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How Nintendo Directs Represent a New Direction and Improvment of Gaming Journalism

Though I like the manner NDs are presented and the fact that it is a fresh take on giving the consumer product information, they are just that: Presentations.
That's NOT journalism.

Echoing what a number of people have said already, but seriously, George Orwell says hi.

As if Nintendo don't have their own agenda.

It amazes me how so many people read the OP and comes to the conclusion that he argues that ND are journalism or that it is going to replace journalistic duties.

The point is that game journalism will have to put more time into doing better pieces. Because posting press releases won´t be enough to interest Ninty fans when they have already gotten the information directly from Nintendo.

This is not Nintendo trying to act as journalists but instead it might hinder journalists to act as PR people, since the PR people are now reaching the fans themselves. Now people will understand that it is the people trying to sell the product that are giving you the info. When a gaming site posts a press release that isn´t clear.


I'm still getting the same news I'd have gotten, but without the spin and personal opinions of another person diluting that information. I still don't see how anyone can spin getting your source directly and forming your own opinions on things as something bad.

Yes, gaming news sites will continue to exist for the near future. Yes, they will continue to give me information that I most likely could not get otherwise. But if I can do differently, I'd happily take it.

Which I can, when it comes to news on Nintendo.

Yet you still have a company trying to sell you on their product. With games journalism, I like to hear how other people felt about the preview of a game or how they reviewed it because it's interesting. Not everything a journalist says gels with my own preferences but everyone is entitled to their opinions. You are welcome to have your own but saying "I'd rather watch Nintendo because they aren't going to say anything bad about a game I'm interested in" is pretty silly.

This is the main reason why Nintendo has went this route. To not let the media shape the majority of opinion of a company to the masses.

Now this is where things are getting out of hand. The main thing I'm reading in this thread is that Nintendo fans feel like "games journalism" is picking on them so they like watching Nintendo Direct because it gets the info to them in an "unbiased" manner about new games and service when in reality, it's Nintendo trying to sell you a product. I'm not understanding why people aren't getting this. They aren't some bastion of hope for games journalism. Nintendo Direct wasn't made to fight the good fight against bad journalism. It was made to get info to the fans so they weren't left in the dark about the going-ons at Nintendo.


hide your water-based mammals
It can be said that because the gaming press is constantly dismissing Nintendo this is probably a better solution quite frankly....

You can argue that for the gaming media but what about us gamers here? You can notice that Nintendo isn't exactly getting a free pass and for good reason. Blame Nintendo before anyone. If they can't handle being criticized then too bad. Not my problem. Their issues are of their own doing.


ND is only important to enthusiasts who regularly visit game sites, and of that group, only a fraction who are actual fans.

For the average Joe who only receives info from a Gamestop clerk, TV commercial, or enthusiast friend, it's non-existent. For the average gamer, it's "Nintendo exes announce things." ND is hardly Earth shattering.

The ND is on the e shop it's main purpose is to inform the users.

but as the op is pointing out it also bypasses that media filter so you get the source info and not the media opinionated spin first. Them you can compare the 2 together afterward.


I think it's pretty great that Nintendo does it and I espacailly love the Iwata asks.

Look at Sony, they had one vita heaven and it was pretty bad and havent even attempted to do once since. It takes a lot of work to pull of a Nintendo direct.


I think it's pretty great that Nintendo does it and I espacailly love the Iwata asks.

Look at Sony, they had one vita heaven and it was pretty bad and havent even attempted to do once since. It takes a lot of work to pull of a Nintendo direct.
I always wondered why people said that vita heaven was bad. What happened there?
You can say that about any company including Microsoft and Sony. I guess the difference is that everyone should have their own mind and not believe that a company is bad or good just because a journalist said so. And unfortunately, that's the case with the general public and advertising is such a HUGE business. This is the main reason why Nintendo has went this route. To not let the media shape the majority of opinion of a company to the masses.

