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"I didn't like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, but I'm excited for Bloodborne"

And peole are easily bought by comments from strangers on message boards, what's the difference?

You sure sound like you do not want newcomers to your beloved souls game like a hipster.

Lol that's not even close to what I'm saying. If anything about the Souls games turned you off, just paying attention to the gameplay in Bloodborne should let you know this is also not for you. I'm saying it's not like some strange magical thing that some people still want to be excited for the game, but it's pretty obvious to me that a good deal of people are interested for shallow reasons and are not going to be happy with it.


Lol that's not even close to what I'm saying. If anything about the Souls games turned you off, just paying attention to the gameplay in Bloodborne should let you know this is also not for you. I'm saying it's not like some strange magical thing that some people still want to be excited for the game, but it's pretty obvious to me that a good deal of people are interested for shallow reasons and are not going to be happy with it.

People buying this game because it's a heavily marketed PS4 exclusive are probably the same group of people who insisted The Order was a good game after it was released. Obviously they can persevere through an unpleasant experience in the name of based-Sony, so hopefully they can suffer through Bloodborne long enough to love it.


People buying this game because it's a heavily marketed PS4 exclusive are probably the same group of people who insisted The Order was a good game after it was released. Obviously they can persevere through an unpleasant experience in the name of based-Sony, so hopefully they can suffer through Bloodborne long enough to love it.

More sales for Bloodborne is always good! I don't care if 90% of the people won't be able to beat the first boss :)


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I played a lil of both Demons Souls and Dark Souls...

It had a learning curve for me. Took me months to figure some things out, didnt want to use the internet.

BloodBorne sounds like more of what I wanted the Souls games to be, a lil more fast paced.
I played a lil of both Demons Souls and Dark Souls...

It had a learning curve for me. Took me months to figure some things out, didnt want to use the internet.

BloodBorne sounds like more of what I wanted the Souls games to be, a lil more fast paced.

Yeah no the game is not going to be a better experience if it took you months to figure out certain things in Souls, assuming you're talking about major mechanics that actually matter.

But please give From that money anyway.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Yeah no the game is not going to be a better experience if it took you months to figure out certain things in Souls, assuming you're talking about major mechanics that actually matter.

But please give From that money anyway.

Those months are long behind me now. I could have just looked some stuff up, I just didnt. Sometime I just lay off of a game for a few months, then when I come back some things just click. Same thing happened with TLOU.

Put it like this....I didnt like either Souls game at first, now I do. I know what to expect somewhat going in vs someone how may have never played a Souls game before.


I'd be in the dick
Pretty much me right now. Had some major issues with the design of Demon's despite loving the core combat and Bloodborne seems to alleviate many of those based on the early streams I've been watching. Not decided on a day 1 purchase yet but will definitely play it.
Those months are long behind me now. I could have just looked some stuff up, I just didnt. Sometime I just lay off of a game for a few months, then when I come back some things just click. Same thing happened with TLOU.

Put it like this....I didnt like either Souls game at first, now I do. I know what to expect somewhat going in vs someone how may have never played a Souls game before.

May I ask what it was you feel you should have looked up?


Never touched Demon Souls and hated Dark Souls, yet I loved Dark Souls 2. As a result I'm hyped for Bloodborne.

This is the weirdest thing I've read all week

How could you hate the best game in the series and love the worst one? Was it the lack of difficulty in DS2?
I'm literally just saying if you didn't enjoy Souls you probably won't enjoy Bloodborne. If you do end up enjoying BB I would highly recommend you give Souls another chance.

Except...this post didn't say they didn't enjoy Demon's/Dark Souls and you still responded like a dick.

I played a lil of both Demons Souls and Dark Souls...

It had a learning curve for me. Took me months to figure some things out, didnt want to use the internet.

BloodBorne sounds like more of what I wanted the Souls games to be, a lil more fast paced.
This is the weirdest thing I've read all week

How could you hate the best game in the series and love the worst one? Was it the lack of difficulty in DS2?

Opinions, how do they work!?

Also as someone who has put quite a lot of time in both games, I still find way more difficulty in 2 that I ever did in DkS1.

Except...this post didn't say they didn't enjoy Demon's/Dark Souls and you still responded like a dick.

If certain basic elements of Souls seemed too hard to figure out that were key elements, I just don't see how Bloodborne is going to be easier to get into.

Bold One

Ive only played about 10 hours of the first 2 (skipped dark souls 2) I don't dislike the souls games for any mechanical or technical reasons, it's purely a problem with the community

And not the community aspect that everyone is a condescending piece of shit; I play dota so I'm used to that.

I came into them so late that there wasn't really a community of discussion and discovery. I wasn't taught about the drake sword thing, I was told"back in patch 1.3c they fixed this exploit" kind of anti discovery that naturally happens when a games secrets are discovered. And everything was already figured out, so the "discussion" was all "on my 8th run I think I'm gonna do it naked!"

