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In Michigan, Trump voters still have the president's back


Are we really going to get to a point that the only solution to progress is for these people to just die off? How much do we take until we refer to massive swaths of people as lost causes?

It's increasingly looking like low-information voters are the anchor pulling us all down, and they seem increasingly likely to engage in cognitive dissonance when it comes to the orange con man.


Just give them the lifetime achivement Darwin Award...

Then I realize they probably think evolution is just another satanic liberal hoax.


”You know, the guy is thinking in the same terms as the everyday, common working guy," Salcido said. ”He talks the same way, he says the same things. ... He's basically mimicking the way that we feel."​

If common working men are like Trump's almost daily idiocy...lol

They want a president they could have a beer with...except Trump doesn't drink. And he lives in a giant golden tower. And he wants them to die.
What if you could travel to parallel worlds? The same year, the same Earth, only different dimensions. A world where the Russians rule America... or where your dreams of being superstar came true... or where San Francisco was a maximum-security prison. My friends and I found the gateway. Now the problem is... finding a way back home.


They want president they could have a beer with...except Trump doesn't drink. And he lives in a giant golden tower. And he wants them to die.

And he never has conversations with anyone, all he does is talk about himself using the same 3-4 subjects every time.


Sooner or lather they will be hit by the boomerang effect of their descisions and of course they will continue to blame everyone else. But in the end they are trapped in their own ignorance and will continue to destroy themselves because they cannot think critically or change their ways.

The real priority should be to protect everbody else from this mess.


The Autumn Wind
The things I don't understand are this:
1. WHAT has he done such a good job at? He hasn't actually done anything. His biggest move was his executive order that got shot down and a health care bill that won't make it out of the Senate.
He got Gorsuch onto the Suprrme Court!

Let's ignore that any president would have done that, and that the GOP had to change the rules to accomplish it.


My experience has been different among Trump supporters here in Southwest Michigan. Nearly all my younger (under 30) friends who voted for him have quickly gone from supporting him, to getting quiet on Facebook, to complaining about him.

Mostly friends under thirty who liked Obama but didn't care for Hilary.

Older people I know in Facebook have generally doubled down, but in my family there are a few who have been complaining about him all memorial day weekend.

I dunno. I know it's personal anecdotes, but I'm seeing a lot of cracks. Gives me hope.
Are we really going to get to a point that the only solution to progress is for these people to just die off? How much do we take until we refer to massive swaths of people as lost causes?

It's increasingly looking like low-information voters are the anchor pulling us all down, and they seem increasingly likely to engage in cognitive dissonance when it comes to the orange con man.
It sucks, but sometimes war, old age or a massive infusion of new labor/immigrants are just a necessity for things to move forward. In this case I just hope Fox News dies a miserable death and the farthest right replacement is CNN. Maybe generation X will be happy enough with that and we won't have to deal with the current massive geriatric echo chamber of baby boomers.
Over the past ten years, Michigan has been taken over by Tea Party right-wingers. The state is flooded with them. Most places in the state north of Grand Rapids are rural, and Detroit's population has continued to fall, so the state turning into a red state isn't surprising in the least.

Michigan is facing serious brain drain. The economy wasn't great for years and a LOT of skilled graduates took off for greener pastures.

Always been a red state. I'm from red country in mid-Michigan. Lots of hunters that think Obama was gonna take their guns.

Only marginally blue because of Detroit, a couple of hundred thousand around the Ann Arbor area where I am now, and a handful in Grand Rapids / Lansing and elsewhere.

My wife's friend is one of them Republican low-income voters who got section 8 housing for years and food stamps yet votes Republican because of social issues
and "people scamming the system" that are the problem, not her, who deserves the benefits.
“I think he's a good man"



there is so much noise in this age of information that people have shut down

hell my head is spinning from Neogaf Topics

Its insufferable that ignorance has gripped people so tightly that they cant let go. Something crazy is happening in this country and its like nothing i have ever seen before

Nah, we've seen this brand of crazy before. Remember the Tea Party? Supporting an vile candidate all the way to the highest of office was the next logic conclusion.

Hardcore, irrational, die-hard GOP voters alwats existed, Trump just took a scattered and fractured mass and helped to give them some semblance of organization with MAGA.


Always been a red state. I'm from red country in mid-Michigan. Lots of hunters that think Obama was gonna take their guns.

Only marginally blue because of Detroit, a couple of hundred thousand around the Ann Arbor area where I am now, and a handful in Grand Rapids / Lansing and elsewhere.

