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Is it just me or does there seem to be very little hype for Smash Bros. 4?


just put Xfactor in the game. The higher % you have the faster you move, and with like 200% you basically auto-wavedash and also the stronger your hits become.

That'll add hype. Comebacks are always hyped. It will also help the gap between casuals and "competitive" platformer players.
don't check my email

But Lucario's already in the game.
Did you guys honestly not read the entirety of my post? But yeah it's like speaking to a wall with you man, considering the effort you been putting into this thread.

really, it's much easier to admit you screwed up with that post than to keep doubling down on it


I'm only interested in the 3ds version apart from this week we really dont get many screens or news about it lol.


Did you guys honestly not read the entirety of my post? But yeah it's like speaking to a wall with you man, considering the effort you been putting into this thread.

Dude. Your original reply to coolwhip was "wii and wiiu hasnt damaged anything" and then in your VERY NEXT POST you say "well people were complaining about nintendo abandoning the hardcore before wiiu" which means

1. you are admitting that nintendo has damaged relations with a section of its audience and

2. at least some of that occurred with the wii as "before the wiiu" is inclusive of that.

You can't just disagree with someone and then sorta kinda make the same exact point one post later as a defense of your original position.
Barebone? After I saw what Sakurai did with Super Smash Bros Brawl and Kid Icarus Uprising contents, so I'm pretty sure that your feeling could be wrong.

Edited: I might misunderstood your comment; can you elaborate more on your opinion on barebones such as what?

Relatively barebones, like Mario Kart 7 or Mario Tennis Open.

You know, when the game is whittled down to its "core experience" and the superfluous elements are discarded (like Mario Tennis's RPG mode from Mario Tennis Open / Mario Kart's mission mode from Mario Kart 7) . We know that a story mode ala. Subspace Emissary is not returning, so that's one area they're trimming the fat.

What else isn't returning? Are we not getting a stage builder as well? Is the roster only going to increase by like 10 characters? Are we going to have an over-abundance of boring, flat stages with one / no platforms? Are there not going to be many gameplay mode innovations?

That kind of thing is what I'm worried about.


really, it's much easier to admit you screwed up with that post than to keep doubling down on it

I'm not even sure what Oreoleo's point is, unless we want to pretend like the Wii was the beginning of the "hardcore" flocking away from Nintendo. Hence why I said what I said about the Wii and Wii u.

But go ahead and ignore the other points and continue to post one liners.


Relatively barebones, like Mario Kart 7 or Mario Tennis Open.

You know, when the game is whittled down to its "core experience" and the superfluous elements are discarded. We know that a story mode ala. Subspace Emissary is not returning, so that's one area they're trimming the fat.

What else isn't returning? Are we not getting a stage builder as well? Is the roster only going to increase by like 10 characters? Are we going to have an over-abundance of boring, flat stages with one / no platforms? Are there not going to be many gameplay mode innovations?

That kind of thing is what I'm worried about.

I hate to be the guy just repeating what everyone else has been saying but I totally agree with this. Rather than having pictures of how explaining how Sakurai "feels" or how a screenshot is "funny" we should be getting stuff like we did in Dojo.

You want a character, some of his moves, and unique abilities?
Let's post a whole section for that.

You want to know about mechanics for the game?
Let's explain in detail the mechanics and why we put them in there.

You want to know about stages,music and trophies?
Here's how they're in the game and some background on why we did what we did.

If I were to go to the new SSB page and look at their "screenshot" there is no direct way I could get information without visiting Miiverse, and I'd just think they're random pictures, (which they mainly are,) and immediately dismiss them. Also, the fact that these are "daily" really take out the hype rather than longer segments that are more spaced out.
I'm not even sure what Oreoleo's point is, unless we want to pretend like the Wii was the beginning of the "hardcore" flocking away from Nintendo. Hence why I said what I said about the Wii and Wii u.

But go ahead and ignore the other points and continue to post one liners.

The contradictions in your own arguments are so astounding that I'm surprised you're still going with this.
Fortunately Oreoleo already summarized it for me, so why don't you read his post.

basically you just completely reversed your opinion one post after answering Coolwhip



As in "Heathcliff"
Relatively barebones, like Mario Kart 7 or Mario Tennis Open.

