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Has any online community gone to shit faster than Overwatch's?

Part of the thing that bothers me most about Overwatch in particular is that people bring their super toxic attitudes to a game that feels uniquely upbeat about its presentation and atmosphere.

It's honestly kind of what drew me back in, because I could look at a military tough-guy action star simulator like all of the other FPS games on the market for YEARS and just KNOW that I would be exposed to online gamer bullshit. Overwatch not only seemed to offer a novel teamplay mechanic, it seemed to feature a vibe that was all heroic and accepting and confident about it.

And it really grates so much booting up that game after watching one of the various and excellently produced animated shorts that completely appeals to that comic book style superheroic idealism... And then getting into a match and listening to the same old decades-long bullshit gamers typically espouse in everything.

It didn't feel that way at launch, as the thread suggests, but now that it's here, Overwatch is something I just enjoy almost completely out-of-game now... Still go for the animated shorts, still adore the silly fan-canon that exists around the fanart scenes, etc... But yeah, it's really, really hard for me to actually boot up the game. I grew sick of toxic attitudes in games a looooooooong time ago, so having it make its full comeback in Overwatch just flags it as same old level of avoidance I give almost any other online shooter these days.


After trying a bunch of these big competitive team games over the years I've just come to the conclusion that they are only really worth it if you can fill up a team with friends and people you know.

Loved playing LOL when I had a full team of friends playing. Eventually several of them them moved on to other games or it became hard to find timeslots to play together (work, family, etc) and my enjoyment of the game went to shit.

I think overwatch looks cool but since I don't have enough friends to fill up a team (almost none of them play overwatch) Ill never even consider buying it.
I really hope PU/Bluehole addresses that shit at some point. It's been a thing that has plagued the waiting rooms in the genre for years. They have rules against racism but they really don't do anything about it, and should implement ways to actually catch and do something.

For now, I just mute all (Ctrl+T) in the waiting room and plane, then unmute (Ctrl+T again) once I jump out. The reason I unmute is in case there is an enemy with open mic or using proximity chat to talk to their buddies.

Quite clearly Blizzard can't handle the volume of reports they receive so I have no idea how BH could possibly deal with moderating 1.5 million concurrent players. Especially when there's no way to identify the micspammers.


new Mercy is superior and more engaging. Don't know what your problems is except for her not being that easy to play anymore. You also get more rezz in a game now than before. Glad that there is no stupid mass rezz anymore which hampered the fun of team plays.

What's wrong with having a hero that's easy to play? Mercy was great for people who were starting out, but still lent herself well to higher skill play. I'm a Mercy main, and I got really good at juggling heals, prioritizing players, alternating heals/damage boosts and keeping myself in and out of danger while still keeping the team alive. I've barely played her since the patch because her new ult is useless for me (her gun doesn't do enough damage/my aim isn't steady enough to be an effective Battle Mercy and I could do a better job staying alive with LSHIFT anyway).


Destiny's community

now before anyone jumps on me and says "DGAF", when i say Destiny community i mean the community that i met IN-GAME, not the one in GAF, i tried DGAF and honestly they are awesome and help you when ever you have a question or need a help, i'm talking about the community you meet in the game like the tower or some LFG sites, DGAF is not the whole Destiny community

Destiny community is so horrible, when you play a Raid with a random group, if someone made a mistake, they don't admit it, they blame it on you or anyone else that is not their friend and then they kick you, even if you were the best of them

sometimes i don't feel like turning on the mic and want to play Raid, i get kicked a LOT for not having a mic even though i know what i'm doing and i have completed VoG, Crota's end, King's fall and Leviathan raid without a mic multiple times, they just don't want to give you a chance and immediately kick you, and sometimes when they let me in without a mic, when they make a mistake, they blame it on me for not having a mic even though i have done nothing wrong and i have played along with their strategy

i remember back in King's fall days, one guy was the runner at Oryx's fight, he failed like 20 times, i kept telling him to make me the runner, he kept refusing and says that he is a good runner, then when they were about to give up, i told him to give me just 1 chance, he did, and guess what, we won that round because he gave me a chance and i proved myself

sometime at Crota they let me in then ask me if i have a Ghorn, when i say no, i get kicked

if you go to an LFG site, you will see some players say that they know what to do, when you let them in, they say that they actually don't know what to do and ask you to explain it to them, why did they lie ?? because they know if they said the truth, no one would let them in, because the community doesn't want to help any one and doesn't want to give someone a chance

Destiny's IN-GAME( NOT Dgaf) community is one of the worst communities i have ever dealt with

that is of course MY OPINION, if you don't agree with me then i respect and understand that


I don't know why people single out a game. Newsflash but people on the internet are shit. No multiplayer community is safe from it. You just gotta either be able to tolerate the bullshit or not play multiplayers.


