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Hybrid |OT| Choose This Day Who You Will Serve




  • Releases August 08, 2012 for XBLA
  • Massive online world war
  • 3v3 Air and Ground combat
  • 60FPS, 720p
  • 10 Different maps and modes
  • Tons of weapons and abilities
  • Online multiplayer only
  • 60 in-battle-minutes demo available

  • In 2032 a newly built Hadron Supercollider imploded, obliterating Australia. The world was sent into turmoil as an alternate reality collided with our own and from it emerged a species known as the Variant. Chaos ensued and world war broke out between the Variants and a group of rebel humans known as the Paladins.


  • Hybrid sports Combat-Focused Movement™. In Hybrid you remain either behind cover or in air. In order to move forward, you select one of several available cover points with A and you will automatically fly toward selected cover. B will negate the action, and you will return to your previous cover. This will also work when you are not in air. While behind cover, B will retreat you to your previous cover. Y will allow you to flip to the cover's opposite side.
  • Cover is available on floors, walls, and ceilings. Behind cover, you can stay hidden, blind fire, stand and fire, throw grenades, or strafe left and right. You do not move backward or forward or freely with the left analogue stick--you may only strafe.
  • Air combat feels like a combination of Panzer Dragoon-esque on-rails combat and the ground combat. When you select cover, you are on rails as you move from point A to point B (you may retreat or choose new cover while in air, thus changing your flight direction, however). Here you can freely move your character up, down, left, and right with the left analogue stick while aiming with the right stick. You can move forward and backward by cancelling and reselecting cover only. Mastering air combat is difficult, but very important.
  • These restrictions make Hybrid an interesting and tactical third person shooter. Your movements are only slightly restricted; in practice you'll quickly accustom yourself to it. Combat becomes very movement-focused, and you need to have a purpose behind each movement or you'll quickly throw yourself in harms way. Likeways, camping behind a single piece of cover will often leave you open from a flank or rear attack; levels are designed with this in mind. You'll also need to watch out for grenades if you decide to sit in one place for too long.
  • Before each battle, you select your weapon, ability, and specialization. Specialization will provide you with some kind of slight buff throughout the match. Abilities must cool down before they can be used again. You can make modifications to this set up mid-battle if you face something unexpected.
  • Drones are available upon completing a kill streak of 1, 5, or 7. Drones hang out with you and help you kill your enemies. They can be taken down easily, but you'll find yourself dying to drones if you aren't careful. You'll find more strategy to drone usage the more that you play.


  • Heavy Pistols (Highlight: the Gambler, a one-hit kill gun. But if you miss, there's a slight chance you might die)
  • Specials (Highlight: the only two specials are the Trident, a rocket launcher, and the Swarm. Both come with crippling weaknesses (slow gun and weakest gun, respectively) and dish out area of effect damage).
  • Shotguns
  • Sniper Rifles
  • Submachine Guns
  • Lighmachine Guns
  • Secondary Pistol (this light pistol is always available and you may switch to it at any time)

  • Offensive
    • Venom - Bullets cause extra venom damage for a short duration
    • Ammo - Unlimited ammo for a short duration (no reload necessary)
    • Impact - Bullets hit harder for a short duration
    • Grenade - Standard grenade (one per use until cool down)
    • Fusion - Sticky grenade (one per use until cool down)
  • Defensive
    • Meta Shield - Temporarily decreases all damage for a short duration
    • Smoke - Smoke grenade (one per use until cool down)
    • Siphon - Damaging opponents will heal you for a short duration
    • Teleport - Allows a single teleportation to a selected point in cover
  • Team Support
    • Satellite - Allows you to see the location of enemies and teammates for a short duration
    • Flash - Gives you a limited number of flash grenades
    • Hack - Gives you a limited number of hack grenades (these will grenades hack enemy drones, making them your own)
    • Recharge - Allows you to recharge your team's abilities
    • Heal - Heal


  • Assassin - Deal extra damage with your guns
  • Spec Ops - Abilities will cool down faster
  • Strategist - You gain extra XP
  • Commander - Your drones will have increased offense and defense
  • Armored - Take more damage

  • Stalker - Available after one kill. This small drone will stay by your side and take cover if you take cover. He will fire at any enemies in range.
  • Warbringer - Available after three kills. This large drone floats above cover at all times, deals a lot of damage, and takes a fair bit more to destroy than the stalker. He's also slow, so he'll lag behind as you move around.ta
  • Preyon - Available after five kills. They Preyon is a one-hit kill heat-seeking missile. You'll hear a screech when a Preyon has been unleashed. It will fly to the nearest enemy and kill it instantly... however, the Preyon is really weak. If you can get it in your sights you can take it down. You can also reverse it with a hack grenade!


