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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Anyone remember this fucking game? Goddammit, I lost my junior year in high school playing it nonstop. Some days I would play it 10-14 hours straight, whereas today I'm lucky to devote two hours in a DAY to gaming.

But man, I went all out: I had charts and graphs by my side at all times. I remember calculating shots for all types of situations, factoring in wind, distance, angles, etc. I was learning physics at the same time, so it was pretty cool applying some of the material in a practical manner like that.

I actually managed to achieve Red Wand rank legitimately, which is I think one away from the dragon or whatever. Wonder what the community is like today.


I remember playing it in middle school. Was fun with friends but I quit after two weeks, gone back to Ragnarok Online.


Corporate Apologist
I remember it, it is ruined forever now that they added cash shop weapons like over powered nukes that make you hover.


This game was my drug addiction in middle school. I played it as much as you. I don't even know why I liked it so much. I quit when they made it impossible to play without actually spending money or somehow playing the game for more than the unhealthy amount of time I put in.
I played it a couple of times because my GF at the time was in to it. Not my cup of tea, but I could see why someone would like it.


I played it a bit with my friends years ago, it was fun, the community suck for those free online games though, lol.

I was really terrible in it, since I'm usually too carried away chatting, so I don't pay too much attention and forget the angle of my last shot, then misses my shot often.
Yeah, I used to love that game, played it all the time. I liked going random with tanks and just trying to figure them out, etc.

Very fun game, I'd love an updated version without so much of the pay-for-crapness that Gunbound turned into (From what I hear).


Yeah, I used to play this game along with a slew of other F2P MMO through my middle/high school years. Rakion, Gunz: The Duel, FlyFF, R.O.S.E Online, Silkroad, Infantry (Sony Station) and Rappelz to name a few. All those games were ruined by either overt cheating (one-hit kills, aimbots, ect.) or ridiculous levels of grind in mid/end-game.


Xilium said:
Yeah, I used to play this game along with a slew of other F2P MMO through my middle/high school years. Rakion, Gunz: The Duel, FlyFF, R.O.S.E Online, Silkroad, Infantry (Sony Station) and Rappelz to name a few. All those games were ruined by either overt cheating (one-hit kills, aimbots, ect.) or ridiculous levels of grind in mid/end-game.
Archers for life!


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Remembering the purchasable (with game points or whatever, I never paid real money in that game) consumable bandage items and such shit makes me think EA looked at that for Battlefield Heroes and Play 4 Free inspiration. It was great but I didn't play it much because it didn't have a windowed mode.
Oh man, nostalgia-bomb totalton. One time, someone was advertising a website that would hook you up with phat lewt in the lobby chat. The site had a bunch of awesome items on display, and you could choose any of them. For free! All you had to do was give them your username and password -- so that they could deliver the stuff, you know?

Any guesses as to who logged into a completely empty account later that day?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I loved Gunbound.

Raon was my boy.


I always played as Random so I had a chance of getting those secret dragon ones. Otherwise I played as the Mage one.
It was only fun with friends or in troll mode. It was also mildly entertaining when you remain in the beginner servers where the players actually use different bots instead of boomers only. Troll mode was especially glorious (mainly because the community is terrible). The wind-changing item is my favorite because it pisses off other players when they don't pay attention.

Also, drag > slice any day. It's worth it for the delay bonus (something a lot of players don't look at when they're busy with their dual shots).


played the fuck out of it. great game. I have NO clue why this isn't on XBLA or PSN... or even steam. I'd go back to playing asap if I could do it on live arcade.


bounchfx said:
played the fuck out of it. great game. I have NO clue why this isn't on XBLA or PSN... or even steam. I'd go back to playing asap if I could do it on live arcade.
I'd pay $20 or $30 for it if they removed all of the F2P microtransaction bullshit. The game died because they made it completely unbalanced if you didn't spend money often.


The game was tremendously solid and had a lot of depth due to its time structure, though I'm not sure how well that kept up in the years after I stopped playing (a short while after they introduced the Frog and Kalsiddon). I think there's a "hacked" version that's independent from ijji servers and is run pretty well.

Nakker for life.


I loved Gunbound as well, one of the finest and most original MMOs. Such a shame it's no longer available.

Edit: It seems like it is still available :eek: I'll have to try it out


Billychu said:
Archers for life!
I played a ninja in the early days where back grabs were still a viable option and the ninja was generally the best at taking down gold golems. That or a melee mage when you could do infinite freeze grab combos if you timed it right. Archers were the most reviled class back then.

Went to check it out a year or so ago and everything's changed, specifically the fact that the primary strategy for every class is jump attacking now. Cash summons seemed to really break the game as well.


Junior, please.
I was just trying to remember the name of this the other day. Used to play it all the time in my second year of university. Thanks OP!


I remember it. I played it for maybe a couple of weeks. I thought it was fun, but not good enough to keep me hooked. Besides that, Worms is superior.


Xilium said:
I played a ninja in the early days where back grabs were still a viable option and the ninja was generally the best at taking down gold golems. That or a melee mage when you could do infinite freeze grab combos if you timed it right. Archers were the most reviled class back then.