What's wrong with having a hero that's easy to play? Mercy was great for people who were starting out, but still lent herself well to higher skill play. I'm a Mercy main, and I got really good at juggling heals, prioritizing players, alternating heals/damage boosts and keeping myself in and out of danger while still keeping the team alive. I've barely played her since the patch because her new ult is useless for me (her gun doesn't do enough damage/my aim isn't steady enough to be an effective Battle Mercy and I could do a better job staying alive with LSHIFT anyway).

Tbh I hated the old Mercy rez. It felt so counter-productive having to hide every time you get your ult. I feel like the new rez forces you to be more careful about who you use it on and you don't have to worry about hiding anymore.

Her new ultimate is really fun too. You don't like flying around? :\


I think the idea of community X being better/worse than community Y doesn't really apply to games like Overwatch. Any game with a competitive nature is going to attract approximately the same players, and every game like this is pretty much toxic. There's no opportunity for "community" to develop when every game is with/against randoms. Doesn't matter if it's Overwatch, CoD, Rocket League, or whatever.

Only chance to change this is with cooperative elements (Destiny, although not sure if it carries over to the PvP at all) or dedicated servers with their own mini communities (doesn't really exist any more but I guess games with tiny player bases like Rigs are the same thing).


Game started , look at lineup , Widowmaker + Hanzo . Yupe , time to uninstall , I mean it's not like I have been playing it much .


Tbh I hated the old Mercy rez. It felt so counter-productive having to hide every time you get your ult. I feel like the new rez forces you to be more careful about who you use it on and you don't have to worry about hiding anymore.

Her new ultimate is really fun too. You don't like flying around? :\

Pre-patch I would start to hang back a bit when I got full ult, but I would always prioritize healing my teammates over getting a nig rez, which often meant sticking close and flying to and from teammates to keep myself from getting killed. If two people went down I'd drop the rez rather than wait.

Unfortunately no, I'm not a big fan of flying around. Like, it's not awful, I just feel like I'd rather be on the ground as Mercy. Maybe I'm weird though haha. Maybe her changes will grow on me with more playtime, but right now I much prefer the way she used to play.


Destiny's community
I see what you're saying and it could definitely be better, but that's not on the same level as games were a lot of people seem to have griefing as a default behaviour. I've had games of rocket league where my teammates argued and scored own goals but wouldn't forfeit. The game took an extra 10 minutes because they'd rather yell at each other in chat than FF and move on to a different game.

Also to counter your Destiny complaints: if you had 2 people apply for 1 spot in a raid and knew nothing about either of them except one has a mic and one doesn't, who would you pick? Same deal with gallahorn although that one's on Bungie for their shitty balancing.


Why can't all online shooters have a community as friendly and helpful as Natural Selection 2's? I went into the game not knowing what I was doing, and the commanders would usually give me directions and tips on what I should do alongside other players, and it worked out wonderfully.


Also to counter your Destiny complaints: if you had 2 people apply for 1 spot in a raid and knew nothing about either of them except one has a mic and one doesn't, who would you pick? Same deal with gallahorn although that one's on Bungie for their shitty balancing.

when you have 2 and know nothing about them of course you will go with the guy with a mic

but i'm talking about when someone joins without a mic, the fireteam is full, and he has the emblem which means he completed the raid and he said that he knows what to do, why would they kick him ?

the whole fireteam doesn't need a Ghorn to win at Crota's end, in fact, you can win with only 3 people, 1 hitting crota and 2 shoot him with Ghorn to put him down, so if you have a full fireteam, 3 others don't need a Ghorn to win, they can simply shoot adds, so why would they kick them ?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I stopped playing after 40 hours due to the total lack of interest 90% of people exhibit towards objectives. I don't even know how people took this game seriously enough to get angry about it or want to play competitvely.


