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Guitar players of GAF- Post pics of your guitars and gear

Dice said:
Was playing with the band today and afterwards put my guitar in the case and noticed something.



...oh well. You can't really upgrade from this quality, but only get something that sounds different, so I was never going to sell it. Two years before the first one is pretty good, right?[/QUOTE]

Yep... My guitars get rather dinged too. I don't mind it so much on my electrics but on my acoustic I'm always worried the dings will affect the sound :(
Red Blaster said:
Thoughts on the Proco RAT or Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer?

The input jacks on my Boss OS-2 are shit and sometimes cut off my signal completely, need a new distortion/OD pedal. Never was in love with the OS-2 (far too trebly and "thin" sounding on leads) but it was cheap, willing to spend a little more this time. Watched a couple Youtube demos of the aforementioned pedals but everyone keeps playing goddamned Stevie Ray Vaughn blues. I Mainly play 80s/90s alternative rock going between something like The Stone Roses and early Radiohead to the Pixies, Pavement and Guided By Voices. I'll probably be boosting it with a Big Muff Pi also.

depends on your setup

if you play a strat, I would go with the TS9 because it's got that extra mids to beef up the single coils. The RAT might sound too harsh with it. RAT will sound great with humbuckers and a marshall type of amp, great for rock.


All very basic, really (not my own pics):




ESP F-300fm, Roland Cube 30 and the Pod X3. I'm fortunately immune to GAS and I just play for my own amusement these days, so been putting off all the purchases (like a decent amp for one).
Anybody have any recommendations for a bass overdrive pedal? I have one of those Boss ones, but its an utter piece of shit and I want to upgrade to something top notch. I'm willing to spend the money to do it.


Dahellisdat said:
Anybody have any recommendations for a bass overdrive pedal? I have one of those Boss ones, but its an utter piece of shit and I want to upgrade to something top notch. I'm willing to spend the money to do it.
I would look into the Tech 21 VT bass and the Mad Professor blueberry bass overdrive. I have a VT bass personally and absolutely love it.



My current guitars, they are pretty cheap. On the left it's a Yamaha Pacifica, middle's a Gibson Les Paul Studio Tribute and I have no idea what the acoustic one is (was my mother's).
I've also got a Roland Cube 20x amp but I want a new one so I'm looking for some help from the GAF-gods. I'm currently looking at the Marshall MG102FX and the and the Marshall MA50C. I don't know a single thing about amps so I could really use some help. Any other suggestions are welcome aswell, but I really don't want to spend more then ~550 euros.
( By the way, could anyone direct me to the correct thread for this question? Couldn't find it, cheers )
Sec0nd said:
I've also got a Roland Cube 20x amp but I want a new one so I'm looking for some help from the GAF-gods. I'm currently looking at the Marshall MG102FX and the and the Marshall MA50C. I don't know a single thing about amps so I could really use some help. Any other suggestions are welcome aswell, but I really don't want to spend more then ~550 euros.
( By the way, could anyone direct me to the correct thread for this question? Couldn't find it, cheers )

This seems to be the thread.

Does your mother's guitar have steel or nylon strings? It sort of looks like the latter, but I'm an absolute sucker for small bodied slot-head steel stringers.

As for the amp, are you looking for a practice amp, a gigging amp? What kind of music do you play?

Just from the specs, I think the MA50C is a better amp than the MG102FX. YouTube clips bear this out (for me). I play pretty low-gain stuff and don't need any digital effects.

The 100W amp is probably going to be overkill. I say that as someone how owns a wonderful 100W amp— I would love it even more if it was 20 or 30W.

When I gigged, I didn't own a car and so transporting the aforementioned 30kg beast was out of the question. I would gig with a 10W amp that I ran straight into the board (it was so equipped). Worked well.


