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It's hard to believe that we're in 2017 and 60 frames isn't standard on consoles


Just for the record- you can turn down graphical settings on PC to achieve higher framerates. The Very High/Ultra/Max. stuff is there more for future-proofing/experimentation, usually.
I love Zelda BOTW and have no issue with its frame rate while playing. In fact, the only reason why I've noticed it is because it IS noticeable when transitioning from the locked 60 FPS of Mario Kart. Obviously, I would prefer all games be 60 FPS, but I'd much rather have the scope of BOTW on a handheld device than not have it all.
60fps doesn't look as good in screenshots and the developers can't brag as much about how Amazing their game looks to the general public who doesn't understand framerates.
Not really hard to believe. I will take games that look like Uncharted and Horizon at 30 fps all day over 60 fps.

I mean yeah, nobody is really championing the need for single player narrative driven games to be 60FPS. Competitive multiplayer driven games absolutely need to prioritize it.
Until the console manufacturers mandate that all their games run at 60 fps on their respective consoles, you simply will not get 60 fps as a standard. And I don't think we'll ever reach that point where these manufacturers will mandate 60 fps across the board. Because of that, it probably won't ever happen.


Just for the record- you can turn down graphical settings on PC to achieve higher framerates. The Very High/Ultra/Max. stuff is there more for future-proofing/experimentation, usually.

I just realized something ... I always assumed that turning down some graphics settings would always automatically up the framerate. Like in Ghost Recon I can run max but I run mostly very high because I want the smoothest frames possible but is that really the case? do all games automatically adjust this way?


I'm not sure a smooth 30fps is even a standard on consoles.
Yea this.. I'd rather have a smooth frame rate than nitpicking over if it's 30 or 60 fps..
I can notice the better frame rate sure, but 30 fps doesn't bother me the slightest if it's stable..


It shouldn't be hard to believe. 60fps doesn't sell, more graphical element does. Teams focus on what sells.


I just realized something ... I always assumed that turning down some graphics settings would always automatically up the framerate. Like in Ghost Recon I can run max but I run mostly very high because I want the smoothest frames possible but is that really the case? do all games automatically adjust this way?

Your best bet is too look up optimization guides for those specific games. Certain settings have minimal to seeing zero framerate hit while being noticeable to visuals/gameplay, where as others will eat up performance and not really make an impact to the naked eye. Like, in a sense that you wouldn't even know if so-and-so is there or not there unless someone told you.


Mah graphics need to be da best.
That mindset probably is why we still have 30 fps on consoles. 60fps is possible since ps3 but a lot of people want beautiful graphics.

Companies can also brag about nice looking games in marketing.

PS3? Try 32-bit era. Really, games have been rendering to the monitor refresh threshold since, well, games.

I feel like GAF is putting a lot of stock into that comment by Naughty Dog or Insomniac (I forget which) about people not caring about 60fps over effects. The inverse seems true: more marketing ROI seems to be done on the internet where 60fps videos are possible. Less and less broadcast ad time (25-29.97fps) is being bought outside mobile, and hobbyist press, where screenshots matter, is pretty keen to make a point of FPS and technical scene graph issues like pop-in, LOD, etc.

Personally, I think great looking games can be made with both fps targets in mind, and do agree with Miyazaki that 30fps is more cinematic and 60fps can feel off for certain titles and genres, but shooters and racers play significantly better at 60fps, and I don't see why Destiny 2 didn't target locked 60fps from the start.


wasn't star wars battlefront 60fps?

They had to compromise a 1080p resolution to achieve 60fps.

There's always compromises you need to do to achieve a target.

MGS V is a 60fps open world game but the maps are mostly empty and not very detailed. It was a commendable effort, for sure, but other open world games target a denser, more detailed world and that just can't be done if you want to target 60 on this current hardware generation.

Unless 60fps becomes a manufacturer mandate, more power will never guarantee 60fps as long as devs target better visuals.
Now that console GPU's are much more powerful, hopefully the CPU's will get a boost next gen so 60fps can be more common.