I am not condoning anything. I generally choose to not play multiplayer games anymore as it isn't my thing. I was fortunate in the last two (Destiny and briefly Overwatch) to have a group of peeps that were super cool and I would totally be friends with IRL.

my perception is(YMMV) any online, competitive game gets progressively less welcoming to newer players. I am not going to comment on poor matching etc.., but think about it this way.. how thrilled would you be as a skilled player to get some newbie on your team? Probably as thrillled as a newbie getting on a team of pros. bad times. MOst people join groups because of this and the outliers are in a wasteland.

The toxicity read referenced on GAF..has been going on for (I imagine ) as long as social gaming has been a thing. I expect N bombs, things about my mom, people's sexuality, a dose of commentary on Judaism,blame guy, squeakers,abusive bully guy, instruction on how to die slow via combustion, music in coms guy, weed guy,drunk guy, perv guy, no coms because it is a girl scared to reveal her gender(see perv guy)..etc.. that is life in the big city.

Online gaming without a dedicated group is a mixed bag. Overwatch was a great game when I played it, but I had a great group of people. I don't think casual competitive online gaming exists (at all really) without all the ascerbic things AND no group. FInd a group.


Neo Member
I truly recommend Mystery Heroes for solo/duo play, I play a few games of it most days. There is some rage, but mostly at the game or why we never get healers (or only get healers..).
It's not nearly as bad as others games I've played, at least on EU. CS:GO, LoL or even Battlefield are a million times worse in my experience.

Quick Play, especially with a friend or two has always been fun for me. Even in Competitive when someone starts being toxic the situation can usually be defused quickly. Most of the time when people complains and says I'm sucking they're right, so I usually say "Sorry mate, I'm trying, think I should switch to something else?" and the conversation is fairly civil most of the time.

Then again I almost never voice chat, and I'm a male, so obviously ymmv.



the fuck is this


What's wrong with having a hero that's easy to play? Mercy was great for people who were starting out, but still lent herself well to higher skill play. I'm a Mercy main, and I got really good at juggling heals, prioritizing players, alternating heals/damage boosts and keeping myself in and out of danger while still keeping the team alive. I've barely played her since the patch because her new ult is useless for me (her gun doesn't do enough damage/my aim isn't steady enough to be an effective Battle Mercy and I could do a better job staying alive with LSHIFT anyway).

Valkyrie supercharges all of Mercy's abilities so if you're already good at healing and not dying, you should be able to have a big impact without shooting anybody. Fast rez, chained heals and boosts at double range, guardian angel at double range etc.

Outside the ult Mercy is as easy to play as ever, and has strictly more power than before due to the periodic rez ability. It's just not easy to get good ultimate value anymore. The people losing most in the change are those who weren't good at the basics, just at hiding and waiting for a big ult spot.

Hyun Sai

the whole fireteam doesn't need a Ghorn to win at Crota's end, in fact, you can win with only 3 people, 1 hitting crota and 2 shoot him with Ghorn to put him down, so if you have a full fireteam, 3 others don't need a Ghorn to win, they can simply shoot adds, so why would they kick them ?

People don't care. They just want to do the raid as quickly as possible, and the whole thing is faster when everybody got that stupid weapon.

Ghorn discrimination bullshit is entirely on Bungie.
DayZ? In its early days, you could have some sort of camaraderie. Lots and lots of nice stories to read. Once it blew up, it was pretty much kill on sight.


Neo Member
Plenty of times i've been flamed in quickplay not even comp... So i have to agree one of the more toxic communities for sure. And i've played other competitive games like cs go , r6 siege and rocket league. And overwatch still remains most toxic in my opinion.
DayZ? In its early days, you could have some sort of camaraderie. Lots and lots of nice stories to read. Once it blew up, it was pretty much kill on sight.

Maan, those first few weeks of DayZ mod on arma was incredible.

As for Overwatch. The game is just frustrating. You can't carry, but a single person not doing their job can lose you the match. My main issue with the OP is that the gameplay really isn't super tight, fundamentally it's not a very good shooter in my opinion.


