts:
G.U. 1 & 2 ~ Looking at these two side by side shows how very similar they are as if they're mirror images. Both feature Haseo & Tri-Edge at completely opposite points in their stories. Pretty neat!

Liminality ~ Something's missing... Mai, Yuki, Kyoko...... but no Tokuoka! Poor guy got the shaft. Guess his "ugly mug" wouldn't sell lol.

Quantum ~ Hermit steals the show! You'd expect at least Sakuya to have made the cover but nopes! Cute kitty boy all the way!

Roots 1 & 2 ~ These are the only ones of the bunch to come in cheapo cardboard/plastic cases. All the rest are true blue jewel cases.

Didn't know about this, either. Then again, the way the Area Word system in both series is set up you'd think these kinds of bugs/glitches would happen more frequently... but who has the time to check all those potential areas!? There must be hundreds of 'em. Finding this one must have been a total fluke.
Ya I'm sure there's more out there. The G.U. games are just full of bugs/glitches. They really lack polish compared to the original series where the most buggy thing I noticed was being able to see through a seam in texture in Mac Anu to see the black space which most games inhabit.

You know it really is too bad they didn't add in an extra special one where you could send the card to Ovan just for the lols that would have generated.
For reals! They each expressed their feelings to one another but the deal never got sealed!

Stage On

Wow I thought I owned most of the .hack stuff that got released in north america outside of a few toys but looking at those sound tracks makes me realize that I have more holes in my collection then I thought.

Being Canadian it was a real #$%# to get the collectors edition of GU part 1 since the only way to buy it was to import it from the States since no retailers carried it here.

So worth it for the Haseo figure thought

I wish they would release trilogy on Blu ray here! It's way too good looking for plane old dvd.


Water is not wet!
This series is so damned intimidating. The only offender thats worse is Super Robot Wars. i feel like i need to take a course to figure it all out.

i did like what i played though. ive got 3 of the 4 original PS2 games but i am missing one. Forgot to purchase at release. Big mistake, let me tell you.


Dot Hacked
Wow I thought I owned most of the .hack stuff that got released in north america outside of a few toys but looking at those sound tracks makes me realize that I have more holes in my collection then I thought.
Looking at 'em in the pic I put together I'm amazed we got just over half of 'em released over here. From G.U. on it was hello expensive imports! Barring a visit to japan I may forever live with the shame of owning only the severely cutdown release of the original games O.S.T. >.<; btw you mention toys... ya never got the Mimiru & Subaru lovables?!

Being Canadian it was a real #$%# to get the collectors edition of GU part 1 since the only way to buy it was to import it from the States since no retailers carried it here.

So worth it for the Haseo figure thought
Did the canada release at least include the Terminal Disc?! If not then thats an enormous "screw you!" courtesy of Scamco. Was the Haseo figure that great? I never removed it from the box!

I wish they would release trilogy on Blu ray here! It's way too good looking for plane old dvd.
Ya the bluray is way nicer. But man they couldn't even be bothered to dub it. Or pack in Returner as an extra. And now Bandai Entertainment is basically dead! Coincidence? I think not!

This series is so damned intimidating. The only offender thats worse is Super Robot Wars. i feel like i need to take a course to figure it all out.
Okays just for you here's a list of .hack stories alphabetically stacked! Not counting things like the various encyclopedias, magazines, card games, etc. JP-only stuffs underlined!

AI buster
AI buster 2
Another Birth
Epitaph of Twilight
First Login

G.U. Trilogy
G.U. Vol.1: Rebirth
G.U. Vol.2: Reminisce
G.U. Vol.3: Redemption
Legend of the Twilight (anime)
Legend of the Twilight (manga)
Legend of the Twilight Complete (manga)
Legend of the Twilight Rena Special Pack (manga)
Let's Meet Offline

Link: Twilight Knights
Online Jack
Quantum (I)ntroduction

Roots Sound Form 1
Roots Sound Form 2

SORA: Beyond the World
The End of "The World"
The Movie: Beyond the World
Thanatos Report


Did that make it easier for ya to get into? ^_^; Not all of its canon but the majority of it is. Maybe .hack needs a Gundam style reboot if its to live on. The UC series "ended" with Victory, and now .hack has hit its own V with Versus. Though after XXXX, a .hack//X wouldn't really work~

i did like what i played though. ive got 3 of the 4 original PS2 games but i am missing one. Forgot to purchase at release. Big mistake, let me tell you.
That is a big mistake! Especially if you're missing the final one!!

Stage On

Wow I never thought of .hack being THAT complicated. Sure on one hand a lot of it ties together but it's also made so for the most part each of it can stand on it's own with out missing too much.

For example, The original games are still playable if you skip signs since the Sign character's involvement is mostly just for fun cameo's

Looking at 'em in the pic I put together I'm amazed we got just over half of 'em released over here. From G.U. on it was hello expensive imports! Barring a visit to japan I may forever live with the shame of owning only the severely cutdown release of the original games O.S.T. >.<; btw you mention toys... ya never got the Mimiru & Subaru lovables?!