My wife's friend is one of them Republican low-income voters who got section 8 housing for years and food stamps yet votes Republican because of social issues
and "people scamming the system" that are the problem, not her, who deserves the benefits.

Except for the Presidential elections from 1992-2012? The UAW once had great power in the state, in addition to the urban centers.
What exactly has he changed that harmed them, and have they felt it yet? Because until that happens, all these scandals, it's not like they voted for him thinking he was going to be anything but what he's been.

Once his voters start hurting from policies that can be traced back to him or that he didn't stop, then you might start seeing some change, until then, the people who voted for him did so with their eyes open.


“You know, the guy is thinking in the same terms as the everyday, common working guy,” Salcido said. “He talks the same way, he says the same things. … He’s basically mimicking the way that we feel.”​
Doesn't speak very highly of the "common working guy", then, does it?
Fox news combined with right wing facebook spam is a powerful combination.

DOnt forget the talk radio coalition

I listen to them on my commute sometimes and it gets my blood boiling

The conservative talk radio hosts here are the fucking worst.

Mitch Albom and Guy Gordon are the only ones with the slightest hint of sense and hope and even then Guy likes to lean right when he shouldnt


”You know, the guy is thinking in the same terms as the everyday, common working guy," Salcido said. ”He talks the same way, he says the same things. ... He's basically mimicking the way that we feel."

”When we get the perspective (of commentators) on TV, it's like a whole different world," he said. ”It's, ‘what are they talking about?' It's not like that here."

Oh my god! Whoever says something like that qualifies for handicap parking.
Except for the Presidential elections from 1992-2012? The UAW once had great power in the state, in addition to the urban centers.

Shhhh that doesn't fit their narrative that only lifelong KKK members voted for Trump, and the millions who voted for Obama that flipped or stayed home are all just fake news from the Russians.


Always been a red state. I'm from red country in mid-Michigan. Lots of hunters that think Obama was gonna take their guns.

Only marginally blue because of Detroit, a couple of hundred thousand around the Ann Arbor area where I am now, and a handful in Grand Rapids / Lansing and elsewhere.

My wife's friend is one of them Republican low-income voters who got section 8 housing for years and food stamps yet votes Republican because of social issues
and "people scamming the system" that are the problem, not her, who deserves the benefits.

Yes, always a red state. Which is why Obama destroyed his national margin there in 2008 and 2012 and won by 16.5 and 9.5 points respectively.
Except for the Presidential elections from 1992-2012? The UAW once had great power in the state, in addition to the urban centers.

Like I said, only marginally blue because of Detroit, A2 and a few other small areas.

And Detroit has massively depopulated over the couple of decades.

UAW jobs fled Flint and Bay City and other places also.

Wish I could speak more of it on the UAW front but I've only worked for GM for a year, and as a cyber security guy I'm kinda in a bubble of smart people who in general can see through the Trump bullshit.

UAW polling suggests like 30% members voting for Trump.

This whole time, including most of Obama's term, the governor is Republican, both chambers are Republican, and local government in the state is overwhelmingly Republican.
They were too stupid to be able to see he is too stupid to be president when they voted for him. That's not going to change after he got elected. It wont change the next time elections roll around. They are just stupid people. They have no more understanding of how laws are made than Trump does.
Like I said, only marginally blue because of Detroit, A2 and a few other small areas.

And Detroit has massively depopulated over the couple of decades.

UAW jobs fled Flint and Bay City and other places also.

Wish I could speak more of it on the UAW front but I've only worked for GM for a year, and as a cyber security guy I'm kinda in a bubble of smart people who in general can see through the Trump bullshit.

UAW polling suggests like 30% members voting for Trump.

As pointed out Obama crushed it here in 08 and 12. Trump won by only a few thousand votes.

Any Democratic candidate but Hilary would have beat Trump here. Bernie would have stomped him.


Didn't get a fair shake? We let him be president. Democrat obstructionism? Republicans control both houses and the senate. They want everything to be handed to him and are more than willing to give him full credit for any victories that fall into his lap.
Seriously, if trump is impeached, the only way to save this country is to remove the voting rights of these people in federal elections.

They are too dangerous(ignorant, stupid, idiots, dumbfucks, whatever you want to call them)to be allowed to decide the future if the country.

They want to fuck thesmelves in the local level. Go for it. But the rest of the country and the world needs some shred of competence coming from this country.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
"Democratic Obstructionism"? The Republicans don't need a single Democrat vote to pass anything right now, they control all three branches!

It's no surprise, but these people are too far gone. They think they represent "real" America, whatever that is, but they're living in a fantasy world, and not even one that benefits them. It's morbidly bizarre.

