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HALO 3 is now 10 years old


Wait no cos that means i turn 30 this ye- oh no. oh god no :|

I must have played the campaign dozens of times with the original reease and MCC. I actively disliked Halo before forcing myself to play 3, but once i realised the shooting was only part of a complex dynamic... it clicked. Absolutey my favourite FPS ever.

Scarabs are a huge amount of fun ^_^
I remember taking the day off of work to pick up the limited edition along with the strategy guide, two Sonic burgers and a Mt. Dew Game Fuel. Seems impossible 10 years have passed since that day.
First Halo game I bought with my own money, first 360 game I got all the achievements in, first Halo game where I finally curbstomped all my friends because I got gud playing online. What a time.
Halo 3 is definitely the GOAT for me. The sheer amount of memories and friends made online is insane. No game has even come close to giving me that same experience.

Also, HaloGAF was huge back then and it’s what made me want to join NeoGAF.


still fucking awesome, been playing mcc h3 quite a lot lately, BRing in Halo 3 is just so fucking satisfying, perfect nade + br headshot is like the most satisfying thing in gaming.

E92 M3

Yet relevant enough for you to keep shitposting.

So, it's a shitpost to be disappointed with the current state of Halo and miss the old days???

We should have had another Halo 3-level Halo game by now.

Yet, here we are harkening back to a game that came out 10 years ago.


One of the GOATS. I remember launch like it was yesterday.

This game is up there as one of the most hype, biggest marketing campaigns ever. It was MASSIVE, and rightly so.


I love Pokken!
Hayabusa the GOAT armor



Very satisfying campaign. Kept a nice sense of urgency to push you through. Yeah would be nice to see a 4k version of this. Have to think about it but this is probably the definitive game for the xbox.


So, it's a shitpost to be disappointed with the current state of Halo and miss the old days???

We should have had another Halo 3-level Halo game by now.

Yet, here we are harkening back to a game that came out 10 years ago.
Halo 3 was a landmark game for the videogame industry and entertainment industry in general. Of course were going to be looking back.


Wait no cos that means i turn 30 this ye- oh no. oh god no :|

I must have played the campaign dozens of times with the original reease and MCC. I actively disliked Halo before forcing myself to play 3, but once i realised the shooting was only part of a complex dynamic... it clicked. Absolutey my favourite FPS ever.

Scarabs are a huge amount of fun ^_^

Going to be 30 this year as well, so I feel your pain. I actively hated the Xbox until I played Halo 2, and bought a 360 only for Halo 3. Still like 2 more, but playing 3 was a lot of fun as well.


I remember running out on my lunch break to pick up the Legendary Edition I had pre-ordered from the EB flagship store at Universal Citywalk, then cruising back to work and stopping at a few different 7-11s until I finally found some Mtn Dew Gamer Fuel and grabbed 3 bottles. I also have some vague memories of absolutely loving the shit out of the campaign and playing through it like 500 times.


So, it's a shitpost to be disappointed with the current state of Halo and miss the old days???

We should have had another Halo 3-level Halo game by now.

Yet, here we are harkening back to a game that came out 10 years ago.

You are in a thread about the fact that halo 3 came out 10 years ago, what did you expect people to be talking about besides the fact that halo 3 came out 10 years ago?

It's true and sad that nothing has come close to it (yet? :) )


I still remember paying $60 to get beta access (along with a free copy of Crackdown) and having a great time with it - despite being terrible at Halo's multiplayer.


10th grade, late night LAN parties, legendary campaign runs that took HOURS and HUNDREDS of restarts. Some of the most hilarious moments vie ever had playing a video game. Halo 3 solidified friendships and pushed us even further to game more.

The nostalgia man, 10 YEARS? Feels like yesterday.


Halo 3 came out my freshman year of college and the hype was real. I absolutely loved that two years of nonstop Forge multiplayer with my friends.


I think this was the last midnight release I did at GameStop. Overall I was pretty disappointed with the multiplayer after putting in 100s of hours of Halo 2.


Remember buying this game like it was yesterday. I walked to best buy on my lunch and grabbed it. Fond memories playing this game. IMO this was the last good halo MP games.


Mowing down the boomshot on high ground with a ghost - priceless. GOAT. Fuck sprint haha.

Edit: damn gears 4 obviously meant the rockets by the wall.


My junior year of highschool, I was so into it that I brought everyone at the Gamestop I worked at pizza and an ice cream cake from DairyQueen.
Called off school the next day too.
It was incredible....

Best part was that I made friends from playing Halo 3 online across the country, and we still make time for each other every year in a big summer trip.
God this game was an event like no other. You couldn't escape the advertising. The live action shorts were amazing. The Believe ad was amazing. So many epic gaming nights as a freshman in highschool playing this. Good times indeed.
I have too many great memories with this game just to name a few. Some of my best multiplayer matches were in this game, along with the scores of memories I have with all the LAN parties I held at my friend's house. Even though it's my least favorite entry in the original trilogy, I can't imagine having more fun with any other video game. If I had to pull a favorite memory out of my time in high school it would be the countless days I spent playing local multiplayer with my buddies.

God damn I love this game


The game that made me buy a Xbox 360. Got the game on launch and played non stop in college with my friends for two months until COD4 came out then I couldn’t go back to Halo anymore.
So, it's a shitpost to be disappointed with the current state of Halo and miss the old days???

