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Has anyone lost enthusiasm for specific game platforms?


When I was a kid, the act of getting a new console felt special. Getting a N64, Gamecube, Wii were all huge exciting events, and there was always that honeymoon effect where I'd be obsessed with any new games I'd get for the consoles in the first several months of owning the consoles. New controllers and tech felt like a revelation to me, especially in the case of the Wii honestly, when I'd show all of my friends and family Wii Sports.

I don't know when, but at some point this magic was just completely lost to me. I'm reading posts and articles about how surprisingly "into," the Switch people are; how they love to use it on the go, or use the joycons for local MP, and it's just like, as someone who's owned the console since launch, none of it resonates with me. The thing hasn't left my house and I haven't played it in multiplayer at all, and I have zero desire to do so. It's simply a vessel to play games on occasion, which at the moment just consists of Zelda. I'm not hesitant about buying consoles or anything, I have all of the current-gen ones, but at some point they went from these magical devices with tech impressed me to boxes that play games if I want to. It's probably just me getting older I guess.


Neo Member
Anyone where you have to pay for online services

I have gravitated toward multiplayer games in recent years and am not really enthusiastic about paying for consolewhen I also have access to a pc


I stopped caring about Sony and Microsoft's first party stuff since the middle of this gen. Both stagnated hard.
Ever since I got a PS4 Pro, my Xbox One has become a Rock Band 4 machine and that's it. I was previously buying multi-platform games on XB1, but that has pretty much stopped. I imagine I'll switch back once Scorpio comes out, but where the hell are the Xbox exclusives!?

The Switch has also made my 3DS all but obsolete. I got Fire Emblem: Echoes last week and can't even bring myself to open it.


I've always considered every platform I owned as a tool/item to play games, never really got too much into the design or tech lol.

I try to alternate between platforms nowadays.

Mainly playing on PS3, PS4, WiiU, 3DS and PC (Steam and Origin mainly).
Playstation was losing my interest pretty hard with the PS3 and even though some big games I'd like to play finally came out on the PS4, I just can't be moved to care. Playstation peaked at the PS2 for me.
Now that I built my new gaming PC...I kinda don't care about consoles anymore. I'm mainly keeping the PS4 around for exclusives. I have no interest in the Switch and my Xbox One is only still relevant because I like fire up Halo 1-3 every now and then.

Targeting 4k 30 fps when we could have had 1080 60 or 1440 60...oh well.


Sort of yet not really. I have no real enthusiasm for the platforms specifically but I am always interested in what new and awesome experiences they can bring forth.


I absolutely despise my PS3 now.

Like I can't even look at it anymore. If there's a PS4 port available, I sell the PS3 version and buy it on PS4.

Did it for Devil May Cry 4, MvC3, DmC and I'm about to do it for Dragon's Dogma
I really like the Wii U and enjoyed the games I bought for it but at a certain point I just never felt like playing it

It also sucks that the gamepad pretty much needed to always be plugged into the charger

Now it's just collecting dust but I don't want to get rid of it and I don't want to trade in the games because then the console is worthless to me. Bleh
Pretty much Xbox since 08. I tried with the XB1 but Killer Instinct and Quantum Break we're the only reasons why and eventually that came to PC.
This is the first generation where I don't own an Xbox console and have no plans to get one, so yeah I guess.

Me too. I loved the OG and the 360, but then I got the 360 red ring a few times and Microsoft tried to get me to pay for it myself. Then GFWL flushed itself down the toilet and took all of my games with it. I can't imagine I'll ever support Microsoft's gaming endeavors again at this point.


I absolutely despise my PS3 now.

Like I can't even look at it anymore. If there's a PS4 port available, I sell the PS3 version and buy it on PS4.

Did it for Devil May Cry 4, MvC3, DmC and I'm about to do it for Dragon's Dogma

Just to clarify, I feel like this is actually kind of the opposite from what I'm talking about. Well not exactly but I don't really feel this way at all. In another time I might have been enthusiastic about buying a game on a new platform, but now I don't care what the platform is as long as the game is the same. I'm just not enthusiastic about playing a game on a "new," platform.
Watching Microsoft piss in to the wind the last 5 or 6 years has been pretty upsetting. I loved the og xbox and 360 so much. I still have faith they'll turn that ship around but I don't see an Xbox in my near future.

I quit PC gaming a couple years ago and it's been great. I miss some if the older classics I used to play through every couple of years though. I spent all my time tinkering instead of playing.

That's it for lack of enthusiasm, hoping to get a switch soonish.


I stopped caring about Sony and Microsoft's first party stuff since the middle of this gen. Both stagnated hard.
It's really true. The last MS first party game I cared about was Halo 5 and the last Sony one was Bloodborne. Sony's still getting better exclusives though, I was bummed when Dragon Quest Builders didn't come to XB1.


Gold Member
this is the first time i've had two modern consoles at once, ps4 and switch. im worried im giong to lose interest in one, but so far i'm getting on okay. Ps4 is definitely taking a hit though. Its just too easy to play the switch on the couch without complaining to the missus that shes hogging the tv.

that said, i have yet to plug my switch into the tv dock

i really dont think i will lose interest in either though. they act as perfect companions and will fill each others release calendars great.


Not that i can really think of. The consoles I was super into usually kept my favor and never fell off for me. Maybe the gameboy since the only game I loved after tetris was Metroid II.


