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GTA4 Freezing/Crashing Thread - PS3 patch is up, no fix for 360 yet.

Have you experienced the GTA IV crashing/freezing?

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Firewire said:
We have had reports in this thread that its affecting limited amounts of both 60GB & 20GB units. From what I have gathered its affected an Elite 360 (my sisters husband) and I believe I read in another sites comments one guy with a Premium 360 had the freeze ups as well.

From what Kotaku is saying, R* is reporting it as a problem with both consoles.

It was a R* CSR. No official word from R*.


I picked up the PS3 version at lunch. It worked fine on my 60GB launch PS3 (w/120GB drive), at least for the 30 mins or so I played. My buddy picked it up for his 40GB, I'll find out how his goes tonight.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, I've put in 40 minutes thus far and haven't had a single crash.

US PS3 60gb
Two weeks after launch


Sir Fragula said:
I said this in a different thread, but my friend had the same problem on 360. He swapped his discs at the retailer and still had the issue... but after I told him to do the button combination cache clear thing in the memory section of the system blade, it worked flawlessly. Anyone else been trying that?

is there a similar option for PS3?
Been playing it on my 360 pro for about 2 hours and its froze 4 times. I'm hoping it isn't the system, because I haven't had any problems with my other games.


jetjevons said:
I don't think they're the same thing. I can't even get through the intro without a crash.

They could be the same bug but I don't think so.

Or maybe there are bugs in both versions that are related, but not the same, thus causing them to crash! :eek:

Shock and awe [/revalation]
ggnoobIGN said:
Broke at Opening Cut scene
Launch 60GB PS3

Fucking great. Any help? I suppose not.

Patience I guess. This is the first time I'm not pissed off that a pre-order is taking longer than it should to be shipped to me.


to people who are having problems would you say that you have been saving and deleting files from your hard drive often?
I played for about 5 hours today, 1x freeze, 1 x disc could not be read, 1x unendless fall through the floor textures...
Lots of lags and a few missing textures.
I'm playing the 360 version.

Hung Wei Lo

X-mas 60gig'er here...made it past the 1st cut scene, but on the way to the 2nd, got bumped into some dude and made him drop his hot dog, he said something to me in Russian, so I beat him up, then for the final blow, threw his hot dog at him...then apparently jumped into multiplayer mode...I'm scared to go home and play now :(


Firewire said:
Well EviLore reported it happening in a few places, and a 360 owner mentioned it happened when changing clothes in the game. It seems it can happen anywhere, but allot of people have mentioned it in the opening cut scene.

Firewire said:
We have had reports in this thread that its affecting limited amounts of both 60GB & 20GB units. From what I have gathered its affected an Elite 360 (my sisters husband and I believe I read in another sites comments one guy with a Premium 360 had the freeze ups as well.

From what Kotaku is saying, R* is reporting it as a problem with both consoles.

Firewire said:
My sisters husband just swapped disc's at the store and is still experiencing the problem on his Elite 360.

Rockstar really screwed something up with this release.

Firewire said:
Its happening to 360's as well, my sisters husband is having the same problem on a Elite 360, thats pretty new. Its not a RROD situation either as his other games work fine, he's going to attempt to swap the disc at the store to see if its a disc problem.

Firewire said:
Why? Look around the net, even R* said it was happening on 360's as well.

Firewire said:
Sounds about right, also this isn't limited to the 60GB on PS3's either as "TheJollyCorner" is having the problem on a 20GB unit. Going by other forums its happened on Premium and Elite 360's as well.

Firewire said:
The fact that its happening to various PS3's and to 360's as well, would point to bad disc's I think. Maybe thats why R* can't find the problem either, its only happening because of bad discs?

Firewire have you heard of any 360s with the problem?


Bish loves my games!
ggnoobIGN said:
Broke at Opening Cut scene
Launch 60GB PS3

Fucking great. Any help? I suppose not.

Nope. Welcome to my nightmare. Just don't do anything rash like delete game saves or data. It doesn't help. Neither does reinstalling.


jetjevons said:
Nope. Welcome to my nightmare. Just don't do anything rash like delete game saves or data. It doesn't help. Neither does reinstalling.