Sec0nd said:

My current guitars, they are pretty cheap. On the left it's a Yamaha Pacifica, middle's a Gibson Les Paul Studio Tribute and I have no idea what the acoustic one is (was my mother's).
I've also got a Roland Cube 20x amp but I want a new one so I'm looking for some help from the GAF-gods. I'm currently looking at the Marshall MG102FX and the and the Marshall MA50C. I don't know a single thing about amps so I could really use some help. Any other suggestions are welcome aswell, but I really don't want to spend more then ~550 euros.
( By the way, could anyone direct me to the correct thread for this question? Couldn't find it, cheers )

How do you like the Pacifica? My GF's 13 yr old son is looking to learn the guitar and I've heard that's a great one to start with.


CrudeDiatribe said:
This seems to be the thread.

Does your mother's guitar have steel or nylon strings? It sort of looks like the latter, but I'm an absolute sucker for small bodied slot-head steel stringers.

As for the amp, are you looking for a practice amp, a gigging amp? What kind of music do you play?

Just from the specs, I think the MA50C is a better amp than the MG102FX. YouTube clips bear this out (for me). I play pretty low-gain stuff and don't need any digital effects.

The 100W amp is probably going to be overkill. I say that as someone how owns a wonderful 100W amp— I would love it even more if it was 20 or 30W.

When I gigged, I didn't own a car and so transporting the aforementioned 30kg beast was out of the question. I would gig with a 10W amp that I ran straight into the board (it was so equipped). Worked well.

I primarily play songs from GnR and Slash's solo stuff and stuff like SRV and Jimi Hendrix. I would also just use it to practice at home, not (yet) in a band.

Laekon said:
How do you like the Pacifica? My GF's 13 yr old son is looking to learn the guitar and I've heard that's a great one to start with.

I think it's pretty darn great, plays pretty smooth and almost sounds as good as my Gibson.

The Guitar: A PRS Custom 24. The thing pretty much plays itself, it's definitely the nicest guitar I've every laid my hands on. I used to be a big Tele guy but they just don't have the range that I need. I was looking at getting an SG or Les Paul for low end, heavily distorted stuff, but then I came across this beauty. I'm glad I didn't have to go the Gibson route, I really hate playing them (though I know they're great guitars).


The Amp: A Mesa Boogie Mark V Combo. This is hands down the most versatile amp you could possibly spend money on. Want to sound like you're playing a Matchless? Cool. How 'bout a Bogner? Done. The sheer volume of switches, knobs, and sliders on this thing is intimidating. It's not all roses though, the reverb transformer shit the bed, and I've had to resort to a duct-tape solution:


This guy runs through the effect loop channels. It's not perfect, but I play with a whole lotta 'verb, so I can't really afford to be without it for too long.

Speaking of effects:


That should all be relatively self explanatory, the green pedal is an envelope filter and the black pedal is a volume, not a wah. I've really never got the hang of playing with a wah, but I use volume swells all the goddamned time.

Considering that a year ago my setup was a Squire 'Classic Vibe' Tele (which is actually a pretty decent guitar) through a Vox AC15 using a POD X3 Live for effects, I'm extremely happy with where my rig is now!


Sec0nd, I am partial to Vox amps for what you are wanting to do. I think they make the best practice amps out there if you don't need a head and cab for performing in large areas. I practice in a 20x20 room and use a Vox VT 15 modeling amp with Fender Standard Strat. Its only 15 watts but that is more than enough for a room the size I play in. I paid around $250 US for it.

They also have higher wattage amps if you think you need more power, check out the VT 80 or VT 120 as those will be closer to the upper end of your price range.

My particular amp has 22 preset sounds on it. If you want to sound like Clapton on Layla, just press a button and turn a knob. Want to sound like Skynyrds Free Bird, just press a button and turn a knob, it's got presets for Van Halen, Black Sabbarh, Nirvana, ZZ Top, and many others. You can also create your sound and save up to three presets of your own on the VT line of amps. You can also buy an optional foot switch if you want to switch your sound on the fly.

The amps you are looking at are overkill IMO, and there's nothing I hate to see more than people spending a lot of money on gear they'll never take full advantage of, or gear they really dont need. Shit usually ends up on Craigslist within a year.
bill0527 said:
The amps you are looking at are overkill IMO, and there's nothing I hate to see more than people spending a lot of money on gear they'll never take full advantage of, or gear they really dont need. Shit usually ends up on Craigslist within a year.