You know, when the game is whittled down to its "core experience" and the superfluous elements are discarded (like Mario Tennis's RPG mode from Mario Tennis Open / Mario Kart's mission mode from Mario Kart 7) . We know that a story mode ala. Subspace Emissary is not returning, so that's one area they're trimming the fat.

What else isn't returning? Are we not getting a stage builder as well? Is the roster only going to increase by like 10 characters? Are we going to have an over-abundance of boring, flat stages with one / no platforms? Are there not going to be many gameplay mode innovations?

That kind of thing is what I'm worried about.

Alright, I definitely misunderstood you there, so I agreed with you there. I can't blame you there since I'm definitely hyped about the game but it don't meant that I would rear my head without thinking of what would happens. Let say that I decided to set the expectation bar to lowest as possible so that way i wouldn't be disappointed by the games.

I admitted that I'm playing competitively sometime but that don't meant that I can't enjoy casual aspect of the games like item battles, etc. 'm concerned that they might not add some kind of goofy stages for Wii U since I suspected that Sakurai might split the bases into two different systems from what I see in Stages. It seem that 3DS are getting casual, goofy stages, and Wii U stages seem to be for hardcore players. Sakurai, just prove me wrong. I can play completive and casual at same time depend on friends and mood.

Last thing I want to ask for SSB4. Please remove the limitation of poke balls, and allowed it to spawn many as possible just like Melee.


The contradictions in your own arguments are so astounding that I'm surprised you're still going with this.
Fortunately Oreoleo already summarized it for me, so why don't you read his post.

basically you just completely reversed your opinion one post after answering Coolwhip

Yeah, thanks for resorting to flinging shit. Calling me mitt Romney now in within email tags, brilliant.

I think that's my cue to stop wasting my time with you.



It sounds weird, but I was crushed when Brawl was released and they didn't include any new female characters at all (only a variant of Samus). Melee had Peach and Zelda...but Brawl? Nothing.

I know that Smash Bros. 4 has Rosalina and Wii Fit Trainer so far...but that moment of realization was just...deflating. I think I remember the particular moment...when the last Star Fox character was announced to be Wolf, not Krystal. That just took all of the wind out of my sails.

I guess it's part of a larger criticism over the sheer lack of characters that Brawl added. Throughout its development I really was expecting a massive expansion of the roster, but we only got a 13 character net increase. I really wanted a whole bunch of new character experiences, but I left feeling underwhelmed, especially since the Dojo essentially revealed all of the character surprises beforehand.

Well Krystal is meh at best so I think most are glad she didn't get added!
You're free to disagree though and if I was a fan of the character I'd share in your dissapointment.
That being said I understand your disappointment regarding gender representation and given what's been revealed and outright stated, it already seems Sakurai is making a concerted effort to address that point so SSB4 should be better in that regard :)

Relatively barebones, like Mario Kart 7 or Mario Tennis Open.

You know, when the game is whittled down to its "core experience" and the superfluous elements are discarded (like Mario Tennis's RPG mode from Mario Tennis Open / Mario Kart's mission mode from Mario Kart 7) . We know that a story mode ala. Subspace Emissary is not returning, so that's one area they're trimming the fat.

What else isn't returning? Are we not getting a stage builder as well? Is the roster only going to increase by like 10 characters? Are we going to have an over-abundance of boring, flat stages with one / no platforms? Are there not going to be many gameplay mode innovations?

That kind of thing is what I'm worried about.

Given this post and the previous one, I'm not sure you appreciate how much effort goes into making fighting games characters and balancing them. "Oh only 10-13 new characters, those lazy bums!" is a pretty disingenuous and unfair statement/sentiment especially since Brawl cast + 10 characters is nearly FIFTY characters. As for other content, general consensus was that Subspace Emissary SUCKED and most are glad its gone. However, Sakurai games have never been ones to skimp on features or content. We don't know a ton yet, which tempers hype, but I see no reason to expect a "barebones" game given the director's history and the development resources.


The Smash 4 hype will skyrocket as soon as there's more full-on gameplay footage or a public demo. Brawl had a good handful of them, but Smash 4 is being kept more under wraps for whatever reason.

I think Nintendo/Sakurai is deliberately trying to keep hype low after the backlash that Brawl suffered, and I definitely think that's a right move. Wait until E3 or so and then start bringing the Smash 4 news and playable demos and awesome characters and such so they still have a bunch of hype for the Fall/Winter release and don't run the risk of burning everyone out like with Brawl.