  • Choose the Variant or Paladin faction. In order to keep the sides balanced, you may be offered some small bonuses for choosing to side with a certain faction. There are no major differences aside from cosmetic and starting weapons (which can all be gained by either faction).
  • You do battle in a particular region in order to win that region and gain some dark matter. As matches take place, a meter will fill showing who is closest to winning that region. When "hot zones" appear, you will gain extra XP for fighting in that region.
  • Every two weeks, things will reset and the war will happen all over again! It's actually a lot of fun battling over a region, even if it is just a meta-game.
  • Matchmaking is not restricted to a single region. Your match might consist of players who all selected a different region. They represent that region, so winning points from that battle will could go to up to three different regions. When enough regions are concurred, that faction wins the continent.
  • My knowledge here is mostly limited to the beta. I'll update the changes they've made to this aspect of the game upon release.


  • Deathmatch - Standard death match. First to 25 kills wins.
  • King of the Hill - Get the meter up to 100% to win the match.
  • Overlord - First to level 21 wins the round for the whole team. If you get a kill, your level goes up by one. If you die, your level is halved. Whoever has the most kills is the current Overlord. If you kill the Overlord, you get his level. It's sort of like hot potato. You want to be the Overlord and as you raise your level to 21 by killing others, but if you die, your level is halved and the one who killed you now has your high level. Go find him and get it back!
  • And more! These were the only 3 in the beta. If the others have been announced, somebody let me know and I'll add them. I tried to find them but didn't find anything.


  • IGN - 8/10
    Putting such a heavy emphasis on cover and limiting player movement in intriguing ways is a risky move that pays off in Hybrid. With its quirky play style and captivating global meta-war, it’s easily one of the most unusual and interesting online shooters out there. While it's not very original in terms of the core weaponry and visual presentation, it more than makes up for it with sheer creativity in the gameplay department, which it needs given the fact that it has no single-player or offline modes whatsoever. The war is on, and it's awesome.
  • Gamespot - 8/10
    This is crucial because Hybrid is online multiplayer only. It does only one thing, but it does that thing really well. Hybrid subverts one of the core mechanics of this popular genre, while skillfully implementing many of the elements that have made its predecessors so addictive and successful. The result is an enjoyable blend of the new and the familiar that makes Hybrid something special on the shooter scene.
  • Joystiq - 4/5
    Opposing teams taking potshots at one another from cover is nothing new, and Hybrid doesn't really turn the concept on its ear, but supplanting the usual ground game with an entirely aerial one is a delightful twist. It turns every movement into a serous commitment, a dedicated choice. When that choice is to glide into the air and gently lob a grenade behind a pair of unsuspecting adversaries, that's just gravy.
  • OXM - 8/10
    Pros: -Stripped-down movement centered on frequent flying = more shooting, less commuting. -Cool special abilities broaden tactical possibilities, while plentiful drones keep the pressure on foes. Cons: -Movement behind cover can feel unresponsive; little reason to care about the overall war; game is online-only. -Why can’t we save and name our favorite loadouts?
  • OXM UK - 7/10
    Pros: -Loud weapons with satisfying feedback, -Refreshingly snappy and exciting matches, -Intriguing meta-game adds longevity. Cons: -First hour will put off many, -Repetitive and fairly shallow.
  • Eurogamer - 7/10
    Hybrid still justifies its asking price in the moment, with crisp 60-frames-per-second action and satisfying feedback. It's a solid, enjoyable shooter, but one that ultimately fails to leverage its strange control decisions into a truly unique experience. It should be different yet, for all its bold ideas about movement, it ends up feeling strangely generic over the long haul. Recommended, then, but far from essential.






