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Gun store owners 'seeing up to four times as many black and minority customers'

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Well it's not so clear to some. I can't tell you how many times I've had to clear up the misconception that I can't just order a firearm online and have it delivered to my door (except for C&R firearm purchases) or go to a vendor at a gun show and pickup a gun without a background check.

Well you can, if you go the right route. But I get your point. People on the gun-control side do tend to over exaggerate certain things like purchasing. Thats not to say the system isnt royally fucked to begin with.

My first gun was purchased through the regular pathways but my friend, who came with me, ended up buying a gun for his girlfriend at the same gun show from one of the vendors friends wife(I can't remember the exact connection) and they did it cash in hand and private to private with no background check.

The Iron Pipeline incorporates a lot of this to funnel guns to places like DC, New York and LA. So it is true it is not just some Amazon process but it is also very poorly regulated and the infrastructure to track crimes after the fact is abysmal which provides these large openings for gun traffickers.
They are not perfect, true, but you are intentionally taking an angle that the data we have does not support. That is the problem. Including some of those assumptions you just made like what the defensive gun studies say. Some do talk about brandishing and other things, Most in fact. There are multiple, credible studies analyzing defensive gun use. On the personal and macro level. This is a good primer. Their database of studies is also an excellent resource.

My issue with your logic regarding pointing to Cato and a climate change denier is like the people that try and argue I learn about Climate change by listening to Fox News and CNN so therefore they rationalize they have a balanced view. As if there is always some arbitrary two sides to begin with or that one side is even credible. When what you really need is credible scientific analysts and to see what the experts and the studies in the field say and take steps on how to understand the data and make sense of it properly. For instance crime stats are really a red herring to the debate if you understand no one is making a 1 for 1 correlation for guns and violence.

You are talking to someone that at 21 had several guns. Got into many an argument quoting stuff like you just did. Had many fights with family members who did not approve. Then in upper level policy classes in college got my shit rocked on this topic in a mock debate. Because I refused to do what I had done prior with my assumptions about healthcare and that was to take a hard look at my biases and re-analyze the topic from the ground up and form a better, more informed position by trying to be as objective as possible. Once i did that I realized how far off the track of reality I had gotten.

You are getting your gun, fine, I have said multiple times that is a personal choice, but don't let that deter you from education yourself on gun issues. And I will also continue to step in when I feel people are making incorrect cases surrounding the level of risk or effectiveness of their use.
I've read this whole thread and I just have to say that I appreciate this level of posting. In depth, reflective, and respectful. Good stuff.
I've read this whole thread and I just have to say that I appreciate this level of posting. In depth, reflective, and respectful. Good stuff.

It makes for much better discussions than the usual rabid "you're complicit with murdering children posts" from some.

But it is a substantive stance for closing the loopholes and truthfully the only thing that would change for the legal gun owner is a trip to a local FFL for a background check and transfer fee before making a personal sale. If they ever did I would like to see them have a clause in the law for transfer of ownership after a loved one passes away and a waiver for C&R collectors.
Don't care about stats at this point. Everyone knows guns are dangerous and I'm willing to take that risk. So are others as the rise in minorities buying guns tells us. You can post as many stats as you want. None of them will top my self defense instinct that tells me I should have a weapon on me. When I was at the shop, half of the people there were black. I talked to another black woman and she agreed. This will be her first gun.

This. Go castigate racist White people for owning guns before you come my way.


Don't care about stats at this point. Everyone knows guns are dangerous and I'm willing to take that risk. So are others as the rise in minorities buying guns tells us. You can post as many stats as you want. None of them will top my self defense instinct that tells me I should have a weapon on me. When I was at the shop, half of the people there were black. I talked to another black woman and she agreed. This will be her first gun.

This. Go castigate racist White people for owning guns before you come my way.

We arrived at a point where both of you you don't try to argue anymore, but simply deny that science, statistics and facts have merit and that your own fear is more accurate and the only thing really worth considering. This is literally how Trump got elected. "You can post as many stats and facts as you want. I know that this country is failing. I know that crimes are as abundant as never before. I know that Muslims scare me. Look at all those stories of Muslims committing acts of atrocities I saw on Facebook. I am scared and I just want to protect my family."
We arrived at a point where both of you you don't try to argue anymore, but simply deny that science, statistics and facts have merit and that your own fear is more accurate and the only thing really worth considering. This is literally how Trump got elected. "You can post as many stats and facts as you want. I know that this country is failing. I know that crimes are as abundant as never before. I know that Muslims scare me. Look at all those stories of Muslims committing acts of atrocities I saw on Facebook. I am scared and I just want to protect my family."