We should have had another Halo 3-level Halo game by now.

Yet, here we are harkening back to a game that came out 10 years ago.

I understand what you're saying, I really do.

But surely you, of all people, realize that Halo 3 was a perfect storm of golden opportunity that literally no one else in the video game industry has been able to replicate?

We're talking about a time period where:
1) Xbox 360 is undeniably the king of the console hill
2) Battlefield and Call of Duty are still relatively smaller fish in the pond
3) Very few other games receiving marketing budgets the size of Halo 3 in the comparable time period

There is objectively, no possible way to replicate the phenomenon that was Halo 3, ever again. Even the game as a package, single player, co-op, multiplayer, forge, theater, was a value that very few games have matched to this day.

It's gone. Even if 343 were to make every right decision going forward (and lets face it, no matter what direction they go in, it will generally be the wrong direction to someone, be it Microsoft, Critics, the gaming public, 343 development base itself, etc.)

We can still hold 343 accountable for making reasonable decisions (LOL, not sure if the Halo community can agree on anything any more, let alone what is a "reasonable" decision), but the dream of the golden days returning are a perverse waste of time.


I understand what you're saying, I really do.

But surely you, of all people, realize that Halo 3 was a perfect storm of golden opportunity that literally no one else in the video game industry has been able to replicate?

We're talking about a time period where:
1) Xbox 360 is undeniably the king of the console hill
2) Battlefield and Call of Duty are still relatively smaller fish in the pond
3) Very few other games receiving marketing budgets the size of Halo 3 in the comparable time period

There is objectively, no possible way to replicate the phenomenon that was Halo 3, ever again. Even the game as a package, single player, co-op, multiplayer, forge, theater, was a value that very few games have matched to this day.

It's gone. Even if 343 were to make every right decision going forward (and lets face it, no matter what direction they go in, it will generally be the wrong direction to someone, be it Microsoft, Critics, the gaming public, 343 development base itself, etc.)

We can still hold 343 accountable for making reasonable decisions (LOL, not sure if the Halo community can agree on anything any more, let alone what is a "reasonable" decision), but the dream of the golden days returning are a perverse waste of time.

This is the sort of perspective that I wish more people were conscious of. It's impossible for me to look at some people's persistent reactions as anything other than wanting the way the ealier games made them feel at that exact point in their lives, and responding with outright hostility that new content doesn't make them feel that again. Which is an impossible standard. Games that could make them feel it wouldn't make a broader audience feel it.

It applies to more series than just Halo, too.


I can't sign in to my b.net account to check out old photos or videos :( Maybe it'll work later

Anyways, Halo 3 was the reason that I joined GAF. When I joined GAF I jumped into the HaloGAF community and others, made friends on GAF, arranged meetups to hang out with GAFfers IRL, became IRL friends with GAFers, and ended up meeting my girlfriend of 4 years now because of GAF.

Thanks Halo 3! u da bes

halo 3 soundtrack still slaps

another walk >>> your faves

i miss saturday night customs :(
Best hype and advertising for a game I've seen. Halo 2 was pretty good too but the four Halo 3 ads are just amazing, hasn't been beat. Live action, model work, announcement, starry night. Chills.


The clarity of the art style, Halo needs to get back to that.

Just watching these makes me angry at what 343 did to the music. God damn that Bungie music was epic.

edit: what watching this make me realise is that sure, Destiny2 might be fun to play but god damn is that universe no where near as amazing as Halos. I really hope 343 finally wake up and take the bulls by the horns. Halo is just too fucking good a franchise.


Just watching these makes me angry at what 343 did to the music. God damn that Bungie music was epic.

It wasn't "Bungie" music so much as it was O'Donnel's music. I only make that distinction because the ownership at Bungie truly tried to fuck him over after they separated from Microsoft.
Beyond the music, Halo 3 sounds like complete ass. Makes the "gunplay" feel much worse that it should.

Is there any gun that sounds good in that game? Maybe the BR? Kinda the brute shot? Maybe?

I like this game still though.


I've been posting a few memories and screenshots on my Twitter, and will post more there, and here, tonight.

I have so many fond memories of that game, the friendships it fostered, and the stories we swapped. I still remember playing the Beta, and the good vibes everyone had about checking out the new digs. The richness of the combat sandbox + great lighting and art + theater mode made capturing those crazy or fun moments was possible. Forge taught me so much about map design and how difficult it is.

A lot of my memories of the game are still just as clear as the day they happened. Some of the best times I've ever had in gaming.


This is the sort of perspective that I wish more people were conscious of. It's impossible for me to look at some people's persistent reactions as anything other than wanting the way the ealier games made them feel at that exact point in their lives, and responding with outright hostility that new content doesn't make them feel that again. Which is an impossible standard. Games that could make them feel it wouldn't make a broader audience feel it.

It applies to more series than just Halo, too.
Pretty much. No current or future Pokémon game is gonna top blue for me as a kid. Everything lined up perfectly. Heck I probably wouldn't even like a game in the old style anymore
It was the first game I got with my Xbox 360 and I loved it. Halo 3 was the game that got me into first person shooters and online muiltiplayer. And while my interest in both FPS and MP games has waned in recent years I still love Halo 3 and can still have a blast playing though campaign or playing the muiltiplayer.
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