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Halo |OT2| Hyper-Athletic Speed And Mass And Weight and Power

Visible number ranks are a good way to see how good a player actually is. Experience only ranks don't tell you anything.

And as for truskill supposedly working, well, it doesn't. It is literally impossible that I have the same truskill rank as a lieutenant, yet I get matched up with them all the time.

Visible number ranks in Halo 3 used trueskill, you say that works. Then you say trueskill doesn't work.

It's not about trueskill, it's about how much the matchmaking system emphasizes trueskill when matching players up. Halo 3 ranked and social both used truskill, but ranked put a lot of emphasis on trueskill, getting you better skill matches than social.

1-50 in multiple playlists is a must for Halo 4, especially if they want to claw back the glory day populations of H2/H3.

I totally understand wanting a ranking system, but that doesn't give you population. Playlist population in ranked playlists are always lower than in social/unranked ones.


PAX East goers, did you say that you like candies? WOOT! That's in my baggage:


I'm looking forward to PAX

Anniversary is optional so you'll never see it!

Two games of it so far today. First was Countdown Slayer, second was Flag Zealot against a TO4 (fucking awesome). Everyone quit within a couple of minutes on my team.

Taking me a bit to get used to zero bloom, honestly haven't played it that much. Settings are good, but the playlist is going to ruin it. (Matching up against TO4 all day, Slayer always top option, DLC will not show).
If only we had a disc.. a mythical disc that came out after Reach's DLC output was done and had all the maps on it.

If only we had matchmaking algorithm's that worked!

But yes, that disc would have been nice.

Third game in the MLG playlist, two members of the team quit a few minutes in, unbreakable 2v4 spawn trap on Sanctuary.

Played 2 matches and the options haven't popped yet:(

All I want is..

You won't see it.

Another match on this terrible Sanctuary. Ugh, this is not fun.
Visible number ranks in Halo 3 used trueskill, you say that works. Then you say trueskill doesn't work.

It's not about trueskill, it's about how much the matchmaking system emphasizes trueskill when matching players up. Halo 3 ranked and social both used truskill, but ranked put a lot of emphasis on trueskill, getting you better skill matches than social.
oh, I meant it working in Reach
I hope there is another spinoff being made ala ODST, change and experiment. Yeah I said it.
Change and experiment but only insomuch as it explores the foundation of the Halo Universe from both a gaming and fiction perspective.

ODST worked so well because it gave us another window into the Chief's world but from the perspective of someone who wasn't a total badass. The gameplay included straight forward action moments, as any Halo game should, but it also included the hub world which was more about mood and investigation. ODST presented a different enough set of challenges to keep it interesting and unique amongst games in the franchise while also fitting into that franchise perfectly.

I don't understand how an explosion works its way into a CTF game.
and it was then that Dax realized the playlist manager at 343 is Michael Bay.

Ranked social split was brilliant because if I went into Ranked Team Slayer I could count on a competitive match but if I went into Social Slayer I could dick around. I played Ranked with friends who played competitive and played social with people who didnt.
Yes! A clear delineation between "serious" playlists and "fun-times" playlists is a must for me in Halo 4 for exactly the reasons you stated.

1-50 in multiple playlists is a must for Halo 4, especially if they want to claw back the glory day populations of H2/H3.
Here's the crazy thing: if they claw back to the glory day populations then Halo 4 would be a relative failure. A higher install base means the 343 team needs to find a way to get bigger populations across all playlists if Halo 4 is to be as much of a success as its predecessors. I think they will do it and some kind of rank system will be involved, but it's weird to think that the same population as Halo 3 means mediocre and Halo 2 population means failure.


Caught up for the day here, someone said MLG maps are designed with spawns that are predictable and trappable. Seriously?
Watching BTB drop from 5k to 1k population when they accidentally required DLC on it was disappointing.

Wow it was that bad?

oh, I meant it working in Reach

Yeah, so the reason it doesn't work very well is because it is basically set to Halo 3 'Social' levels/get the players into a game very quickly.

