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Hip-Hop/R&BGaf - Who is the savior of modern R&B: The Weeknd, Miguel or Frank Ocean?

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The Trilogy was amazing. Kiss Land was ight.
I didn't listen to Miguel's first CD, but Kaleidoscope Dream is a work of art and great to fuck to. Use Me & Pussy Is Mine = GOAT
Frank Ocean. The one with probably the most solid discography so far. Nostalgia.Ultra was a classic. He has some great unreleased songs off that Lonny Breaux collection. (No Bonnie = <3 also, let's throw in Blue Whale) and Channel Orange is an amazing CD, although I didn't fuck with it as much as everybody else seemed to for whatever reason.

PND is a pretty good clone of the weeknd, so eh. ILOVEMAKKON is pretty dope, but his style isn't for everyone and since this is a direct competition, literally all the aforementioned singers would blow him away.

I'm inclined to go with The Weeknd, even though The Trilogy was better than Kiss Land. I can admit Frank is the better songwriter, but The Weeknd's music vibes with so much more.

If this topic has been made before throw it in the trash like a CD full of Wayne singing.


All the above. The Weeknd hasn't reached the heights of the original trilogy, but considering how great those mixtapes were, I can't blame him.

Frank Ocean is the top out of all three though. Channel Orange is a classic.


Frank Ocean, it's not even a question.


Frank Ocean, it's not even a question.

Oh, there are definitely a lot of questions surrounding Francis, but him being the savior of modern R&B is not one of them: he isn't.

Miguel makes legitimately great R&B songs without the pseudo-intellectual non-sense that appeals to many of the homo erectus that love Francis' horrible "music."


Everything The Weeknd makes sounds exactly the same. And his voice is shit.

I guess Frank out of those three.


tagged by Blackace
Miguel doesn't deserve to be in that conversation. Dude has barely put anything out, let alone anything that went as far as the other two did.


Frank Ocean is the most consistent. Undoubtedly the most talented too.

The Weeknd's best songs blow the rest away though.

I don't know about most consistent. The Trilogy was pretty good from house of balloons to echoes of silence (the weakest one, too). Kiss Land was probably it. Frank Ocean has two great CDs and a lot of random songs out there that range from great (No Bonnie & If I'm In Love) to average (all the rest). The main reason I don't really fuck with Kiss Land is that it's just so thematically/stylistically different from the trilogy. I like moody, dark Abel. Although Pretty is fucking incredibly dark. But on the other hand, I feel like the Trilogy might honestly be his magnum opus and he won't make anything like that again.

I just got done listen to PND2 and that was better than Kiss Land. PND is pretty nice so far. He still reminds me of the Weeknd, though. Luckily, I can see him and Drake having more collabs than him and The Weeknd did, although The Weeknd writes much better songs that fit Drake.

Miguel doesn't deserve to be in that conversation. Dude has barely put anything out, let alone anything that went as far as the other two did.

Bruh has two CDs, one mixtape and three EPs. Kaleidoscope Dream is arguably better than Kiss Land.
Everything The Weeknd makes sounds exactly the same.

true. the writing in his songs has gotten derivative, but it's not annoying if you still love the sound like i do. it would be cool if he changed it up a bit though.

And his voice is shit.

fuck no. you crazy for that one.

Frank Ocean >> Weeknd >>>>Miguel

I loved Kiss Land and Channel Orange, though i think the latter is a better album. the beat switches on professional and pyramids is whoooooo. these two killed with those songs.

nostalgia ultra is a classic.


I kinda just want to say Drake, but I'll let him keep his rapper card and gladly pick Frank Ocean. The Weeknd is a great second. Miguel shouldn't even be in a thread. He hella generic like he won Canadian Idol or something.


I should've clarified. Technically, he's ok. Unfortunately he pretty much whines through all of his songs. I think his voice is so grating.


Miguel gonna bless with his follow up album. Don't know how he'll top the greatness that is Kaleidoscope Dream, though.


Miguel gonna bless with his follow up album. Don't know how he'll top the greatness that is Kaleidoscope Dream, though.

I'm relistening to it right now and people really needa stop sleeping on him. He might not have a super distinctive style like the weeknd or the songwriting skills of Frank, but what he does, he does extremely well. That CD is expertly crafted. I'm mad it took me so long to actually give him a chance.


Loved The Weeknd's trilogy of mixtapes, but I was pretty let down by his debut. Could be I'm tired of hearing Abel croon about the same shit over and over with redundant production.

Meanwhile, I think Nostalgia is terrific and was let down by Orange as well (though it's slightly better than Kiss Land). I think Ocean has the most potential so I choose him. Next album could be a classic.


All three are amazing but I prefer Frank Ocean out of those.

Can't wait for the upcoming album.
Out of those 3, easily Frank Ocean. In terms of songwriting, he blows those guys away , and has way more variety to his songs and production than the other guys.


I can't tell Miguel seriously. I tried getting into the Weeknd but the albums always come off as repetitive and serve better as background music. Mixtapes are amazing tho.
Vote goes to Frank Ocean. His sound quickly won my admiration.
Modern R&B has been lame for a minute

Seriously, remember in the mid- late 2000s where guys like Usher, Ne-Yo, Trey Songz and Chris brown were considered the flag bearers for RnB. I'd go so far in saying that, with a few exceptions, the 2000s in general was a terrible decade for RnB. Say what you will about the Weeknd , but he blows away just about anything from that decade


Seriously, remember in the mid- late 2000s where guys like Usher, Ne-Yo, Trey Songz and Chris brown were considered the flag bearers for RnB. I'd go so far in saying that, with a few exceptions, the 2000s in general was a terrible decade for RnB. Say what you will about the Weeknd , but he blows away just about anything from that decade

Exactly, it was a breath of fresh air. Chris Breezy's CD is shaping up pretty well, though.

Charles Bradley



for something modern


Charles Bradley has some pipes goddamn. I really like Rhye. Has a nice airy feel to the vocals. Imma peep the CD.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Frank Ocean is the only one who makes the occasional good song of those three. RnB these days is terrible. Both male and female. When someone as generic and boring as Ariana Grande is considered a great RnB artist you know we've sunk to a whole new level of shit. But it's not all doom and gloom, music tends to go in cycles, RnB will get good again once people like Katy Perry, Nicki Minaaj, Lady gaga, and Bruno mars etc... stop being an influence on the sound. Which should be fairly soon given the life cycle of artists.
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