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"I'm a Christian who believes the Bible, and I don't believe in homosexual marriage."

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What the fuck is this shit? I've seen it floating around Facebook a bunch recently and I don't get it. How can you love and accept your friends if you completely disagree with their lifestyle? How is this not still bigotry? I don't get it.

Shit like this has been going for years. Gay marriage is just the latest hot topic. Things like these are created purposely to get views and likes, I doubt the original creator really cares that much. They're more to get attention than to spread any sort of message.
Reminds me of what the lady said on the Briefcase on friday, and well what I imagine many peoples friends on facebook or saying. I dont see what is wrong with someone believing that but I dont think they should say it aloud to people or judge people for it. Thats just rude and infuriating.


never left the stone age
Bunch of bullshit, not supporting being gay and gay marriage is pretty much opression, so it's still bullying. I mean if these Christians (emphasis on these) were in charge they'd outright ban being gay and gay marriage, let's not kid ourselves here.

What the fuck is this shit? I've seen it floating around Facebook a bunch recently and I don't get it. How can you love and accept your friends if you completely disagree with their lifestyle? How is this not still bigotry? I don't get it.

I disagree with my friends on a number of issues. Are you defined purely by your sexual orientation?


"Openly judging you would be inconvenient for me and could possibly shatter my belief system which I so carefully built up reading facebook posts just like this."


I don't agree with what you do but i'm not judging you.


"He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone"
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent"

Y'ever sat down and read this thing? Technically we're not supposed to go to the bathroom.


It's probably worth discussing this broadly, frankly.

That statement is about as unjudgmental as one can possibly be if you espouse the beliefs that person holds.

One might make the argument that it is not possible to be unjudgmental when you are against something like homosexuality.

Maybe that's true, but I'm not sure, so let's talk about it. As another example, many/most Christians also believe that not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is a mortal sin. Do you feel this is arrogant and judgmental as well?

Maybe it is, but then, we're basically objecting to the entire concept of religion at this point: they believe certain things are true as an article of faith.
What you do is sinful and wrong and I don't like it. But I'm not judging you... no I'm loving you... sure I don't want you to be legally married and find someone you can love but we're still friends, I want to deny you rights but I'm so against bullying and btw if you say I;m being mean you're actually the bigot.
They clearly recognize that something's wrong, but they really, really don't want to own up to it.

It's actually kind of a good sign in a fucked up way


OP Discovers Dumb Facebook Memes.

On a serious note these became more annoying once FB started showing 'likes' in feeds, because most dummies don't even stop to consider what half of these are even really truly saying, they just hit 'like' because they say "I'm a Christian", and then continue scrolling to see pictures of babies and puppies. Some people live frustratingly simple lives.

What baffles me is how these pages showed up on their feeds to begin with, because they're all cooked up from skeevy think-tanks, so they either spread through the aforementioned feed likes or they know someone closely who follows pages whose only function is to pump out dumb meme shit.

As another example, many/most Christians also believe that not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is a mortal sin. Do you feel this is arrogant and judgmental as well?
Maybe it is, but then, we're basically objecting to the entire concept of religion at this point: they believe certain things are true as an article of faith.
I see no problem with this.
"He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone"
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent"

Y'ever sat down and read this thing? Technically we're not supposed to go to the bathroom.

When I REALLY have to go to the bathroom, I start dancing.

Which is worse? Dancing or defecation?
It's probably worth discussing this broadly, frankly.

That statement is about as unjudgemental as one can possibly be if you espouse the beliefs that person holds.

One might make the argument that it is not possible to be unjudgemental when you are against something like homosexuality.

Maybe that's true, but I'm not sure, so let's talk about it. As another example, many/most Christians also believe that not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is a mortal sin. Do you feel this is arrogant and judgemental as well?

Maybe it is, but then, we're basically objecting to the entire concept of religion at this point: they believe certain things are true as an article of faith.

The current problem I'm facing is people saying that they believe whole-heartedly in the teachings of the Bible yet cherry-pick the content that fits their perception, blatantly ignoring the content that makes their faith look archaic.


