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Is "Everybody's going to the Rapture" similar to the Tomb Raider X1 deal? Uh no

Every difference in opinion is considered a meltdown these days. What can you do?

There is a difference in making an opinion and making a statement.

You made a statement that you could't back up with evidence, you didn't make an opinion.
You clearly stated that Bloodborne was going to be made as Dark Souls: Bloodborne but that didn't happen because Sony's Moneyhat to From.

How is that an opinion?

An opinion would be:
"I think MS's PR about TR could of been handled better" or
"Sony really needs to work harder on getting firmware updates on the PS4"

Those are opinions!
There is a difference in making an opinion and making a statement.

You made a statement that you could't back up with evidence, you didn't make an opinion.

I am not an insider and I didn't say that I have information on the matter. Being asked to prove my personal belief on what may have happened is, in my opinion, wrong. I considered contacting another mod and asking why I was singled out like this but I decided against it because I was afraid it would make things worse. I'll try and correct my posting behavior accordingly but I still believe I was treated unfairly.


Every difference in opinion is considered a meltdown these days. What can you do?

No, I don't. Without Sony's participation the game would have been most definitely a multiplat.

I don't believe this for a second. I'm quite sure it used to be Dark Souls: Bloodborne or something before Sony's moneyhat.

It is as guilty. They're both using the same shady tactics.

No. Neither you nor I have any way of knowing how Bloodborne came to be aside from what Sony and From are telling us. I never take corporate speak at face value, if you choose otherwise that's okay too.

These aren't opinions, well they weren't when you were about to get bish-slapped

Prove it, then. I'll even give you time to gather and display your evidence. 4 PM pacific should be sufficient.

Unless you're talking out of your ass, in which case you can withdraw your statement and save your account. Either way, see you in 8 hours.

I'll withdraw it, as I said it is my personal belief and I have no proof one way or another.

Edit: Admittedly I made the "you're a joke" comment out of frustration. Apologies

I am not an insider and I didn't say that I have information on the matter. Being asked to prove my personal belief on what may have happened is, in my opinion, wrong. I considered contacting another mod and asking why I was singled out like this but I decided against it because I was afraid it would make things worse. I'll try and correct my posting behavior accordingly but I still believe I was treated unfairly.
No, I don't. Without Sony's participation the game would have been most definitely a multiplat.
I am not an insider and I didn't say that I have information on the matter. Being asked to prove my personal belief on what may have happened is, in my opinion, wrong. I considered contacting another mod and asking why I was singled out like this but I decided against it because I was afraid it would make things worse. I'll try and correct my posting behavior accordingly but I still believe I was treated unfairly.

Are you bloody serious here mate?
You don't understand the need to provide evidence for such statements?
That is how misinformation is spread.

If I say for example:
"I believe South Korea has the means through its technical expansion on energy infrastructure that it will overtake the US in the advancement of nuclear energy within 20 years."
This means nothing if I do not back it up with any credible sources. Saying its my personal belief means nothing.

Plus from your original statement you used definite terms such as "quite sure". That isn't really stating an opinion that is making an observation that one could say you derive from a source or some evidence.
Let's just drop it guys, I don't feel like getting banned for this. I said I will adjust my posting behavior accordingly, no need to dwell on this. I'm sorry if I mislead anyone but it was not my intention, it was just my opinion and nothing more. I'll make sure to avoid such mistakes in the future.


I don't know if I've ever seen more people go out of their way to embarrass themselves like these Microsoft apologists have these last few days...

Miles X

No, MS is letting SE keep the IP, Sony's exclusives are first party because they demand the IP (I don't see how this isn't worse than buying exclusivity with the option of going multiplatform later).