As a counter point, a single nice amp can inspire playing for years. If it makes you happy then that's 'taking full advantage of it' as far as I'm concerned.


bill0527 said:
Sec0nd, I am partial to Vox amps for what you are wanting to do. I think they make the best practice amps out there if you don't need a head and cab for performing in large areas. I practice in a 20x20 room and use a Vox VT 15 modeling amp with Fender Standard Strat. Its only 15 watts but that is more than enough for a room the size I play in. I paid around $250 US for it.

They also have higher wattage amps if you think you need more power, check out the VT 80 or VT 120 as those will be closer to the upper end of your price range.

My particular amp has 22 preset sounds on it. If you want to sound like Clapton on Layla, just press a button and turn a knob. Want to sound like Skynyrds Free Bird, just press a button and turn a knob, it's got presets for Van Halen, Black Sabbarh, Nirvana, ZZ Top, and many others. You can also create your sound and save up to three presets of your own on the VT line of amps. You can also buy an optional foot switch if you want to switch your sound on the fly.

The amps you are looking at are overkill IMO, and there's nothing I hate to see more than people spending a lot of money on gear they'll never take full advantage of, or gear they really dont need. Shit usually ends up on Craigslist within a year.

It does really sound awesome does Vox Amps. I've been looking at those as well but I'm such a complete novice when it comes to amps ( and playing guitar as well really... ) that I was scared away by how complicated those amps look and the insanely complicated descriptions. Also because I'm completely in love with Slash I'm somewhat leaning towards a Marshall because he plays them and I've read on the internet that you really need a Marshall to capture that kind of sound. Funny thing is though that all the lower end amps I'm looking at from Marshall get really poor reviews, especially from people at forums like Ultimate Guitar.

I'm so confused! This is by far my hardest and most difficult purchase ever!


Sec0nd said:
It does really sound awesome does Vox Amps. I've been looking at those as well but I'm such a complete novice when it comes to amps ( and playing guitar as well really... ) that I was scared away by how complicated those amps look and the insanely complicated descriptions. Also because I'm completely in love with Slash I'm somewhat leaning towards a Marshall because he plays them and I've read on the internet that you really need a Marshall to capture that kind of sound. Funny thing is though that all the lower end amps I'm looking at from Marshall get really poor reviews, especially from people at forums like Ultimate Guitar.

I'm so confused! This is by far my hardest and most difficult purchase ever!

Check out the Marshall Class 5.
Sec0nd said:
I'm so confused! This is by far my hardest and most difficult purchase ever!

There are a number of amps that can do the Marshall-thing, and different Marshalls do it differently as well, so I wouldn't get hung up on the brand.

Do you have music stores near you that you can try things out without pressure and a ton of background noise*? Take your guitar(s) and let your ears should be the judge. A competent sales person should help you get dialled in. If you can't hear the difference between particular $250 and 500€ amps, don't spend extra.

*Stairway to Heaven, Enter Sandman, etc.
CrudeDiatribe said:
There are a number of amps that can do the Marshall-thing, and different Marshalls do it differently as well, so I wouldn't get hung up on the brand.

Do you have music stores near you that you can try things out without pressure and a ton of background noise*? Take your guitar(s) and let your ears should be the judge. A competent sales person should help you get dialled in. If you can't hear the difference between particular $250 and 500€ amps, don't spend extra.

*Stairway to Heaven, Enter Sandman, etc.

Really this is the best advice. Go to a store and try out as many different amps as you can. Since you're just looking for a practice amp and you're not a gear snob yet, don't worry about whether it's a tube or solid state. Just find the one that you think sounds the best. You might even be happy with a Line 6 Spider or something similar that does amp emulation. I'd also recommend giving Orange amps a shot, they're lower end models are surprisingly good.