Try playing it under a different user account.


Karma said:
Firewire have you heard of any 360s with the problem?

Yeah! Don't be so hard up, there have been people trying to point the finger at the PS3, but its on both systems!

Klaxon said:
I played for about 5 hours today, 1x freeze, 1 x disc could not be read, 1x unendless fall through the floor textures...
Lots of lags and a few missing textures.
I'm playing the 360 version.

Ganondorf>Link said:
Been playing it on my 360 pro for about 2 hours and its froze 4 times. I'm hoping it isn't the system, because I haven't had any problems with my other games.


Post Count: 9999
For everyone that's getting worried about this issue ... please realize that games, especially sandbox games, have bugs in them many times. If you're game freezes, that does not automatically mean you have the show-stopper some have seen.

Its very likely that crashes may occasionally occur, but you'll be able to get past it via a hard reset.

Obviously R* needs to take care of these issues, but the show stopper is the highest priority. Random, occasional crashing is not. That said, if the random, occasional crashing is actually every couple of hours, then that's a problem too :p


played from 2:30am to 5:30am.....

Launch 60gb..... no problems..... besides me being late to work this morning.......


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So is it just 60gig or is the 20 having problems as well. And are the 360 problems reported the same thing?


jetjevons said:
Tried that.
Tried with different pads.
Tried with internet disabled.
Tried at different resolutions.

Same result.

Don't think you need to get this far ... but try swapping HDD. I wonder if there are any 60 GB owners that have upgraded their HDD and playing w/o problems.


I got my first freeze today, however I want to point out that some rather strange things were happening before I received it.

First off I have about 30+ hours on it (360 version) I have a refurbished/replacement 360 non-hdmi and a 120gb hd

Mine happened on the mission where
You are going to bury Derricks body and are being chased by the Albanians and the Police
just before I couldn't change my clothes nor save, the game wouldn't let me, also hailing a cab took way too many tries. Then I started the mission above and as all hell was breaking loose, the game froze.


Sinnoch said:
Hilarious, Sony's own free little PR boy

Stealth edits don't work like that around here. If you're going to troll other members, at least be brave enough to stand by what you said.


Post Count: 9999
Dunlop said:
I'm confused about the error.

I thought the errors reported here were on the PS3/360 freezing on the intro and the game being unplayable, once the system is rebooted does the game work? I can live with that until they patch it if I'm affected.

As I alluded to in my last post, I'm guessing they are completely different issues.

There are the standard game crashes that many sand-box games unfortunately have, and then there's is the no-return, you are hosed error some others are seeing.

While its possible the cause is related, the issue is whether you can get past it or not. The people with the real problem seem to have the game crash constantly (even if they manage to get past the intro). As in, every few minutes type crashing 0_0


I'm worried now. Could it be that some copies are just faulty? Or is it a general bug in the game code, thus every single copy is being affected?


Have a PAL launch 60GB. Been playing for around 4/5 hours flawlessly throught the day. Turned it off for 2 hours, and just tried playing again. Froze a bit during the intro, then froze often during gameplay, till an eventual hang.


Bish loves my games!
I called the R* customer support number from their website and spoke to a rep. The call went something like this:

Me: "I got my copy from Gamestop this morning. It crashes during the opening cut-scene 100% of the time. What's going on?"
Rep: "We are currently waiting on the developer for information at this time."
Me: "So it's a known issue then?"
Rep, "We are currently waiting on the developer for information at this time."
Me "Fine. So what I am supposed to do? "
Rep: "You can wait for a possible fix or you can exchange your copy from the store you bought it."
Me: "No shit sherlock. So what would you advise I do?"
Rep: "(long pause) You can wait for a possible fix or you could exchange your copy."
Me: "Well if I exchange my copy would that fix the problem?"
Rep:"We are currently waiting on the developer for information at this time."
Me: "And if I choose to wait. How long will I have to wait before there's a fix or you know more about what's going on. A few hours?"
Rep: "It'll be at least 24 hours."
Me: "Where'd you get that figure from? You DO know that something is going on then."
Rep: "We are currently waiting on the developer for information at this time."

End result: they wouldn't confirm it as known problem or advise a course of action. Grrrr.
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