If there are any errors, please let me know! If everybody would like anything else added, just say so. Be sure to check out the demo if you're on the fence!

Disclosure: Credit to Jackson for the banners. Banners were provided when I asked the community to provide some, and he had no other influence on the OT as per GAF rules.

The M.O.B

Massive online world war
3v3 Air and Ground combat

So massive..............that it's only 3v3........................

Game does look impressive though for 5th Cell's first full 3d Game afaik.

Source engine still chugging along.


So massive..............that it's only 3v3........................

Game does look impressive though for 5th Cell's first full 3d Game afaik.

Source engine still chugging along.

Yeah, though I believe there were a ton of new hires for the team which made it possible. The beta was a ton of fun, save for the slow match making which is supposed to be all fixed up now.


Was honestly not too impressed by the beta. I'm sure someone with more tolerance of the killstreak and unlocks-mania would enjoy it but that kind of thing isn't for me. Also I only played like 10-12 matches but there were some maps that just felt really poorly laid out and if a team got a foothold they were unstoppable. Of course, that was beta and it might have changed, or I could have just been terrible.

An hour long online demo would be plenty for someone to determine if they liked it or not, that's for sure. Monday Night Combat had something similar and it worked for me.


Law of the West
Very interested to see how this turns out, but props to them for trying something different!


Is there any single player option? Bots?

No and I dont think so. I remember reading something about bots on the official forums, but I can't remember if it was a dev saying they were in or just users asking for it. Pretty sure it's the latter, as they weren't in the beta.

I've been looking forward to this one. What are the three other modes?

Wish I knew :p didn't follow news too closely after the beta ended but I tried finding out while making the OP and had no luck.Will find out tomorrow if somebody else doesn't chime in with the answer today


Just realized I borked the thread title. I accidentally submitted the thread with the garbage thread title (Hybrid |OT| TPS :p) before coming up with a subtitle, so in a panic I edited and used the game's tagline. It's supposed to be "whom", if a mod stumbles by and doesn't mind fixing it


is Jeremiah still active? I remember when he responded to me when I made the reveal thread by saying I shouldn't be worried from the look of it since it'd still be a very 5th cell game.

He was right! too bad screenshots dont help in conveying what the game is like.


is Jeremiah still active? I remember when he responded to me when I made the reveal thread by saying I shouldn't be worried from the look of it since it'd still be a very 5th cell game.

He was right! too bad screenshots dont help in conveying what the game is like.

On launch night? Of course I'm still around. :)

The Trial will help convey how nuts this gameplay is. :)


Trucker Sexologist
On launch night? Of course I'm still around. :)

The Trial will help convey how nuts this gameplay is. :)
Must be exciting for you guys. And maybe a little nervewracking.

Are all the game modes playable in the trial? Have any modes been added since the beta?


So Jackson, any notable balance changes between Beta and release?

Tons. But notable? Some Swarm fixes so it's less lethal and less spammy. Doesn't stack with venom anymore and can't shoot through that see through wall. Some Gambler fixes that so it's harder to get off kills. Lots of sniper DPS and shotty DPS fixes... AR fixes. Nade throwing fixes. Lots of cool down tweaks and ability tweaks.

Seriously a ton of tweaks to get balancing hyper tuned went in, Brett Caird's (one of our founders) main job on Hybrid was dedicated to gameplay balance. He was very meticulous and also very open minded to feedback. Nothing's ever perfect, but I think people should be pretty happy for launch.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Literally only interested in this because world map based multiplayer reminds me of Chromehounds. Haven't read up on it previously so I don't know much about it. Also 400 points short too : /
Super interested in this, it's not too often we get really unique ideas like what seems to be going on in Hybrid. Hope it's fun, but I have a feeling it could go either way.

Card Boy

Wow these bots are OP as fuck. The Keyron is the worst, instant death and you can't really defend. Not sure if the community is going to last with all the bot crap. Whats makes it worse is you can have multiple bots up. If you only had one at a time the game would be better. If you have Stalker and don't use it you should be rewarded with a Warbringer, and if you don't use that you should be rewarded with a Keyron when you get the kills. It might be me but there is half a second imput lag, even on the tutorial. I guess there a downside to 60FPS, 720P on the Source engine.