So alexandros, you said this in relation to From Software's claims regarding Bloodborne's development:
No. Neither you nor I have any way of knowing how Bloodborne came to be aside from what Sony and From are telling us. I never take corporate speak at face value, if you choose otherwise that's okay too.
Yet in the OP of this thread you unquestioningly repeat Microsoft's claims regarding their funding of Tomb Raider, clearly taking them at face value:
With the news that Microsoft is going to spend money on developing and advertising Rise of the Tomb Raider in exchange for (some form of) exclusivity
Why the sudden change? I find it interesting that you've reversed your stance so quickly.
You mean besides the fact that I was threatened with a ban in the meantime for disputing the company line without proof? For what it's worth, and I clearly state that this is my personal opinion on the matter, I don't believe Microsoft either. I hope that answers your question.


No, MS is letting SE keep the IP, Sony's exclusives are first party because they demand the IP (I don't see how this isn't worse than buying exclusivity with the option of going multiplatform later).

What? WUT?!
MS is allowing SE to keep the IP because MS is just buying for the exclusivity. Do you actually think CD needs technical support from MS?

Sony wants the IP because they are literally having one of their best studios helping the other devs grow their business by providing technical support, and doing expertise consulting on how to make games on console.
I am assuming you read EGTR devs posts on why they went with this route.

But yeah, just look at Thatgamecompany, and From Software relationship with Sony.
They didn't care for exclusively because in the end, their studio grew with Sony's help.
And this can be said with MS as well with Bungie by allowing the devs to jump from Mac to PC/XB.

So yeah, you can see why MS/Sony would want the IP if they were going to send their internal devs to help grow another 3rd party studio. It is just common sense since both parties win in the end.
But in this case with TR/MS? Nope, not even close to EGTR/Sony.
I said in the other thread:
Their attitude deserves a boycott, no matter how
they try to rationalize it. They got funded by the
Indie Fund, did great sales on PC and jumped to
console exclusivity immediately. This really is
nothing short of despicable as far as I'm
concerned, I will not buy A Machine For Pigs or
any other Chinese Room game in the future.
They have every right to make a business
decision as professionals, I also have a right as
a consumer to vote with my wallet and express
my displeasure.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.

1. It makes the assumption that developers are beholding to the Windows platform for all of eternity.
2. It also makes the assumption that there isn't a massive overlap between PC gamers and Playstation 4 owners.
No, MS is letting SE keep the IP, Sony's exclusives are first party because they demand the IP (I don't see how this isn't worse than buying exclusivity with the option of going multiplatform later).

Sony is personally helping the developers with funds and other resources to make said exclusive games.
Again lets look at Bloodborn:
1.Co-developed by Sony and From
2.Sony actually approached From first to initiate the project, the IP was Sony's idea first from the get go.


You mean besides the fact that I was threatened with a ban in the meantime for disputing the company line without proof? For what it's worth, and I clearly state that this is my personal opinion on the matter, I don't believe Microsoft either. I hope that answers your question.
Then why did you even create this thread if you don't believe in the fundamental premise you presented to make your argument? Seems pretty dishonest.


Look at this drive by, shit post.

Ridicule does stiffle conversation, I'm guessing that's what he wants. Personally, I like the fact that today light gets shone upon these things. I think if social media was around in the 90s, MS couldn't have pulled half the shit they did. Heh, we might even still have Netscape, Wordperfect, and Lotus competing.
No, MS is letting SE keep the IP, Sony's exclusives are first party because they demand the IP (I don't see how this isn't worse than buying exclusivity with the option of going multiplatform later).

Explain to me how this works, because Eidos had owned the TR IP for years before SE bought them, explain to me how a timed exclusivity deal would require SE as a publisher to just hand over an existing IP unless MS allows SE to retain ownership, versus another platform holder actually funding development of a brand new IP from scratch as the publisher.
Then why did you even create this thread if you don't believe in the fundamental premise you presented to make your argument? Seems pretty dishonest.

I simply asked a question, I didn't say I support one side or the other. I would be dishonest if I actually believed Microsoft's words and not Sony's.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.

1. It makes the assumption that developers are beholding to the Windows platform for all of eternity.
2. It also makes the assumption that there isn't a massive overlap between PC gamers and Playstation 4 owners.