Sec0nd said:
It does really sound awesome does Vox Amps. I've been looking at those as well but I'm such a complete novice when it comes to amps ( and playing guitar as well really... ) that I was scared away by how complicated those amps look and the insanely complicated descriptions. Also because I'm completely in love with Slash I'm somewhat leaning towards a Marshall because he plays them and I've read on the internet that you really need a Marshall to capture that kind of sound. Funny thing is though that all the lower end amps I'm looking at from Marshall get really poor reviews, especially from people at forums like Ultimate Guitar.

I'm so confused! This is by far my hardest and most difficult purchase ever!

If you want to sound like Slash, you're going to need a Gibson Les Paul guitar. That's just as important as the amp. I've tried to get that Slash sound out of my Fender Strat and it just isn't going to happen. From my own ear, I can come close to that sound, but its not exact, and it doesn't matter which amp I try and which settings I use. I've plugged my guitar into 30 different amps and played with hundreds of settings at my music store and I can't get that sound. I pull a Les Paul, or even an Epiphone off the rack and plug it in - and voila, there it is.
bill0527 said:
If you want to sound like Slash, you're going to need a Gibson Les Paul guitar. That's just as important as the amp.

He has one, check the picture. P90s and not 'buckers, but whatever. I think the amp matters far more than the guitar for getting a good sound (how you play it matters most of all). I'd rather have a crappy guitar and nice amp than the other way around.


CrudeDiatribe said:
There are a number of amps that can do the Marshall-thing, and different Marshalls do it differently as well, so I wouldn't get hung up on the brand.

Do you have music stores near you that you can try things out without pressure and a ton of background noise*? Take your guitar(s) and let your ears should be the judge. A competent sales person should help you get dialled in. If you can't hear the difference between particular $250 and 500€ amps, don't spend extra.

*Stairway to Heaven, Enter Sandman, etc.

This isn't an option unfortunately. They are all too far away from me (ie 1 hour +) :(
And Bill, I've got a Gibson Les Paul, so that one is covered! Even though it's the cheapest model haha!

Thank you guys so much for trying to help me by the way, I really appreciate it since it's so complicated with all the various models and brands!
Sec0nd said:
This isn't an option unfortunately. They are all too far away from me.
That's too bad. Start looking up amps you find on sale on YouTube. Ignore the demos that feature pedals you don't own. The guitar used doesn't matter so much, though some amps do seem to favour some guitars over others (subjectively).
I don't have my electric guitars anymore. All acoustic. I miss 'em.

Anyone else here all acoustic?

Collings D2HA
Bourgeois Slope D - Adirondack/Mahogany
Gibson J-45
Taylor GS5
R. Taylor Style 1
Martin D-28 Marquis
Martin OM-28 Marquis
Martin D-28 Standard
Martin OM-18 Golden Era
Martin OM-18 (1933)
Martin 00-18 Tim O'Brien
Bloodbeard said:
I'm looking to get a Les Paul R0 or R8 with my tax return in a couple months, and I'm coming due on a couple lists (Toneczar echoczar, Solasound MK1.5, Foxrox Aquavibe) early next year, so I'll be expanding in the near future. I hope to also pick up a Hiren Roy and Sons concert sitar sometime in 2011.

So, I ended up picking up an R8 and a baja Telecaster. Don't think I'll get a sitar anymore because I've gotten into slide playing and feel that I can do what I wanted on sitar with a slide and a looper. I passed on the echoczar when my name came up because it's so expensive...still waiting on the mk1.5 and aquavibe.

Gorgeous burst. I love a good plaintop LP. I don't need flame or quilt. That guitar is absolutely beautiful.

What's the butterscotch tele? A '52 AVRI/Nocaster reissue?

I miss my Tele's and my R7.


Ducky_McGee said:
Gorgeous burst. I love a good plaintop LP. I don't need flame or quilt. That guitar is absolutely beautiful.

What's the butterscotch tele? A '52 AVRI/Nocaster reissue?

Thanks man. I would rock that semi-hollow Suhr w/ neck humbucker so hard. When I was Les Paul shopping it came down to my R8 and a beautiful red top R7. I don't regret my decision, but I do lament that I couldn't afford to buy both.