I was near broke around then and they never showed up at any anime conventions here so I never really had a chance to pick them up.

Did the canada release at least include the Terminal Disc?! If not then thats an enormous "screw you!" courtesy of Scamco. Was the Haseo figure that great? I never removed it from the box!

The Terminal disk is a Collectors box exclusive so Canada did not get it!

The Haseo figure is really neat! Well he's almost more of a statue then a figure due to his limited possibility but he's really helped me out a few times.

Ya the bluray is way nicer. But man they couldn't even be bothered to dub it. Or pack in Returner as an extra. And now Bandai Entertainment is basically dead! Coincidence? I think not!

It's a shame they didn't dub it since the english cast from the games is actually pretty good.

I was really mad at first they took out the Japanese voice option from the games but I got over it in time.

Incomplete picture of my collection I took a while ago.

My favorite .hack cosplayer
(From Fanexpo in Toronto)


Her costume glowing neon on flim but not to the naked eye blew my mind!


I'm at the end of Infection now, gonna face Skeith tonight/tomorrow. I've been at this point before, just never beat him. Already got Mutation lined up once I beat him. Now to search for Outbreak, Quarantine, the G.U Trilogy and a swapdisc....

What have I gotten myself into?!

[EDIT] Oh, and I watched //The Movie last night with my girl. Fun watch. Love the graphical style they use for The World.


I'm at the end of Infection now, gonna face Skeith tonight/tomorrow. I've been at this point before, just never beat him. Already got Mutation lined up once I beat him. Now to search for Outbreak, Quarantine, the G.U Trilogy and a swapdisc....

What have I gotten myself into?!

[EDIT] Oh, and I watched //The Movie last night with my girl. Fun watch. Love the graphical style they use for The World.

Bring lots of Health Drinks and any Potions you might have, also Resurrect and mana-restoring items. Send Blackrose and your third in to deal damage while Kite hangs back and flings scroll magic and potions to heal your comrades. Wavemasters will most likely go down from one strike of Skeith's wand so you might want to buff their defense with a scroll/spell.

You should be able to figure out the rest on your own. Funny thing is, I don't recall any of the other Phases being anywhere as difficult as Skeith was in Infection.


I did it! Thanks for the tips. Kicked his ass with BlackRose and Natsume (I love this girl for some reason. She's awesome). Cleared in just over 10 hours.

Time to start on Mutation :)

Stage On

When I first started .hack I actually rented infection to check the series out and ended up having to take it back just as I got to the last boss fight.

I actually left the system running paused while taking the game back to the store intending to rent it again just so I could finish up but luckily for me they had a used copy so I picked that up instead.


Dot Hacked
OP updated! Peaco's Story and After 2021 added into the timeline! More images to! So now pretty much everythings nicely filled in! I'd still like ta continue into the next era but without a translation it'd be futile?! Or funny... x.x?

The Terminal disk is a Collectors box exclusive so Canada did not get it!
That's so lame! I like how the books came out nice & glossy looking in your pic compared to everything else!

Funny thing is, I don't recall any of the other Phases being anywhere as difficult as Skeith was in Infection.
*looks back over playthrough posts* True but if ya let your guard down your butt'll get kicked. >.<;

I did it! Thanks for the tips. Kicked his ass with BlackRose and Natsume (I love this girl for some reason. She's awesome). Cleared in just over 10 hours.

Time to start on Mutation :)
Not bringing your Wavemaster to the big boss fight? Now thats what I call a risk taker! How'd ya handle the bonus dungeons boss?

I actually left the system running paused while taking the game back to the store intending to rent it again just so I could finish up but luckily for me they had a used copy so I picked that up instead.
Wait you took the game out while it was still running cause ya didn't wanna have to reload your save? Thats what they call hardcore!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
.Hack by far has been one of the few continuing series with a great story and cast of characters. But lets leave that horrible PSP one out from that category... Really wish they didnt go the whole kiddy route with the game considering how much potential it had from all the characters in it.

.GU was my favorite in the series though just due to how much more mature that one felt overall.

Really do hope we get a proper rpg .Hack in the future since its a damned shame seeing the direction the IP has gone as of late...


I used to love this game and its whole world concept when I was younger. I finished the first two games but they quickly became repetitive. I should probably try out GU but alas I only have a PS3 with no BC.


Dot Hacked
Is it bad that I wanna go back & redo all the anime images in the upgraded size format I used for Returner? >_>; Would that be a thread retcon? Should I do it?! Can't believe it took me until then to realize the anime pics oughta match the game ones in thers of size! Also the Liminality ones are soooo badly done I ashamed I posted 'em lol.

But lets leave that horrible PSP one out from that category... Really wish they didnt go the whole kiddy route with the game considering how much potential it had from all the characters in it.
Cut Link?! Noooo. The entire 3rd season depends on it!


What do ya mean by kiddy stuffs? Tokio was 14 ~ same age as Kite was way back when. If Tokio & Saika had used actual Player Characters instead of being inside/projecting themselves into the game, would that have made it less kiddy or something? After what he went through and pulled off in both Link & Versus, he's the hero we deserve! Anyways there's hardly been anything kiddy with the series. I can think of only two characters below the age of 10 (Kouta & Mireille)! .hacks always been about teen heroes/leads.