Pure handhelds i love the ones i own but 3ds and vita are my last ones the Switch sold me on the superior version of handheld gaming: Hybrid gaming.


I loved my 360 S but the Microsoft behind XBox's wheel these days just isn't cutting it. Their E3 will have to be amazing for it to rekindle any kind of spark from me.

Loved, loved loved them as a kid, and a teen, but post highschool, I just can't seem to get into them. Only one to get significant playtime was my psvita, and only because of remote play when my son was born.
I mean the Switch has still only been out for like a couple of months, and it didn't exactly have the most robust launch lineup. I remember feeling a fraction of what you are describing with the PS4 but I love that system.


Xbone, the day I bought it.
Fuck I'm a broken record I was so let down lol

I think a better question might be which ones DO you have enthusiasm for. And looking back the ones that still really excite me are the game boy SP, Nintendo DS lite, and most recently the switch. I've loved many consoles of all brands through my gaming life but for some reason the handhelds (specifically the clamshell ones) were always just really fun and enjoyable to use and experience

Which is a world different from fighting with a fucking consoles UI or having shit crash on you all the time



Xbox One: I really, really like my Xbox One, however, if I manage to get a good performance on PC with a certain upgrade, I'll probably sell it cause the console may not offer to me anything the PC can't. Great console, with great system and great games, but certainly aimed for those who are just not that interested in PC gaming (which I am).

PlayStation 4: I used to enjoy Playstation a lot ("fanboy" level of enoyment). I like how PS4 this year is heating up, but I must say that, other than some few titles such as Persona 5, there isn't much in the exclusive side that justifies the console for me. I'm really not that interested in Uncharted and The Last of Us as I used to during PS3 times, and most other popular exclusive franchises, besides deinitely good (such as God of War), also do not justify the console for me. Since I already own it - impulse bought after E3 2013 - I'm totally keeping for those games, and there's no reason to regret; but if it was today I probably wouldn't buy it.

In the other hand my interest for Nintendo and PC platforms have been constantly growing lately.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
The Wii U kind of burned me, so I'm really not that interested in the Switch. Maybe I'm just jaded with Nintendo.


This is the first generation where I don't own an Xbox console and have no plans to get one, so yeah I guess.

This, but it's more of a change in Microsoft than me losing enthusiasm, I'm still open to buying one provided they give me the reasons.


Steam, somewhat.

Feels stagnant, it seems like it has less of a hold on the PC space, poor moderation by Valve, mediocre sales. Just not what it was a few years ago.


While I don't get AS excited for a new game or system when I was younger, I still get excited.

There's just a good feeling about unwrapping the boxes and their contents, it never gets old.



I got it for cuphead and scalebound and yeah... meh
I was going to get it for Scalebound. Then there was the Scorpio announcement and I wanted to wait for Scorpio if the Scorpio was available before Scalebound.
Now, I don't really care. Hopefully MS will show something good at E3.
I wanted to love my PS4 so badly but it just wasn't for me. After getting hacked and dealing with banks to get it straightened out, being underwhelmed/lukewarm on the exclusives (except Bloodborne), the issues I've had with PSN connections & speeds, and the dual shock 4 not quite comfortable for me, I finally decided to switch to Xbox and it's been smooth sailing ever since. I love my XB1S and I play it daily.


Xbox One. Only bother with it for exclusives and even that is fading since I use the play anywhere feature. I still like Xbox, but they aren't giving me much to work with.

Nextcis nintebdo since they took snake out of smash. Which I still take as a personal slight


Xbox. With all the exclusives other than Halo apparently coming to PC I felt my Xbox was a colossal waste of money, and Halo 5 was probably the last halo game I'll buy anyway.
I absolutely despise my PS3 now.

Like I can't even look at it anymore. If there's a PS4 port available, I sell the PS3 version and buy it on PS4.

Did it for Devil May Cry 4, MvC3, DmC and I'm about to do it for Dragon's Dogma

LMAO...sorta the same......i started my soulsborne experience with Bloodborne, platinumed it and gradually plat DS2 SOTFS and DS3 on PS4 too. Bought DS1 and DeS on PS3 but can't bring myself to even play an hour on the PS3 because of the Dual Shock 3 and the slow ass XMB interface.
Not any specific one, more like a general apathy for all of them. They're all just things for me to play games on, I don't really care for the platforms themselves whatsoever -- this includes the various stores/launchers on PC as well.


It took me a while, but I eventually realized that I only collect games on Steam and rarely play them. That's more an issue of me not understanding that low cost isn't enough of an incentive to actually play a game.


Ever since the Alienware Alpha & the SFF PC it urged me to build, I haven't really cared about consoles at all. Aside from exclusive 3rd-party games (which are ever dwindling these days), there's absolutely nothing they have to offer me.

EDIT: Oh, they also have bigger playerbases for most of the games I like, but even that can be a crapshoot as to whether a good amount will still be playing even a year after.


Xbox One and PS4 after building my PC.

I have a Switch and love it, although I probably won't buy another game for it until Mario Odyssey. I love Halo but I expect they will be coming to PC soon, so I sold my Xbox One. PS4 is still in the house but it rarely gets any use. I did play a couple games on it this year, Horizon and half of Persona 5. I'm still interested in a couple releases like Nioh, TLG and Ratchet, so I guess I'll keep it around. It's just so much more tempting to buy PC games instead of PS4 games, due to better performance and better sales. I'd like to check out those PS4 games, but I'll probably see a PC game at a great price first and play that instead.
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