Valkyrie supercharges all of Mercy's abilities so if you're already good at healing and not dying, you should be able to have a big impact without shooting anybody. Fast rez, chained heals and boosts at double range, guardian angel at double range etc.

Outside the ult Mercy is as easy to play as ever, and has strictly more power than before due to the periodic rez ability. It's just not easy to get good ultimate value anymore. The people losing most in the change are those who weren't good at the basics, just at hiding and waiting for a big ult spot.

Fair enough, I'll give her more playtime.
Rocket league had a similar decline, I think early adopters of new IPs tend to be older and with a much more fleeting investment since I certainly don't remember as many kids being involved when I first started playing either.
Either that or addiction cycle as players become downbeat and negative since they're no longer having fun after a few months or years but they're too hooked and invested in the game to quit.


It's really hard to carry in Overwatch, almost impossible I'd say which plays into the toxicity even more because you're so reliant on others, and when those others are telling you they're throwing the game on purpose then well. Sometimes people just have a bad game and there's nothing wrong with that but at least with something like CS or TF2 (Titan and Fortress) someone else can pick up the slack more easily.

It's why I stick to 1v1 games mostly and had way more fun with Titanfall 2 because a skilled player can carry a team in that game and it's less frustrating.


Destiny's community

now before anyone jumps on me and says "DGAF", when i say Destiny community i mean the community that i met IN-GAME, not the one in GAF, i tried DGAF and honestly they are awesome and help you when ever you have a question or need a help, i'm talking about the community you meet in the game like the tower or some LFG sites, DGAF is not the whole Destiny community

Destiny community is so horrible, when you play a Raid with a random group, if someone made a mistake, they don't admit it, they blame it on you or anyone else that is not their friend and then they kick you, even if you were the best of them

sometimes i don't feel like turning on the mic and want to play Raid, i get kicked a LOT for not having a mic even though i know what i'm doing and i have completed VoG, Crota's end, King's fall and Leviathan raid without a mic multiple times, they just don't want to give you a chance and immediately kick you, and sometimes when they let me in without a mic, when they make a mistake, they blame it on me for not having a mic even though i have done nothing wrong and i have played along with their strategy

i remember back in King's fall days, one guy was the runner at Oryx's fight, he failed like 20 times, i kept telling him to make me the runner, he kept refusing and says that he is a good runner, then when they were about to give up, i told him to give me just 1 chance, he did, and guess what, we won that round because he gave me a chance and i proved myself

sometime at Crota they let me in then ask me if i have a Ghorn, when i say no, i get kicked

if you go to an LFG site, you will see some players say that they know what to do, when you let them in, they say that they actually don't know what to do and ask you to explain it to them, why did they lie ?? because they know if they said the truth, no one would let them in, because the community doesn't want to help any one and doesn't want to give someone a chance

Destiny's IN-GAME( NOT Dgaf) community is one of the worst communities i have ever dealt with

that is of course MY OPINION, if you don't agree with me then i respect and understand that

Disagree, Destiny has some of the best communities in gaming, you just have to find them. That said, if you are playing with randoms doing end game activities then you better be up on the meta, otherwise it is not worth your time. Hopefully guided games will aid in minimizing this issue in D2.


What's wrong with having a hero that's easy to play? Mercy was great for people who were starting out, but still lent herself well to higher skill play. I'm a Mercy main, and I got really good at juggling heals, prioritizing players, alternating heals/damage boosts and keeping myself in and out of danger while still keeping the team alive. I've barely played her since the patch because her new ult is useless for me (her gun doesn't do enough damage/my aim isn't steady enough to be an effective Battle Mercy and I could do a better job staying alive with LSHIFT anyway).

Nya, okay. Easy was not the correct word. She is still very easy to play, but now has more weapons to her name and you have to decide a bit more. She is even better now and has a 100% pickrate. She is not worse off than before, but even better. Also train your aim. It's good because old mercy only mains will start to play other heroes too hopefuly. She is way harder to master now, but totally worth it.
Blizzard is seeying it dying and does nothing.