Day 1 with this one and while I'm sure some previous souls experience will help, it's also day 1 for everyone

Probably the best approach, because you are spot on, the community is over run with self-righteous Gitgud ass-hats,

Special thanks to my good m8 Cyberendpunk for helping through most of Demons Souls


I'm literally just saying if you didn't enjoy Souls you probably won't enjoy Bloodborne. If you do end up enjoying BB I would highly recommend you give Souls another chance.

Is this where you double post to straw man?
Nah, no straw man here. Your posts explains everything to me.
How can you be excited for a game in which you didn't like the previous installments prior to that game

Yeah people who see the game and think it's a cool looking action game are in for a surprise. And I don't think its all hype that's making people wanna play the game. It just look cool as fuck
Opinions, how do they work!?

Also as someone who has put quite a lot of time in both games, I still find way more difficulty in 2 that I ever did in DkS1.

If certain basic elements of Souls seemed too hard to figure out that were key elements, I just don't see how Bloodborne is going to be easier to get into.

They also didn't suggest that Bloodborne would be easier to get into. Just that the combat was faster paced.
Yeah people who see the game and think it's a cool looking action game are in for a surprise. And I don't think its all hype that's making people wanna play the game. It just look cool as fuck

Yeah that's basically what I'm saying but...looking cool as fuck is kinda part of "hype", isn't it?


Opinions, how do they work!?

Also as someone who has put quite a lot of time in both games, I still find way more difficulty in 2 that I ever did in DkS1.

It's not an opinion that these games play like, exactly the fucking same.

Demons Dark and Dark 2 are all so similar I don't see how it's possible to hate one and love the other. People just like having weird opinions that make them seem different I think.
I haven't read too much on this game, but my only question is, will they put save points right before bosses? Or will I need to fight through an army of rats and skeletons to get to that boss every single time? That was the only thing I didn't like about Souls...

It wouldn't be a Souls game if there were save points right before bosses.
It's not an opinion that these games play like, exactly the fucking same.

Demons Dark and Dark 2 are all so similar I don't see how it's possible to hate one and love the other. People just like having weird opinions that make them seem different I think.

Dark Souls has a much different approach to exploration, to the point where I vastly prefer replaying Souls 2 because I feel less of my time is spent just running from one point to another while barely fighting anything. Also way easier to get lost in Souls 1 on a first playthrough, I know I sure as hell got really lost a few times, which is not a problem I ever had in Demon's or DkS2.


For what it's worth, I became pretty excited for Dark Souls after completely chumping out trying to play Demons'... my first experience with Demons' Souls was pathetic, I couldn't get past the first level and sold the game immediately.

But for some reason before release Dark Souls was really appealing to me. I think it was because I heard about the open world, and the bonfires and started to understand the difficulty was part of the game. I saw a video of the Bell Gargoyles boss fight and finally gave in and picked it up. Played the hell out of it and even finished it twice. Played the sequel, too (though I didn't like that one as much.)

I guess what I'm saying is something things just click. lol. I do wonder how many people are gonna end up getting blindsided by the game though.


Opinions, how do they work!?

Also as someone who has put quite a lot of time in both games, I still find way more difficulty in 2 that I ever did in DkS1.

That's partially because 2 is better balanced and harder to completely cheese the fuck out of. Dark Souls 1 was a mess at launch.

Never Forget:

Or: The Drake Sword.

Or: Gold-Hemmed Robes with Chlorianthy Ring.

Or: Farming the forest, because they give literally 100x the souls of most other things in the game.

EDIT: I'm in the same boat as the person below, but not as extreme. I liked the first two games, but loved DkS2. It felt like a game that addressed all of my balance complaints about the first two games. Fuck you, Enchanted Falchion.
This is the weirdest thing I've read all week

How could you hate the best game in the series and love the worst one? Was it the lack of difficulty in DS2?

Woah, never heard that before, how come?
I reached a point in Dark Souls numerous times where I just felt trapped and confused and wasn't quite sure how to progress and what I was doing wrong. Friends very well versed in the game tried to help but it just resulted in me feeling even more frustrated. Also note I didn't play Dark Souls until about late 2012 so the game was well discovered then. I stopped playing shortly after beating The Gaping Dragon, the game just wasn't for me and I wasn't enjoying myself.

Whereas Dark Souls 2 I always felt like I knew what I needed to do, how to do and the best method for dealing with bosses and situations. I also found the DK2 world and location a whole lot more interesting than DK's locales. I also bought DK2 day one so it wasn't like there was anyone to refer to should I get stuck so I had to figure everything out on my own.


More sales for Bloodborne is always good! I don't care if 90% of the people won't be able to beat the first boss :)

I agree, I hope this game sells a substantial amount. As well as Scholars of the First Born. We have gotten 4 games in 6 years from FROM. Hope they keep that going.


Bloodborne will be nothing like the popular character action games like Bayo, DMC, GoW, Ninja Gaiden etc.

Bloodborne will be a slightly more offensive based Souls experience, but at the core, it is still a Souls experience.

If you honestly didn't like any of the previous three games, (even without playing it yet) it is pretty much certain that you will not enjoy Bloodborne.

I never said that I think Bloodborne is gonna play like Bayo. I just said that that the evasion and faster pace was more appealing to me than the Souls because I generally prefer faster paced games. I am super well-aware that From games don't have anything like animation cancels and climax mode.

