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How badly do we want a Zelda II sequel?


Ocarina of Time borrowed more from Zelda II than it did from A Link to the Past? I'm going to need you to show your work here.

I mean yeah, a few key characters in OoT were name after towns in Zelda II. But beyond that, I'm just not seeing it.

Whether it is intentional or not I always felt like the 3D combat and layout of the world with all of the separate tribes and villages felt more like an extension of Zelda II than ALttP or Zelda 1. The same way I feel like Demon Souls is what a modern day Zelda II would have been (with the experience and all).

I would love to see a straight 2.5D sequel or retelling of the story though. A cult trying to resurrect Ganon by spilling Link's blood was always hardcore.
I enjoyed it in NES Remix 2. I don't know if I'd want a sequel. Its so black sheepish. The top down and 3D Zelda games have had so many sequels. If they wanted to return to side scrolling I think it would have happened already.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I feel that the Nintendo of today would never truly capture what made Zelda II great, notably the brilliant challenge.

Dark Souls is modern Zelda II to me, so I feel like I've already gotten a sequel.

Agree, which is why I LOVE Dark Souls!


My least favorite Zelda, so Nah. I'm happy LTTP went back to the style of the first game and the series as a whole took the same path.


A 2d remake of Zelda II would be awesome .
It would need 2 mode : original difficulty and easier :p

I have beaten this game as a kid but I don't think I would have the patience to do it again.
I'm glad to see others with the opinion that it was a flawed masterpiece. So many great ideas, but a ton of problems came with it.

If love a Zelda that takes us back to an action oriented feel like that. Not a sidescroller, just a 3D game with tough enemies and thoughtful combat. I felt like SS was a step towards that, but the enemies never really felt challenging.

Not having Darknuts in SS was just criminal in my opinion.


I could never get past the goddam mountain as a kid. I didn't think to "level" up and I couldn't ever find my way through the maze.

My memories just involve hearing low heart beeps, caves with bats, and axe men killing the shit out of me.


Badly for me. I would rank it as one of my least favorite Zelda games but this game still rocked, its just up against unfair comparisons.

I LOVE this game and would LOVE a new version. More RPG elements please.


It'd really make my day to wake up to Adventure of Link II and Super Mario: Wart's Revenge announced out of a Nintendo Direct. Both of these outlier games have great qualities that have contributed to the future developments of their franchises. Even downloadable releases made in the spirit of either game would be a nice addition to the library.
This thread is showing some resistance to the idea, which may be perfectly warranted; I don't know anything about Zelda II to comment on the objections.

However, as a newcomer to the Zelda series, I DO welcome direct/spiritual successors to games I unfortunately didn't experience in my younger days. Take ALBW, for example. ALTP is a heavy favorite of the Zelda crowd, but unfortunately I never got to experience it. With ALBW, I could see what all the fuss about ALTP was; it's an absolutely fantastic game! At the same time, I was able to experience it with a modern twist (in 3D, with an in-game map, dungeon/task tracking, etc) which has now gotten me very interested in the Zelda series as a whole.

If Zelda II is indeed a good game (this thread is showing a bit of disagreement on that, though) then I welcome a new game in that vein with open arms. Because in all honesty, at this point there's NO way in hell I'm going to get the original Zelda II and try to play that.

Remakes/ports that improve the look/feel/accessibility of the game are certainly also welcome, a la 3DS Ocarina of Time.


Oh very much so, just make it for 3DS for decreased risk and obviously improve the formula a ton. Games like Wonder Boy in Monster World pretty much perfected it. Such a great fucking game.
If you're looking for some Zelda II goodness you could do worse than trying the NES classic Battle of Olympus. May just be the rose tinted glasses but I preferred it to Zelda II having played both when I was a kid


or the Wonderboy series and Popful Mail (sega cd version).

too bad Nintendo didnt go with a 16-bit version of Zelda 2. Would have been one of their best games.

Good suggestions, but I'd say the real next-gen sequel to Zelda 2 was Super Adventure Island 2



On topic, I think people would go for a new game in the style of Zelda 2, but probably not within the Zelda series. I could see an unrelated, spiritual sequel getting Kickstarted and doing well on Wii U/3DS/Steam.


I don't want a sequel, but I'd gladly take a reboot or a remake. I like the idea of a 2D side scrolling Zelda, but I really hated Zelda II for being so hard and not entertaining at all (imo). But you know, I only played it only a few years ago, bla bla, I can understand why people may like this game.

A remake of Zelda II to make it easier would be a travesty. There's plenty of easy baby Zelda games out there. Why not have some Zelda games for the kinds of people that love challenge and love Zelda II? Why remake a game that a lot people love just to destroy the things people loved about it? Dark Souls proves there's an audience for those types of games.

If Zelda II is indeed a good game (this thread is showing a bit of disagreement on that, though) then I welcome a new game in that vein with open arms. Because in all honesty, at this point there's NO way in hell I'm going to get the original Zelda II and try to play that.

Why not? You're missing out.


This thread is showing some resistance to the idea, which may be perfectly warranted; I don't know anything about Zelda II to comment on the objections.

However, as a newcomer to the Zelda series, I DO welcome direct/spiritual successors to games I unfortunately didn't experience in my younger days. Take ALBW, for example. ALTP is a heavy favorite of the Zelda crowd, but unfortunately I never got to experience it. With ALBW, I could see what all the fuss about ALTP was; it's an absolutely fantastic game! At the same time, I was able to experience it with a modern twist (in 3D, with an in-game map, dungeon/task tracking, etc) which has now gotten me very interested in the Zelda series as a whole.

If Zelda II is indeed a good game (this thread is showing a bit of disagreement on that, though) then I welcome a new game in that vein with open arms. Because in all honesty, at this point there's NO way in hell I'm going to get the original Zelda II and try to play that.