The game BADLY need a 4 tier game system:

- Class restrict search (i want to play DPS and that´s that, IF the search reachs a certain threshold, the game informs me and ask if i want to keep waiting or join the normal priority)

- Normal Priority with all classes

- Low priority purgatory mode (after being severely reported, 1 MONTH in low priority, but for that we need to ACTUALLY have a functional and reviewed report system, the actual is just a "google form" that i really doubt anyone or anything reads)

- Locked in quickplay or with bots

I lost a good 200 mmr just this weekend, trollers, quitters and the usual mute deaf human bot playing hanzo/torb eternally. If blizzard refunded the game i would GLADLY accept and move on.

Theres so much right and so much wrong, i would write a paper here about it, but im in my last effort here.


I don't see how online toxicity can improve with time. I only see it getting worse, really. Especially with twitch streaming being as big as ever. We now have kids watching streamers rage and yell for reaction. It's funny to be angry now. They'll just learn and adopt this behavior. I fear for what online gaming will be like in 5-10 years.
Imagine all those problems you listed.

Then imagine you have to spend a minimum of half an hour putting up with them every time you run into one.

Welcome to DotA.

Came to post this.

30 minutes is a mercy. Try the game dragging on for 45-50 minutes.

Overwatch must have changed. I ha e not played since Doomfist was put in...


All Blizzard online communities in their games have been terrible. Overwatch is just the newest freshly shitted out turd on the shit pile.

I dunno, the SC 1 and WC 3 communities were pretty good. SC 2 wasn't that bad either. D2... Varied.
Wasn't that bad when I played the game from January to March

I just never played competitive mode so I guess people were cool with just messing around x playing for fun

I loved the random hero mode, this was on Xbox one

If it's ranked x competitive you'll see people take it serious for many reasons but one is that's all they have.


Can someone explain what 'the meta' is, and where the (*new?) usage comes from?

I keep seeing the phrase 'the meta' when referring to games, and in particular I see phrases like 'I enjoy the meta'. The only concept of 'meta' in the context of gaming that I am familiar with is when people are talking about external aspects of the game that influence or are influenced by the game itself - for example, getting achievements, talking to other Pokemon Go! players and sharing info etc. This doesn't seem to explain the more modern use of the term 'meta'. What it is, and where does the term originate?

*It's new to me at least.


Valkyrie supercharges all of Mercy's abilities so if you're already good at healing and not dying, you should be able to have a big impact without shooting anybody. Fast rez, chained heals and boosts at double range, guardian angel at double range etc.

Outside the ult Mercy is as easy to play as ever, and has strictly more power than before due to the periodic rez ability. It's just not easy to get good ultimate value anymore. The people losing most in the change are those who weren't good at the basics, just at hiding and waiting for a big ult spot.

Nya, okay. Easy was not the correct word. She is still very easy to play, but now has more weapons to her name and you have to decide a bit more. She is even better now and has a 100% pickrate. She is not worse off than before, but even better. Also train your aim. It's good because old mercy only mains will start to play other heroes too hopefuly. She is way harder to master now, but totally worth it.

Just want to say, I did play a few more rounds with her focusing on what Water had said, and I can certainly see the appeal now. I think my issue was that when I would go into Valk mode my attention was focused on combat because I thought that would be the most effective use of the ult. Now that I've shifted my playstyle I don't really dislike it like I used to; chaining heals and the more frequent rez-ing suits me much better...but I still think I prefer the old Mercy (for now, I'm going to play more. She is my main after all!). Compared to old Mercy (and most other characters), I don't find Valkyrie mode has the same gratification as giving your team one more fighting chance, but I'm willing to be open-minded about it.

Thanks, all!

And to keep this on topic: I had just played a match as Mercy where a dude got mad me for reviving him because there were enemies near-by and he died shortly after. Not like I'm still adjusting to the new character changes or anything!

Can someone explain what 'the meta' is, and where the (*new?) usage comes from?

I keep seeing the phrase 'the meta' when referring to games, and in particular I see phrases like 'I enjoy the meta'. The only concept of 'meta' in the context of gaming that I am familiar with is when people are talking about external aspects of the game that influence or are influenced by the game itself - for example, getting achievements, talking to other Pokemon Go! players and sharing info etc. This doesn't seem to explain the more modern use of the term 'meta'. What it is, and where does the term originate?