This is based on my experiance with the turorial and couple matches. Correct me if i'm wrong, and tell me why i'm wrong.


Wow these bots are OP as fuck. The Keyron is the worst, instant death and you can't really defend. Not sure if the community is going to last with all the bot crap. Whats makes it worse is you can have multiple bots up. If you only had one at a time the game would be better. If you have Stalker and don't use it you should be rewarded with a Warbringer, and if you don't use that you should be rewarded with a Keyron when you get the kills. It might be me but there is half a second imput lag, even on the tutorial. I guess there a downside to 60FPS, 720P on the Source engine.

This is based on my experiance with the turorial and couple matches. Correct me if i'm wrong, and tell me why i'm wrong.

The game doesn't have a half second input lag for me (nor did it on our many test kits). The point of 60FPS is to have as smooth an experience as possible. It could be your TV? Some newer HDTVs have fixed-pixel displays that sample and hold during video processing. Some TVs have a "Game Mode" video setting to help with this. Do other games like CoD or Halo have this input lag issue for you?

The Preyon is very weak and screams at you if it's coming after you specifically until it finds you. If you hear screaming, look around and shoot. You'll kill it very easily if you hit it. The Preyon only seems OP because you're new. :) Everything is OP when you're new to it.

Card Boy

OK played acouple more short matches. Jackson i don't think the Preyon is balanced to be honest, and i know it screams. I sort of retrack my comments about the Warbringer and Stalker being OP, i was rushing into stuff hence why i thought they where OP.

What are other peoples thoughts on the Preyon?
OK played acouple more short matches. Jackson i don't think the Preyon is balanced to be honest, and i know it screams. I sort of retrack my comments about the Warbringer and Stalker being OP, i was rushing into stuff hence why i thought they where OP.

What are other peoples thoughts on the Preyon?

So you're already retracting opinions, because you rushed to judgement. Maybe you should give the game a little more time before telling the developer you're sure another part of it isn't balanced.
I had high hopes for Core Breach when I selected it :(

OK played acouple more short matches. Jackson i don't think the Preyon is balanced to be honest, and i know it screams. I sort of retrack my comments about the Warbringer and Stalker being OP, i was rushing into stuff hence why i thought they where OP.

What are other peoples thoughts on the Preyon?

Already killed a few. Aim better?
Wow. Just got smacked in my first game 30-5.

Edit: Second game was also 30-5...on the winning side. Used the shotgun and DOMINATED. Love this thing. It seems like it's really hard to come from behind in this game...once a team is entrenched their opponent is kinda screwed.


Enjoying it even more than the beta. Bought it right away. I really like the movement approach in this. Makes flanking super important. I just don't get why I did not get the beta helmet :(

Edit: Nevermind I got it. I forgot I wasn't playing Paladin.


Wow. Just got smacked in my first game 30-5.

Edit: Second game was also 30-5...on the winning side. Used the shotgun and DOMINATED. Love this thing. It seems like it's really hard to come from behind in this game...once a team is entrenched their opponent is kinda screwed.

Grenades, grenades, grenades! At least that's what I did in the beta. :p
Man, I chose the really lame looking team. >_>

You best not be talkin' about Paladin, I've formed a strong bond to my team that I've spent three matches playing on!

Anyway, since servers are down, I'll post a few impressions based on the three games I've played.

Shotty is awesome, definitely my go-to until I decide to try something else out. I don't see anything trumping grenade besides maaaaybe teleport for my ability. I've yet to play a close game, all three games I've played have been one sided. Two Deathmatch, one Overlord. I'm assuming they'll get closer as more people start to figure things out. I kind of find bots annoying, but I think they drive the game in a way. They keep people moving, otherwise nobody would want to leave cover. The team dynamic is pretty important, I think. You have to be willing to flank to take out an entrenched dude, and watch your teammates' flanks.

Overall, I think it's pretty fun so far.
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