The bottom tele is a '52ri that I've had forever and a day and is just an amazing guitar...something special going on with it. And yeah, plain tops are where it's at. Most flame or quilt tops are way too extreme and look gaudy as a result. If you look at the right angle you can see some subtle flame but for the most part it's just a well done tobacco burst finish on a plain top. It looks even better in person.
Sobriquet said:
How does your Baja compare to the 52 RI?

They are pretty different considering they are both telecasters. The pickups in the Baja are hotter and darker. I personally am not a huge fan of them and will probably replace them in the future. They seem a little dull in the high end and too bass heavy whereas the '52 has a clear and bell-like high end with just the right amount of lows and low-mids to prevent it from being ice-picky. I suppose the darker and hotter pickups may make the Baja a little more suited for heavier music, but I've got a Les Paul for that stuff and want more clarity from a telecaster.

The necks are very different as well. The baja has a flatter neck radius and larger frets which I like a lot but it's got a v-neck that feels slightly less comfortable than the '52ri's U-neck. I suppose if you're one of those players that wrap your thumb over the neck you may like the V-neck better but that's not really my style and I like a little more shoulder to grab onto. Otherwise, both necks are about the same thickness. The baja has a satin finish on the neck that is very smooth whereas the '52 is finished in nitro that sometimes gets sticky with sweat. The lower frets on the '52 make for more contact with the fretboard wood, which combined with that stickiness, make for a "slower" playing neck. Bending is easier on the baja with the flatter radius and larger frets, but the '52 feels more comfortable in a way I can't really articulate. Neither neck is better than the other, just different.

I don't think you could go wrong with either. In fact I think Fender is putting out some of their best guitars ever right now so I wouldn't hesitate to recommend other tele models as well. You've just got to try them out yourself.


Great write-up, I appreciate it. I currently have a MIM Standard (I think I got it in 2005) and am thinking of upgrading to an American RI. 52, 52 Hot Rod, and the 62 are on the list. Possibly even a thinline. However, the Baja, even though it's also MIM, looks like a hell of a guitar.

Ideally I would get one of the limited Thin Skins, because I would rather have a 9.25 fretboard radius. But they seem few and far between now.


Lotsa nice looking guitars in here!

Ha, funny that this thread came up; I just got this yesterday (also posted in the Pickup post thread). Ibanez RG3EXFM1.

I really just started playing a couple of months ago, and have been using a loner Squier, which does just fine, but I need to give it back to the guy who let me borrow it soon.

I am playing on a little Marshall 10 watt right now, and also have the distortion pedal pictured below. I will be looking to get a better amp after the holidays, but I need something that also sounds good at low levels, because I live in a townhouse.


Ducky_McGee said:
I don't have my electric guitars anymore. All acoustic. I miss 'em.

Anyone else here all acoustic?

That's an impressive roster! I have both acoustic and electrics, I couldn't live without both.

What sort of music do you play? I don't really find dreads appealing, but I'm not a flatpicker. Much prefer OM/OOO & parlour sized guitars.

Bloodbeard said:
So, I ended up picking up an R8 and a baja Telecaster. Don't think I'll get a sitar anymore because I've gotten into slide playing and feel that I can do what I wanted on sitar with a slide and a looper.

Are you playing slide more on the Tele(s) or the LP? My go-to guitar for electric slide is a Les Paul that's in open-E all the time.

Anyone else own any resonator guitars?
CrudeDiatribe said:
Are you playing slide more on the Tele(s) or the LP? My go-to guitar for electric slide is a Les Paul that's in open-E all the time.

Almost exclusively on the baja because I need to have my slide guitars set-up with heavier strings and higher action than what I normally prefer. I'd love to be able to play slide on any kind of set-up, but I just can't get a light enough touch to do it on the '52 or les paul because of their low action which I like for non-slide playing. I like the sound of slide on a neck humbucker, so I'll probably route the baja for a neck humbucker at some point as a compromise. I play slide in standard a lot of the time, but open tunings are sometime required. Right now it's in standard-C# because I've been learning a lot of ragas and other songs for solo slide work that benefit from the fullness of open tuning playing.