Also, let's be honest here. If 75% of the media topics are "bad" as the OP has stated, then what do we have on the first 2 pages on GAF related to Nintendo? Topics with those 75% "bad" subjects as thread starters. So what do you think will come out of a topic that presented a picture negatively to begin with? Nintendo should keep Nintendo Direct. I'd rather see footage of games that I'm interested in then some media's report of how bad or good the company is.

It's a shame that this has to be discussed because it truly shows you that there are way too many people arguing or trying to shape a company's destiny on a major forum than actually playing games. WHICH IS THE ENTIRE POINT lol

The bold is a point that I take issue with. The Media are not information guru's who come up with topics that the world at large are incapable of seeing and discussing on their own. I mean the very fact that NeoGaf threads are regularly the source for Articles and Editorials proves that. If the topic of an article or a point of view in an editorial isn't inline with reality, it doesn't gain traction in online discussion and is quite often ripped apart. Now I fully acknowledge the same can't be said to happen with people who consume this information casually and don't frequent sites like Gaf or Gamefaqs or SuperAwesomeMegaGamingForum#5 but those people aren't all that likely to see a presentation like Nintendo Direct in the first place.

I'm not saying that Nintendo shouldn't continue with Nintendo Directs. In fact I wish all the companies did more presentations like it throughout the years. The more open the information flow between these companies and us as consumers the better it is for us. But these types of presentations don't replace the usefulness of Journalism at all. And Articles/Editorials.. whether they be positive or negative.. don't determine the attitude we carry towards the products. Not unless you're talking about Major news outlets and the general public.


On one hand I believe that Nintendo decided to create this things as a direct response to their message being miscomunicated or simply ignored by western media, there have been a series of articles these days in response to the ND, some have raised interesting points while being realistic, those I have no problem with, but others have being pointless with some positive stuff, pointless with wrong concepts or just clickbait. Thats not to say that Nintendo is an easy company to deal with, they dont answer questions, they keep stuff close to the chest, they dont give out exclusive context to the press and sometimes they dont pamper in the shitty ways to some writers love to be pampered. They simply dont play the game.

On the other hand, despite jokes about Iwata being a better journalist than sites like Kotaku and IGN, its easy to forget that they will be extremely biased when needed to be and must be watched with clinical eyes. I personally enjoy then for what they are and they are getting more attention because it involve actually communicating, which is a feat, and I still get to read what good writers like John Walker and Ben Kuchera have to say. Basically, western journalism is mostly dishonest shit so I might as well just eat dishonest gourmet.


Nintendo Direct is nice, and I'm all for democratisation of the information flow. But it's not exactly new or revolutionary.
Microsoft started talking directly to their fanbase through Major Nelson and the Gamerscore blog, curiosly they seem to have scaled all that back. Then Sony started the Playstation blog, which is pretty good. Nintendo Direct is the same in video form, but you can't talk to the people who post the information. I like the (limited) interactivity of a well made blog better.


Neo Member
It amazes me how so many people read the OP and comes to the conclusion that he argues that ND are journalism or that it is going to replace journalistic duties.

The point is that game journalism will have to put more time into doing better pieces. Because posting press releases won´t be enough to interest Ninty fans when they have already gotten the information directly from Nintendo.

This is not Nintendo trying to act as journalists but instead it might hinder journalists to act as PR people, since the PR people are now reaching the fans themselves. Now people will understand that it is the people trying to sell the product that are giving you the info. When a gaming site posts a press release that isn´t clear.

What is gaming journalism? This ought to be a whole thread itself.

I think gaming journalism constitutes three parts - previews, reviews, and editorials. Companies now have blogs and videos so they can do their own PR, and there are plenty of Youtubers who do LP's and reviews of games. This leaves gaming journalists with the editorials to get views - although of course they still do previews and reviews.

What would be interesting to see is investigative reporting in gaming journalism - but I think it would have to come from people outside the field of gaming journalism.
We talk about whether Nintendo is "trapped," "only promising," and "behind the times" because they tell us to.

