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Is Black Ops 3 appropriate for a 12 year old?


To a point. It is more gory than previous CoDs showing thugs burning innocent civilians alive, tying up a random husband and wife together and then blowing their heads off, etc. Past games have had the same physical actions but the intent and context is much worse in this one.

I don't know if the content filter excises those scenes.


depends on the child. I played Space Hulk when I was 3 and Doom when I was 4 and I am not a bloodthirsty murdered...yet. So really, it depends. I would definitely not buy it for someone else's kid but for my own, I might but I would play the game first and make sure there isn't something fundamentally wrong with it that could somehow mentally hurt my kid.

(plus there is a gore filter)
Is there not a video of the strong content cut out compared to how it is originally? As most have said it depends on the kid, since no situation is the same. Hell if he's just playing the mp I don't think it would be a big deal.

Even so, he would have the option to play the campaign, with its gore and dismemberment.

It's not about the gore, it's about the concept. You shoot people in first person, and that's the main "attraction" of the game. I wouldn't let my daughter play it (she's 12).

It's not just the concept; it's also the execution. Team Fortress 2 and TimeSplitters are both first person shooters, but they're appropriate for a 12 year old to play IMO. COD is not because it's realistic and gory and focuses on more adult themes.

Not to mention 'No you can't play that game because I don't like it'.

Yeah, I hate this kind of elitism. "Oh, you play that mainstream trash?!"
I would let my children play it if I had one lol
I played Doom and Duke Nukem 3D when I was 5.

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend if your friend worries too much about it, unless the "gore" itself is the only problem which can be disabled.


isnt that the majority of the players?

Im not 12 and I play cod ;.;

Cods fine, even with graphic content enabled.


Maybe I'm old fashioned but I wouldn't want them picking up the shitty language and attitudes that get thrown over the mic, just like I wouldn't want them visiting 4chan. It will influence them.
Maybe I'm old fashioned but I wouldn't want them picking up the shitty language and attitudes that get thrown over the mic, just like I wouldn't want them visiting 4chan. It will influence them.

Pretty sure you can disable that stuff at a system level on both consoles.
Nope, dismemberment, etc... Not for the eyes of a 12-year old.

It's just a video game, not real. He's 12, not 6. It's fine for a kid that age. People forget really fast what it was like being 12. The kid is probably already seen fucked up shit and looked up plenty of porn on the internet. Ultimately, it's up to the parents. We don't know the kids maturity, they should.


That sounds like that was made in mind for parents indecisive on getting the game for their kids. I say with the graphics option the game is more than suitable for a twelve year old.

Agreed; I'm struggling to find a fault with it if it's that extensive.
It's just a video game, not real. He's 12, not 6. It's fine for a kid that age. People forget really fast what it was like being 12. The kid is probably already seen fucked up shit and looked up plenty of porn on the internet.

This is what confuses me about threads like this. It makes me wonder was I just super mature for a 12 year old? Obviously I was still young but I was more than capable of telling the difference between a game and real life.

For disclosure for the post below, I have a daughter but she's too young to play any video games just yet. I do have nieces and nephews who are around 7 and 8 who play Call Of Duty, Vanquish, Metal Gear Solid 5 as well as Minecraft, Mario Kart etc.
I also think it would be interesting if those saying it's fine disclose whether they have kids. I have a five year old and a two year old, and I don't think COD is appropriate for a twelve year old.

But then, maybe I'm a hypocrite because I let my daughter play Dragon Quest Heroes: TWTWATBB, which I was surprised to just learn has a PEGI 12 rating.


Are you really? Have you never seen a Star Wars film?!

I like the bit when Obi-Wan called Jar-Jar a dopey cunt.

Was being sarcastic. Sorry but the cursing in CoD and BF sound so forced and stupid I roll my eyes everytime

To answer OP yeah I'd let a 12 year old play CoD. I'm sure some of us had seen and done a lot of dumb shit by that age.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
It's just a video game, not real. He's 12, not 6. It's fine for a kid that age. People forget really fast what it was like being 12. The kid is probably already seen fucked up shit and looked up plenty of porn on the internet. Ultimately, it's up to the parents. We don't know the kids maturity, they should.

