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It's almost like G. Lucas is a bad writer OR 15 dumb things about Star Wars

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QUOTE=Ninja Scooter;226987617]Obi Wan calls Anakin "Darth" like it's his first name[/QUOTE]

Kenobi seems to really entertain the idea that Anakin and Darth are really 2 different people. That's what I get from the hut scene in a New Hope.
Maybe Obi blames himself for Anakin and this how he deals?
Maybe Sith leave their former identities behind and believe they are reborn as new?


Let's not try to overthink this stuff. Space Wizards don't really hold up to scrutiny.

Have you seen Rogue One because
they know there is a flaw but that is the only remaining copy of the plans because they blew up the archives
Not knocking on ANH (my second favorite SW film), but you can't use a film that was written forty years later as an explanation for a slight flaw in logic in a script. I mean, it's a nice retcon, but it's not like George Lucas thought of it 40 years ago.

Hell, you can't even use Empire to explain stuff in ANH, because A New Hope was written as a standalone film, it was only after it's success that Lucas wrote stuff like Luke being related to Vader.

Kenobi seems to really entertain the idea that Anakin and Darth are really 2 different people. That's what I get from the hut scene in a New Hope.
Maybe Obi blames himself for Anakin and this how he deals?
Maybe Sith leave their former identities behind and believe they are reborn as new?
The real answer (no fun allowed, yada yada) is that in the Star Wars script Darth Vader and Anakin actually were two completely different people, Vader's backstory wasn't written until Empire Strikes Back. The hut conversation having a double meaning in hindsight was a "lucky accident".


That article has to be a parody though. I mean, number 12 is freaking 'Star Wars doesn't have (an equivalent of) email'. It's a 1977 movie for crying out loud, why not also complain that they had no Facebook to keep track of Luke Skywalker?



This one has always bothered me even when I was like 5. She knows what the Death Star can do, she knows they are tracking them, and she knows they have no idea where the base is but still decides to go directly to the base and not even attempt to throw them off.
Rescuing Han from jabba?

I still dont know whats the plan.

Lando - You go pretend to be a guard for like a month. Just blend in and make sure everybody in the hutt empire implicitly trusts you even though you are Han Solo's friend and they almost certainly know who you are (being the only black person in the galaxy will certainly not make you easily recognizable).

Then Leia - Pretend to be a bounty hunter and get caught. This is key - Jabba will almost certainly be sexually attracted to you and make you his slave - just roll with it. It's all part of the plan.

Then I will come in and also get caught. I won't have my lightsaber with me - more on that later- but I'm sure I can handle whatever comes along.

Then Jabba will almost certainly take a pleasure cruise to have me publicly executed (after the first execution didn't work). He will position his pleasure cruise at just the right angle so that R2 can launch the lightsaber he's been hiding the entire time and then Lando can blow his cover.



Which is why the only truly fantastic film in the original trilogy is the one that doesn't have a screenplay written by him.

I enjoy ANH and RTJ but Empire is a better film than those.


I'm going to rebut the worst of these, though almost all of them are flawed.

15: It was never really show that the Jedi could do more than "pull" an object with the force. Luke's lightsaber, on his belt, was tangled up in the net just like he was. Asking someone to pull it out was the better option.

12: The EU built up the idea that Holonet was pretty well monitored by central government authority. You could make direct transmissions, but they were more limited. In either event, Obi-wan was living off the grid so someone would've needed to come to Tatooine on foot anyway to find him.

11: Hyperdrive and a starmap (since they even show Han and Leia poring over starmaps!). He draws the same conclusion they did, that Bespin was their only option, and uses his working hyperdrive to get there first, and call the Empire along to get there first too.


Why does Boba Fett even allow Han Solo to get to Cloud City? He sees them immediately after they detach from the Star Destroyer. Why not just signal the Empire at that moment?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's not a plothole, but Luke's rescue plan in RotJ was really fucking stupid.


when luke rescues leia in new hope he refers to obi wan as ben kenobi im not sure why leia would understand who he is talking about


when luke rescues leia in new hope he refers to obi wan as ben kenobi im not sure why leia would understand who he is talking about
You send a message out that you're trying to contact "Bob Rumpelstiltskin". Some guy breaks you out of prison a couple days later and says he's with "Bill Rumpelstiltskin". I think you'd know there's a connection.


well luke didnt at first lol
Uh, yeah he did. Like, immediately.