Went to check it out a year or so ago and everything's changed, specifically the fact that the primary strategy for every class is jump attacking now. Cash summons seemed to really break the game as well.
Fuck those people. I can't complain though because every time I entered a server all I would hear was "KS KS KS KS!"
br0ken_shad0w said:
It was only fun with friends or in troll mode. It was also mildly entertaining when you remain in the beginner servers where the players actually use different bots instead of boomers only. Troll mode was especially glorious (mainly because the community is terrible). The wind-changing item is my favorite because it pisses off other players when they don't pay attention.

Also, drag > slice any day. It's worth it for the delay bonus (something a lot of players don't look at when they're busy with their dual shots).

Ok. How the fuck do you shoot with drag or slice?
The only way I can shoot is with the spacebar... And it sometimes go past the point where I want to shoot.


I almost dropped out of college because of this game. I got horrible grades for three semesters in a row because I was so addicted and couldn't stop playing. Sad, I know. Looking back, it could have ruined my life if I hadn't stop playing. I have been staying away from online games since then.


Looking for meaning in GAF
The game was fun with friends but man, it was also one of the best examples of shitty online gaming communities.


iKeepPlaying said:
Ok. How the fuck do you shoot with drag or slice?
The only way I can shoot is with the spacebar... And it sometimes go past the point where I want to shoot.

Change the settings.

And yes, drag was the only way to go. The time gain was crucial and quite frankly if you know what you're doing you should know exactly how much power you need before you shoot in most cases.




Neo Member
This girl I knew talked about how she was one of the top ranked in Korea....or Japan, lol I forgot. I never played myself, the only free online game I really played was Gunz
Davidion said:
Change the settings.

And yes, drag was the only way to go. The time gain was crucial and quite frankly if you know what you're doing you should know exactly how much power you need before you shoot in most cases.


Yeah, I play there.
But for the life of me that I can't use the other methods... Dunno why. Is there anything you should do?


iKeepPlaying said:
Yeah, I play there.
But for the life of me that I can't use the other methods... Dunno why. Is there anything you should do?

You should have the power ascertained before you shoot, and hit it with one clean quick drag, before the marker has a chance to wobble.

It may take some practice, but it's the most sensible way to do things.


iKeepPlaying said:
Ok. How the fuck do you shoot with drag or slice?
The only way I can shoot is with the spacebar... And it sometimes go past the point where I want to shoot.
when I dragged I always maxed the power bar and would just adjust the angles. would always have to look out for wind direction though.


Used to play it for hours on end at my mate's house, was a fantastic game. The community was horrible though, and I hated the fact that people who spent real cash got better stuff than me for nothing.

I used the mouse setting, whatever it was.. took me ages but I eventually pretty much mastered it. :D I remember how happy I was when I got a triple kill and my mate saw that message "User X (can't remember what name I used back then) got a triple kill in room ###!" Ahh, memories.


My best friend loved it. I tried to get into it a bit but never did.

Nice graphics and I remember thats where 'hats' seemed to become popular.
iKeepPlaying said:
Yeah, I play there.
But for the life of me that I can't use the other methods... Dunno why. Is there anything you should do?

Get a good mouse. My Logitech G9 was the main reason I could use drag so effectively. Not only could I do max power shots in less than a second, but I could also stop on a dime for more finer shots even with some wobbling.


This was all my friends and I were playing during the late years of high school. I never bothered to calculate shots, angles or wind, but one of my friends was way into the game. He had the best equipment and could make impossible shots.

I liked the game. There was something unique in waiting for someone to shoot high in the air, and wondering if his shot will end up hitting you on its way down.
Hyunkel6 said:
I liked the game. There was something unique in waiting for someone to shoot high in the air, and wondering if his shot will end up hitting you on its way down.

Those shots became ho-hum as time went on because everyone was doing it. I'd started experimenting with unorthodox strategies as time went on:

-Positioning yourself against an a.sate or aduka to make them hit themselves (since their attack comes from another location). You'd be surprised at how many people do this.
-Using the a-sate/aduka/lightning's attack point to hit enemies above you. Basically using the terrain to your advantage
-Teleporting while falling to land in an impossible area. Bonus points if it's a nak. Incredibly difficult to pull off but makes you nearly impossible to hit for a while (but makes you nearly impossible to shoot). Looks cool when done right though.
-Preparing for an enemy before they respawn. This involves either destroying the ground below them or raon babies (my personal favorite).


Gunbound was great until they added the shit that cost real money.
The high angle damage bonus was always broken, as everyone had a fucking boomer calculator / hack.

My favorite was A Sate / Knight (you could only get the Knight by going random).
I recently had a strong urge to reinstall and play this game. Is it still active enough for a newbie to hop into? I remember having such good times with this game, i'd love for it to make a return.


Oh man, I loved GB, played a lot of it in my early years of high school. I made it to the first level of wand, whatever color it was. Ruby? I don't recall

Had that gold armor set, the chief hat, and I don't remember what else, but it was the set to have in the early days. Cake bot bunge or the Nak shot 2. Got into boomer later in the game but then all of the pay 2 win stuff came in so I threw in the towel and played more MapleStory...god it's amazing I had a social life/touched boobs in high school.

edit: hahaha, just saw this thread was a 2 year old bump....whoops
The only competitive game in which I've ever 'mained' a character exclusively. That little yellow slug with the lightning was my boy.

Edit: Grub!

miss u bb
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