I used to love this game and its whole world concept when I was younger. I finished the first two games but they quickly became repetitive. I should probably try out GU but alas I only have a PS3 with no BC.
All the games become repetitive after awhiles but rarely unfun at least to me. G.U. series is no different though it sucks ya never got to try it.

Still need to get on that before I move on to Mutation. Any tips?
Parasite Dragon is listed as being Level 30 so if your not already at that level or above, get there! Just like with Skeith bringing lotsa recovery items is a necessity! Keeping Kite on one side of the boss away from the other party members is good idea so there's a lower chance of everyone getting wiped out at once. Bringing a Wavemaster or just going full attacks up to you. Like with all the bonus bosses be sure to Data Drain it for its super sweet weapon!


Parasite Dragon is listed as being Level 30 so if your not already at that level or above, get there! Just like with Skeith bringing lotsa recovery items is a necessity! Keeping Kite on one side of the boss away from the other party members is good idea so there's a lower chance of everyone getting wiped out at once. Bringing a Wavemaster or just going full attacks up to you. Like with all the bonus bosses be sure to Data Drain it for its super sweet weapon!

Cool, thanks! I'm definitely 30 at this point. Cleared every field and dungeon of all portals, and the exp just kept coming. Will give it a shot somewhere this week!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Is it bad that I wanna go back & redo all the anime images in the upgraded size format I used for Returner? >_>; Would that be a thread retcon? Can't believe it took me until then to realize the anime pics oughta match the game ones in thers of size! Also the Liminality ones are soooo badly done I ashamed I posted 'em lol.

Cut Link?! Noooo. The entire 3rd season depends on it!


What do ya mean by kiddy stuffs? Tokio was 14 ~ same age as Kite was way back when. If Tokio & Saika had used actual Player Characters instead of being inside/projecting themselves into the game, would that have made it less kiddy or something? After what he went through and pulled off in both Link & Versus, he's the hero we deserve! Anyways there's hardly been anything kiddy with the series. I can think of only two characters below the age of 10 (Kouta & Mireille)! .hacks always been about teen heroes/leads.

All the games become repetitive after awhiles but rarely unfun at least to me. G.U. series is no different though it sucks ya never got to try it.

Parasite Dragon is listed as being Level 30 so if your not already at that level or above, get there! Just like with Skeith bringing lotsa recovery items is a necessity! Keeping Kite on one side of the boss away from the other party members is good idea so there's a lower chance of everyone getting wiped out at once. Bringing a Wavemaster or just going full attacks up to you. Like with all the bonus bosses be sure to Data Drain it for its super sweet weapon!

Link was literally the first game in the .Hack series that I threw out due to poor game design and main character. Such a waste of what could have been something great in the series. Even more so his design was atrocious and screamed Digimon, which is what 2ch picked up on instantly which was hilarious.

It was like they were designing the game for casuals who knew nothing about the series, yet at the same time were trying to entice fans with all of the cameos from characters throughout the games history.

Felt like someone who had nothing to do with the .Hack series went and designed the game.

The main reason why I say the combat was horrible, is due to it only being about playing "batting cage minigame" with the enemies over and over and over and over and over and over. You get the idea. Where as at least combat in G.U. was actually the best in the series. They really should have just built off of that instead of the travesty we got in Link. Recently cleaning my place I found the box from the LE version I bought. Worst purchase ever.

Every good game series needs one that should have never happeend. Link was that game.

Stage On

Wait you took the game out while it was still running cause ya didn't wanna have to reload your save? Thats what they call hardcore!

What else was I supposed to do? Start over the boss fight from scratch? lol

Don't bother redoing the pictures, that would take ages and ages!!!


Dot Hacked
August ba-bump for news & content! Regarding the .hack//Link translation after going "quiet" for awhile, Kuukai posted this:
Kuukai said:
Good news! We're moving things around internally and I think we'll be able to pick up speed and post more in the near future. So no, we haven't forgotten about this.
Keep the dream alive!

Did ya know there's a .hack//Bullet translation in progress as well? Kazetrigger has a thread at the dothackers forum dedicated to it. So far he's got the first seven chapters done! Check it out here! But beware, it deals with information relating the the plot of Link and possibly other recent material!

And how about that announcement of "Guilty Dragon: The Sin Dragon and the Eight Curses"? duckroll made a thread about it and dothackers has a couple of news posts containing info. Is this the future of the series?! As for what I gots ta offer this time, a big old bonus content addition!

//X'over [Bonus #15]
Synergy! Cross Promotion! Cameos! Characters and things from the .hack universe have been utilized in otherwise unrelated products for these very reasons. I'ma point out as many of 'em as I've found out about! Know any others? Let me know!

- Legend of the Twilight (Volume 3)

Release: April 3rd, 2004

This is pure cross promotion advertisement. At the end of the manga a couple of pages are dedicated to having Shugo, Rena, and Mireille promote the manga "Shank: The Rate Story". Because... because!