They're not denying the facts. They're stating that the rise in racism and fascism makes the downsides of gun ownership less important.
We arrived at a point where both of you you don't try to argue anymore, but simply deny that science, statistics and facts have merit and that your own fear is more accurate and the only thing really worth considering. This is literally how Trump got elected. "You can post as many stats and facts as you want. I know that this country is failing. I know that crimes are as abundant as never before. I know that Muslims scare me. Look at all those stories of Muslims committing acts of atrocities I saw on Facebook. I am scared and I just want to protect my family."

Then you haven't actually read my posts. I don't deny the statistics. I simply disagree with the conclusions you have drawn from them. The stats tell me people don't store their Firearms correctly. I do.

Not going to comment on a shitty analogy to Muslims.


We arrived at a point where both of you you don't try to argue anymore, but simply deny that science, statistics and facts have merit and that your own fear is more accurate and the only thing really worth considering. This is literally how Trump got elected. "You can post as many stats and facts as you want. I know that this country is failing. I know that crimes are as abundant as never before. I know that Muslims scare me. Look at all those stories of Muslims committing acts of atrocities I saw on Facebook. I am scared and I just want to protect my family."

Every gun thread ends the same way: The pro-gun posters announce that they no longer care about evidence and simply declare that they are right because it feels right to them. They then proceed to be shocked when it is pointed out how similar they are to their counterparts on the political right.

This website keeps a pretty comprehensive list of studies showing that gun ownership is associated with many downsides. Unless you genuinely have a legitimate need for a firearm, and take crazy levels of precaution as well, it is usually a bad idea to own one.
They're not denying the facts. They're stating that the rise in racism and fascism makes the downsides of gun ownership less important.

And history. Sorry but there's a well known (to anyone that gives a shit to get off their soapbox and go read in detail) history of Blacks being preyed upon by mobs of angry Whte people. That's a just reality.
They are not perfect, true, but you are intentionally taking an angle that the data we have does not support. That is the problem. Including some of those assumptions you just made like what the defensive gun studies say. Some do talk about brandishing and other things, Most in fact. There are multiple, credible studies analyzing defensive gun use. On the personal and macro level. This is a good primer. Their database of studies is also an excellent resource.

My issue with your logic regarding pointing to Cato and a climate change denier is like the people that try and argue I learn about Climate change by listening to Fox News and CNN so therefore they rationalize they have a balanced view. As if there is always some arbitrary two sides to begin with or that one side is even credible. When what you really need is credible scientific analysts and to see what the experts and the studies in the field say and take steps on how to understand the data and make sense of it properly. For instance crime stats are really a red herring to the debate if you understand no one is making a 1 for 1 correlation for guns and violence.

You are talking to someone that at 21 had several guns. Got into many an argument quoting stuff like you just did. Had many fights with family members who did not approve. Then in upper level policy classes in college got my shit rocked on this topic in a mock debate. Because I refused to do what I had done prior with my assumptions about healthcare and that was to take a hard look at my biases and re-analyze the topic from the ground up and form a better, more informed position by trying to be as objective as possible. Once i did that I realized how far off the track of reality I had gotten.

You are getting your gun, fine, I have said multiple times that is a personal choice, but don't let that deter you from education yourself on gun issues. And I will also continue to step in when I feel people are making incorrect cases surrounding the level of risk or effectiveness of their use.

We arrived at a point where both of you you don't try to argue anymore, but simply deny that science, statistics and facts have merit and that your own fear is more accurate and the only thing really worth considering. This is literally how Trump got elected. "You can post as many stats and facts as you want. I know that this country is failing. I know that crimes are as abundant as never before. I know that Muslims scare me. Look at all those stories of Muslims committing acts of atrocities I saw on Facebook. I am scared and I just want to protect my family."

Data is irrelevant. It is irrelevant exactly BECAUSE it is based around fear. I have been anti-gun my entire life. I know the risks. I know the danger. I know the science. I know the stats. This is not how Trump got elected. I have very actual justified fear. Rather than mollycoddle me you should instead analyze why people who have never had the need for a gun before are suddenly buying them in droves after this election. The science, the stats, the research is this irrelevant.

When a thread came up about minorities buying guns because a rise in hate crimes, instead of having basic empathy you decided to bring SCIENCE and STATS as if anyone buying a gun to protect themselves from a horde of white supremacists emboldened by the president elect and future president care. This is entirely the wrong position to take. You will not gain any allies and you are pushing me and others away further by doing it.

