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Is this t-shirt ok?


Hey guys, look. I support LGBT rights.
Liberty, guns, beers and trucks.
What did you think? Those gays?
If your identity falls under the LGBT umbrella, and you like the 4 things on the shirt, I could see you wearing it, as a little joke. Fitting "both" definitions of LGBT. Being ironic as well, I guess?

If you're not LGBT and wear this Tshirt, I'm going to be very suspicious that you're trying to insult people, and I will not like you wearing it even if you had no ill intentions.


As others said, it's the kind of thing you think people will find funny and smart, but they won't - and you'll end up feeling dumb and rude. So I recommend giving it a pass.


I think it's dumb and amusing, but would never for the life of me wear it, nor would I think someone is cool for wearing it.

It's just so America.


It's kind of ironic that the shirt implies "fuck the LGBT community, I'm about those #AMERICANVALUES"

Except the first one is liberty, which should surely include the LGBT community anyway?

It's definitely trying to be the LGBT community version of All Lives Matter, though, which is pretty gross


It's kind of ironic that the shirt implies "fuck the LGBT community, I'm about those #AMERICANVALUES"

Except the first one is liberty, which should surely include the LGBT community anyway?

"nah man Liberty means freedom from the gayz" - someone wearing that shirt
It's not offensive. I mean, it's not really dissing anybody. But you're advertising yourself as one of those try-hard macho conservatives, and they're not a popular group.


It's not offensive. I mean, it's not really dissing anybody. But you're advertising yourself as one of those try-hard macho conservatives, and they're not a popular group.

It's absolutely dissing people. It wouldn't be advertising anyone as a try hard macho if it weren't dissing anyone, since it wouldn't mean anything. Literally the shirt has no purpose except going "Haha, those gays amirite?"


It's ugly and tacky, so I could see it someone from the LGBT community wearing it ironically.

edit: or some redneck/hillbilly/alt-right person unironically, yeah


Junior Member

GAF can be very PC at times and I am curious if this shirt passes muster. Came up at work today but my office is filled with heathens and watchers of ratchet tv programming (I am also part heathen)

PC aside, the shirt is ugly, dumb and only an idiot would wear it.

PC side, it's tasteless, idiotic and you are taking back something that doesn't belongs to you.

In both sides, burn it with fire


I mean if you were lgbtq and wore it, paired with some neon pink hotpants I guess it would be some kind of commentary. Other wise probably best to avoid.


Shirt is fucking dumb.

I feel like if you're gonna wear that, you might as well have truck nutz hanging from your Ford F-150

I never understood those stupid truck nuts. Like, you want your big, manly truck to have big, manly balls. But no dick. Good god, where are the trucks' dicks???!?
Im boozed up driving in my truck waving a MAGA flag. I approve of this.

I'm actually boozed up. Not driving though. Oh and I hate Trump and anyone that speaks positive things about him.


Shirt is awfully unfunny and tacky as fuck. I would assume whoever wore it is a twat in some kind of way honestly.

Just how it looks.
The "intent" is however you see it. Some will take it as a joke against LGBT community, some will take it as a funny shirt and dont think much about it and some will think of it as a Murica f yeah shirt. Its up to the individual.

No it isn't that's literally not what intent means


It reminds me of the ugly conservative shirts you see in a lot of beach towns. Places that sell "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" shirts.
It's kind of ironic that the shirt implies "fuck the LGBT community, I'm about those #AMERICANVALUES"

Except the first one is liberty, which should surely include the LGBT community anyway?

It's definitely trying to be the LGBT community version of All Lives Matter, though, which is pretty gross

Nah because liberty in this sense is liberty to hate and discriminate.

Anti-LGBT laws are often argued as being religious "liberty" laws.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
It's a pretty bad shirt. Even without the negative implications, as someone else said it's a bit obvious; a version without the letters might work (though would still have the same issues).

They could have chosen less boring colours.

I think that's based on a few images I've seen knocking about that show the various forms of LGBT flag (gay, transgender, intersex, etc) - the straight/heterosexual flag tends to be either black and white stripes, or a grey spectrum.


I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that shirt regardless of my sexuality, in any case, I 'd roll my eyes at anybody wearing it tbh.
Yeah I mean its not hateful necessarily, I would assume the wearer was some douchey gg edge lord or hick. Id also lose any respect for them.


I mean, I'd think someone wearing it is kind of an ass, at minimum. It's basically "hey screw this group of people, I prefer beer and trucks to them!"
I think it's funny in a dumb dad joke way, but I wouldn't suggest wearing it.

I mean, I'd think someone wearing it is kind of an ass, at minimum. It's basically "hey screw this group of people, I prefer beer and trucks to them!"

I can't say that it suggests anything of the sort, but reactions such as this is exactly why the op should refrain.
I'd say you're probably an asshole if you have to steal something not relevant to you and slap America on it to feel like you're a big man with your truck and guns.

please rate my outfit

With those shoes, prepare to get roasted for the rest of your life.


Hail to the KING baby
Why doesn't it just say "I hate gay people"?

Lets not pull any punches.

Lack of plausible deniability that 'joke' shirts/lulz stuff are perceived to have. Plausible deniability being pretty much the only consistent strand in modern conservative rhetoric because it lets you flip a situation you provoked into one where you frame yourself as the victim. Victimhood being the other critical currency here.

I thought of that scene the first time I saw the ”Access Hollywood" tape, the one that was supposed to wreck Trump's career, but which transformed, within days, on every side, into more fodder for jokes: a chance to say ”pussy" out loud at work; the ”Pussy Grabs Back" shirt I wore to the polls. In the tape, Billy Bush and Trump bond like the guys at McCann Erickson, but it's when they step out of the bus to see the actress Arianne Zucker that the real drama happens. Their voices change, go silky and sly, and suddenly you could see the problem so clearly: when you're the subject of the joke, you can't be in on it.

The political journalist Rebecca Traister described this phenomenon to me as ”the finger trap." You are placed loosely within the joke, which is so playful, so light—why protest? It's only when you pull back—show that you're hurt, or get angry, or try to argue that the joke is a lie, or, worse, deny that the joke is funny—that the joke tightens. If you object, you're a censor. If you show pain, you're a weakling. It's a dynamic that goes back to the rude, rule-breaking Groucho Marx—destroyer of élites!—and Margaret Dumont, pop culture's primal pearl-clutcher.
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