*It's new to me at least.

Meta basically means the dominate team composition. In Overwatch the current "meta" is two tanks, two healers/support and two attack/defense. "Off-meta" are characters usually with low pick-rates/high skill floors, in this case sniper characters like Hanzo or certain DPS characters such as Sombra. The more you stray from the "meta" and pick "off-meta" characters, the more likely you're perceived to lose. There is some truth to this, but bucking the meta can have benefits as well. I'm not sure why it's referred to as meta, but it could with how the optimal team composition will continually shift due to changes the devs make.


Unconfirmed Member
I do the first 10 placement matches in competitive and then I drop that shit til next season. I really only play the stuff in Arcade mode and I find the game pretty enjoyable that way. (Aside from broken ass Genji and no don't post telling me he's not broken cause he is)


Meta basically means the dominate team composition. In Overwatch the current "meta" is two tanks, two healers/support and two attack/defense. "Off-meta" are characters usually with low pick-rates/high skill floors, in this case sniper characters like Hanzo or certain DPS characters such as Sombra. The more you stray from the "meta" and pick "off-meta" characters, the more likely you're perceived to lose. There is some truth to this, but bucking the meta can have benefits as well. I'm not sure why it's referred to as meta, but it could with how the optimal team composition will continually shift due to changes the devs make.

That kinda makes sense, thank you!


Can someone explain what 'the meta' is, and where the (*new?) usage comes from?

I keep seeing the phrase 'the meta' when referring to games, and in particular I see phrases like 'I enjoy the meta'. The only concept of 'meta' in the context of gaming that I am familiar with is when people are talking about external aspects of the game that influence or are influenced by the game itself - for example, getting achievements, talking to other Pokemon Go! players and sharing info etc. This doesn't seem to explain the more modern use of the term 'meta'. What it is, and where does the term originate?

*It's new to me at least.
Meta gets confused with strategy at times, but it's basically about predicting what your opponents will use and planning specifically to counter that.

For example, suppose there was a character (let's call them Goadlog) in Overwatch that was completely OP, to the extent that almost every game was 6 Goadlog v 6 Goadlog. Now suppose you discovered that one of the weaker character, let's call them Zombra, happens to perform very well against Goadlog, even though it's kind of shit against anything else. Now the best strategy is to use the overpowered Goadlog, but the best meta strategy is to use the relatively weak Zombra. As more people catch on to this, more people will use Zombra, and the meta shifts.

A lot of people say meta when they just mean strategy though. Tbh I'm not even sure if my example is proper usage, but it's definitely a common usage of the term.

It's called meta because you are playing a game of picks and counter picks on top of the actual game of shooting stuff.


Meta gets confused with strategy at times, but it's basically about predicting what your opponents will use and planning specifically to counter that.

For example, suppose there was a character (let's call them Goadlog) in Overwatch that was completely OP, to the extent that almost every game was 6 Goadlog v 6 Goadlog. Now suppose you discovered that one of the weaker character, let's call them Zombra, happens to perform very well against Goadlog, even though it's kind of shit against anything else. Now the best strategy is to use the overpowered Goadlog, but the best meta strategy is to use the relatively weak Zombra.

A lot of people say meta when they just mean strategy though. Tbh I'm not even sure if my example is proper usage, but it's definitely a common usage of the term.

In the case of Overwatch, I've only heard it used when referring to team composition, but in other games I've heard used when describing to weapon loadouts. I think you're right though, these all fall under the umbrella of "strategy," which is definitely a universal way of explaining it. Edit: also yeah, your explanation of why it's called meta makes much more sense than mine haha.
Can’t stand the community, I don’t talk shit to people in games nor do I send hate mail, but during one game, this guy from Indiana talked so much shit and told the team they sucked after he stunk it up. Plugged in my mic and next thing you know I’m having the saddest argument I’ve ever been in while cussing this guy out.

Told me he was from Indiana as if that meant anything to me. I was pretty embarrassed of myself for sinking that low. Thankfully, we both got over it not too far after, but I’m shocked I even got that mad to begin with. My wife thought it was comical at least.
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