The reason you bring up science is because you science comes from an official source. You bring up your official sources NOT because you are concerned for my safety or others but because it fits your agenda that guns are bad. And if minorities are taking up guns in droves you lose allies who support your agenda. I am not falling for it. Background checks have LITERALLY nothing to do with me and others' choices to buy guns. Especially since I am more than willing to go through a background check in order to have a gun purchased! This has nothing to do with gun safety and if it were you have just emphasized on taking gun safety courses, which I already said I plan on doing and is something required by my state.

I reject your science not because it isn't true. I reject it because you are using it for nothing more than asserting that your position of anti-gun is the correct choice. By which I can tell you to kindly fuck off.
Please defend WHY you brought your stats to this thread, Jonm?

TBH, the reactions of the posters in this thread who can't understand why minorities would want a gun now of all times made me pro-gun. When I first posted in this thread I was only considering it. The arguments from the anti-gun posters firmly put me in a pro-gun stance, especially as they ignored the historicity of black American's and gun ownership as an act of self defense. I am someone who doesn't eat meat, and won't kill a fly because I consider it a sentient being and you somehow made me move my needle with terrible arguments and false equivalences.

We arrived at a point where both of you you don't try to argue anymore, but simply deny that science, statistics and facts have merit and that your own fear is more accurate and the only thing really worth considering. This is literally how Trump got elected. "You can post as many stats and facts as you want. I know that this country is failing. I know that crimes are as abundant as never before. I know that Muslims scare me. Look at all those stories of Muslims committing acts of atrocities I saw on Facebook. I am scared and I just want to protect my family."

I think that's a bit of a stretch. You're trying to lambaste them and draw a false equivalence of them exercising their right to own a fire arm with a post about your more than apparent sour election grapes and try generalize them by lumping them in the same category as people who hate muslims or subscribe to facebook for news and information, or even try to marginalize them wanting to have the ability to protect themselves and their family.

The facts are simple in this country if you want to own a firearm in this country you can, provided you are a law biding citizen. Deal with it. Last time I checked this is a thread about an increase in minority gun ownership. Which by all accounts is a good thing imo.
Mammoth and every other gun owner has this right.

I don't think many of you honestly care about Cindi or Mammoth's safety as much as you're fronting in here.

Based on what?
I don't think many of you honestly care about Cindi or Mammoth's safety as much as you're fronting in here.

They don't. It's more resentment that someone isn't falling in line with their ideological preference.

Yes, stats show guns are dangerous as shit. Doubly so when not stored properly and without a lot of training. Which is why they should be stored properly and one should take multiple training courses. I personally would like certification requirements. But given that's not happening I just did it on my own. But according to some I'm just as likely to negligently shoot someone than someone that never took a course and leaves their loaded gun w/ the safety off.

But here's the thing: I don't need my benevolent Liberal overlords to make this choice for me. Want to change the law? Good luck with that condescending attitude. Being "Right" is only half the battle... Just being demeaning and insulting won't convince others.


Bound to be all sorts of harrowing stats about the risk factors of bitter white people electing an aspiring fascist and his white supremacist following. Maybe ya'll would have a better go of trying to have a dialogue with minorities if you didn't ignore the bleeding obvious.
When shit like this is happening in California(Probably the most liberal state in the nation)[Thanks Cygnus for link]-

Local Islamic leaders are asking for increased police protection after at least three California mosques received a letter that threatens Muslims and praises President-Elect Donald Trump.

Over the past several days, Islamic centers in Long Beach, Claremont and San Jose all received the same photocopy of a handwritten letter addressed to “the Children of Satan.” The letter calls Muslims “vile,” “filthy” and “evil.” It then states that Trump – who, during his campaign, proposed making Muslims register and blocking people of faith from entering the country – is going to “cleanse America.”

“He’s going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews,” the letter reads. “You Muslims would be wise to pack your bags and get out of Dodge.”

The letter is signed “Americans for a Better Way.”

It’s the latest in a series of incidents targeting Muslims and other minority groups since the Nov. 8 election.

It's not hard to imagine that living in the 49 other states can become unpleasant the coming years, and that wanting to get a gun for self defense isn't unrational. No matter how many statistics you throw around, the fact is that the climate of living in the US will change, and if these stories of violence against minorities are to say anything, is that it's changing for the worse.
They don't. It's more resentment that someone isn't falling in line with their ideological preference.