I found a guy on youtube who's been a huge inspiration in my slide playing. Here are a couple of videos of him playing "Within you, without you" by the Beatles and "Down By The River" by Buddy Miles.
The 7.25 radius is one of the reasons I shy away from true to vintage spec'd Fender guitars. I like a relatively flat radius and medium+ frets.

The neck on the Eric Johnson Signature strat is my favorite Fender neck. The only problem is it's a a sticky nitro finish. I prefer satin finishes. An EJ Strat with the same finish as what Grosh or Suhr uses would be perfect.

Starts a soft V and tapers into a medium C with a compound radius that tapers from a 9.5 (iirc?) to a 12". Looking at Fender's website and it says it's a solid 12" which means they must have changed it. Sucks.

Lentz makes the best Tele type guitars by far. Too bad they're way fucking expensive. I can't justify $5000+ for an electric guitar. Especially a Telecaster. I don't fancy electric guitar builders real luthiers unless they're building archtops or hollowbodies. They're skilled craftsmen by they aren't luthiers. Bill Tippen, Richard Hoover, Dana Bourgeois, Bill Collings, Olson, etc are luthiers. Lentz, Suhr, Grosh, Anderson etc are just very skilled builders with a lot of attention to detail.
My preference is for OM guitars too.

I've had a few of each type.

Electric guitars are when things get interesting. I've owned...

Gibson Les Paul R7
Gibson SG '61 Reissue
Gibson SG Classic
Gibson SG Standard
Fender Eric Johnson Signature Strat White
Fender EJ Sig Strat Sunburst
Fender American Standard Strat
Fender Highway One Strat
Fender Standard (MIM) Strat
Fender Standard (MIM) Telecaster
Suhr Classic Hollow T w/ Braz board
Grosh Retro Classic (Strat style)
Rickenbacker 660-6
Rickenbacker 360-6
Hamer Monaco Elite
Soloway Swan
Heritage H-150CM Ultra
Reverend Slingshot Custom
Reverend Jetstream 390
Reverend Warhawk II HB
PRS Standard 24
I don't have pics of everything but I do have pics of most.

Collings D2HA
Bourgeois Slope D
Martin D-28 Marquis
Martin OM-18 Golden Era/Taylor GS5
Martin OM-18 1933
R. Taylor Style 1
Martin OM-28 Marquis
Gibson J-45
Martin 00-18 TOB
Martin D-28
Santa Cruz Vintage Southerner

Gibson SG Classic
Gibson SG Standard
Gibson SG '61 Reissue
Hamer Monaco Elite
Rickenbacker 660/Soloway Swan
Rickenbacker 360
Fender EJ Strat Burst
Fender EJ Strat White
Fender Am Std Strat
Reverend Slingshot Custom
Heritage H-150CM Ultra
Grosh Retro Classic
Reverend JS390, Warhawk II HB, Yamaha FGX04LTD


For those of you who are into home recording, do you use Mac or PC? I'm going to be buying a new computer soon to use with pro tools 9 and I'm having trouble deciding which will be best.
whitehawk said:
For those of you who are into home recording, do you use Mac or PC? I'm going to be buying a new computer soon to use with pro tools 9 and I'm having trouble deciding which will be best.

Mac is generally considered the standard platform. I prefer PC for everything else but there's no point in arguing. Mac wins this hands down.

Most of the best interfaces are designed for Mac/Firewire.

That said I would get a Mac Pro if you were looking into building a semi-serious studio.


I dooooon't have enough money to buy a mac pro. I can afford an iMac, but I also have to buy a bunch of other stuff. (mbox pro+protools9, micropone, ezdrummer, midi keyboard). Good thing about macs is that the resale value is good, so perhaps I'll be able to sell it later and upgrade to a mac pro.
whitehawk said:
I dooooon't have enough money to buy a mac pro. I can afford an iMac, but I also have to buy a bunch of other stuff. (mbox pro+protools9, micropone, ezdrummer, midi keyboard). Good thing about macs is that the resale value is good, so perhaps I'll be able to sell it later and upgrade to a mac pro.