Catch 22, they are fucked either way. Brawl caused deflated hype in the series so they will have to combat that no matter what. They release small amounts of info, people get tired of waiting for rain and go to other locations (systems/games). Nintendo is being too secretive with their shit and when they go "SURPRISE! IT'S FUCKING MARIO!" people will yawn.

In short, more Developer Directs would be wonderful, but Sakurai is probably too busy.
Well Krystal is meh at best so I think most are glad she didn't get added!
You're free to disagree though and if I was a fan of the character I'd share in your dissapointment.
That being said I understand your disappointment regarding gender representation and given what's been revealed and outright stated, it already seems Sakurai is making a concerted effort to address that point so SSB4 should be better in that regard :)

Given this post and the previous one, I'm not sure you appreciate how much effort goes into making fighting games characters and balancing them. "Oh only 10-13 new characters, those lazy bums!" is a pretty disingenuous and unfair statement/sentiment especially since Brawl cast + 10 characters is nearly FIFTY characters. As for other content, general consensus was that Subspace Emissary SUCKED and most are glad its gone. However, Sakurai games have never been ones to skimp on features or content. We don't know a ton yet, which tempers hype, but I see no reason to expect a "barebones" game given the director's history and the development resources.

Oh I don't, most certainly. I'm not a hardcore SSB player and I don't really care about the competitive scene.

I would like SSB to be a celebration of Nintendo's franchises and I would rather see more characters and more zaniess instead of limiting the roster numbers down to a small number of characters (the same ol' same ol') because of competitive balancing reasons.

But that would stem from my personal philosophies and I understand this opinion is radical and certainly not the ideal for many players who truly care about the competitive scene of Smash.

My "barebones" idea stems from the fact that Nintendo has been incorporating this into some of their recent releases. Again, games like Mario Kart 7, Mario Tennis Open, New Super Mario Bros. 2...just felt a bit lacking in terms of what they provided. It seems like in some cases Nintendo has been prioritizing "the essence" of the IP instead of filling it to the brim with new features that expand the IP and delight.

But you're right...Sakurai is a great director and Kid Icarus: Uprising went contrary to this trend, so I do believe he can make Smash Bros. 4 very unique. I'm just worried, that's all.
Oh I don't, most certainly. I'm not a hardcore SSB player and I don't really care about the competitive scene.

I would like SSB to be a celebration of Nintendo's franchises and I would rather see more characters and more zaniess instead of limiting the roster numbers down to a small number of characters (the same ol' same ol') because of competitive balancing reasons.

But that would stem from my personal philosophies and I understand this opinion is radical and certainly not the ideal for many players who truly care about the competitive scene of Smash.

My "barebones" idea stems from the fact that Nintendo has been incorporating this into some of their recent releases. Again, games like Mario Kart 7, Mario Tennis Open, New Super Mario Bros. 2...just felt a bit lacking in terms of what they provided. It seems like in some cases Nintendo has been prioritizing "the essence" of the IP instead of filling it to the brim with new features that expand the IP and delight.

But you're right...Sakurai is a great director and Kid Icarus: Uprising went contrary to this trend, so I do believe he can make Smash Bros. 4 very unique. I'm just worried, that's all.

wait a minute
....you thought Brawl lacked content?
huh I thought that was one of the things it did well
I bought Brawl because of Melee. I will not be buying 4 without renting first because of Brawl. Just because it sold a lot doesn't mean if didn't to damage to the franchise.

I highly doubt that anybody outside of the competitive scene cares about the difference between Brawl and Melee at all.

This reminds me of when people said TF2 would bomb because TFC killed the franchise by making bunny-hopping less effective or some shit. Never trust a comp player's sales predictions.

Davey Cakes

The kind of info we're getting now is neat, but not exciting in the way that makes people go into hype mode.

More gameplay will need to be shown. More details of the games modes and mechanics will need to be revealed.

Plus, a solid release date would help.
No no...SSB = Super Smash Bros. I didn't say anything about Brawl.

