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Is there any job that you believe should have a salary cap?

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For those that don't know, a salary cap is a cap on the maximum amount someone can earn in a profession. It's usually applied to professional sports to keep a limit on how much teams can spend on players.

But today I would like to talk about it in other professions. Is there any job you believe you think should have a salary cap? CEO's, Doctors, actors, ect?

I would like to specify that this doesn't apply to royalties. I'm talking just about the base salary. So book authors, artists, musicians, ect. would still get the same amount for royalties.

But that's literally it.

Salary caps in pro sports are bullshit and prevent players from being payed what they're actually worth.



No way should they be making 300 times what their workers earn.

No amount of experience or education is worth those salaries.


Politicians should only decide the salary of politicians, judges and possibly some other government jobs that I haven't thought of.
Politicians, actors, athletes.

I don't think anything will ever make me believe that a pro athlete is worth more than a doctor or a teacher.

Based on the revenue they bring in. You're thinking of it in a "worth to society" kinda way, which is not how that's determined.
Salary caps in pro sports are bullshit and prevent players from being payed what they're actually worth.

literally the only time I will ever agree with you.

Hard salary caps tend to just funnel the money towards the rich cunts who don't need it over the players who are the reason they make money in the first place.

No way should they be making 300 times what their workers earn.

No amount of experience or education is worth those salaries.

Don't Ben & Jerry have a self-governing policy that they're not allowed to earn more than a certain multiple more than their highest-paid employee? I respect that. CEO salaries are fucking nuts.


Politicians, actors, athletes.

Why actors and athletes? I mean they are essentially the product that generates revenue right? Why shouldn't they be paid accordingly?

I think for normal corporations/white collar work CEO salaries should be capped at a multiple of their regular employee wages.
Capping pay seems like a worthless endeavor when what we should do is raising pay for the lower echelons. I honestly couldn't care less if the boss of my boss' boss makes 1000 times what I do so long as I make a comfortable living.

Mr. X

Top brass of companies if we're talking positions.

Civil servants, government employees or anyone paid by our taxes if we talking industries.

Cosign on raising pay of the bottom of the work force.


I dunno about constant caps but maybe some positions could work on functional caps

ie a maximum cap on CEO pay (including options etc) as a function of wages down the line (recursive) where the actual amount towards that cap is determined by the performance of the company.


Literally all jobs should have an upper salary cap relative to the income of the lowest paid employees. Fuck that "all employees get minimum wage except the CEO who gets billions" bullshit.

If a company is making billions, it's because the low paid employees did most of the grunt work to make the money. If they weren't necessary to the functioning of the company, they wouldn't be working there.



But that's literally it.

Salary caps in pro sports are bullshit and prevent players from being payed what they're actually worth.

Cool. Just cap revenue for processional sports as a whole then. Any earnings over a certain amount are donated to local charities.
Politicians, actors, athletes.

I don't think anything will ever make me believe that a pro athlete is worth more than a doctor or a teacher.

The money they bring in has to go somewhere. If not to the players, it would go to the team owners.

CEOS should have a cap. Or at least be indexed to the average income of their employees in some way.


I think most jobs should have a cap with added royalties. It creates a more stable and coherent system in my opinion.

Why actors and athletes? I mean they are essentially the product that generates revenue right? Why shouldn't they be paid accordingly?

There's a difference between a salary and royalties. This produces a very unhealthy star system, where actors are no longer actors. Why would a person get more than anyone else for appearing in a film for 10 minutes... outside of royalties? If your answer is "people will go to see the film because that actor/actress is in the film" you're right but that revenue should translate to royalties, not salary. The big actors that produce that much revenue should be fine anyway with royalties.

The Argus


Private Hospital doctors vs those at public universities who pretty much work on pennies on the dollar while also teaching and researching.


No way should they be making 300 times what their workers earn.

No amount of experience or education is worth those salaries.
Musicians shouldn't get a salary cap though, people buy their music and go to their concerts and thus they earned all that money.
There's a difference between a salary and royalties. This produces a very unhealthy star system, where actors are no longer actors. Why would a person get more than anyone else for appearing in a film for 10 minutes... outside of royalties? If your answer is "people will go to see the film because that actor/actress is in the film" you're right but that revenue should translate to royalties, not salary. The big actors that produce that much revenue should be fine anyway with royalties.