Whew, got through that MLG game without quitters. The need for correct lines of sight on Sanctuary is even more painfully obvious with zero bloom, hopefully they correct that map for the next version of settings (assuming MLG uses Reach at the next event). About to start the fifth game, no DLC has shown.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So what was the point of patching the game to allow the 3SK pistol on every map, and then never using it outside of the Anniversary maps in matchmaking? Why not just include the pistol on the Anniversary maps only and not throw LAN under the bus? As it stands, there's no place in matchmaking where I can experience Blood Gulch with the 3SK pistol. Or Reflection (since we play Headlong with 3SK in matchmaking, so clearly Halo 2 maps are considered classic enough). Or any of the Forge World remakes of classic maps that weren't remade for Anniversary. The only difference between Reach's pointlessly redundant BTB playlists is one has Anniversary Slayer, which requires you to pay for Anniversary to play. The other is missing this gametype but you can still get Anniversary maps in it optionally.

There's nothing stopping you from including Anniversary Slayer on Hemorrhage in matchmaking in the mainline BTB but it hasn't been done.

Ranked social split is a leftover from Halo 2's limited playlist setup. It pointlessly splits and duplicates playlists. You just messed around in Social because there was no rank loss anxiety. You were still getting skill matched. I stayed in Social because I didn't have to play against hostbooting douchebags who cared more about their number rank than actually playing the game. Visible ranks have no place in Halo anymore. They just cause too much problems that we don't need to have, especially when the underlying system is in effect in every playlist anyway.

Being 'ranked' will always drop a playlist's potential population as well, so the only gametype that can really support is Slayer anyway. Ranked Objective will always be a wasteland.

We are all friends here, so please take this as an actual compliment. You have one of the deepest understandings of game systems and in particular, Halo's of anyone here. And you're super confident in your opinions and knowledge. However, that means about 20% of the time, you make statements, brusquely, firmly and with authority, that are completely untrue.

That makes a lot of your otherwise really good and compelling insights colored by that aspect and occasionally erroneous understanding of either facts or philosophies. And like me and everyone else here, you often express opinions as immutable facts too.

But I am quite serious in saying you should take this feedback as a compliment, overall.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Does TrueSkill rank players 1-50 in the background? Or does it rank players like a leaderboard?
We are all friends here, so please take this as an actual compliment. You have one of the deepest understandings of game systems and in particular, Halo's of anyone here. And you're super confident in your opinions and knowledge. However, that means about 20% of the time, you make statements, brusquely, firmly and with authority, that are completely untrue.

That makes a lot of your otherwise really good and compelling insights colored by that aspect and occasionally erroneous understanding of either facts or philosophies. And like me and everyone else here, you often express opinions as immutable facts too.

But I am quite serious in saying you should take this feedback as a compliment, overall.

Fyre brings a lot of Halo engine knowledge to the table, but sometimes that just makes it easier to poke fun at him when he's wrong (even if the mistake was based on a logical assumption).

Fun fact:
- Play CEA with Kinect voice commands on. Say "Fyrewulff". Master Chief throws a grenade.

I thought Frank and David were trolling, but it's just Kinect thinking it heard "fireball".


Yeah, 1-50 brought cheating and boosting to the table, I'd rather have a mix of both (3 and Reach's systems).

I'd take being able to match with people within my skill range rather then the weird "oh here have some idiots" matching Reach usually does, especially with the way cheating detection has improved over the years.
There was one Halo4Follower video where he literally just read the Q/A section from one of the Halo Bulletins. No analysis or gathering of multiple sources, just him reading the text on the page. The entire video could have been replaced by a link and a text-to-speech plugin.

Greenskull does the same thing occasionally, but he at least creates original content for some of his videos. (And he seemed friendly at HaloFest.)

I almost want to try my hand at making a Halo news video, but I fear that Halo4Follower's audience actually enjoys being fed baseless rumors and rampant speculation.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
1-50 was an excellent ranking system for Halo. The only problem was that when it worked well, it was plauged by cheaters/modders (Halo 2).

When it wasn't plauged by cheaters/modders, it had alt account users, the system was tied to the XP rank, and the system stalled on leveling you up after a certain point.

I hope the 1-50 system comes back for Halo 4, but just more fluid in how fast it can go up and down and not tied to the XP leveling system Halo 4 will undoubtedly have.


I would be much more concerned with matchmaking times rather than cheating/boosting if they bring back 1-50. If they bring back the numbers I think they should at least get rid of the stupid military rank stuff. They won't but they should.
Laugh at the gall of posters who think trueskill, unmodified ala Reach, is appropriate and acceptable for Halo 4 AND vehemently oppose the return of ranked playlists.

I'll post a game from today (I never have to go outside the current days play to prove this point).