- Keroro Gunsou: MeroMero Battle Royal Z

Release: November 17th, 2005

According to the trivia in Haseo's .hack//Wiki article, Haseo makes an appearance in the TV advertisement for the game. "Haseo stars in a commercial for the game Keroro Gunsou: Meromero Battle Royal Z, where he literally kicks Keroro Gunsou, the mascot, off the screen." Sounds funny! If anyone can find a video of said commercial it'd be appreciated!
Thanks Psxphile!

- Taiko no Tatsujin DS

Release: July 26th, 2007

To be honest, I really dunno the connection between .hack and this game. However, on the developer(?) blog there's a link to CyberConnect2's .hack//G.U. website. On the games site itself, under this section, article number 5 you can see an interview with CC2 head honcho Hiroshi Matsuyama having a fun time with the Taiko characters and a piece of G.U. x Taiko fanart at the end. Perhaps he's a fan of the series? Let's just label this under cross promotion rather than direct crossover.

- Keroro RPG: The Knight, Warrior, and Legendary Pirate

Release: March 4th, 2010

...Hey! That's the same day Link came out! In this game, Haseo shows up as a support character that Keroro can call upon in battle. Knowing Haseo, his support purpose is surely to kick random monster butt! This marked the first time a .hack character showed up in a game that wasn't on a Sony console.

- Solatorobo: Red the Hunter

Release: October 28th, 2010

CyberConnect2 used this teaser image on what would become the page for their game Solatorobo: Red the Hunter. A character that looks like Kite can be seen at the lower center of the image. As it turns out, the town in this image is actually in the game. Its called "Pharaoh" and apparently somewhere in this town you can see a mannequin wearing Kite's outfit, and a picture of Kite himself in one of the television screens! Anyone happen ta have screenshots of these things to share?

- Tales of Graces ƒ

Release: December 2nd, 2010

Now this is a crossover that goes both ways! Early pre-orders for Link came with a dvd audio drama featuring Haseo &
and Asbel & Malik. Utilizing special passwords in .hack//Link will unlock alternate outfits for Haseo (Form 1) and
. Haseo's special outfit is the one worn by Asbel Lhant, while
special outfit
is the one worn by Malik Caesar. In Japan, a DLC costume of Haseo's Xth Form was released for Asbel to wear in Tales of Graces ƒ. In addition to the costume, two battle themes from Link will be added to the game when wearing said costume. As of yet it has not been released in the west.

Battle Theme 01
Howling Death
.hack//Link x Tales of Graces ƒ Audio Drama (this is not translated and in a way contains minor spoilers for Link)

- Project X Zone

Release: October 11th, 2012

...Kite's right there on the games cover! What more connection do ya need? Okay okay. He and BlackRose are useable characters. The R:1 era Hulle Granz Cathedral and Skeith also make appearances. It's likely there will be at least one piece of .hack music in the game as well.

Don't bother redoing the pictures, that would take ages and ages!!!
Nuh uh! I'd only have to redo about 110 pics outta the 600 or so I've posted/linked to thus far!

Stage On

Project X Zone has a third character from many series showing up as a support unit.

I wonder who .hack's will be if they have one.

I'm pretty mad we haven't gotten the Haseo costume for Tales of graces F. It's not like there's a right's issue with having it in there.

Man they should do a cross over of Sword art online since that series is about players being trapped inside an online game it would fit perfectly.


- Keroro Gunsou: MeroMero Battle Royal Z

Release: November 17th, 2005

According to the trivia in Haseo's .hack//Wiki article, Haseo makes an appearance in the TV advertisement for the game. "Haseo stars in a commercial for the game Keroro Gunsou: Meromero Battle Royal Z, where he literally kicks Keroro Gunsou, the mascot, off the screen." Sounds funny! If anyone can find a video of said commercial it'd be appreciated!
Ask and ye shall receive...

Though I seem to remember a subtitled version. Oh well.

- Solatorobo: Red the Hunter

Release: October 28th, 2010

CyberConnect2 used this teaser image on what would become the page for their game Solatorobo: Red the Hunter. A character that looks like Kite can be seen at the lower center of the image. As it turns out, the town in this image is actually in the game. Its called "Pharaoh" and apparently somewhere in this town you can see a mannequin wearing Kite's outfit, and a picture of Kite himself in one of the television screens! Anyone happen ta have screenshots of these things to share?

I played through the whole game but I don't remember seeing anything Kite-like in the game, then again the game is full of little details that you probably won't notice at first because of the fast clip the game plays at, and CC2 is all about dem inter-game cameos so I don't doubt there's something there to find. Which reminds me: there are NPCs in the original .hack series named after characters from Tail Concerto, Solatorobo's predecessor: Waffle, Alicia, Flare, Stare, Panta and probably more can be found all over the root towns.

