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If you didn't buy a Wii U, what will the NX have to have for you to consider it?


I dont know. The sad fact is that nintendo games arent what they used to be. 20 years ago, they were the standard of the gaming world. Not anymore.

Im a typical example of a user in his 30s who isnt excited for Mario or Zelda. Partially because i remember clearly when those names guaranteed a game that stood tall over most everything else in the market. Now, you are just as likely to get a twilight princess (dissapointing) as a Mario galaxy (excellent, in fact) but i never expect to see another mario 64 (distinctly breathtaking) out of nintendo.

What they need is to have the best games again. Easier said then done.


For me to consider the NX, it would need to be more powerful than the PS4 and I need a legitimate WaveRace sequel.
backward compatibility with wiiu or rerelease of all the good game as collection from wiiu. back compatible with wii would be my highest requirement.


So what happens when the NX launches as a *more* powerful console than the others, with cross buy between their handheld and smartphones, and a better gamepad and backwards compatibility, and people still refuse to pay more than $200 for it?


Powerful hardware. Not just ~PS4 powerful. Much more. This will bring 3rd party as well.

Working, good development tools. Also, crucial for 3rd party support.

Screw gimmicks. Not needed anymore as the Wii U and 3DS have shown.

A normal controller. See above.

Let Miyamoto produce Mario and Zelda games again. Nuff said.

The problem is not with the power because most games keep releasing on PS3 and X360 and the WiiU has the same power as them. The problem is with the relationship that Nintendo really need to strengthen more if they want more support. A lot of power is not needed since Nintendo always try to keep the price low so high hardware is not their target probably and they will do fine with a console that is like 70% the power of the ps4 of maybe even a bit less. They just have to keep releasing good exclusives and build better relationship with third parties and improve their weak online infrastructure and they will be ready for next gen.


I guess Nintendo need to bring their console to a higher performance bracket.

I'd also like to see Zelda, Star Fox and Metroid on it for me to bite. Love those franchises.


So what happens when the NX launches as a *more* powerful console than the others, with cross buy between their handheld and smartphones, and a better gamepad and backwards compatibility, and people still refuse to pay more than $200 for it?

Then we can be positive that it was a lack of compelling games all along


I'm breaking your rule as a Wii U owner but hear me out anyway.

There are 2 things that particularly draw me to Nintendo consoles in general.

The first being quality games. The reason I bought the Wii U in the Q4 of 2014 is because there was a large enough library of interesting games. Second, local multiplayer. Most other companies have forgotten how fun it is top play with friends if they are in the same room as you. If not then Nintendo has decent online (it can be better but I usually just play randoms. So I just want a better net code).

If these two things are met I'll likely be interested in making a purchase down the line.


Full third party support for flagship games, not those hit or miss spinoffs that the Wii and Wii U have.


Traditional controller (like SNES, Dualshock etc.) as a standard is all i need. Don't care about the specs in case of Nintendo.

I just want a normal gamepad after so many years. A gimmick or two is fine, but traditional controller has to be the baseline.

Non white/fisher price design of the console would be cool too.

Something like EU snes is what I'm talking about. Everything but the wii and wii u style.


Respectable Online
Decent Specs
Games that I actually want from nintendo or their partners. Wii u has very little for me compared to any other nintendo system in which I enjoyed at least 20 or more titles on each.

Exactly this.
Only like 2-3 games I want does not justify the $300 price tag on it while my PS4 was $400 with many many more games that interest me as well as all the multimedia functionality

oh and this
-Third party support
- real account system
- no gimmicky, mandatory controller
- Completely new IPs and potentially introduce new genres. No more Marios, no more Zeldas, Kirbys, Yoshis, ect...
- New/interesting features or hardware capabilities. Especially ones that utilize online socialization/interaction.
- Hardware that isn't several generations behind. I don't know anyone who says they want a brand new car with features of the year 2000. I don't know of anyone who says they want a new phone with performance of the very first iPhone. The public does pay attention to hardware specs to some extent.


I don't know if there's anything that Nintendo can do to make their next home console appealing to me. I've never been a fan of their games, and I don't like the kinds of aesthetics they like, and I don't play many AAA games. I buy consoles primarily to play quirky Japanese games, and all of those will gravitate to Sony rather than Nintendo. Aside from some sort of amazing hardware paradigm, the only way Nintendo will be able to count me as a customer will be if they managed to blow all of their competition away.