To be completely honest, I only played like an hour of Dark Souls 1 and I feel like I didn't give it enough a shot. And, as I said in my previous post, playing Monster Hunter has made me feel like I finally "get" action games that prioritize animation and positioning, where prior to that I just though it seemed clunky and awkward.


God forbid someone dislike what you like. Medieval setting bores the fuck out of me.

I'd call it more Dark Fantasy than Medieval Fantasy, but overall I do agree that it is much more traversed territory than Gothic Horror. Bringing the relatively less common setting to a game genre/series is one of the things that helped Innistrad be such a hit for Magic: The Gathering.


More sales for Bloodborne is always good! I don't care if 90% of the people won't be able to beat the first boss :)

Eh. If that happens, then something has gone wrong in communicating what Bloodborne is to the public. It's a crazy good looking game with a visual style that really stands out. That (along with an extended dry spell) is where the broad appeal is coming from. With that said, people shouldn't get burned for their purchase. If the game is too hard for the average person to progress through, From Software should either accomodate their larger audience with a nerfed-mode, or Sony should market the game for what it actually is. I've got to admit that the marketing makes the entire package look more like a cross between Resident Evil 4 and God of War than a Souls game.


I own both dark/demon souls, didn't get into them although I really didn't give it a fair amount of time to sink in tbh. This game looks good and I may give it a rent just to give it a shot. Just saw someone on my Friend's List playing Bloodborne, guess they got the hookup or something.


This is the weirdest thing I've read all week

How could you hate the best game in the series and love the worst one? Was it the lack of difficulty in DS2?

Some people are just really big fans of circle strafing I guess. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

On-topic, it's pretty cool to see how Bloodborne is garnering attention from those who have previously ignored/disliked the Souls series. I really hope that it meets non-fans' expectations and they give the previous games another shot as a result. I know they can take some time to "click" for some and it would be cool if Bloodborne serves as an inviting (but still challenging) point of entry for the series.
Some of the elitist comments on the first few games, featured in this very thread, are a massive turn off. You aren't an objectively better gamer because you're willing to put up with bullshit mechanics to beat a game. Demon Souls was full of such stuff, and it killed my enjoyment of the game.

I'm excited to read reviews on Bloodborne and may very well purchase it, but I have to know what I'm getting into first. I work 50+ hours a week, spend lots of free time with my wife and son, and play games to escape into a fun experience. I won't brute force my way through an intentionally frustrating experience.
You know I love when people say that hype doesn't sell games and this is a perfect example. I mean, I love the Souls series, but the people who say this just look absolutely insane for me. It's like saying: "I hated Final Fantasy XIII, but I'm excited about XII-2".

I would be incredibly excited for XII-2! XIII-2 however I disliked immensely, haha.

I completely agree though. If you played them extensively and didn't like Miyazaki's 2 other masterpieces you are kidding yourself that you are going to like BB. "The ways that Bloodborne is similar to any of the Souls titles appear to far outweigh the ways it differs" to quote the recent Gameplanet hands on.

On the other hand, I'm sure a lot of people who didn't give souls a fair shake and gave up too quickly the first time will probably give the big new PS4 exclusive a better chance to grow on them and find out they love Miyazaki's games after all.


Some of the elitist comments on the first few games, featured in this very thread, are a massive turn off. You aren't an objectively better gamer because you're willing to put up with bullshit mechanics to beat a game. Demon Souls was full of such stuff, and it killed my enjoyment of the game.

I'm excited to read reviews on Bloodborne and may very well purchase it, but I have to know what I'm getting into first. I work 50+ hours a week, spend lots of free time with my wife and son, and play games to escape into a fun experience. I won't brute force my way through an intentionally frustrating experience.

I don't intend to be contentious, but I'm genuinely curious. What are these "bullshit mechanics, exactly?

Also, I can't say that I've found any of the Souls games frustrating. The levels themselves I actually consider to be fairly relaxing for the most part (I kick back with a cup of coffee or tea while playing) while the boss fights and invasions are exhilarating.


Neo Member
Some of the elitist comments on the first few games, featured in this very thread, are a massive turn off. You aren't an objectively better gamer because you're willing to put up with bullshit mechanics to beat a game. Demon Souls was full of such stuff, and it killed my enjoyment of the game.

I'm excited to read reviews on Bloodborne and may very well purchase it, but I have to know what I'm getting into first. I work 50+ hours a week, spend lots of free time with my wife and son, and play games to escape into a fun experience. I won't brute force my way through an intentionally frustrating experience.

Save your money, it's still gonna be a souls experience through and through. Someone like me, with no responsibilities fucking loves the experience, though I can understand why you wouldn't like it I guess. Also Demon souls had no "bullshit mechanics".
This always interested me. I've seen plenty of people who didn't like previous games and don't see how they'll enjoy BB unless if it was just a dislike of the aesthetics. The core gameplay is probably still going to be there and it isn't like this is going to become a Ninja Gaiden May Cry of War game.

Anyway, maybe this'll be the game to change opinions. Bring on Tuesday.
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