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Guild Wars 2 Press Beta [Prepurchase Is Live]

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Misunderstood. Saw the stress test invite and implied context. All good. I'm VERY much looking forward to trying out a dagger elementalist.
So why invite random people to the stress test instead of the ones who just payed you to get into events like that? I know they deliberately did not call it a beta event and I get that it is only 6 hours, but it seems so silly to provoke people over nothing.

If they are not inviting existing beta testers who would not have to download the client on such short notice, I can see no reason at all not to use the pre-purchase pool. Especially since they are trying to find out if the servers can handle their numbers.


Pre-purchased the game for $62.99 at EBGames today: However, I'm having to go in tomorrow as they actually don't have the codes at the moment.

Worst part about it? The EBGames I went to is pretty much on the other side of the city. But I don't really mind going back there again as the mall's pretty cool.

Same here,the lady there said they where suppose to get the codes today but did not so I bought the game anyway and will go back by Friday when they should have the codes.


I doubt ArenaNet want people who have just invested into their game to experience an event where they're just going to stress the hell out of the servers to see what they can handle. They probably don't want paid players first experience to be a bad one...


Twitter news:

@rulqua The upcoming Beta Weekend Events do not have an NDA. ~RB2

If you have recently received an email that talks about an NDA, this is not a pre-purchase beta event and is in fact covered by an NDA! ^AT

The upcoming pre-purchase Beta Events will not covered by an NDA. ^AT

I can confirm that this weekend (April 14th and 15th) is NOT a Beta Event Weekend, sorry :( ^AT

The upcoming stress test is NOT a beta event and NOT related to pre-purchase. Its intention is to help us prepare for the beta events! ^AT

@JasonandJim not a weekend, only an evening. ^AT

Oh boy, excited about this, this mean that they want things to run smoothly for the big BEW.


The stress test sounds like a pain - 6 hours to barely touch the game? Talk about a tease. Though I imagine half of that time is going to be ArenaNet spawning crazy monsters in cities.

It's a stress test, they just need warm bodies, that's all. I'm thinking for some people who didn't get to play in the last event, even 6 hours would be a nice taste. Especially with the BWE coming up.

Oh boy, excited about this, this mean that they want things to run smoothly for the big BEW.

Yep. The Beta Weekend should theoretically run like butter. Really looking forward to it now.
A good chance they'll spawn a world boss as soon as they see the numbers spike in beta weekend. Some people will revive others, some will fight strategically, most will have no idea what to do!


So why invite random people to the stress test instead of the ones who just payed you to get into events like that? I know they deliberately did not call it a beta event and I get that it is only 6 hours, but it seems so silly to provoke people over nothing.

If they are not inviting existing beta testers who would not have to download the client on such short notice, I can see no reason at all not to use the pre-purchase pool. Especially since they are trying to find out if the servers can handle their numbers.

Because it's a stress test. I can imagine the endless bitching when pre-purchase customers misunderstand this for a beta where they'll be able to play, only to have the servers crashing all the time, making their first impression of the game a terrible one. ANet is going to be trying to crash the servers on purpose. Inviting paying customers into that mess is worse than not inviting them for some 6 hour stress test, IMO.


Managed to get my standard pre-purchse with all the goodies for 39.99 eurobucks today and applied the code to my account. Now we wait for the betas.

My guess is the 20th is the current date internally as long as nothing goes horribly wrong in the stress test.

That would be an awesome b'day present. But now it's probably jinxed ;).


Woohoo! Got my Collector's Edition package in the box and have now registered a account and thankfully no poser had tried to take my name as a display name before me.

The four-digit code does not appear in the game itself unless another player chooses the same name, in which case both your name and the four-digit code will appear.



Money fail. This week is cellphone bill, and I'll have nothing left again to pay for GW2. I guess I'll have to wait until next week...
My friend got into the Stress Test. He wasn't in the closed beta, but got an email to download the client. Link was broken. GG Arenanet

Oh yeah, and he can't ask anyone about it because of the NDA.


My friend got into the Stress Test. He wasn't in the closed beta, but got an email to download the client. Link was broken. GG Arenanet

Oh yeah, and he can't ask anyone about it because of the NDA.