Well, earlier you said Brawl was underwhelming because of the lack of surprises, and that there were only(?) 13 characters added was disappointing.
I thought most of Brawl's content, in terms of stages/trophies/whatever was fine (occasional terrible remix and bringing back Pokemon Stadium but not Pokefloats aside), too bad the gameplay wasn't up to par though.....

I highly doubt that anybody outside of the competitive scene cares about the difference between Brawl and Melee at all.

This reminds me of when people said TF2 would bomb because TFC killed the franchise by making bunny-hopping less effective or some shit. Never trust a comp player's sales predictions.

This is definitely false, you don't need to know the difference, you just need to feel the difference.
Also, spoilers: SSB4 will bomb by default due to the Wii U, book it.

edit: hold up, that's a bullshit comparison
bunny-hopping or whatever is essentially the equivalent of Halo 2's BxB/BxR combos, not Brawl's changes
I guess the Melee equivalent is L-Canceling
Well, earlier you said Brawl was underwhelming because of the lack of surprises, and that there were only(?) 13 characters added was disappointing.
I thought most of Brawl's content, in terms of stages/trophies/whatever was fine (occasional terrible remix and bringing back Pokemon Stadium but not Pokefloats aside), too bad the gameplay wasn't up to par though.....

The content was fine...I didn't like the fact there were only 13 new characters. And it was underwhelming because we got all of the surprises to begin with.
My "barebones" idea stems from the fact that Nintendo has been incorporating this into some of their recent releases. Again, games like Mario Kart 7, Mario Tennis Open, New Super Mario Bros. 2...just felt a bit lacking in terms of what they provided. It seems like in some cases Nintendo has been prioritizing "the essence" of the IP instead of filling it to the brim with new features that expand the IP and delight.

I certainly agree with you regarding NSMB2. That's about as vanilla as you can get.

But I'm surprised you feel this way about Mario Kart 7. That game added underwater segments and gliders. The Retro Cup was refitted with segments of both. MK7 added kart customization. It brought back coins. The online was pretty solid with communities. Mechanically, I thought it did significantly more than the entries on Wii and DS, even if it didn't add extra modes.


I think it's partly mired by how relatively poorly it's going to do due to being on Wii U. And I think while people are excited about Smash 3DS, I think the general perception is the 'big show' is supposed to be on consoles. So it's probably deflated hype due to it being on Wii U.

Because no Nintendo fans, Smash Bros. is not going to save Wii U or greatly increase its sales. It'll probably be the lowest selling console Smash game by a long shot.


at last, for christ's sake
a lot of things, but mostly lack of info, lack of buzz (Nintendo Directs are terrible on that regard) and WiiU failing. Three killer ingredients for any franchise
At this point, it just feels like "Hey, it's Smash Bros". Which is in many ways good, but just doesn't feel like it's generating much excitement.

And at least to me, the 3DS version is only serving as a detraction from the hype. It seems like there's no benefit to its existence with no crossplay or the like. Meanwhile, the mentioned stage count and character parity sound like they're only gimping the console version and implying that they'll be less stages, less new characters, and less returning characters than there would be if the 3DS version doesn't exist.

I also say this as a 3DS owner who doesn't even yet own a WiiU.
It hard to get excited for a game where the roster selection is so predictable and boring. I also feel like I've seen it all when it comes to smash at this point.
Also, spoilers: SSB4 will bomb by default due to the Wii U, book it.

That's a different issue entirely from the one I'm addressing.

edit: hold up, that's a bullshit comparison
bunny-hopping or whatever is essentially the equivalent of Halo 2's BxB/BxR combos, not Brawl's changes
I guess the Melee equivalent is L-Canceling

I wasn't making a comparison between the mechanics, but how a vocal minority of comp players responded to them changing and becoming more "casual".


Find it interesting that most of the people saying there is still substantial hype compared to Brawl are just the same few people who post in the Smash OTs.
not the best comparison, Ghosts is down by a lot vs BO2

It's a fine comparison. Ghost was one of the best selling titles the year it came out and is on pace to be one of the best selling titles of 2014 as well. People were saying there was no hype for it on GAF, therefore there's no hype for it anywhere and the game is in trouble. Lack of Gaf hype and it being in Gaf trouble resulted in blockbuster sales so I'm saying that train of thought is wonky. That is the comparison I was making. That seems to be little hype on Gaf has almost no bearing on actual hype in the wider gaming world.
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