This is where my ears perked up. Someone mentioned earlier how NDs are Nintendo's spin. Thing is, we know that going in, and we get it in a pure uncut form, with bad pieces written about it, we get even that thru another layer of abstraction (or more! ask Kuchera).

What's worse about this is the echo chamber that sets up shop. Saw the MANGOD pic above? That happens now, but much, much more subtlety about it.


I always wondered why people said that vita heaven was bad. What happened there?

Hmm, the first one was to reveal a lot of new games but it ended up just being a bunch of old-ish/semi-new trailers released on YouTube.

I believe another one was supposed to happen, but it never did. I think it may pop up at some point in the future again though. I would guess that the reason why it hasn't yet is because there aren't many games to announce in a Vita Game Heaven. (which is why I think the system isn't doing too hot... there's only like two new Vita games a week that are not ports if we're lucky)


Nintendo direct is an infomercial, nothing more. That's not journalism.

In what world a biased highly prettified PR propaganda is "better game journalism".


Pure, blatant PR.

Content providing is not journalism.

Nintendo direct, if you actually bother to watch it, is far, far, far less biased than most gaming journalism websites out there. Yeah, it only covers Nintendo, but at no point does it ever say "OMG, Halo 4 is amazeballs, buy Mountain Dew!!!". It just tells things like it is. It doesn't say "The new Mario is TOTALLY AWESOME!", it just says "Look, this is the new Mario game, this is what it does and why".

The pair of you clearly haven't watched one.


No more leaks I suppose. Then again hopefully Nintendo will have a good E3 showing. Smash Bros Wii U Trailer is enough to get fans excited over a next gen console from Sony or microsoft, unless they announce games along with it, it's nothing more than an under powered PC with a snazy case.


Nintendo direct, if you actually bother to watch it, is far, far, far less biased than most gaming journalism websites out there. Yeah, it only covers Nintendo, but at no point does it ever say "OMG, Halo 4 is amazeballs, buy Mountain Dew!!!". It just tells things like it is. It doesn't say "The new Mario is TOTALLY AWESOME!", it just says "Look, this is the new Mario game, this is what it does and why".

The pair of you clearly haven't watched one.
Also they mention why that game is heading in to a certain direction, giving you straight information instead of what gaming journalism does


Also they mention why that game is heading in to a certain direction, giving you straight information instead of what gaming journalism does

Exactly, and at the end is always a "We hope you enjoy..." rather than just telling you it's definately great. It's about as open and honest as something like this can reasonably be expected to be. I really can't say the same about the paid off gaming press.
No more leaks I suppose. Then again hopefully Nintendo will have a good E3 showing. Smash Bros Wii U Trailer is enough to get fans excited over a next gen console from Sony or microsoft, unless they announce games along with it, it's nothing more than an under powered PC with a snazy case.

Watch nintendo slipping E3 sooner or later and finding new ways to get people to try their games. They did a couple of cool things with Wii, like the Wii embassadors parties and such.


No more leaks I suppose. Then again hopefully Nintendo will have a good E3 showing. Smash Bros Wii U Trailer is enough to get fans excited over a next gen console from Sony or microsoft, unless they announce games along with it, it's nothing more than an under powered PC with a snazy case.

Exactly, I dont see why people are so quick to imply that paying attention to the NDs means you are being controlled by evil Nintendo and turned into a fanboy, if the stuff they show is shit, people are gonna complain, if the stuff they show is good, people will praise. Its that simple.
Sort of a tangent to what the OP says, I do think there is some value in saying NDs might lead to an improvement in game journalism, but for different reasons. Previously websites fought for exclusives from the main companies. That set up an uncomfortable relationship where they were competing for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's favour.

Now that isn't going to happen as much with Nintendo, meaning that the websites can just respond more honestly to the NDs. Now, that might be a shallow honesty, a petulance, or it might be something smart and cutting.