Remakes/ports that improve the look/feel/accessibility of the game are certainly also welcome, a la 3DS Ocarina of Time.

I think I can speak for those that rationally enjoy this game to say that it is not a GREAT game, compared to most other Zelda games, it is a very good game as a stand alone game and did some very interesting things that I think could make a great modern (retro) game.



Like, I would smear peanut butter all over my dick and stick it into a hornets nest if it meant a sequel.


I love this game, I still remember the day my parents bought it for me from Boots (They used to sell games!)
Very fond memories, but damn It was kinda hard back then!


I would LOVE a Zelda 2 3rd person remake. It would basically end up being Dark Souls: Zelda edition. Only make the sword longer FFS.
If you're looking for some Zelda II goodness you could do worse than trying the NES classic Battle of Olympus. May just be the rose tinted glasses but I preferred it to Zelda II having played both when I was a kid


I love Zelda 2 and I liked Battle of Olympus, but that game redefined Nintendo-hard. Did anyone honestly ever finish that game? Really? Even when I played it years later with save states I couldn't make it through.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
i'd rather take it than another boring 3D zelda game with updated assets.

while challenging for a Zelda game, it doesn't approach some of the legendarily difficulty NES games.

Not even close. I can adhere to your statement.

I love Zelda 2 and I liked Battle of Olympus, but that game redefined Nintendo-hard. Did anyone honestly ever finish that game? Really? Even when I played it years later with save states I couldn't make it through.

Indeed. I beat it twice, once when I was a kid, I think I was 10(?) and again last year. You're right, it's still tough with savestates, but not as impossible as when I was a kid. I snapped my controller with the sheer strength that came from the rage induced by the seemingly impossibile encounters or "Levels". After I beat it recently, I came away with the fact that it is too short and I won't revisit it again for a long time.


A sequel to my favourite NES game? I want that quite a lot.

A sexy new side-view platformer/action Zelda in the style of Metroid, with sprawling world maps, could be a thing of true beauty.

Shit, I'd even lap up the cancelled SNES port in a heartbeat.
I fucking love Zelda II (my favorite Zelda, actually), and I want a sequel desperately. Or if not a sequel then a Zelda at least in the same style.

Edit: ^^ canceled SNES port?! What?! I've never heard of that. Now I'm sad ;_;
My hope that Nintendo will ever do another Zelda II style game has pretty much disappeared. I want another one so bad I'm considering just making a new Zelda II (in every way except name) myself, after my current project is done.


My hope that Nintendo will ever do another Zelda II style game has pretty much disappeared. I want another one so bad I'm considering just making a new Zelda II (in every way except name) myself, after my current project is done.
Ever played ys 3? The original versions, not the recent remakes.


You are a good person that inspires joyful feelings.

*fist bump!*

People who dodged this due to it's checkered reputation or just because it's so old are seriously missing out. Give it a go, work on your combat techniques, get past death mountain, level up, once it clicks for you you'll be in for one of the best side scrollers of all time. It's one of those games I can always come back to and enjoy.


Even if we don't get a return to that style of gameplay I just want a return to that trust in a player's ability to figure it out and trust in your designers that the game is beatable on context clues alone.

A Link Between Worlds was definitely a step in the right direction. Naturally puzzles in a 3D space will be harder than 2D puzzles where your brain is solving them as soon as you enter a room.

Just please trust the players Nintendo or put all hints in a item or NPC that most of us will never bother with.


I tried playing Zelda II a few years ago and...nah, couldn't do it. The formula looks like it could be refined and made into a good game. I trust Aonuma and co. to do that so I'd be up for it.


Edit: ^^ canceled SNES port?! What?! I've never heard of that. Now I'm sad ;_;

Well, 'port' might be the wrong word. It might only have ever been intended to be used as a tech demo, or maybe even a Satellaview game, but it did exist:


Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
What would you want exactly from a Zelda 2 sequel/clone?

The overhead overworld mixed with 2D platforming stages and dungeons?

I'd like them to keep it true with hat they did with the original.

2.5D when not in the overworld, keep a serious tone to the art direction, and I'd like them to go heavily sprite based, again with 2.5D.

Bring back, Akito Nakatsuka for more awesome soundtrack awesomeness and hopefully he pays a homage to the music played when inside the temples of Zelda II.

Add menu similar to the original Legend of Zelda/LTTP, twice the amount of Temples/Dungeons. Expand the overworld, make it similar looking to Suikoden II's in style.

All I can think of, at the moment.

Well, 'port' might be the wrong word. It might only have ever been intended to be used as a tech demo, or maybe even a Satellaview game, but it did exist:


I can feel my heart where my ankles are.


And by "Zelda II sequel" are we talking about a new game that just happens to take place after the events of Zelda II, or a game that specifically returns to Zelda II's play mechanics (leveling up stats w/ experience points, learning new skills, separate overworld/combat sections) regardless of location/placement on the Zelda timeline?

Both actually, as far as I'm concerned.

One, because I would love to finally see a game that takes place after Zelda II's place in that "Timeline". Ganon's revival being thwarted and the Triforce being reunited (again) never stopped shit from happening before, so why let that stop having a story take place afterward? Plus, it'd be nice to see what that world looks like now, after Hyrule having more time to rebuild and etc.

And on the other, I'd like to see what coming back to these types of mechanics after so long would be like with either Aonuma's team or perhaps a worthy outsourced partner. Shovel Knight, again, only proves that there's a lot of potential to be had with this style of play, and even IGA was cited on saying that his CV games were inspired by trying to craft a "Zelda-like" experience. So why not allow a Z2 successor to have a chance to do it all over again?
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