However, I'm a PC gamer and Nintendo shouldn't be trying to design a console with me in mind. They should be focusing on the demographics that are important to them instead. It's going to be a tall order to bring back much of their old bases, and Nintendo is likely to fail as is.


1. It needs to be on par or better than the current gen consoles in terms of specs and online functionality.

2. It needs 3rd party support so I don't have to worry about the system dying after a year from lack of support.

3. It needs strong 1st party titles out the gate to justify buying another system.

4. It needs to not have a gimmick to try to lure people in because gimmicks get old or copied quick.


It needs to be a modern platform.
The specs need to be on modern/on par, the online features (account system, parties, voice chat etc.) and OS features. Additional 3rd party support would hit it out of the park.

Getting rid of consumer unfriendly things like region lock should also be considered.


A massive push for backwards compatibility - Gamecube, Wii and Wii U included - and I want to play games I missed like Baten Kaitos and Zak and Wiki and so on.

Power is not an issue like so many people are saying here - Wii U games look excellent and nothing that Nintendo would make has been held back by the current hardware.
- Completely new IPs and potentially introduce new genres. No more Marios, no more Zeldas, Kirbys, Yoshis, ect...
- New/interesting features or hardware capabilities. Especially ones that utilize online socialization/interaction.
- Hardware that isn't several generations behind. I don't know anyone who says they want a brand new car with features of the year 2000. I don't know of anyone who says they want a new phone with performance of the very first iPhone. The public does pay attention to hardware specs to some extent.

Essentially a PS4?

I respect all opinions but I still want my fair dose of Classic IP's AND fresh new IPs.

On the Hardware side can't picture the NX being a 8 core, 8 Gb DDR5 memmory system (it would be fine if proven wrong).
BC with the Wii U, much better 3rd party and indie support, perhaps even more 1st parry support, being able to play games I already own on their other consoles but on my TV. I'd love to be able to play Virtual Console games and maybe even some retail 3ds games on TV.


Decent online + account system: This is a big deal for me. I'd love to purchase everything Nintendo offers digitally, but I need to feel a) safe that I will have my purchases without needing to hang onto that specific piece of hardware and b) connected with my friends in the same way I am on Xbox/PS4.

Reasonable Bang-for-your-Buck: To be completely honest, I don't mind that the Wii U is underpowered vs the alternatives. My big problem is that it costs nearly the same amount as the Xbox One. If the next console is STILL less powerful than the PS4/XB1 but had a price advantage then I'd be more than happy to buy.

First-Party Games that I care about: Yes, I'm going to be selfish. I don't want a system riddled with games that I have no interest in playing. I am confident that the next Nintendo system will have another Mario Kart, Mario Party, or Smash Bros. I'm not worried about those, nor am I particularily excited to play a similar-feeling Mario Kart or Smash Bros experience for the upteenth time. What I want is that new Zelda they are talking about. That is the first Nintendo game I've been excited about since Mario Galaxy 2. I also want a new Metroid, F-Zero, and Earthbound. What about a console, online Pokemon experience? A new 3D Mario platformer like Sunshine, 64, or Galaxy?

I want them to embrace their roots and younger audiences alike. I'll take the kid-friendly games but if they can make a few more mature games in the process. I don't mean mature in the 'Gore, Nudity, and Swearing' sense. I mean mature in a gameplay sense.

- No region lock
- A good level of power (please at least be up to snuff with the Xbone/PS4 by release)
- Normal controller
- Account system
- Better online network features
- More games (the Wii U is still missing so many titles from previous consoles that, at this point, I don't see making it to the console before the next one drops. Where's Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Tennis/Golf/Baseball/Strikers, Punch-Out, Pokemon, a true 3D Mario title that isn't essentially a port of a 3DS title (just my opinion), etc.)

*Sigh* Even if the console did drop with none of these features present, I'd likely still cave and buy it. I feel like a battered and abused Nintendo fan, ha.

This covers what I want.

ITT: "I want a third console that's exactly like the other two."

I don't think this is what people in the thread want. It can be unique in its own way, it just cannot afford to leave behind the most essential and basic things in the world such as a proper account system. The problem is not being unique; the problem is doing terrible things while attempting unique things - get the basics covered then risk new things, please.
1. It needs to be on par or better than the current gen consoles in terms of specs and online functionality.

