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Isn't it weird most of us will be hardcore gamer's when we're grandpa's?


People only associate gaming with a younger generation thing because it didn't really become a big thing until the 80's, therefore most gamer's are middle aged or younger.

People don't lose their lifelong hobbies just because they get older. It doesn't matter what you say now.

My dad still loves billiards, and grandpa McFly still loves reading books and jigsaw puzzles.

We are a product of our generation.

Now if Neogaf is still around at this time, you'll be able to look back and pinpoint the exact time and date of your idiotic posts, and your children's children will as well if you tell them your SN.

That's how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Yeah I always thought about that. I was born in 1987 and play videogames since 1993. I noticed how my grandparents can get bored because they don't use any kind of technology other than radio and tv and are too old to learn.

But in our case? If say my generation is retired in 30 years I think a lot of us will be really hard core gamers with all that free time. Just think about the size of our steam backlogs by then!

I also wondered if there will be games that specially cater to us given our old age. Easier on the hands and such. VR should be mainstream by then so we should be playing a lot of VR games I suppose.


Not as weird as your flagrant abuse of apostrophes

But you are right, we are among the first wave of people whose posts will likely be archived because of sites like archive.org. Someone might look back at the posts by their father announcing their birth.

Maybe there will be pensioner-only servers for those with diminished reaction times


Gold Member


I hope I'm as into video games when I'm old as I am now. If you have Alzheimer's it's even better. You can play a masterpiece game over and over again and it never gets old.
Imagine playing a horrible section of a game, get stuck for hours, quitting while raging and swearing you'll never play that piece of shit game again, then later that same day redoing all of it.

Wait a minute...

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Imagine playing a horrible section of a game, get stuck for hours, quitting while raging and swearing you'll never play that piece of shit game again, then later that same day redoing all of it.

Wait a minute...
That's something I never thought about. Unfortunately that seems to be a more realistic scenario, now that you mention it. At least you're not aware of it, that's a small comfort. But damn, imagine ending up with Superman 64 or some shit and play it all day every day.


There's already hardcore gaming grandfather's and grandmother's out there. It's not been a thing for "young people" for nearly 30 years.


Gold Member
It's only weird because gaming didn't exist when the people who are grandpas now were young (well, we're getting close to that not being true anymore, but it didn't exist in the same way as it does now). I'm sure old people today still do things that were cool in the '50s.
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Old people enjoy what they loved as children. This might mean pinball machines, miniature train sets, birdwatching or stamp collecting.

Hell, my retired father is in the backyard garden all day. Technically he is doing gardening, but I see it as his grownup sandpit.

A hobby is a hobby. And the advantage in being old is that you stop caring about being taken seriously.

I myself am determined to not care about being taken seriously while not being old yet.
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Nah, most people here will simply stop once they discover sex.

Jokes aside, I think it'll be the case and we'll probably have games made by/for older people.
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Imagine buch of grandpa's sitting on their porch arguing which console is better lol.

The more pressing issue for getting older is not developing something like arthritis or osteoarthritis.


Imagine buch of grandpa's sitting on their porch arguing which console is better lol.

The more pressing issue for getting older is not developing something like arthritis or osteoarthritis.
I’ll take it over mindlessly drooling or just hating everything new in life LOL!

Mister Wolf

No. Gaming is fun and I've been doing it since a kid when I first was given an Atari 2600. There is no reason to stop. In fact you can start at any time in your life. I got my mom who is 62 a Switch Lite. She has never owned or played console videogames before. She started playing Brain Age. Just recently I got her Captain Toad and she loves it. I even taught her how to use youtube to see walkthroughs of challenging levels. She did that to beat a giant bird boss. I'm very proud of her and her progression as a gamer.


I could be a grandpa right now and I'm only 43. I got friends my age with grandkids.

Not going to be that weird to see people playing games into their 60s and 70s or longer.


Well my son has 2.5 years old.
So in around 20-30 years I will become grandpa if everything go well.