Yes, I was wondering how Democrats are obstructing. Reporter should have asked about that.
So they think a born billionaire who:

- got the first job he ever applied for in his life (POTUS)

- is not subject to the basic standards and laws due to "everything I say is true. It must be, because look at all this money my father left Me ".

- lives in a golden tower with his name on it in the most expensive area in the entire country.

- USES the same illegal immigrant work force he complains is taking American jobs.

- gives his closest family members, friends and donors top jobs instead of those who could actually do them best

Represent "what the average man thinks and wants".


People are fucking stupid.

Can't wait for this current wave of right wing populism to tank. I just hope only the people who support it suffer.
He's still in the honeymoon period and hasn't dealt with a grand disaster yet. The voters can spin their wheels and close their eyes because nothing has happened to them yet.

Let's see what happens when they actually start having to make important decisions and starts tanking the economy.


50/50 mix of stupidity and hatred. They'll no doubt continue to worship the orange glob even after he is impeached.


Like I said, only marginally blue because of Detroit, A2 and a few other small areas.

And Detroit has massively depopulated over the couple of decades.

UAW jobs fled Flint and Bay City and other places also.

Wish I could speak more of it on the UAW front but I've only worked for GM for a year, and as a cyber security guy I'm kinda in a bubble of smart people who in general can see through the Trump bullshit.

UAW polling suggests like 30% members voting for Trump.

This whole time, including most of Obama's term, the governor is Republican, both chambers are Republican, and local government in the state is overwhelmingly Republican.

The state voted by 16.5% for Obama. The death of the urban areas is problematic, and I am certain that the state GOP has tried to hasten their death to get less Dems in the state. I would not be surprised if far more UAW members in Michigan voted for Trump. Anecdotally many of the older UAW guys have ceased to care about solidarity and started to care only about preserving what they have, or perceive they have. For most of Obama's term, while Snyder was GOP, there were more votes for Dem state legislators but gerrymandering left the legislature in the hands of the GOP.


Over the past ten years, Michigan has been taken over by Tea Party right-wingers. The state is flooded with them. Most places in the state north of Grand Rapids are rural, and Detroit's population has continued to fall, so the state turning into a red state isn't surprising in the least.

Michigan is facing serious brain drain. The economy wasn't great for years and a LOT of skilled graduates took off for greener pastures.

On election night I got so many texts from friends who used to live in Michigan saying "wtf happened?!" and I replied "y'all moved to New York and California"


See the 2012 electoral map by county.


Not exactly a bastion of blue. Like I said, carried only by a few small areas. It was ripe for the pickking already, which is why Trump & co campaigned here plenty.

Looking at a map of counties means nothing. A map of Illinois looks similar and Democrats romp there by running up the score in Chicago. Hillary lost 300k votes from Obama in 2012 and Trump only gained 100k on Romney. If the same Obama voters showed up in 2016 she wins easily.
What is all this bullshit about getting a "fair" treatment? He has gotten a million chances to not fuck up, he missed them all. He is also the President, and people being critical of you is part of the job as it should be.

Wonder if all these people were complaining also about Obama's treatment in the media for 8 years... /s


I try to believe the best in everyone, but even I admit people are beyond help if they won't admit they have a problem.
Looking at a map of counties means nothing. A map of Illinois looks similar and Democrats romp there by running up the score in Chicago. Hillary lost 300k votes from Obama in 2012 and Trump only gained 100k on Romney. If the same Obama voters showed up in 2016 she wins easily.

I'm not sure what we're arguing about here. I was chiming in supporting Plinko who commented on MI being flooded with tea partiers and MI brain drain. I mean, Trump won here for a reason.

Here's some stats from our NPR political commenter guy from Michigan Radio.


But when I looked more closely at the numbers, it was clear that the “brain drain” of our native born citizens hasn’t stopped. During those years, about 109,000 educated people moved into Michigan from other states. But more than 135,000 Americans with college degrees left.

We were saved by the arrival of more than 46,000 college-educated immigrants. These are not people who came to take the jobs of Americans; they came for jobs employers couldn’t fill, and increasingly, to start businesses, pay taxes, and create jobs.

He's talking 2013-2015.

One of the reasons the state flipped. A lot of those immigrants aren't voters.

You guys can keep insisting on it is solidly blur all you want, but like Bernie, I knew there was a real risk the state flipped.

If Trump keeps up on the anti-free-trade and anti-immigrant stuff, it'll stay this way, mark my words, despite what a dumbass he is. It is all he needed to flip a few voters.
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