Also this was found on Solatorobo's TVTrope page, spoilering because it concerns one of the big reveals of the game:

The information terminals on (post-apocalyptic) Earth were apparently made by CyberConnect. Not the Real Life developers, but the CyberConnect Corporation from .hack, as the logo accompanying the CyberConnect name is only used by the fictional counterpart (the closest the real company has is their current logo, which still has a notable difference of incorporating a "2" in the image)
. It may induce Epileptic Trees if one thinks about it for too long.
That's some major "Megaman Legends is the far-flung future of the classic/X series" shit right there.


Dot Hacked
Results of the Anniversary Poll are in! 17,701 votes was placed and outta well over 100 options we gots a Top 50! Utilizing the wiki (and failing that other more painful methods) I bring ya the list! Check out the page for a spiffy new wallpaper featuring the top 3: http://www.cc2.co.jp/hack_VS/vote/

01. | &#12459;&#12452;&#12488; = Kite
02. | &#12495;&#12475;&#12530; = Haseo
03. | &#24535;&#20035; = Shino
04. | &#26494; = Matsu
05. | &#12456;&#12531;&#12487;&#12517;&#12521;&#12531;&#12473; = Endrance
06. | &#33900;&#28814;&#12398;&#39438;&#22763; &#65288;&#12488;&#12521;&#12452;&#12456;&#12483;&#12472;&#65289;= Tri-Edge
07. | &#12469;&#12463;&#12516; = Sakuya
08. | &#12488;&#12461;&#12458; = Tokio
09. | &#25594;&#20809; = Alkaid
10. | &#26970;&#33391; = Sora
11. | &#21496; = Tsukasa
12. | &#12450;&#12452;&#12490; = Aina
13. | &#12450;&#12488;&#12522; = Atoli
14. | &#20381;&#28548;&#12428;&#12356; = Rei Izumi (LotT manga artist)
15. | &#12458;&#12540;&#12532;&#12449;&#12531; = Ovan
16. | &#12450;&#12454;&#12521; = Aura
17. | &#12375;&#12419;&#12369; = Syake (wtf)
18. | &#12502;&#12521;&#12483;&#12463;&#12525;&#12540;&#12474; = BlackRose
19. | &#26494;&#23665;&#27915; = Hiroshi Matsuyama (LOL)
20. | &#12450;&#12523;&#12499;&#12524;&#12458; = Albireo
21. | &#12479;&#12499;&#12540; = Tabby
22. | &#27397; = Zelkova
23. | &#12511;&#12473;&#12488;&#12521;&#12523; = Mistral
24. | &#12408;&#12394;&#23376; = Henako
25. | &#12496;&#12523;&#12512;&#12531;&#12463; = Balmung
26. | &#12414;&#12371;&#12392;&#12373;&#12435; = Makoto
27. | &#12394;&#12388;&#12417; = Natsume
28. | &#12497;&#12452; = Pi
29. | &#12471;&#12521;&#12496;&#12473; = Silabus
30. | &#12463;&#12540;&#12531; = Kuhn
31. | &#12463;&#12521;&#12522;&#12493;&#12483;&#12486; = Klarinette
32. | &#19977;&#23822;&#20142; = Ryou Misaki (WHY)
33. | &#26377;&#22478;&#12381;&#12425; = Sora Yuuki
34. | &#30887; = Midori
35. | &#12492;&#12449;&#12470; = Nuada
36. | &#12459;&#12458;&#12385;&#12435; = Kao-chin
37. | &#12513;&#12488;&#12525;&#12494;&#12540;&#12512; = Metronom (people liked him??)
38. | &#12471;&#12517;&#12540;&#12468; = Shugo
39. | &#12456;&#12523;&#12463; = Elk
40. | &#26164; = Subaru
40. | &#20976;&#33457; = Ouka
40. | &#12460;&#12452;&#12473;&#12488; = Geist
43. | &#12511;&#12524;&#12452;&#12518; = Mireille
44. | &#26395; = Bo
44. | &#26388; = Saku
46. | AIKA = AIKA
46. | &#12460;&#12523;&#12487;&#12491;&#12450; = Gardenia (!!!)
48. | &#12524;&#12452;&#12481;&#12455;&#12523; = Rachel
49. | &#12459;&#12540;&#12523; = Carl
50. | &#12495;&#12540;&#12511;&#12483;&#12488; = Hermit
50. | &#23546;&#23798;&#33391;&#23376; = Terajima Ryoko
50. | &#12463;&#12499;&#12450; = Cubia

...Is it bad that I knew a whole bunch of these characters before looking them up due to having played Link & Versus in JP x.x? My vote for Terajima counted! Without it she wouldn't be there! ^.^ On the other hand, can we really say Kite won? The same person combination of Ryou Misaki/Sora/Haseo adds up to nearly 3,000 points easily putting him ahead of Kite. Lame! Where'd the sudden Shino popularity come from? Her appearances in Link? Usually the top girl would be Atoli...?

edit: Another Linkslation update!
Kuukai said:

We were having some trouble, but Jun pulled it off and completed the patcher literally this week. We're moving into testing, and then we'll throw what we have out there. Yes, this is the 1st version, Terror Infection, but since the patcher's done now we won't have have these kinds of technical difficulties again. And hey, it's still less than a year late. In terms of fan or game projects that's not terrible.