2. It needs 3rd party support so I don't have to worry about the system dying after a year from lack of support.

3. It needs strong 1st party titles out the gate to justify buying another system.

4. It needs to not have a gimmick to try to lure people in because gimmicks get old or copied quick.

Basically this.

The "you want a copy of the other two system" excuse is such a cop out reply. Having a proper OS, Account system, and modern online system should be standard.

As a consumer I want the best hardware for me money. I don't want a weak system that is heavily outdated and be paying a lot for it. The only Nintendo games I like is Zelda and Smash Bros. I would like to buy the system for other games. If it had 3rd party support and the online is free, I would definitely buy multiplatform games on it if it's as strong as the PS4.


Purple Drazi
I'm breaking your rule as a Wii U owner but hear me out anyway.

There are 2 things that particularly draw me to Nintendo consoles in general.

The first being quality games. The reason I bought the Wii U in the Q4 of 2014 is because there was a large enough library of interesting games. Second, local multiplayer. Most other companies have forgotten how fun it is top play with friends if they are in the same room as you. If not then Nintendo has decent online (it can be better but I usually just play randoms. So I just want a better net code).

If these two things are met I'll likely be interested in making a purchase down the line.

Amen to that. As the rare posts-online-about-games kind of consumer these days who still doesn't enjoy online gaming, this aspect of Nintendo's philosophy is pivotal to me. I haven't bought a Wii U despite Smash's arrival because getting my local gang together has been hard lately, but soon enough that'll change again and I'll want to know that Nintendo still cares about my love of getting together on a couch with some friends and beers and having a great night.

They really do need to improve their online, however. Not for me, but for most.


I haven't gotten a Wii U yet. Not due to lack of interest, but time. If NX is a console, then I really hope it's BC so I can just buy that and play the Wii U games I want. Ironically Zelda being delayed or even cross gen has delayed my Wii I purchase. Saying that the same holds true if NX is a handheld. Still don't have a 3DS either so hoping the successor is also BC, even if it's via an add on if they choose to get rid of dual screen

As for console features, nothing profound. A proper fully user manageable Account system would be nice as would an Ethernet port. Having them be Region Free would be my most desired aspect though
That's about it. Not really bothered by 3rd party content ane support to be honest. It'll only be for the exclusive games. 3rd party stuff I'll play elsewhere
Chû Totoro;158247874 said:
I think we could say it like this : If you didn't buy a Wii U you don't like Nintendo games.

So these people won't buy the NX because even if NX have a lot of multi-platform games people are going to stay with other systems.

And I can add : If you didn't buy a 3DS you don't like Japanese games.

PS : we all know both Wii U and 3DS have a lot of awesome indie games but I'm sure people enjoy at least the most remarkable games so the only justification imo is "don't like Nintendo games" (like the main motive for me is "like Nintendo games")
I think that's a load of shit. I love Nintendo games, but I don't feel the Wii-U is a good value. I plan to buy and thoroughly enjoy many Wii-U games when I can get one for $150-200. Since none of the major releases have online, I'm not missing anything by waiting. The graphics are already outdated anyway.


In regards to having a proper online account system, region free games and a controller that isn't a gimmick? Yeah. So what's wrong with that?

There is a certain type of Nintendo fan that wants them to keep doing things that they personally like, but that cause the systems to sell poorly

If the NX is going to be weird, different and backwards for the sake of being different, it going to be a huge risk, we have so many ways and devices to play games now, and Nintendo need to play to their strengths, which are games, unique controls and hardware divide opinion, there is no point making amazing games then lumping how you control them with a control system/input device that a large % of the market won't want to use

Pointer controls are dead, no relevant game in 2015 uses them, second screen gaming didn't save the Wii U, and it's being used almost no where else even though its feasible to set a tablet up to work as a 2nd screen with PC games, however the PS4/XB1 are the fastest selling consoles ever, and both use a controller, more and more people playing PC games will have a controller set up, even Valve are making a controller

By all means use motion/pointer controls, and have a second screen option, but have them optional, bundle the system and design all the games around a controller, an industry standard input device for controlling characters in a 3D space


I don't know. I didn't mean to skip the Wii U, I kept telling myself I'd get one eventually when enough games I liked came out on it. It kind of took me by surprise when I heard about its successor being worked on, to be honest.