Royalties are broken because of the way Hollywood accounting is done. The two ways you can do revenue is to give them on either the gross or net profits. Points on the gross, on the raw money made before accounting for any of the expenses of making/marketing/etc the film, is the only way that actually works the way you'd expect. The number of actors/actresses (although, to be real, the sexism in Hollywood means probably mostly actors) who will be able to get those deal can be counted on 1 hand.

Everyone else would have to settle for royalties on net profits. And the problem with that is that production companies set up the books such that basically no movie is ever profitable. The guy who was in the Darth Vader costume for Return of the Jedi had a deal that got him points on net profit. He's never seen a dime, because the books for the movie show that it has never turned any profit.
If the top position needs to handled carefully, then the incentive of 'free millions' should definitely be removed. Not because the government mandates is, but because the wrong kind of people will come looking for the job where they will do the most damage.

A CEO should probably make less than the professionals underneath the position, to create a negative incentive, that is: those who step forward will actually want to achieve something with it, not just get paid.

And unlike constitutional power, corporate power is a shitfest once you take out the golden handshake. Though in reality so is constitutional power if used in proper democratic manner. It's weird to say 'politicians' and not immediately broaden that 'all top positions'. In fact, I would say politicians should probably earn more, but be completely tied off from market donations and lobbying. Because that appears to be where hits the fan the most.
Not just through Citizens United, but in general.


Professional Schmuck
Wait everyone, a salary cap in sports is NOT per position, it's the total amount a team can spend on ALL its players. The intention is to create an even playing field so rich teams can't outspend less-rich teams and buy their way to a championship every year.

Holy shit, people.

Ronin Ray

Definitely any job where the person is elected to public office.

Wait everyone, a salary cap in sports is NOT per position, it's the total amount a team can spend on ALL its players. The intention is to create an even playing field so rich teams can't outspend less-rich teams and buy their way to a championship every year.

Holy shit, people.

Baseball has no salary cap and has most parody out of all the major American Sports.


There's no way to implement this that isn't immediately a mess of loopholes and dumb situations. The ultra-rich don't even make their money from salaries anyway it's all capital gains and shit.

I don't think anything will ever make me believe that a pro athlete is worth more than a doctor or a teacher.

Five million teachers, doctors, lawyers, and etc out on the streets in Chicago celebrating the World Series probably don't feel like they're "worth" less than the boys who won the thing, and they're definitely glad the boys did it.
CEO compensation (not just salary, but total earnings) should be capped at a reasonable multiple of the salary of the lowest-paid employee our independent contractor to give them incentive to raise wages. Likewise, politicians' compensation should be similarly linked to the salaries of their lowest-paid employed constituents.
CEOs should have salaries capped at multiples of the median salary at a company ( no more than 50x imo ). if a company has stocks to hand to CEOs, it can split that with mid management and high performing employees.
If anything Athletes should be getting paid more.

Ownership screws players out of literal hundreds of millions of dollars through bad contracts and salary caps.

Baseball is the only sport where it's relatively equitable, and even then players have to reach the majors and accrue service time in order to actually make money relative to their worth.


Publicly elected officials. A hundred years ago politicians lived much closer to the common man than they do today. Pensions, the revolving door of wall street and nepotism have become real issues.
If politicians were paid more in salary we'd likely get better candidates, and the ones that were elected would be less tempted by kickbacks and other improprieties.



There is literally zero excuse for any human being to be "worth" over ten times that of any other human being. There is absolutely no justification for this whatsoever. You cannot provide any argument that would grant any single human being enough merit to somehow be worth the commensurate suffering of ten other humans. It's pure nonsense.

Funny thing is that most Americans actually agree on this, we're just too bloody stupid and blinded by our ridiculous ideologies to put it into practice. Freakin' idiotic. Makes me embarrassed to be a human being.
Someone is worth what someone else is willing to pay them. And yes, some peoples' labor is worth far more than others due to aptitude, specialization or unique faculties.

There immense justification for that, actually. If idealism were a valuable skill set, for example, you would be paid handsomely. Unfortunately, idealism isn't.
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