Yes, stats show guns are dangerous as shit. Doubly so when not stored properly and without a lot of training. Which is why they should be stored properly and one should take multiple training courses. I personally would like certification requirements. But given that's not happening I just did it on my own. But according to some I'm just as likely to negligently shoot someone than someone that never took a course and leaves their loaded gun w/ the safety off.

But here's the thing: I don't need my benevolent Liberal overlords to make this choice for me. Want to change the law? Good luck with that condescending attitude. Being "Right" is only half the battle... Just being demeaning and insulting won't convince others.

It's more resentment of the condescending attitudes than not agreeing with ideology. I'm quite frequently bombarded by my anti-gun friends about concealing and carrying a handgun. Like I'm one bad day away from committing a crime, or accidentally shooting myself or someone else.
When shit like this is happening in California(Probably the most liberal state in the nation)[Thanks Cygnus for link]-

It's not hard to imagine that living in the 49 other states can become unpleasant the coming years.

"Trump wasn't anti-brown tho" - Yoshi

"Nothing will happen" - Jonm

"There's no reason to buy a gun for self defense. There's no precedent for this. It's in the past!" -anti-gun nuts

"Let's quote science!" - Jonm

"Rely on the police!" -white people

This is why your arguments fall on deaf ears.

Also California has really harsh gun laws so they might be under these racists mercy.


When shit like this is happening in California(Probably the most liberal state in the nation)[Thanks Cygnus for link]-

It's not hard to imagine that living in the 49 other states can become unpleasant the coming years, and that wanting to get a gun for self defense isn't unrational. No matter how many statistics you throw around, the fact is that the climate of living in the US will change, and if these stories of violence against minorities are to say anything, is that it's changing for the worse.

Yeah. Its true. And you can just see how worse it will get now that Trump won. These garbage human beings now feel emboldened. In my almost 40 years of existence I'm now fearing living in my own country. This has nothing to do with Republicans/Democrats, cause I'd take almost any other Republican then 1 day of Trump.


Don't care about stats at this point.

Well you're halfway there to admitting that you're entirely irrational in your decision to buy a gun. Good for you.

But here's the thing: I don't need my benevolent Liberal overlords to make this choice for me. Want to change the law? Good luck with that condescending attitude. Being "Right" is only half the battle... Just being demeaning and insulting won't convince others.

The cognitive dissonance of y'all screaming that we're all aiding and abetting racists by suggesting you can't just ignore rural America in other threads, and then saying "well you're never going to get gun owners to stop grasping at them if you bring up facts!" Hilarious.


Well you're halfway there to admitting that you're entirely irrational in your decision to buy a gun. Good for you.

The cognitive dissonance of y'all screaming that we're all aiding and abetting racists by suggesting you can't just ignore rural America in other threads, and then saying "well you're never going to get gun owners to stop grasping at them if you bring up facts!" Hilarious.

Were these two posters you're replying to in those other threads you mentioned or are you talking about all black and brown people in general?
We're these two posters you're replying to in those other threads you mentioned?


Well you're halfway there to admitting that you're entirely irrational in your decision to buy a gun. Good for you.

The cognitive dissonance of y'all screaming that we're all aiding and abetting racists by suggesting you can't just ignore rural America in other threads, and then saying "well you're never going to get gun owners to stop grasping at them if you bring up facts!" Hilarious.

Um. I don't care about stats because I'm already well aware of them. I'm LGBT and have a higher risk of killing myself with a gun I own than others and I'm getting one anyways because I find the benefits outweigh the risks.

You can take your talk elsewhere. Especially since I one of those "black idiots" you talked about earlier.
Well you're halfway there to admitting that you're entirely irrational in your decision to buy a gun. Good for you.

The cognitive dissonance of y'all screaming that we're all aiding and abetting racists by suggesting you can't just ignore rural America in other threads, and then saying "well you're never going to get gun owners to stop grasping at them if you bring up facts!" Hilarious.

And while you're making condescending posts, Cindi is picking out a firearm not giving a damn. Is it that hard to respect someone's choice? Maybe you would do better to encourage them to get properly trained in proper gun safety(if not already) and to properly secure the firearm.
I think Opto's point is that the rationale for taking up arms as left-leaning minorities is almost identical to the rationale espoused by traditional gun loyalists: "we are afraid, we have identified threats, and we need protection."