Don't buy an M-Box.

RME Babyface, Apogee One.

The Apogee Mini-Me is the single greatest enthusiast recording interface ever made. Period. They're discontinued but they can be found on eBay for around $600-700. Worth every god damn penny. The mic pre's are world class for that type of device. Nothing else comes close in that price range. That's gonna be important if you ever want to drive some halfway decent condenser microphones.

If you're getting a mac buy the FireWire version.

What sort of mics were you looking to use and what are you looking to record with them?


$600-700 is a bit pricey... I can get a MBox pro with pro tools 9 le for about $450.

I'm planning to use the mic for a few things. Vocals, acoustic guitar, trumpet, piano.
You can get a good interface and you can get a cheap interface but you can't get a good cheap interface.

If you're sticking with SM57's and SM58's you'll be fine. If you want to drive a halfway decent condenser mic you're going to be disappointed. I sent you a PM. The mic in that PM is one of the best SDC's you'll ever find for under $600+. That said if you don't have an interface/preamp that can push it you may as well not even bother. It needs quite a lot of gain and if you're using a shit interface with shit pre-amps you'll get a lot of noise when to crank it to mic quiet sources.

I used them to mic this.



Neo Member
Bought one of these the other day:


It is a pretty damn impressive piece of kit, i've been mucking around still getting the hang out of how it all works, but there's so much potential to it, it's crazy.

Also got me one of these to play with (an ESP LTD KH-202):


Thinking of putting EMG 81/85's in them some day when I get some more cash.

Now, all I need to know is how to play properly and i'm set! :p
Just bough one of these, an Ibanez TCM50E



Cheap and a lot smaller than full sized acoustic guitar. I like the magnetic picukup, preamp and build-in tuner also. Souds good with a normal electric guitar amp, even with some distortion added. Doesn't sound as loud acoustically as dreadnought body, but still pretty good.


Got myself a James Tyler burning water a few years back which is one of my prize possessions. Cba taking my own picture but here's what it looks like:

Unfortunately a few months after I bought it I pretty much stopped playing in favour of learning piano, so it was kind of a waste of money :p
Bloodbeard said:
I found a guy on youtube who's been a huge inspiration in my slide playing. Here are a couple of videos of him playing "Within you, without you" by the Beatles and "Down By The River" by Buddy Miles.

He's very good! I can play slide on most guitars (sometimes with some effort and toothpicks), but prefer a higher action and heavier strings. All my electrics have .011s on them, so they all work at least passably well. Was trying to record my P90-equipped Telecaster for you this morning but I was getting some clipping/distortion somewhere, though it had been fine for recording an acoustic earlier. I'm such a hack at recording.

I need a house. I plugged in my LP after the Tele and just wanted to crank that sucker.

Ducky_McGee said:
The 7.25 radius is one of the reasons I shy away from true to vintage spec'd Fender guitars. I like a relatively flat radius and medium+ frets.

I love 'em all, somehow. Have two vintage-spec Fender necks (Tele & Strat) and really like them, and then a trio with 12" radius boards. The Les Pauls do feel like 'home' though.

Finally got around to recording something better of my Eastman OM: http://lonelyfridge.com/guitar/eastman_acoustic_8_bar.mp3

Ducky_McGee said:
Electric guitars are when things get interesting.

I dunno, I think your collection of acoustics is pretty neat. You can always send a few my way if you're bored with them.
Only the OMs, please.

Your recordings sound really good. Were you playing the piano or just recording it?


I have a new piece of gear and its called fingers that have been torn to shreds. I just started string bending in my blues workshop. 1/2 step, whole step, pre-bending and reverse bends. I had nice callouses before, but I guess they aren't going to be happy until every inch of my fingers have pads that are strong enough to impale something.

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