C-3PO: "He says that he is the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a resident of these parts and it's a private message for him. Quite frankly, sir, I don't know what he's talking about. Our last master was Captain Antilles. But with all we've been through, this little R2 unit has become a bit eccentric."
R2-D2: "(Blips)"
Luke: "Obi-Wan Kenobi, I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi."
C-3PO: "I beg your pardon, sir. But do you know what he's talking about?"
Luke: "Well, I don't know anyone named Obi-Wan, but old Ben lives out beyond the Dune sea. He's kind of a strange old hermit."
Who's to say that was the only archive? There could have been a backup archive somewhere. Why didn't anyone turn off the satellite dish anyways? Why did crashing a star destroyer into the gate disrupt the shield? Isn't that shields are for? TO STOP SHIPS FROM ENTERING THE PLANET??????
There's plot holes in everything.
This made me laugh but "why did the gate unlock when I shot the padlock? Isn't that what padlocks are for? TO STOP PEOPLE FROM ENTERING THE GATE??????"
You know there were two Death Stars, right?

"Many Bothans died to give us this information" was in regard to the second Death Star. Rogue One was about the first.

Of course that makes their mention of Yavin 4 wrong as well.
Yea, I know there's two, but they specifically say Leia getting the plans from the Bothans, which is wrong. Hence my point.

MC Safety

I'm glad my man Bobba Fett is getting the respect he deserves. The "he was just a cool toy" narrative is the worst

He wasn't even a cool toy.

He was the clone of a doofus who got killed by a blind guy with a stick.

Oh, and your man died kicking and screaming on the way down.


Junior Member
A lot of these are kinda dumb.

"12. STAR WARS DOESN’T HAVE EMAIL" -- The movie was made in 1977. In fact, even with the modern movies, we have to assume the technology in the Star Wars galaxy is based on World War II and Cold War ideas. This goes for how battles are fought in Star Wars too, since the original battle scenes were pretty much based on WWII reels. I remember watching New Hope in the 90's when someone told me Apache helicopters already had targeting systems more advanced than the X-Wings in that movie. Finally, Leia probably can't "beam" the plans to Yavin 4 because the Empire could probably intercept the transmission, leading them to Yavin 4 much sooner.

11. BOBA FETT SHOWS UP FIRST IN THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK -- We've established that Fett had a hyperdrive, Han didn't. I think viewers can just guess that Fett figured out where Han was headed, tipped off the Empire, and Vader set his trap because he wanted to use Han and Leia as bait for Luke. Tipping off the Empire is probably why Fett was still getting paid despite Vader being the one who set the trap.

8. THE DEATH STAR CHOOSES TO SPARE YAVIN IN STAR WARS -- We have no idea if the Death Star is capable of blowing up gas giants.

7. CONFUSING TIMELINES IN THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK -- The amount of time Luke spends on Dagobah is debatable. We don't even really have a good sense of how much time people spend traveling through space. You're not supposed to worry about it. In fact here's a bigger plot hole in Empire: How long did it take Han to get to Cloud City without his hyperdrive? Was it even in the same system? How far away was it?

4. LEIA SPONTANEOUSLY REMEMBERS HER REAL MOTHER IN RETURN OF THE JEDI -- I think on that one the audience is supposed to understand "It's the force, deal with it."

3. THE EMPEROR SUDDENLY KNOWS ABOUT LUKE AND LEIA IN THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK -- Given the amount of time that likely passed between New Hope and Empire, there are any number of ways Vader and the Emperor could have independently investigated the identity of the pilot who blew up the Death Star. At least one expanded universe story was written about it, and another more recent comic was written about it for the new canon.


I remember reading that Lucas original idea was for Luke to be a woman ... and lots of the things in the movie would make more sense if that was the case, like the luke/vader relationship, luke kissing leia and luke uncles not wanting him to go to the academy because it is dangerous


Why does Boba Fett even allow Han Solo to get to Cloud City? He sees them immediately after they detach from the Star Destroyer. Why not just signal the Empire at that moment?

The Falcon waited until the fleet left to power up. Fett probably banked on them floating away with the trash and just waited for them to head off. It's likely he didn't know they were there 100% before the fleet left.

I mean if you want to nitpick the scene, you can, but it definitely falls within a plausible threshold. It's like if the Imperial gunner had just done his job and shot the escape pod regardless of whether or not there were life forms aboard, then the problem would have been solved. Of course that would have made it a pretty short film.