I don’t think console will survive until there.
So I will probably stop playing before that.

I will probably be a hardcore reader (books not digital)… and of course most of my time will be with medical exams (lol) and my grandchildren (I hope to have a lot).
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if i'm still playing video games at 70-80 that'll be quite sad. i'd hope i'll be doing better things with my time.

i'm already getting tired of them. loved them when i was <25 but now i struggle to play them. mostly play online games now cause i can't get into single player stuff anymore.
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I hope I'm as into video games when I'm old as I am now. If you have Alzheimer's it's even better. You can play a masterpiece game over and over again and it never gets old.

Every game turns into a roguelike lol

But yeah I often think about how gaming will be when I'll be 60, 20 years from now. I'll bet it's awesome and also very different form what we're now used to.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
What I find weird is when we were young, the old folks was disgusted & offended by the language we had in our music.
now we older the younger generation is disgusted and offended by the language in our music.
love the fashion we mocked when we were kids and tell us what we need to do for the world to be a better place like they're are the first to think of it, they wasn't
We'll be 70 years old and beating 20 year olds in online games while still listening to the The Chronic 2001 because today's music is for pussies.
we'll be forever the kids of the 90's
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It’s awesome.

been collecting games for decades now that I don’t have time to play now but will be playing during my retirement.

Can’t wait for the dementia to hit to replay all the games I’ve already beaten and be blown away by them a second time.


Then you get kids, people around you in the office are all bike riders, so you start that... body falls apart so you have to work out to not feel like shit...

hardcore gaming is going to be unappealing very fast.

While I have the money to buy any game at any time, as many as I want, I game less and less.
Competitive online game and I need to sink a lot of time in to get gud? Nah. 30+h story? Nah. Gets good after the initial 15h? Fuck Nah! etc.


I don't think most people from here will last that long with gaming TBH. People seem not to be able to accept that nothing is a given, that times change, that games either die out or change to not what they used to be etc. Going by the comments many people here hate AAA games while at the same time that's the only titles they play, you won't last long with such approach, let alone 20-30 years.


OG gamers who experience multiple generations of gaming tend to reminisce about the favorite generation of retro gaming as the peak of gaming, just like older people love their generation of music. So old gamers will all eventually become the Chad Warden of their favorites consoles generations.


C'mon now youngin. You don't know Sh*T about gaming. What you know about that PStriple.


Yeah, I’m imagining my last few years will be a delirious experience in virtual reality, slowly easing me to death along a path of power ups and coin collecting.


You'll try to share it with your grandkids, but they'll all be too busy riding waves of pure emotion rippling across the world via Apple Mindpods. Playing games with visuals and sounds and, like, controllers will feel so quaint.


Gold Member
What is a "hardcore gamer", exactly? I'm just picturing some 80-year old man pounding his same-aged wife from behind while playing Tetris on a TV that takes up an entire wall.


I remember my cousin borrowed a N64 from his grandpa when we were kids. Pretty surreal back then, but kinda made sense because his grandpa was in his late 40s (my cousins father was born when his mother was 15 and my aunt had my cousin when she was like 19).
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Depends on how the next years play out. There was a period in my 20's and 30's where I hardly played any games (outside of some drunken Halo with friends) and spent all my time outside of the house. Been taking some down-time to chill and focus on college and let some of that old negativity settle. Been thinking about getting out there and having a social life again (but with much better people, of a wider range -- old crowd was trouble). Then I'll be having a career and who knows what'll happen. At least getting married & having kids isn't of interest, so that's something.


If COD XXX is filled with grandpas and grandmas calling me names, I might be more into it. I guess they'd be insulting everybody else's kids instead of their parents then.


I can't wait to tell some kids how their upscaled and motion interpolated modern games look like shit compared to my native 32K output of Dead Space 2:

grandpa GIF


I don't get it why don't they give all kinds of consoles and PCs to old people and retirement homes. Best way to spend time and die in a heart attack while playing deathmatch.
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