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How many people go to the movies alone?


Hey GAF!
I’ve never been to a movie theater alone so now that I have a lot of free time available for reasons I won’t really get into but it’s all good ( and don’t worry about my work status I wasn’t fired or quit it just is what it is right now).
So I wondering if it’s weird to go to a movie alone and be that one dude sitting by himself ?
It gets hot here in the summer and it would be nice to just chill and relax for a couple of hours .
If so what was the last movie you’ve seen alone.


Resident Cheap Arse
I do.

Contrary to what you may think, nobody cares that you're there alone and chances are you won't be the only one. Awkward the first couple of times until that sinks in. Just get on with it and do it, if you don't you're missing out on things you want to do for the sake of mis-placed concern that anyone else really give a shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, my circle of friends has gotten even smaller than it used to be.
And sometimes people are just too busy or not interested.
On top of going to the movies being an expensive time.

Last movie was Avengers Endgame a couple weeks ago.
Funnily enough though, saw John Wick 3 with a mate a couple days ago.


Elden Member
Just don’t be one of those guys that sits next to a couple and tries to talk to them the whole time. Let people have their together time and leave them alone. (Too many experiences of my wife and I going to movies and a single person sits next to us trying to make small talk the whole damn time. )


It’s not that I care about I’m there by myself , ( maybe a little) it’s just that years ago me and my brother used to go to the movies a lot but sadly he passed away from cancer a few years back so it’ll be weird not having him next to me, but we used to have a great time when we did.
I remember the first time he got out of the hospital the first thing he wanted to do is chill and see a movie, it was the first Avengers movie.
Trust me I would never talk or bother people I don’t know.
My eyes are tearing up just typing this.


I haven't done it recently but I have done in the past.

I saw both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on opening day because nobody wanted to go with me. I'm not fucking missing Batman lol.

By the time The Dark Knight Rises came out everyone else was suddenly on board... But then the film was kind of shit.


I go alone all the time. I'll go with my friend and his wife for certain movies but that's maybe 3 or 4 times a year at most.


I’ve done it several times for films I really want to see. Usually during the weekday.

On weekends yeah you’ll look weird because it’s mostly families and you will stick out.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Yeah, who gives a flying fuck if you're alone in a place where you're supposed to be silent the entire time? The single attendant = bad thing is a /tv/ meme.

What d'you think film critics do when there's no press screenings, wear a badge that says "I'm a critic not a shooter"?
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I do and never had any reservations about going alone. I like having a lot of alone time anyway.

I don’t go that often any more (alone or with someone) as I’m not as into movies as I used to be and there’s not at theater that convenient location/traffic wise from our house or my office. There’s a new AMC being built pretty close to our so I’ll probably go more often once that’s open. Especially if they still have the $20 a month plan.


I used to, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. But I can't stand going to the theater in general anymore. I enjoy such a small percentage of the garbage that is produced, and I'd rather just watch it at home than have to deal with ticket prices, food prices, 2.5+ hour movies that I can't pause for bathroom breaks, no smoking, people being inconsiderate about their talking/phone usage....like honestly the whole experience top to bottom is just a big drag for me.
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Gold Member
At first going alone was very awkward for me but over time I started appreciating it so much, I'm at the point now where I'd rather go alone. Not many good movies coming out these days though so when there is one I usually invite a friend I haven't seen longer and use the opportunity to chat.

Wish there were more good movies though so I could go alone again. It's just a matter of getting used to it. It's funny actually because these days I chuckle at the thought how uncomfortable it used to be for me to go alone to the movies.
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I’ve done it several times for films I really want to see. Usually during the weekday.

On weekends yeah you’ll look weird because it’s mostly families and you will stick out.

Going during the weekdays on work hours is the absolute best.... Get the entire theater all to yourself.

At first going alone was very awkward for me but over time I started appreciating it so much, I'm at the point now where I'd rather go alone. Not many good movies coming out these days though so when there is one I usually invite a friend I haven't seen longer and use the opportunity to chat.

Wish there were more good movies though so I could go alone again. It's just a matter of getting used to it. It's funny actually because these days I chuckle at the thought how uncomfortable it used to be for me to go alone to the movies.

The atmosphere of having an entire theater to yourself is simply amazing, it's just awesome how you can get completely engrossed in a film if your liking it.

No one munching loud snacks, talking, slurping sodas, getting distracted by phone glare. Just you and the movie.


I did when I was a movie goer. It was really cool. I eventually knew the times to go when the other loner and/or introverted types would go too and it felt like we were sitting in silent, separate unity.