The important thing to remember though is that we're going the unconventional route and translating what's important, not what's easy or first in the game. So this will be like an interactive version of the video. You'll understand the main plot. The cool thing is that we translated 100% of the manga cutscenes, most of which weren't included in the video. The main caveat right now is that some of the things explained via text-narration-set-to-SIGN-music that we edited into the video aren't translated in the patch, but the emails/cutscenes/etc. relating to that information will be a major goal for version 2, in addition to plenty of other fun stuff. And we hope to kick that out by end of the year as promised ("2012").

I updated the roadmap and we might be able to beat it. The goal is to get something out there that's better than playing it in Japanese, and then improve it.

Project X Zone has a third character from many series showing up as a support unit.

I wonder who .hack's will be if they have one.
I'll place my guesses on Mistral or Balmung if they stick with just .hack// characters. Tsukasa if extended to the whole first era. Haseo if they go even further!

I'm pretty mad we haven't gotten the Haseo costume for Tales of graces F. It's not like there's a right's issue with having it in there.
There's also the 2 music tracks an we all know how music licensing can be expensive!

Man they should do a cross over of Sword art online since that series is about players being trapped inside an online game it would fit perfectly.
Perfectly? I never heard of that series, maybe will check up on what its like an stuff.

Ask and ye shall receive...

Though I seem to remember a subtitled version. Oh well.
Awesome! Even better than I'd expected! Haseo stole the show an totally got rid of that frog lol.

I played through the whole game but I don't remember seeing anything Kite-like in the game
I dunno how big the game is or anything having never played it but its just 1 town to poke through! Do I gotta buy the game for myself to find out e.e?

Which reminds me: there are NPCs in the original .hack series named after characters from Tail Concerto, Solatorobo's predecessor: Waffle, Alicia, Flare, Stare, Panta and probably more can be found all over the root towns.
Ya there's also Silent Bomber NPCs and a summon relating to both games. But those are cameos in .hack games, not .hack cameo'ing in other stuffs!


So, I gave Parasite Dragon a shot this weekend....and got completely crushed by it. I really want to get going with MUTATION, so does getting the weapon from him make a real big difference? I'm not a 100% completionist, so I don't care for getting all the rare items and stuff like that.


Dot Hacked
So, I gave Parasite Dragon a shot this weekend....and got completely crushed by it. I really want to get going with MUTATION, so does getting the weapon from him make a real big difference? I'm not a 100% completionist, so I don't care for getting all the rare items and stuff like that.
The Hyakkidouran has the best magical accuracy stat you'll find in the first two games so if your into spamming those with Kite its useful. Trading in Mutation can net ya a more powerful physical attack weapon. Since ya aren't doing 100% you prolly don't care about desktop stuff but just incase, the monsters ryu book takes almost every last one to max and bonus bosses I think can't be fought in later games even if ya skipped 'em. The one bonus boss weapon ya want is from Outbreak. Its the hardest to get but it was an extremely useful weapon to me throughout Quarantine!


Dot Hacked


I went an gave it a try and as advertised it is basically just a cutscene translation with some other things in there like the first e-mail! Hopefully patch pt.2 stays on track for release this year with whatever that'll entail!

Cool, thanks! I'm not much of a magic user with Kite. Maybe I'll give it another shot later :)
Ya aside from healing there's not to many times you'll need to be using magic with him outside of monsters which can't be attacked physically so ya oughta be good.

The best weapon is a bonus one from Outbreak to be sure, it's just not from the extra boss.
This is true plus its alot easier to get!


Dot Hacked
The internets still up and running? Cools! Then accept this Virgin's Kiss day gift of bonus content!

//The world before "The World" [Bonus #16]

-> 1972
//Emma Wielant is born in west Germany.

-> 1986
//French ecologist Dominique de Mirabeau publishes a report predicting extinction for all life on Earth within the next 1000 years if current emission trends continued. Her only solution for helping Earth recover was to cease human activity somehow.

-> 1989
//Followers of Mirabeau formed the organization mama. These people would be dedicated to aiding the Earth by bringing the activity of mankind to a standstill. Both Emma Wielant and the founders of ALTIMIT held membership in this group.

-> 1996
//Emma and Harald meet for the first time.

-> 199X
//The global information super highway known as the "internet" is born from the Department of Defense's ARPANET.

-> 1999
//By 1999, the internet is accessible to most of the world.

-> 2001
//As access to the network spreads, "Democratization of Information" occurs. As a result, it becomes difficult to conceal information. Dictatorships and police states are on the verge of extinction. By the end of the first five years of the 21st Century, communist dictatorships in East Asia, and military states in the Middle East either disappear from the face of the Earth, or are forced to change their system of government. However, problems with network hackers attacking host servers and instigating other internet crimes expotentially increase as they change their methods of operation and increase the freqeuncy of their attacks.

-> 2002
//The World Network Council (WNC) is formed under the United Nations. All countries with internet environments are obligated to join the council.