1. There is no such assumption. TCR are a special case because they were funded by the Indie Fund.
2. Also no such assumption. I was speaking about myself and there is no overlap in my case.
No, MS is letting SE keep the IP, Sony's exclusives are first party because they demand the IP (I don't see how this isn't worse than buying exclusivity with the option of going multiplatform later).

Isn't it kind of them?! They're such a friendly, generous corporation.


No, MS is letting SE keep the IP, Sony's exclusives are first party because they demand the IP (I don't see how this isn't worse than buying exclusivity with the option of going multiplatform later).

They didn't have the option at all in the first place it wasn't because of choice.

What is wrong with them wanting to keep an IP they have helped bring to life with funding and development help. They do it because of things like Spyro and Crash. It's understandable from their perspective or any publisher wanting rights to IP.

Sony wasn't the ones that came in to offer the funds and production help the devs themselves went to Sony for help.

So no it's not a comparable situation or worse than what MS did with TR. TR was already being made as a multiplat before MS came into the equation, it was always going to come out on XB1 and X360. Everybody's going to Rapture would not exist without external help which the devs felt they wouldn't have raised enough on a kickstarter campaign so went to Sony Santa Monica who they knew well.


TR was always going to come out on XB1/X360/ other systems without MS's "help".
EGTR might not exist without Sony's help which was the route the devs choose to acquire help and funding rather than going with a fundraising campaign which they felt wasn't enough.


I simply asked a question, I didn't say I support one side or the other. I would be dishonest if I actually believed Microsoft's words and not Sony's.
Then why did you spend most of this thread arguing with people who didn't believe the two situations were equivalent? And why did you make this post:
So that is enough? Microsoft said that it's helping with the development of Tomb Raider.
Without mentioning the fairly significant fact that you don't actually believe it to be true?
Then why did you spend most of this thread arguing with people who didn't believe the two situations were equivalent? And why did you make this post:

Without mentioning the fairly significant fact that you don't actually believe it to be true?

Devil's advocate. You can't have a conversation otherwise.
They didn't have the option at all in the first place it wasn't because of choice.

What is wrong with them wanting to keep an IP they have helped bring to life with funding and development help. They do it because of things like Spyro and Crash. It's understandable from their perspective or any publisher wanting rights to IP.

Sony wasn't the ones that came in to offer the funds and production help the devs themselves went to Sony for help.

So no it's not a comparable situation or worse than what MS did with TR. TR was already being made as a multiplat before MS came into the equation, it was always going to come out on XB1 and X360. Everybody's going to Rapture would not exist without external help which the devs felt they wouldn't have raised enough on a kickstarter campaign so went to Sony Santa Monica who they knew well.


TR was always going to come out on XB1/X360/ other systems without MS's "help".
EGTR might not exist without Sony's help which was the route the devs choose to acquire help and funding rather than going with a fundraising campaign which they felt wasn't enough.

I agree with this.
Before Dear Esther was released they were expecting less than 20.000 sales. They ended up selling close to (maybe over) a million units. Given this fact I think it would have been nice if they had given the PC community the chance to surprise them once again. They preferred the security of Sony but it's hard not to be disappointed by their decision as a PC gamer.

Yeah, it's not like those console peasants and their shit tastes would be capable of truly appreciating their game, it's all because of "security"

Give me a break.
Not really, it's more difficult when you can't present any evidence to support your false equivalency and are just throwing shit out there to see if it sticks.

Ok, sure, that too.

Yeah, it's not like those console peasants and their shit tastes would be capable of truly appreciating their game, it's all because of "security"

Where are you people getting all this from? When did I say anything like that? Sigh.


This is the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.

1. It makes the assumption that developers are beholding to the Windows platform for all of eternity.
As oppossed to assumption IP like TR is beholden to being multiplat for all eternity?

2. It also makes the assumption that there isn't a massive overlap between PC gamers and Playstation 4 owners.
Between PS4 and PC? Maybe. Between PC and PS4? Doubt it. PS4 sold way to few units so far for there to be "massive overlap"

Now, I do think TCR has the right do what whatever they felt was best for both the IP and their own company. I propably won't be supporting then if they ever come back to PC though.
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