Because yes, there is going to continue to be a bit of a kneejerk from some sites. A feeling of 'you should have let us break this news so we are going to shit on it' but that will never be the pervading response, and it will diminish in time if things continue like this. You'll still have haters and fanboys, but at least they can hate and love without having to worry about being left out of the news cycle.
Nintendo direct, if you actually bother to watch it, is far, far, far less biased than most gaming journalism websites out there. Yeah, it only covers Nintendo, but at no point does it ever say "OMG, Halo 4 is amazeballs, buy Mountain Dew!!!". It just tells things like it is. It doesn't say "The new Mario is TOTALLY AWESOME!", it just says "Look, this is the new Mario game, this is what it does and why".

The pair of you clearly haven't watched one.

Just because they don't make subjective statements doesn't indicate lack of bias. This is carefully crafted direct marketing. Its effective and informative, but dont make the assumption that the horses mouth is the most honest one.


So easy to discern the haters here. How can any gamer think ND are not important? It's one of the best things Nintendo created this gen to announce and promote their games. Personally I'd love for Sony to copy this. Now, I know they did one version of that Vita Heaven show and never bothered to follow up but they should this kind of thing more often and make it broader so the cover not only the Vita, but new PS3 and PSN releases.


but NDs arent games journalism, they are well done pr straight from the source. it can't even improve games journalism as its not jornalism to begin with. how the heck did u interpret NDs as games journalist OP? cant tell the difference between journalism and a controlled pr infomercial?


So easy to discern the haters here. How can any gamer think ND are not important? It's one of the best things Nintendo created this gen to announce and promote their games. Personally I'd love for Sony to copy this. Now, I know they did one version of that Vita Heaven show and never bothered to follow up but they should this kind of thing more often and make it broader so the cover not only the Vita, but new PS3 and PSN releases.
And you know what is worse? Sony has a lot of material to show that they never advertise and need more showing, they really need to copy this instead of copying gameplays, controllers, etc


but NDs arent games journalism, they are well done pr straight from the source. it can't even improve games journalism as its not jornalism to begin with.

Yes but giving the user the ability to weigh the source material with the media interpretation is a lot better.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
it does mean that we can create more varied reactions to Nintendo's announcements rather than the dichotomous "good vs. bad" approach popular gaming sites (representers) will often (always) make.

This is a very interesting and good point.


but NDs arent games journalism, they are well done pr straight from the source. it can't even improve games journalism as its not jornalism to begin with. how the heck did u interpret NDs as games journalist OP? cant tell the difference between journalism and a controlled pr infomercial?

I don't think you read the OP, because he didn't call the ND journalism at all.


Didn't Sony used to do something similar when PSN plus first got announced? Some sort of weekly episode, sometimes even with behind the scenes developer interviews etc. Not really a big deal, just PR being delivered straight to the fans or consumers.

Effective marketing, but I wouldn't really call it journalism or even compare it to it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Didn't Sony used to do something similar when PSN plus first got announced? Some sort of weekly episode, sometimes even with behind the scenes developer interviews etc. Not really a big deal, just PR being delivered straight to the fans or consumers.

Effective marketing, but I wouldn't really call it journalism or even compare it to it.

I think the point of the OP is that "game journalism" isn't journalism either, its become essentially PR with an opinion slant of "this looks good/bad".


I think the point of the OP is that "game journalism" isn't journalism either, its become essentially PR with an opinion slant of "this looks good/bad".

Yes I got that, but I think that's extreme generalisation and unfair to many journalists out there. I also see it as a means to defend and promote out right PR by criticising gaming journalism as a whole in an overly simplistic fashion.

Not all gaming review or news outlets are born equal. See Eurogamer and their new policies on not accepting freebies, paid for press events and all the rest.


Yes but giving the user the ability to weigh the source material with the media interpretation is a lot better.
yes but my issue with the op is fairly much the title. it hasnt improved nor changed the direction of lolgamesjournalism nor can it. cant represent it. one is an infomercial and another is basically explaining/reporting the good bits of said infomercial. and with said latter having to deal with hits on their site for example, they may add their own spin to the report to entice peeps to read their stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know where people got the idea that OP was saying Nintendo Direct is a new form of journalism, that's not what was being said.