Steam-like (and increasingly PSN-like) sales on Nintendo's library from NES onwards. As many of their old third party games as possible. I want to see the Rogue Squadrons. I want to see Eternal Darkness. I want to see Earthworm Jim and Populous and Super Star Wars.

Non-gimmicky controllers.

Less laser-like focus on Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. Less Nintendo-y Nintendoness.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I had a2 wii u's but i sold them. What would make me get a NX is

Wii U full BC

An actual standardized normal control scheme


I wouldn't go THAT far, the Wii U cleaned up on the top awards here.

I WOULD go that far! The number of threads about Wii U's "failure" + the number of people asking for Nintendo to go 3rd party proves it!

Literally every single thread about Wii U titles has some thinly veiled portbegging too.


I WOULD go that far! The number of threads about Wii U's "failure" + the number of people asking for Nintendo to go 3rd party proves it!

Literally every single thread about Wii U titles has some thinly veiled portbegging too.

People want Nintendo to go 3rd party because they hate Nintendo?

That's some weird logic, I think they want them to go 3rd party so they can play Nintendo games without having to pay several hundred dollars for an extra system that as of late comes with a control device they don't care for

I don't want them to go 3rd party at all, I want to see them doing well on their own, but they need to revise some aspects of how they plan and design their systems if this is to be the case


Really good games aimed squarely at older audiences, like The Last of Us, Souls, and Metal Gear. Because those are the games I love.

Tbh I don't see myself buying another Nintendo console for a long time. I might get a used Wii U for Zelda next year but that's it.

Edit - oh also hardware that isn't yesterday's garbage and a controller that isn't a joke, but I highly doubt they're gonna deliver on that front


Third party support is not what i care about at all. I have no intention of being 100% nintendo, so I'll always have a device capable of playing those games.

For me, it's all about functionality, then price, then games. If it had two screens, I'm out. It should be natural to use, like the wiimote. Two screens doesn't jive with me, and given its usage even by nintendo, it doesn't work for quite a few games either.

Because it would be a second console, it would have to be priced accordingly for me. Anything over 200 and the games and functionality need to be very compelling.

Finally, games. The wiiu has them but misses on my top two issues. Keep it going on this area.

I fully expect that im not a customer that nintendo wants to pursue, but this is what it would take.


People want Nintendo to go 3rd party because they hate Nintendo?

Really good games aimed squarely at older audiences, like The Last of Us, Souls, and Metal Gear. Because those are the games I love.

Tbh I don't see myself buying another Nintendo console for a long time. I might get a used Wii U for Zelda next year but that's it.

Edit - oh also hardware that isn't yesterday's garbage and a controller that isn't a joke, but I highly doubt they're gonna deliver on that front

See, what did I tell you?


I don't think the people that want backwards compatibility with Wii U realise how the Gamepad has to be used in certain games. For instance, there are sections in Super Mario 3D World that can only be passed only by using the touch screen on the Gamepad, and Captain Toad Treasure Tracker requires the Gamepad as well. Without the second screen, there are a number of games that would be impossible to play on other hardware unless it's shaped to accommodate it somehow. And I don't know how they could do it.

But yeah, I appreciate the desire for more horsepower (at least enough to allow widespread third-party support), but most of the demands here would really just make the next machine homogenise with all the other ones. Xbox and PlayStation already have identity issues; Nintendo hardly needs to wear the same mask in order to draw third-party support. They need to improve their act, but they won't do it by copying their competition.


i'm assuming the NX will be another "non-traditional" blue ocean console, a la Wii... so it really depends on what the hook is.

i love nintendo and i'll probably buy whatever it is, eventually. but i'm wary as fuck being an early adopter ... so they'll have to convince me beyond a reasonable doubt to pick it up shortly after its release. if it's "sure, there'll be massive droughts but you'll get mario, zelda ect somewhere down the line!" plus a "gimmick" (and i do mean a *gimmick*, as in a feature not worth building a console around) then i'll pass for the first few years


This is the first generation I've never had a Nintendo console or handheld. The NX is really going to have to be something special, I just don't have much faith in Nintendo anymore for my gaming needs right now.
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