I've played over a thousand games of Team Snipers


Earlier on I was matched with and against four players who haven't played a thousand games of Reach cumulatively and their three respective guests. This was the result:


It's still trueskill right? It's just loosening its restrictions in order to attain the most favourable networking conditions....

Yea, at that point it ceases to be a meaningful matching system and utterly fails the inexperienced/bad players of the game.

Two things:

1. Prevent guests from entering the list and tighten up skill matching to ensure more equal games.

2. Put the fucking number next to the players tag because, shock horror, players care about their e-penis. That's a reality. And if that makes them try, put a mic in to call out, not quit at the first sign of losing and not ride a mongoose across the map for a 'laugh' then Halo is in a better state as a game for it.
2. Put the fucking number next to the players tag because, shock horror, players care about their e-penis. That's a reality. And if that makes them try, put a mic in to call out, not quit at the first sign of losing and not ride a mongoose across the map for a 'laugh' then Halo is in a better state as a game for it.


Social playlists and Ranked playlists will allow for people to mongoose around the map for a laugh without affecting the people who take the game competitivly. Unless they are trolling, but without the ranked and social divide every game of Reach has the potential for trolling atm.
Laugh at the gall of posters who think trueskill, unmodified ala Reach, is appropriate and acceptable for Halo 4 AND vehemently oppose the return of ranked playlists.

I'll post a game from today (I never have to go outside the current days play to prove this point).

I've played over a thousand games of Team Snipers


Earlier on I was matched with and against four players who haven't played a thousand games of Reach cumulatively and their three respective guests. This was the result:


It's still trueskill right? It's just loosening its restrictions in order to attain the most favourable networking conditions....

Yea, at that point it ceases to be a meaningful matching system and utterly fails the inexperienced/bad players of the game.

Two things:

1. Prevent guests from entering the list and tighten up skill matching to ensure more equal games.

2. Put the fucking number next to the players tag because, shock horror, players care about their e-penis. That's a reality. And if that makes them try, put a mic in to call out, not quit at the first sign of losing and not ride a mongoose across the map for a 'laugh' then Halo is in a better state as a game for it.

I have a feeling we're most likely going to get another Reach system with a new Arena :/

Social playlists and Ranked playlists will allow for people to mongoose around the map for a laugh without affecting the people who take the game competitivly. Unless they are trolling, but without the ranked and social divide every game of Reach has the potential for trolling atm.

Reach was built from the ground up to facilitate trolling. AL, Evade, CAMO!!!, no bleedthrough, Revenant glitch, no ranks, guests, The Banshee... I could go on.

I have a feeling we're most likely going to get another Reach system with a new Arena :/

Arena's not a bad system, really. Problem is, it's limited to one slayer list and the rank is only visible in The Arena itself. Many players have called for Arena ranking in other playlists but it's not been implemented.


1-50 was an excellent ranking system for Halo. The only problem was that when it worked well, it was plauged by cheaters/modders (Halo 2).

When it wasn't plauged by cheaters/modders, it had alt account users, the system was tied to the XP rank, and the system stalled on leveling you up after a certain point.

I hope the 1-50 system comes back for Halo 4, but just more fluid in how fast it can go up and down and not tied to the XP leveling system Halo 4 will undoubtedly have.
I think the problem with exposing the TrueSkill number as a rank in Halo 2 was, as you said, capped out at the player's skill level. People treated it like a rank to earn, when it was really a tool for matchmaking. Whatever system is in place in Halo 4 needs to be totally divorced from that kind of ranking.

Too much to do. Not enough time.

When will Edge reveal its cover story?

Not yet. Probably late this week or early next.
I will take getting cheated 9/10 games instead of playing no ranks any day.

This. Modding/standbying wasn't common unless you were playing ranked games of 44+ in Halo 2. Me being the awful player I was, got matched with cheaters very rarely, and my highest rank was a 25. and I was damn proud of that 25.
+1 vote for a 1-50 visible next to your name. I loved the competitive nature of rankings.. Recruit or Inheritor, all that shows is you play the game a lot.. it doesn't reflect your skill at all. Motivation to improve: Non-existant.


The arena ranking system is far superior to that of a 1-50, simply because of the granularity afforded by your rankings within divisions.

The only problem is, as people have already reiterated, it is in one slayer playlist in a sea of other playlists. If all competitive playlists tied together to form your arena ranking/division, and it showed your numerical rating and your division badge next to your name at all times, people might care about it more.
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