I also don't understand the argument that it's just an infomercial, that Nintendo won't say anything bad about their products, etc. In the Nintendo Direct this week, Iwata acknowledging the fact that fans weren't happy by the large system updates and slow times between apps and they apologize and they're working to improve performance.

People are also undermining the importance of direct communication. Instead of having information being passed through different channels and then to the end user, Nintendo is taking a personal approach to marketing their stuff to you as well as letting core fans know about future development and plans.

Instead of fighting for the spotlight of E3 news, Nintendo can have it's own day, week, month to have the spotlight all to themselves. This week was a huge disruption of unexpected Nintendo news and look what's happened, the spotlight is all theirs. It's the same situation with all the other Nintendo Direct's. They do not need to reply on that preview from IGN or GameSpot, they're just going to tell you about the game, they'll give you an Iwata Asks, they'll give you a trailer detailing one of the game modes, etc.

Sure, Sony and Microsoft have their own methods too, but the scope between Nintendo Direct and those efforts are very different.


I argue that it does. Game previews are a huge focal point for many websites - IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, Destructoid... the list goes on and on.

Nintendo is biased on the subject of their own products and company. They cannot provide journalism on themselves. It's always PR.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, as much as ND is good it's a PR move first and foremost. It is definitely not a journalism entry. I'm still confused on this thread's implications.
The bold is a point that I take issue with. The Media are not information guru's who come up with topics that the world at large are incapable of seeing and discussing on their own. I mean the very fact that NeoGaf threads are regularly the source for Articles and Editorials proves that. If the topic of an article or a point of view in an editorial isn't inline with reality, it doesn't gain traction in online discussion and is quite often ripped apart. Now I fully acknowledge the same can't be said to happen with people who consume this information casually and don't frequent sites like Gaf or Gamefaqs or SuperAwesomeMegaGamingForum#5 but those people aren't all that likely to see a presentation like Nintendo Direct in the first place.

This is something that I simply don't agree with. The most popular threads on Neogaf historically are either BIG news reveals(E3 thread topics, NPD numbers, Nintendo Direct news, etc.) or negative opinion pieces(AAA game 2.5/10 reviews, No Country for Vita, Nintendo Is Doomed, Xbox 360 RROD, etc.). They all catch traction for a reason, but it's usually because of something negative. Positive news is something people tend to stay away from.
Yeah, as much as ND is good it's a PR move first and foremost. It is definitely not a journalism entry. I'm still confused on this thread's implications.

It means that traditional internet gaming media loses one of its reason to exist. To deliver information from companies.


Yeah, as much as ND is good it's a PR move first and foremost. It is definitely not a journalism entry. I'm still confused on this thread's implications.

gaming journalism has been an extended working bench for PR departments of gaming companies so far

if gaming companies take away this functions gaming journalism may focus on other stuff which is beneficial for all

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Then it just means "gaming journalism" needs a huge backlash/table-upending. Although gamasutra and siliconera are good. In any case, it's still... irrelevant.

Mind you, the information servers are as bad as the ones that consume them.
As others have pointed out, Nintendo Directs are not journalism but rather marketing and PR. They are about controlling the message.

Their main effect on journalism is they attempt to prevent the additional spin from the gaming "journalists."

They do this by offering a primary source of sorts.

As much as I like them, they are really just typical internet age marketing. Apple had Steve Jobs present everything, livestreaming to the masses.
It amazes me how so many people read the OP and comes to the conclusion that he argues that ND are journalism or that it is going to replace journalistic duties.

I should have expounded on my statement then.
No matter how far ahead Nintendo tries to get as far as informing the public, the gulf between information, conjecture, editorial, and fact will always remain. Not that it's a lost cause or anything, but as even stated in the OP, these media outlets always seem to find a hole to poke.
As I said before, NDs are great and all, but I don't foresee them really altering the status quo on the relationship between company, media, and consumer. It's just rolled up into an aesthetically pleasing package.