-> 2003
//WNC Winter General Meeting is held (the first WNC general meeting). Each country quickly discloses their differences in expectations and difficulty in making adjustments. It becomes a general meeting that tests the limits of the WNC.

//A new type of virus called, "Hello WNC," spreads. The M Company's e-mail program, which held 70% of the market share at the time, is targeted. Over 10,000,000 users were infected.

//WNC Summer General Meeting is held. The main agenda on the table is the counter-measure against "Hello WNC," International public opinion opposing this necessity quickly rises as WNC is unable to reach any decision or take any drastic or landmark measures.

//A new type of virus called, "Deadly Flash" spreads. Seven people are killed due to epileptic seizures the virus produced. The creator of the virus, a young japanese male, is the first person in internet history to be given a death sentence for cybercrimes.

-> 2004
//WNC Spring General Meeting is held. The Japanese, German, and Italian delegations propose the concept of "New Generation Hyper Net," but it is vetoed by the objections from the United States and China. As a result, only agendas such as the "Advancement of Research and Investigation of New Type of Viruses," "Support for New Development of Security Techniques," and "Stronger Punishment for Cyber Crimes such as Hacking and Computer Virus Creations" are voted upon.

//Emma Wielant is killed in a car accident. Her incomplete epic web poem Epitaph of Twilight disappears from the internet.

//The host computer of the Swiss Banks is hacked. Losses are reported to be over 80 billion dollars. A terrorist organization active in the 20th century claims responsability, but the culprit is yet to be apprehended.

-> 2005
//Stock prices in the New York Stock Exchange repeatedly show high surges and drops. From a manifesto issued by the culprit, it becomes clear that the main computers in the Stock Exchange on Wall Street and major securities companies have been hacked. The culprit has yet to be caught.

//With the surge in cyber crime, the existence of the WNC, which only displays the slogan of "Support for Security Development" and "Elimination of Cyber Crimes," becomes questionable.

//The "Pluto's Kiss" outbreak occurs. All networks on the globe crash on December 24th. Almost all computers and communication control systems connected to the network experience malfunctions, wreaking havoc and chaos over the world. This day the network that has spread to the far reaches of the globe "meets death." The network recovers 77 minutes after the incident, but inherent dangers such as the triggering of the United States' nuclear defense systems and automated counter-strike program, still loom. The culprit is a 10-year-old grade school student living in Los Angeles. The "Democratization of Cyber Crimes" results as a consequence of the "Democratization of Information."

//Following Pluto's Kiss, all internet activity save for government or business purposes is restricted.

-> 2006
//The period known as the "Twilight of the New Gods" begins. Development of online videogames come to a halt.

//Jim Stonecold, the 44th President of the United States of America, resigns, taking responsibility for the "Pluto's Kiss" incident.

//WNC Winter General Meeting is held. The proposal of "New Generation Hyper Net" from 2004 resurfaces and only the OS that evaded the "Pluto's Kiss," "ALTMIT" is designated as the universal basic operating system.

//The business OS, "ALTMIT," becomes available to the general public. Also around this time, the core members of the ALTMIT developing team depart from the company and establish CyberConnect Corporation.

//A genius German programmer named Harald Höerwick brings his game, "Fragment," to CC Corporation.

//The fiery announcer of the arena (G.U.) is hired at CyberConnect.

-> 2007
//The next generation network system using ALTMIT spreads across the world. The world's communication network is restored to the level it was prior to the "Pluto's Kiss" incident. ALTMIT Co. (headquartered in San Francisco), establishes local subsidiaries in 12 different locations throughout the globe.

//CyberConnect Japan is founded. Junichiro Tokuoka is hired to work on the Japanese localization of Fragment and is assisted by Kazushi Watarai.

//Testing of the ALTMIT network game, "Fragment," begins. After the "Pluto's Kiss" incident, all forms of network entertainment are restricted, but this project is granted special permission from the WNC to be conducted to "invigorate the currently dead network entertainment markets."

//"Fragment" dominates message boards. Rumors spread that "Fragment" is based upon the network epic, "Epitaph of Twilight," which is famous among certain groups of users.

//CC Corporation joins the international stock market.

//Harald Höerwick goes missing.

//"Fragment"'s beta testing ends.

//The WNC makes an official announcement that as of October 31st, nearly 100% of all network servers in the world have been ported to ALTMIT OS. It is also announced that all network restrictions will be lifted as of midnight, December 24th (Network Peace Proclamation). The United Nations votes to make this day an international holiday known as "Virgin's Kiss."

//CC Corporation issues a press release and officially announces the release of the Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game, "The World," which is also the official title of the game known as "Fragment." The release date is almost universal throughout the globe, with download available beginning at midnight on December 24th, as "Virgin's Kiss" holiday begins. Reservations for "The World" begins.

//Rumors of "The World" not being released spreads among the network community. CC Corporation denies the rumor.

//On December 24th, the first Virgin's Kiss is celebrated. As previously announced, restrictions on the network are lifted. "The World," is released worldwide with over 100,000 downloads on the first day alone. CC Corporation's total stock value surpasses ALTMIT and the period known as the "Twilight of the New Gods" ends with the release of "The World."