I remember reading that Lucas original idea was for Luke to be a woman ... and lots of the things in the movie would make more sense if that was the case, like the luke/vader relationship, luke kissing leia and luke uncles not wanting him to go to the academy because it is dangerous

I don't follow?


I remember reading that Lucas original idea was for Luke to be a woman ... and lots of the things in the movie would make more sense if that was the case, like the luke/vader relationship, luke kissing leia and luke uncles not wanting him to go to the academy because it is dangerous

N... Not sure it I can make sense of that...


I remember reading that Lucas original idea was for Luke to be a woman ... and lots of the things in the movie would make more sense if that was the case, like the luke/vader relationship, luke kissing leia and luke uncles not wanting him to go to the academy because it is dangerous
I thought the original idea was for Luke to be an old man with robot arms, Han some kind of alien, and C-3PO a used car salesman.


With regards to #8 (Death Star should've blown up Yavin instead of going around), how do we know the Death Star doesn't have a significant recharge/cooldown time?

My biggest problem with the entire universe was that all the ships and stuff weren't real, just stop motion miniatures.
Why did Sheev call Yoda "my little green friend" and then try to murder him? Friends don't murder friends.


I know this is kinda unrelated, but Palpatine's name is fucking "Sheev"...wtf. That's as bad as Snoke.

Talking about star wars names ... basicaly every brazilian nerd KNOWS there a very trollish brazilian working with George Lucas...

To the point Count Dokuu even had his name changed to Dokaan in the dubbing because Dokuu reads as "do cu" which translates as "from the ass"

Other great Star Wars names that sound way too close to portuguese words to comfort are :
Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas - Se Fodia (self fucking)
Captain Panaka - Panaca (fool/idiot)
Planet Jakku - Jacu (either tacky or redneck)
Princess Amidala - Probably close in english too but Amídalas is a correct alternate spelling of amígdalas (Amygdala)
Jedi Master Ajunta Pall - junta Pau (get penises togheter)
FodesinBeed Annodue - Fode Sim (fuck yes, as in "please fuck" not the "fuck yeah" sense)



hold up hold up hold up


oh god this is my own private Berenstein


Why don't Jedi just choke/throw shit at/pick up and launch each other with the force all the time instead of fighting within melee range. Hell, get eight to ten lightsabers and just make them spin around your body like this at all times:


Jedi are the most unimaginative space wizards. Also, why don't they use their mind trick on every applicable species whenever the opportunity arises? It's like they want this to be difficult.

EDIT: Also, you're telling me Droidekas had extremely effective, portable personal shield technology decades before ANH and no one thought to make a version for human use at some point during that time?
If all the points are like that Boba Fett one then I think it's the author of that article that's a a bad writer. Like just watch the film and use your brain.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Ugh if every film that is considered good would have been picked apart and analysed like Star Wars has been you would come up with tons of other plotholes that nobody notices in their first five viewings.

if having a straightforward, flawless narrative is the hallmark of a "good movie" then the only good movies would be training & instructional videos
I like Star Wars but this is such a flimsy defense. There are thousands of critically acclaimed movies that have stories that stand up to scrutiny.


Well, it is a willfully bad decision made by Galen. He's trying to fuck over the Empire. So, he probably convinced them via some "This is a top secret project and these are sensitive documents. You store them on a private server, you'll never hear the end of it from the Space Republicans." or some shit.

Plus, the people in charge of the empire are largely stupid. Moff Tarkin, at the end of Rogue One, decided to
fire the death star on Scarif, destroying not only mostly just their own fleet (since the rebels on the ground were actually pretty few), but also the other archives stored in that data center. All purely to send one big fuck you to Krennic.

Good old stupidity and oversight make the original trilogy more enjoyable to me, at least. Luke's is going to dork out, the Empire will make mistakes. Nothing is perfect, and, I suspect, one of the reasons why the original trilogy is so compelling.

I liked how everybody in the Empire was a fascistic fuck in Rogue One and they kept stepping on their own dicks. That's relatable.


You can't think about this stuff too much. Given the fact that the Empire lost Starkiller base AND two Death Stars, the Emperor of the prequels is god-tier level. He somehow creates two huge armies (clone and droid) and manipulates the republic and Jedi through the most hilariously indirect path, but come Return of the Jedi he gets teamkilled by his best bud.


It's almost as if there were some higher power at play directing these characters actions and not allowing them to really think for themselves or act completely true to their natures...
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