Neo Member
Nintendo is biased on the subject of their own products and company. They cannot provide journalism on themselves. It's always PR.

Of course they would be biased, I've admitted that in one of my previous posts. They aren't going to present their work negatively, they provide information on the features of their games.

What I'm arguing is that the "previews" on most gaming websites do the same thing. Its only when the games are reviewed that the gaming websites provide other pieces of information - i.e. their 5/10s, 4/5s, game of the year, etc.
that's very clever, but I think it's different in that radiohead was distributing material rather than purely PR media. The material was there to judge and be framed individually by each person who heard the material. The discussion by popular media was probably framed to discuss the unique way they released the album.

Also, I'm going to bed... I spent many hours writing that OP so those who follow it, please help me by doing your best to represent my arguments. I will not be surprised if this topic falls on its face, and that's just find. :p

Radiohead + Nintendo both cut out the middle man.

2 of my favorite things in the world. Jonny greenwood should do the soundtrack to metroid.. OH MY GOD

Camp Lo

Nintendo direct is an infomercial, nothing more. That's not journalism.

In what world a biased highly prettified PR propaganda is "better game journalism".

THIS!!!! I can imagine Sony and MS following suit, delivering their own brand of filtered information, explaining why there are no games on their system but asking you to give their hardware a chance. Fuck that shit.


THIS!!!! I can imagine Sony and MS following suit, delivering their own brand of filtered information, explaining why there are no games on their system but asking you to give their hardware a chance. Fuck that shit.

MS already did a similar thing on Xbox Live, but cancelled it didn't they? They had two Emo-ish idiots presenting it. Could well have been UK only though.

Camp Lo

MS already did a similar thing on Xbox Live, but cancelled it didn't they? They had two Emo-ish idiots presenting it. Could well have been UK only though.

yeah, I remember that. It was plastered all over the system in that row that we all avoided, where "viewers" gave the hosts softball questions instead of addressing the real consensus of problems out at the time.

As much as I laugh at the fumbles of game journalism, some of the time they seek out the answers for questions people are asking. You'll never get that from Nintendo Direct.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Interesting thread.

Seeing the negative reaction by certain gaming sites since that Nintendo Direct has made me think a lot. Really, you could say that Nintendo Direct is an extension of the Wii and the blue ocean strategy.

I can understand why some of the sites feel threatened by this, but the trouble is, by covering the Nintendo Direct so negatively, they are actually highlighting the reason Nintendo went in this direction in the first place.
Its a video of trailers or footage and Iwata talking about updates to the hardware. I dont see how anything has really changed. We have companies having their fans going through hoops on Facebook for likes to get the big reveal. We have social media like twitter and YouTube for companies to communicate with fans directly. The press will report on anything that's said, because not everyone is going to spend time watching this. How is this any different from them regurgitating press releases? Nintendo controls the message? How is this different from the press reporting on E3 or Gamescom or whatever event and then posting opinion pieces? Is the press even known for getting Nintendo exclusive coverage? How has anything changed?

Speaking of which, people keep bringing up how Iwata apologized for the Wii U hardware issues but would that even have happened if it wasnt reported on by everyone?


yeah, I remember that. It was plastered all over the system in that row that we all avoided, where "viewers" gave the hosts softball questions instead of addressing the real consensus of problems out at the time.

As much as I laugh at the fumbles of game journalism, some of the time they seek out the answers for questions people are asking. You'll never get that from Nintendo Direct.

They answered the system slowness issue, but answering questions isn't really what Nintendo Direct sets out to do. It just shows new stuff. I just think that it's to Nintendo's credit that they don't really add any additional spin other than just show it. Yes, there's not many negatives on Nintendo Direct, but it's about a company's unreleased products. What on earth were people expecting?
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