Oh and ya all oughta keep your eyes on the sky!

Never know what ya might spy...


Dot Hacked
Happy 10 Years of .hack in the US!

The first episode of SIGN aired saturday February 1st, 2003 at 3 p.m. What's on CN at this same time 10 years later? Some random live action series... -.-;

.hack//Infection's US 10th year anniversary is coming up soon! This game released February 11th, 2003! Did ya know it was originally planned to drop in October of 2002? Here's the proof in just 1 of many old .hack US news articles I got saved!

Date: September 28th, 2002
Link: http://www.rpgamer.com/news/Q3-2002/092302c.html

.hack Release Date Changes Not All Bad

Bandai has tweaked the release dates of the various volumes of its upcoming thriller RPG .hack, and while the first of these changes might be frustrating to some gamers who have waited patiently for more than a year, the release schedule should come as a welcome surprise thereafter. .hack://Infection, the first volume, has been pushed back from October 2002 to February 2003, which is a fairly considerable delay. Thereafter, however, each successive volume will be released on a tri-monthly basis. .hack://Mutation will be released in May 2003, and the as-yet unnamed third and fourth volumes will be released in August and November, respectively.

When prompted for the reasons behind the setback, Bandai indicated it wishes to co-ordinate the release of the game with the release of a cartoon series based on the same world. ".hack isn't just a PlayStation 2 game or anime movie or animated series," a company representative explained, "It's a world unto itself. .hack has been nearly 4 years in the making, and we want to release it with as much gusto as it deserves."
Seemed like a good move, no? If it weren't for me having first seen some episodes of SIGN, I may never have latched onto the games and series as a whole! O_O But as history has told us, Outbreak & Quarantine didn't quite make those expected August/November dates. Instead they landed September & January.

If only they coulda been as coordinated with the 2nd era~

Sorry european fans. You's still gotta wait another 13 months for your 10 year celebrating ;.;
So sorry for bumping this, but after finishing the first game nearly ten years ago, I finally took the time to grind out those last damned virus cores and beat the original series.

I really appreciate what this series did when it came out--the use of anime, manga, and video games to create a connected and dialogic game experience where each piece contributed so much to the universe worked so well with the MMORPG subject matter. It was so cool taking keywords from the anime into the games and finding the //SIGN ghosts for the first time. Too bad that the actual game kept that from ever reaching its full potential.

I mainly popped in Outbreak a day or two ago because I was interested in finally trying the GU series, but I couldn't let myself start the game without having the data flag from the first series.

I guess I was just a sucker for the style of repetitive gameplay in .hack. I really, really, really hated grinding for those damned virus cores, but the super simple dungeon setup made playing super addictive, regardless of how mindless and mind-numbing the combat was. Such a great concept for a game.


Dot Hacked
Recent-ish .hack news, go!

- Guilty Dragon: The Sin Curse and the Eight Dragons hit 500,000 downloads! The game was confirmed for western release even before it was out in japan so... where is it?! (echoes of PSO2)

- Chapter releases for .hack//bullet have greatly slowed for some mysterious reason. It began releasing just ahead of the whole Versus onslaught an stuff. Could they be saving the rest in preparation for the next .hack?! On the bright side, the fan translation is totally up to date!

- CyberConnect2's put out some .hack swag for the Summer 2013 season! Must resist urge to import Chim Chim plushie... @_@

- .hack//Versus turned a year old just a couple weeks ago! Will all the stuffs on that disc truly be the last major .hack works? Will Guilty Dragon officially succeed it? Is there secretly more in store? Only time'll tell!

- Project X Zone is out in the west! Just how much of a role does "The World" play in this crossover extravaganza? Only one way ta find out!

- The Link fan translation is continuing full force! The second patch is still scheduled for fall 2013 (ya can prolly guess when I'll be properly casting Rip Maen on this thread~).
&#8226; Animated scenes: 100% (81/81 Files)
&#8226; Standard Dialogue: 15%-20% (600/2029 Files) [as of July 19th]
&#8226; Items/Extras/E-Mails: 10%-15% (12/22 Files. The remaining files are the largest in the game. Therefore, they count for a larger percentage.)

- Funimation acquires the licenses for SIGN, LotT, Roots, and G.U. Trilogy! Could we see them get english blu-ray releases?! They also have Quantum... could the second movie, Beyond the World be next?

So sorry for bumping this, but after finishing the first game nearly ten years ago, I finally took the time to grind out those last damned virus cores and beat the original series.
Bumpings no probs! Not like we're dead here (I think) an beating down some old backlogged goodness is a good thing! The VC grind stinks the first time through but on replays not much of a issue. Plus its got nothing on the Virus Core grind to come!

I guess I was just a sucker for the style of repetitive gameplay in .hack. I really, really, really hated grinding for those damned virus cores, but the super simple dungeon setup made playing super addictive, regardless of how mindless and mind-numbing the combat was. Such a great concept for a game.
Mind-numbing?! Pretty harsh! Just wait til G.U. Battles are more fun but take much longer (and areas by extension)!
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