I disagree with my friends on a number of issues. Are you defined purely by your sexual orientation?
It defines you as a person. Disagreeing on politics or sports isn't the same as objecting to someone's sexuality. Might as well judge them for their haircolour or ear size.
I've seen that several times on my Facebook. Some from people who've had divorces, some from people who've gotten pregnant out of wedlock. The line about not condemning, name-calling and bullying strikes me as a kind of shoe on the other foot thing with how much gay people have had to fight tooth and nail against that very attitude from the fundamentalist Christian majority to get to this point.


Can these same people explain why I, an Atheist, am allowed to get married if marriage is defined by the Bible?
If you're a Christian who believes the bible shouldn't they be advocating for true traditional marriage: one between a man and his slave(s)?


It's probably worth discussing this broadly, frankly.

That statement is about as unjudgmental as one can possibly be if you espouse the beliefs that person holds.

One might make the argument that it is not possible to be unjudgmental when you are against something like homosexuality.

Maybe that's true, but I'm not sure, so let's talk about it. As another example, many/most Christians also believe that not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is a mortal sin. Do you feel this is arrogant and judgmental as well?

Maybe it is, but then, we're basically objecting to the entire concept of religion at this point: they believe certain things are true as an article of faith.

Yes, it's totally judgmental. Ignorance and indoctrination doesn't excuse that, IMO.


I feel people have the rights to their beliefs, and heavily support seperation of church and state and the right to practice religion freely.

However that is one condescending piece of shit.

"I think you and what you are is wrong, I don't feel you should have rights and you are second class to me....but we can still be friends."

Keep whatever beliefs you want but don't be patronizing about it, that just makes you look like a horrible person.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member

What the fuck is this shit? I've seen it floating around Facebook a bunch recently and I don't get it. How can you love and accept your friends if you completely disagree with their lifestyle? How is this not still bigotry? I don't get it.

Christians being hypocritical, what else is new?


The current problem I'm facing is people saying that they believe whole-heartedly in the teachings of the Bible yet cherry-pick the content that fits their perception, blatantly ignoring the content that makes their faith look archaic.

Yes, this is definitely a problem for many or most. It's hard to argue that many Christians live by all aspects of the Bible.


Depending on the religion, the choice is no choice at all. The Church has several impediments to marriage. Homosexuality is just one of them. Not better or worse than the rest, which includes impotent and non-baptized people.

In fact, a non-baptized or non-catholic person is a worse sinner than a catholic gay person.

There is no "Christian position", there are different beliefs.
For instance: the catholic perspective is that the non-catholic christians complaining about this are going to the same hell as the atheist gay couples getting married.
Anyone who doesn't "believe" in same-sex marriage doesn't have to believe in it. It's not mandatory just because it exists. We're not recruiting.
I disagree with my friends on a number of issues. Are you defined purely by your sexual orientation?

There's a difference between simply disagreeing and saying some contradictory bullshit about how you don't tolerate someone's lifestyle or care for their civil rights, but are totally not judgmental. It's cowardly. I don't see it as any different from "I'm not racist, but..."


Well I'm going to ignore the religious content here for a moment to just go over the syntax here.

You do not support your friends orientation or their civil equality.

But you love them (presumably for who they are) and do not judge them (presumably for their quest for equality).


Neither of those line of thought should be in anyway compatible to the rational mind.

And to cap this off, it ends with a bold request of the person being treated like their whole being is wrong and something to not support to then support this other persons unflinching lack of support?

Wow, I got to take a seat to soak all that crazy in...
Okay.. disagreeing with their lifestyle is one thing.

Actively supporting politicians who fight against people's rights to life their lifestyle is another..

I'd rather see more people who say "I disagree with homosexual marriage but I will defend your right to have it".
And well.. I'd be relatively okay with that. I don't expect everyone to be comfortable with homosexuality. But I'm certainly not okay with you using your religious beliefs to dictate public policy and restrict the rights of others.


It's probably worth discussing this broadly, frankly.

That statement is about as unjudgmental as one can possibly be if you espouse the beliefs that person holds.

One might make the argument that it is not possible to be unjudgmental when you are against something like homosexuality.

Maybe that's true, but I'm not sure, so let's talk about it. As another example, many/most Christians also believe that not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is a mortal sin. Do you feel this is arrogant and judgmental as well?

Maybe it is, but then, we're basically objecting to the entire concept of religion at this point: they believe certain things are true as an article of faith.

I'm fine with people believing in their religion, but the whole "we are right, you will suffer if you don't join us" attitude that is prevelent in most religions is a turnoff.
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