With 12 ? You are reaching a bit...stop acting as if every 12 year old is watching adult content and messed up videos 24/7 on the net.

This isnt about will the game ruin forever if he plays it with 12 but more about...is it recommended ? Arent there other alternatives with similar game play he could play instead like Destiny or Halo ?


This is what confuses me about threads like this. It makes me wonder was I just super mature for a 12 year old? Obviously I was still young but I was more than capable of telling the difference between a game and real life.

That's what confuses me too.

I was introduced to shooters at an early age but my parents were good and not only gradually introduced me into it, but were also instilling values in my normal life where I realized that shooting people in real life wasn't cool stuff. So I was perfectly fine and able to play games while still keeping up with my work and behaving fine.

Even today lots of people in even around the fifth grade who play games like Halo, CoD, (rarely) TF2. I know it wasn't just my generation because I have family members who are young who play online shooters with their friends and are great kids.

It's like stepping into bizzaro world in this thread.
With 12 ? You are reaching a bit...stop acting as if every 12 year old is watching adult content and messed up videos 24/7 on the net.

This isnt about will the game ruin forever if he plays it with 12 but more about...is it recommended ? Arent there other alternatives with similar game play he could play instead like Destiny or Halo ?

I'm 27 and when I was 12 fucked up shit was regularly found on the internet and passed around at school. That was with 56k/128k internet too. Almost everyone I knew would find ways to look at sex and nudity(not hardcore gangbanging or anything but still) as well and we all played violent games except maybe one or two who weren't allowed.

Kids at 12 are very curious and eager to discover more adult things. They WILL find mature content. You can restrict it and they'll find it in secret or you can allow some and keep a watchful eye on it. It's like those parents who ban all junk food then the kid gorges himself half to death at a kids party when the parents aren't around.

I also didn't say "every 12 year old". I clearly said it's up to the parents to know what the kid can handle.


no ...


look for games with 12 in the age rating.. like this


I don't care that you can disable graphic content.. the game is still not for a 12 year old.

Exactly. The clue is the PEGI 18 rating.


Exactly. The clue is the PEGI 18 rating.

So I don't get it, you would wait until your child graduates for them to play a shooter?

Middle-schoolers are already starting to dealing with lots of mature stuff. Just because they press a button and make an enemy fall over doesn't mean they are gonna be scarred for life.

As a fairly sheltered child throughout elem-6th grade who was heavily restricted from leaving the house, watching certain shows, barred from free internet access for a while I was perfectly fine with my jump into shooters.

Again, a child's sense of reality should already be developed. I don't see this kid becoming scarred.


I would say yes just because of the fact that her son probably already knows about the violence in this game. A lot of the people here seem to ignore the fact that it was her son that asked her to buy this game. I bet he already played this game tons at his friend's house or watched countless hours of videos of it on youtube. It wouldn't make much of a difference giving him the game.
I also think it would be interesting if those saying it's fine disclose whether they have kids. I have a five year old and a two year old, and I don't think COD is appropriate for a twelve year old.

But then, maybe I'm a hypocrite because I let my daughter play Dragon Quest Heroes: TWTWATBB, which I was surprised to just learn has a PEGI 12 rating.

I don't have kids, but I do have siblings that are much younger than myself (I'm 26, they're 10 and 11) and I don't feel I'd treat them differently than I would kids of my own. We watch horror movies together sometimes, but that's only with direct supervision. If they were under my care, I probably wouldn't let them play CoD alone.

But kids are different.
I suggest to follow the ratings (ESRB, PEGI, etc) provided on the box even if you think the person/child can handle it. Just to be on the safe side.
First things first "18 certificate"

But it is up the parents too sit down watch some videos of it (not trailers) and think is my childs mentality good with this?