There is a forum for NDA stuff.

You can see it by going to forum.guildwars2.com and logging in if you pre-purchased. It won't let you access unless you have a beta account, though.


Are they going to wipe our beta characters when the game launches?

I'm expecting them to and won't be sad if they do, just asking.

Of course! Otherwise, that 3 day head start would be kind of pointless. It'd be more like a 6-25 (or more) day head start depending upon how many beta weekend events we have.
There is a forum for NDA stuff.

You can see it by going to forum.guildwars2.com and logging in if you pre-purchased. It won't let you access unless you have a beta account, though.

Yeah, the download link for the client was a forum link which is down. Something about a 502 error like with prepurchases.
sigh, so to insure I get a physical copy at launch, I ended up prepurchasing from gamestop. First time I've stepped inside a gamestop in 6 months...god I hate the company (overheard a couple getting ripped off on a trade-in while in line) but the guy working there was a nice dude. Now comes the wait lol


So glad I ordered the CE now. Looks like there's a lot more going on than just "Look at the cool art we made!" like most art books... looks like there's actually a lot of awesome info to read through.

I still don't have the original art book, I guess I need to get on that.

The book with the CE isn't an Art Book, it's a "Making Of" book which happens to contain pretty art.

I also have a signed version of the original hardcover art book, which I cherish.


I'd buy that making of book if they ever sold it separately. As it is, it's the only part of the CE that I cared about, and it's not worth $90 to me.


Dat dragon.

I wonder if that's zhaitan ? :O
They did say the dragons we've seen so far are the relatively "small" dragons.



The book with the CE isn't an Art Book, it's a "Making Of" book which happens to contain pretty art.

I also have a signed version of the original hardcover art book, which I cherish.

Yeah, I saw it's a "making of..." Book, but it would have been easy for them to just load up a tion of say and call it a day. So glad it will actually be worth reading.

Kuddos on the signed book man.


It could be Jormag but I think Zhaitan is the ruler or Orr right? I don't think Jormag would have ships approaching him. He's up in the shiverpeaks.


It could be Jormag but I think Zhaitan is the ruler or Orr right? I don't think Jormag would have ships approaching him. He's up in the shiverpeaks.

Yeh, but Zhaitan is undead

Doubt it, looks more like a champion dragon of Krakoltorrik. These "electrified" dragons are the ones that have Branded as minions.

Sorry, lore nerd in me. =(

Talking about this guy

Unknown(could also be Krakoltorrik)


I'd buy that making of book if they ever sold it separately. As it is, it's the only part of the CE that I cared about, and it's not worth $90 to me.

Yea I'd be a stand alone art book or Soundtrack but the extra $90 was just too much, never a big fan of statues


Yeh, but Zhaitan is undead

Talking about this guy

EDIT: For better comparison

This is Zhaitan:

The picture in the Shiverpeaks is Jormag, and the one with the red background is Kralkatorrik, the Crystal Dragon. He was the one in the beginning of Edge of Destiny, if memory recalls, and he has a huge association with sandstorms and sand, hence the oragnsish color.


Yeah I'm not sure that's zhaitan. Need to see more of all of them. If they can even capture a little bit of the scale they showed in that pic we're in for a treat.

edit: ya, it's got the lightning going on, it's got to be the crystal dragon.


How the hell are they gonna make these into boss fights? We fight their nostrils? Definetly interested how they solve that. :p

This is Zhaitan:
Looks like the Shatterer to me, the one shadowed in the background being KralkattorikikriaktiSOMETHING.

Edit: Actually, the one in the picture could be Kralkatotirikairkaik, as it has the same structure along its back as the buried dragon you see in Guild Wars: Eye of the North, in the Charr area.
Update for those holding out for Best buy: http://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2/posts/10150712830704209

We've got an update on Best Buy's status for Guild Wars 2 Pre-Purchase: Best Buy Canada is doing Pre-Purchase for the CE through their website. Aside from that they only have pre-order. Best Buy US is doing Pre-Purchase of the Standard Edition (Digital) and Digital Deluxe via their website only. There is no Pre-Purchase for the CE. ~RB2
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