When FrozenPrince says

we can easily hear echoes of NRA supporters in that.
How dare you compare those who traffic in irrational fear, paranoia & racism to people who act to protect themselves against those forces of evil.
How dare you compare those who traffic in irrational fear, paranoia & racism to people who act to protect themselves against those forces of evil.

This has always been the line of argument liberals use against anti-fascists whenever the latter refuses to allow fascists to have a monopoly on the use of force.


Neo Member
Im glad that minorities are arming them selves! But I have huge family in southwest va! They are ready to defend themselves! ............From what I dont know? But By god are they ready to defend it! I am in a tight spot! Do i forsaken my own family or do i just try to explain the other side of the coin? Which will lead to me being disowned from the only people who halfway know me?
I think it's two sides of the same coin. Whatever it is they are afraid of may be illusory to you, but it's very real to them, and they have the confirmation bias to prove it.

This is the definition of the logical fallacy known as false equivalence.


Maybe when everyone gets a gun cause they are now scared to live in their own country, just maybe, we can finally get some gun control to happen. But for now I guess we all have to get some form of protection to feel safe here.
Well you're halfway there to admitting that you're entirely irrational in your decision to buy a gun. Good for you.

The cognitive dissonance of y'all screaming that we're all aiding and abetting racists by suggesting you can't just ignore rural America in other threads, and then saying "well you're never going to get gun owners to stop grasping at them if you bring up facts!" Hilarious.

Oh, no. I'm not saying you're aiding and abetting racists in the context of some other thread. I'm saying this condescending benevolent paternalistic method of telling Black people what they need to be not doing in response to living in a nation where guns are legal and violence can come there way at any given moment is racist. Period. Sorry for the confusion fam.


And while you're making condescending posts, Cindi is picking out a firearm not giving a damn. Is it that hard to respect someone's choice? Maybe you would do better to encourage them to get properly trained in proper gun safety(if not already) and to properly secure the firearm.

It's far more than condescending. There were PoC who had issue with white liberals wanting PoC to coddle racists in those threads but I don't either of the two posters even posted in those threads.
It is pretty strange that Fuchsdh would even bring that up here... well not that strange consider the "black and brown idiots" posts.
It's far more than condescending. There were PoC who had issue with white liberals wanting PoC to coddle racists in those threads but I don't either of the two posters even posted in those threads.
It is pretty strange that Fuchsdh would even bring that up here... well not that strange consider the "black and brown idiots" posts.

All I ever said in those other threads is I don't expect "Middle America" to give two shits about minority issues or voting against their perceived best interest. THat's all. How that has anything to do with this is beyond me.

white people telling black people how to react to white people threatening them itt & irl, as usual

"But we know what's best for you!!!!"


All I ever said in those other threads is I don't expect "Middle America" to give two shits about minority issues or voting against their perceived best interest. THat's all. How that has anything to do with this is beyond me.
This and the fact that Cindi didn't even post in those threads, I am genuinely curious how Fuchsdh made that connection... other than the fact that the two of you are black, of course.
Just to be clear on rhetoric here, you are saying there is a near guarantee of soon-to-be large scale organized massacres of ethnic groups? That is why you need to arm up?
If the opportunity arises, yes, there are some people just laying in wait.

They took their masks off during Hurricane Katrina in 2005

Rumor to Fact in Tales of Post-Katrina Violence
New York Times said:
“The environment that was produced by the storm brought out what was dormant in people here — the anger and the contempt they felt against African-Americans in the community,” said John Penny, a criminologist at Southern University of New Orleans. “We might not ever know how many people were shot, killed, or whose bodies will never be found.”

Broken levees left 80 percent of New Orleans submerged, but in unflooded Algiers Point, for instance, a mostly white enclave in a predominantly black neighborhood on the west bank of the Mississippi River, armed white militias cordoned off many of the streets.

They posted signs that boasted, “We shoot looters.” And the sound of gunfire peppered the hot days and nights like thunderclaps of a second storm.

Reginald Bell, a black resident, said in a recent interview that he was threatened at gunpoint by two white men there a few days after the storm. The men, on a balcony a few blocks from his home, yelled at him, “We don’t want your kind around here!”

Then one of the men racked his pump-action shotgun, aimed it at Mr. Bell and dared him to be seen again on the streets of Algiers Point, Mr. Bell said. The next day, he said, the men confronted him on his porch while he sat with his girlfriend. They shoved guns — a shotgun and a long-nose .357 Magnum — in the couple’s faces and reiterated their demand.

