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Is there a consensus on best looking Playstation 2 game?


Odin Sphere.

I know the spirit of the thread seems to be debating the 3d graphics of the time, but strictly speaking I don't​ think anything else on the system looks as good as OS.


My vote goes for:

Silent Hill 3
Valkyrie Profile 2
Final Fantasy XII

These 3 wowed me back in the day and still do in this day and age considering it was on the PS2, especially Silent Hill 3 with it's animations.
Just to expand on MGS2's unique visual qualities a bit, since it's a somewhat non-obvious choice (and among the oldest, from 2001).

Even mundane shots show rather shocking detail for the day, if you explore the game. You can see individual magazine covers, and the area really looks like a soldier rec lounge. The soldier's radio the soldier will actually pick up and use to make reports and call in reinforcements. His weapon may be subtly different from other soldiers'. Aiming at various parts of his body will yield specific animations and behavior way beyond what any other game would worry about.

(May have to click?)

This shows another very detailed area; note detailed console textures, individual attachments on soldier guns, and a parrot and cage:


The first, or among the first, game(s) to have no separation between cut scenes and gameplay visuals. Nothing was pre-rendered, and often you'd come back from a movie only to be able to use binoculars to look at the same stuff you just saw, but in more detail and at your own pace. Note, also, the smooth, high-poly-count faces on humans throughout (compare to Final Fantasy, God of War).


Parrot cage from earlier:


Character faces were real smooth and highly detailed looking, not blocky, and this wasn't just in cut scenes. Animations of faces were somehow comparable to many modern games (not sure how that can be). In fact some recent games like Horizon shoot for much more ambitious realism with facial animations and end up being distractingly worse.


During action moments, often some very cool camera angles would seamlessly pop up, while showing off nice image quality and nice clean shadows. Also I recall being smacked in the face by how good the Harrier looked; game wasn't afraid to put it right next to the camera in the boss fight scene!



Mundane areas, like an industrial plant, would build up over time to some beautiful moments (and again, a cut scene would always lead to gameplay in the same setting soon enough).


I don't know if I've made my case with these (and I tried not to cheat), but particularly on a CRT (or HD TV and an HD remaster) the game's level of detail and clean look led to an uncanny feeling of "being there," sort of like one could smell the sea air or feel the cold wind outside a strut or damp of the sediment pool building.
Okami, FFXII and DQ8 are my favorite looking games by far.

From a technical standpoint, Black always seemed very impressive to me.
(For some reason, I first wrote Killzone while thinking of Black, no idea why I associate the two games)
Honestly i dont know anyone can say anything other than god of war 2 or gran turismo.

Well, GT4 is amazing, but it's cars and tracks.

God of War II is stunning, yes, but its stunningness comes from the epic scale of things you see. If one chooses to focus on little details or closeup fidelity, it isn't that great. (Note that's not a criticism.)

That is to say, there are games that excel in their own ways that aren't huge and epic like God but are impressive nonetheless in their own ways.

I've been touting MGS2, but look at, say, Wind Waker on GameCube. It's no God of War technically, but at the same time it's so damned beautiful. Or Resident a Evil 4 won't feature, like, a gleaming animated colossus of Rhodes chasing after you, or some huge metal steeds, but on the other hand HOLY SHIT at those insane reanimator monsters, or the grossness of the "sprouting" inner parasites that pop out of already unnervingly-real angry villagers.


Neo Member
God of War II from a technical standpoint. With bumped resolution it could be a launch PS3 game and not many people would bat an eye.

When it comes to attention to detail, MGS 2&3 come first, but it's more due to Kojima's craziness that all those shticks with melting ice cubes got into the game. Nevertheless, it's also a technical achievement worth noting.
I haven't seen a lot of people mentioning Black. That game deserves a spot up there as well.

Few people played it, I think. I certainly skipped it. Seeing some videos in action here, it's definitely impressive. Looks like CoD4 a generation early.


Mgs 2 and 3 . one of the few ps2 games when raining it hits the character models for realistic look.. Killzone look great too but it hardly performs well.


These were posted in an old screenshot thread. Emulator shots, but demonstrative of the fact that the only thing holding back FFXII was the 480i resolution.





Silent Hill 3 almost makes me believe that a game like The Last of Us would be possible on a PS2.

But my pick is Kingdom Hearts 2.


Of the ones I played it was probably God of War 2, but that had the benefit of being visually spectacular artistically as well as technically.


These were posted in an old screenshot thread. Emulator shots, but demonstrative of the fact that the only thing holding back FFXII was the 480i resolution.

This is probably just me but I hate how old games look upressed on emulators. They weren't meant to be seen this way. It's unnatural.


"Best looking" is a pretty vague and subjective field. I think We Love Katamari looks the best- but it's just weird polygonal knick knacks.

Silent Hill 3
Shadow Of The Colossus

Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts had some good looking moments.

But remember, no matter how good a PS2 game is in the end it looks like a PS2 game, which is something to be avoided, right? -_-


Lets be honest, most PS2 games are very difficult to go back and play due to very low resolution.
WTF? No they aren't. The entire premise behind this thread is idiotic.
Anyway, my vote goes to Jak 2, especially the areas outside of the city. The Haven Forest area in particular still blows my mind every time I play it.


Was thinking GT3, somehow forgot about GT4. Those videos... Seriously doesn't feel like it's two generations old for its genre against most other game genres on PS2 versus their PS3 or 4 counterparts. GT4 looks like it was massively ahead of its time in terms of fidelity and really looking like it's closely related to what we see today, just lacking better textures and higher poly counts, but pretty close otherwise.


Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't get better than this:


Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This gets posted too much. Do we know if this was even in game or was a cut scene using game assets? If the latter then it's not so impressive. Plus where are other examples of this fidelity in Silent Hill 3. It's only this one part I see posted.

If it is in engine real time then yeah I gotta say it's probably the best PS2 graphics.
It is 100% real-time. All cutscenes are real-time and this scene even varies between different versions.
Silent Hill 3. GoW 2 looks nice, but it looks very much like a PS2 game. SH3 manages to look way better, technically and artisticly, than any of it's sequels did on much more powerful hardware, including the 'HD remaster' of itself.


My initial thought was God of War 2, but Transformers Armada: Prelude to Energon is worth mentioning, too.


Yep. Transformers looks pretty spectacular for a PS2 game considering what it's trying to do. Huge outdoor environments with rich foliage and a distance LoD that looks more or less on par with what you'd expect from a 360 title. The specular sheen on the character models is a pretty nice effect too.

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