My kid is ok with the likes of battlefield and co he is also ok with the likes of WoW or resident evil.
But silent hill is a big no and god of war is a big no (in the case of god of war it is not the visuals or story it is the game play it makes him angry it is just how he is mentaly and we avoid it)

Also is the child a decent loser? Is he going to get angry easily by glitchers/campers, will shit talking effect him emotionally?
Would he be ok hearing someone fucked his mom every 2 minutes? Is he able to grasp it is people talking shit or will he take it personaly.

No one on here knows that child better than the parents or if your a close friend you might know him well enough too assess if he is ok with it.

It is like movies, my kid sits with me and watches paranormal activity, terminators, night of the dead, alien etc etc and he is fine with it, we have fun.
But the likes of hostel and saw... not a fucking chance.

But mainly do you want this child playing mediocre games? Cod? Why not battlefield or battlefront.


Also is the child a decent loser? Is he going to get angry easily by glitchers/campers, will shit talking effect him emotionally?
Would he be ok hearing someone fucked his mom every 2 minutes? Is he able to grasp it is people talking shit or will he take it personaly.

The best thing about the multiplayer in Blops 3 is that there is an option to mute everyone except your party, I turned it on the first minute and never looked back.
Also is the child a decent loser? Is he going to get angry easily by glitchers/campers, will shit talking effect him emotionally?
Would he be ok hearing someone fucked his mom every 2 minutes? Is he able to grasp it is people talking shit or will he take it personaly.

To be fair, most of this isn't even relevant in CoD any more, except maybe campers. I can't remember the last time I got any hate mail while playing CoD, and the vast majority of people use party chat these days so there are almost no random people on mics in the lobby. I get hate mail daily playing Rocket League but haven't even heard so much as a swear word from another player in Black Ops 3. It's not like the MW2 days any more, the community for the most part has either matured or moved on.


He probably wants to play with his friends. It depends on the child, but at twelve, I wouldn't be too concerned.

Battlefront would probably be a better option though. Especially if he's a Star Wars fan.
To be fair, most of this isn't even relevant in CoD any more, except maybe campers. I can't remember the last time I got any hate mail while playing CoD, and the vast majority of people use party chat these days so there are almost no random people on mics in the lobby. I get hate mail daily playing Rocket League but haven't even heard so much as a swear word from another player in Black Ops 3. It's not like the MW2 days any more, the community for the most part has either matured or moved on.
My post is not really aimed and at Cod it is aimed at all games that are over their age limit.
I don't have kids, but I do have siblings that are much younger than myself (I'm 26, they're 10 and 11) and I don't feel I'd treat them differently than I would kids of my own. We watch horror movies together sometimes, but that's only with direct supervision. If they were under my care, I probably wouldn't let them play CoD alone.

But kids are different.

That's fair enough; if the parent/guardian is going to be present at all times to monitor the content then I think that's different, but in real life we all know it doesn't work like that.


You know everyone is going to say the responsible thing and be a hypocrite but I was playing doom when I was younger

Let the parents decide
Honestly? Sure, if you're okay with your kid being that annoying brat that yells at people on xbox live. The whole "M for Mature" was always pretty bullshit with CoD. They've always advertised towards the Monster/Power King audience, which you'll mostly find at ages 12-25. It is pretty violent though, but thats up to you if you think your kid can differate or whatever the word is.

i should probably never have kids
Ok, but Rocket League is within their age limits (Pegi 7) and you I get more people on their talking about my mum than I do in CoD.
Yes fair enough, but if your child is playing online at that age looking at websites or even watching youtubers the parent has too be in ear shot as online anything go.
Thats not so much to do with games to be honest and more to do with parenting and protecting your child from any form of abuse.


I mean in a normal world where people actually follow age ratings sure...

Not in our world though, kids get their hands on these things easily.


The "no's" have it.

She's gone with the majority on this one.

Kid will have to settle for Battlefront.

Good choice. I agree with the "no" comments here.

While it likely depends on the child and their probably are some 12 years old that will handle it just fine, I consider that "out in the tails" of the distribution; it simply isn't designed to appropriate for that age group.
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