Down with extroverts!


I do all the time. Maybe I'm just getting old, but going alone to see a matinee in an empty (or close to empty) theater is awesome.


Haven't done it in awhile and it's no big deal, it's not like you (hopefully) talk to anybody during the movie so going on your own is fine in my opinion.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, as some people prefer the lack of distractions and not having their popcorn pinched every 30 seconds.

Dark Star

I like going to the movies alone because I don't have to talk to anyone and nobody will pester me with their opinions or questions during the film. However, I usually don't go to the movies alone, because it's not as fun for me. If i'm going the movies with friends/family/whatever, then that means we're usually hanging out ALL DAY, going out to eat afterwards, etc and that just makes it a part of the whole social experience.

Spending money is more fun when you're doing it with others. I feel guilty spending 10 bucks on a movie ticket if i'm alone lol. I also don't go to the movies all the time, it's usually part of someone else's plan that i got invited to. Same thing with going to concerts/festivals. I just feel kind of overindulgent that i'm experiencing this awesomeness without the company of my close friends. But there are of course sooooo many benefits to doing stuff alone.
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I most often go alone. I actually went to see Child's Play by myself last night, when plans to go to a barbecue fell through. By the time I could go it was too late. People didn't stay long.

I like going alone. It was awkward at first, but now it doesn't bother me at all. I've gone to the movies many times with friends, but sometimes going alone is almost preferable. I don't have to worry about anyone else -- whether they'll talk, like the movie, are comfortable, are having a good time, etc. -- and can just enjoy the movie. It's hard to concentrate on the movie during dates, and my girlfriend doesn't like to go out much so we don't go to the movies much.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't go to the movies period. Too many retards clapping.


I prefer it tbh. I'll go with people I know if they are interested, but largely I like to see films alone when the crowds have died down a bit anyway.


Perpetually Offended
I rarely go alone. I like going with people because I enjoy the company. I've only gone once alone this year... I THINK it was to my last viewing of Endgame... Might have been a different movie. It's more memorable with another person there.

way more

All the theaters in my city offer a $5 movie on Tuesday so I take a few hours off work or I see something at night. I don't even bother trying to see it with someone. Also, I don't want to see 95% of the shit out there and paying full price seems stupid. Unless it's a date I want to be alone and unburdened.

Also, the last movie I saw alone was Anna last Tuesday. Awesome and sexy movie. Luc Besson must've hired the John Wick coordinator for some fights. The strange thing about the movie was that there were like 8 obese people sitting in the front row. It was very unnerving. But it meant nobody was behind me so I was free to use my phone.
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Yes. Last was Avengers: End Game. Just seen Toy Story 4 but with the family. If they want to come, so be it. Not going to have them dictate what I want to watch and when. Will go on my own.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Situational, I've gotten movie tickets as gifts and I like the darkness of theaters, and gassing up on popcorn.


I used to do it all the time when MoviePass was a thing. But now that it's not, I can't justify paying money out of pocket that I know is going to line the pockets of filthy Hollywood cucks.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I often go to the movies alone. What am I gonna get out of going with someone else? It's not exactly a social experience, the expectation's that everyone stays quiet.
When I had MoviePass (you know, when it actually worked) I used to go alone to a handful of movies a week.

Superhero movies though, those I never pay for, yet someone always pays to bring me with them. A fair amount of other films as well. So really, if I'm at a movie with a friend, it's probably cuz they really wanted someone else, and were willing to pay for it.
As the equipment in my humble abode has improved over the years (thus simulating a personal home cinema) I have become less and less interested in full blown cinema releases. I prefer to wait and enjoy them in luxury at home. I think cinema will die in ~20 years.
I only go to the cinemas when Nolan drops his latest masterpiece


Faith - Hope - Love
I probably go to the movies alone at least a couple times a month. I have since I was in my twenties - It's no big deal to me. :)


Nothing wrong with going alone. It's the same with watching movies at home, some of them I watch with my partner and some (mostly gory horrors ;)) alone, because I know she wouldn't enjoy them.


My local cinema has a Horror Tuesday Special (been going for years) where they usually do old releases or just mostly uknown modern horror movies

Been going to that alone for a long ass time since i don't really have any horror fan in my circle of friend, bf sometimes join me but it's usually a solo experience and sometimes is even more enjoyable lol

Just no one cares dude, honestly!


Sometimes i do if nobody else wants to see a particular movie (in general horror movies). Nothing wrong with it

the experience is just miles better at the theatre and people tend to keep their mouth shut during the movies here. Don't breathe and a quiet place were absolutely glorious
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