“There was no electricity, no police, no nothing,” said Mr. Bell, 41, sitting on his porch on a recent afternoon. “We were like sitting ducks. I slept with a butcher knife and a hatchet under my pillow.”

The West Bank area of the city was spared any flooding, but in the days and weeks after the storm, it was littered with fallen trees and, according to witnesses, with the bodies of several black men — none of whom appeared to have drowned.

“I done seen bodies lay in the streets for weeks,” said Malik Rahim, who lives around the corner from Mr. Bell and came to his aid. “I’m not talking about the flooded Ninth Ward, I’m talking about dry Algiers. I watched them become bloated and torn apart by dogs. And they all had bullet wounds.

And heres a repost of what I added to that
theignoramus said:
White militia groups like the Oathkeepers (who pulled up during the Ferguson protests in ammo vests with long rifles) have a purpose beyond their anti-federal government leanings: to kill Black people in any event where local institutions collapse.

One of the intellectual forefathers of the White militia movement, ex-Navy Seal Matt Bracken writes fictional books about a post-apocalyptic America where roving bands of White militias have to go out & shoot Black folk because theyre killing White people & eating them.

Hes also laid out a paper where he puts forward a strategy & tactics for White suburbanites to defend themselves against rabid Black folk who've had "their government benefits cut off by natural disaster." His describes Black people as a wave of feral animals descending on White communities and says that snipers need to be positioned on the rooftops of buildings surrounding entry points to suburbs so they can pump bullets into roving "mobs" of "urban minority youths" and keep them hemmed into the inner city. These guys have wet dreams about race wars as much as they do taking on the federal government. If you read their literature, all the racial code words are there when they talk about who the "enemy" is in the event of any kind of institutional collapse.
I've posted in both threads and I don't believe necessarily that the notion of the Democratic party using gun statistics is going to lead to them suffering more defeats.

I do believe that gun statistics need to be taken in context of "of course having a gun in the house makes you more likely to be injured by a gun than if you don't have one in the house, that's kinda easy to understand why".

But this whole argument is basically a reductive circle that can be broken down simply.

Minorities are justifiably afraid and are taking actions to protect themselves and their communities, as they have ALWAYS done in times of peril. There has been literature of a historical nature posted in this very thread that illustrates the point that has been continuously attempted to be made here.
If the opportunity arises, yes, there are some people just laying in wait.

They took their masks off during Hurricane Katrina in 2005

Rumor to Fact in Tales of Post-Katrina Violence

And heres a repost of what I added to that

This is a fucking fact. Go read prepper propaganda for example. Same shit. "Image what they'll do when their welfare checks stop" is a common trope.

Mofo's are itching to kill Blacks en masse. And I mean, for fucks sake people need to read their history books. This shit has happened before. And not THAT long ago. The fuck....
I mean you can act like it's one side that's itching for the race war to kick off.

I'll tell you right now the side that's arming themselves NOW, the side that's the subject of this thread.

They aren't the ones waiting for it to do so to go out and kill people. That'd be the other side who have been arming themselves for decades.
Totally understandable. With the rise of racists attacks and Trump as a president I can see why they would want to protect themselves.
Shot bb's as a kid, learned how to shoot shotguns as a teen. Currently in Texas.

Well if you're just looking for home protection a shotgun ain't bad. For carry I've discovered it's all just personal preference. You're going to want something you can operate efficiently and carry comfortably so I would go to a gun range with an idea of some firearms you are considering and rent them to shoot. This is a lot easier too if you have someone take you who is knowledgeable with firearms. If that's not possible "most" gun ranges offer some sort of intro to firearms/firearms safety courses. This is something everyone should take and retake. Basically Cindi you live in a firearms paradise so you have many more options than some states.

My personal preference is polymer pistols in 9mm. Something with a safety double action/single action. I would most definitely recommend something in 9mm and polymer, but the rest is up to you.

Glock 43 and S&W shield are probably the best way to start. If that's to small you can try larger frame pistols from there. Good luck and be safe.
This is a fucking fact. Go read prepare propaganda for example. Same shit. "Image what they'll do when their welfare checks stop" is a common trope.

Mofo's are itching to kill Blacks en masse. And I mean, for fucks sake people need to read their history books. This shit has happened before. And not THAT long ago. The fuck....

Yeah, you're going to have to prove this a little more. Black people aren't going to die "en masse" without guns or with the election.


Uhhh, no. I need this gun to protect me from his flock. Please don't even joke about something like that.

I mean he already won so it's not exactly like there's a difference between now and his inauguration.
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