Although 30fps has never bothered me, I can happily play ganes at 30, 60 or 100+ it just doesn't bother me like it does some people.


There's nothing hard to believe about it

Your game running twice as fast is simply not feasible on some engines targeting some visuals

And it's not like you can't design your game around a 30fps limit


Agreed, the graphical gains you get out of targeting 30 fps don't even come close to making up for the decrease in smoothness.
We couldn't even progress to 1080p as a guaranteed standard this generation, so honestly fuck 60fps.

As much as I lurve my 60fps+ gaming [PC gamer primarily], I'm just used to never having it all when it comes to consoles.

But I mean, yeah... I do agree with you OP, I do prefer 60fps and I wish it was the standard.

But again, yeah... not going to happen - AAA gaming has gone the way of visual bells & whistles > buttery smooth framerates [for better, or for worse].


Junior Member
It's always going to be up to the developer on consoles. I don't think anyone is ever going to be able to enforce a resolution or framerate standard.

I just wish more developers would choose 60fps for action games, but even there most of the time the mainstream audience doesn't actually care. It hasn't really made a difference in sales for games like shooters as long as the frame rate is stable.
Lazy drive-by shitpost.

Please tell me how these lazy devs even bother to make games at all.

Yeah I hate "lazy dev" posts, developers put in a hell of a lot of time and effort into games, even ones that don't always turn out so good.

There seems to be a lot of keyboard warriors who seem to know how to make games better than the developers, maybe they should let them make games instead because every game will be 60fps then. ;)

The Goat

I'm a Pc guy mainly so I get my fill of 60 fps there but I still play consoles for games where more friends will play, and destiny 2 aside... How exactly isn't it simply a standard practice to achieve 60 frames in all games by now?

And the thing is this, the difference is huge from 30 to 60...absolutely huge. Now going from 60 to say 100 it is a little more of a situation where the gains aren't always going to be mins boggling huge, maybe for some and not others etc... But 30 to 60 is a must, it's a huge must and I just don't see why even guys like Sony can't make it mandatory especially with pro systems now.

Speaking of which why can't they make it a mandatory standard for games that release on their consoles?

I love 60 fps as much as the next guy, but a solid 30 fps works fine too. MP games, I understand that 60 fps plays better. There isn't a magic button that makes games 60 fps (or 30 fps for that matter). It's a balance between art, programming and design. Some devs want all the bells and whistles, so 30 fps get the nod. Sacrifices are made to achieve 60 fps, no matter what.

The Hermit

It harder to sell game with "60fps" as a feature, but everyone, even those who say don't notice the difference, tend to enjoy games with higher and more fluid framerate. Also they age much better.

Btw for PC 60 is actually low nowadays. Mine goes at 75 and I want to buy a 144 eventually.
It's hard to believe that we're in 2017 and there are people that don't get why the current year has nothing to do with it.

I mean eventually diminishing returns will force 60fps on the industry, but that's really far from happening.


It harder to sell game with "60fps" as a feature, but everyone, even those who say don't notice the difference, tend to enjoy games with higher and more fluid framerate. Also they age much better.

Btw for PC 60 is actually low nowadays. Mine goes at 75 and I want to buy a 144 eventually.

Yeah, 1080p/60fps/high for most games is old hat. 1080p/144fps and 1440p/60fps has/is becoming the standard for PC enthusiasts, to the point where anyone buying a new monitor should at least consider a 1440p display, if not 4K. (Not to mention Free/Gsync)

(I'll be on 1080p/60fps until my PC and monitor die in a blaze of glory yo)

A lowly G4560 + 1050ti combo will net you ~60fps average on many modern games at high settings (overclock sometimes necessary).


Ok, I gave it some further thought and I think devs need the option to be able to target between 30 and 60, it just gives them more options and room to breathe.

Let's say the console manufacturers all start enforcing a minimum of 60fps on their consoles. Right away that means some devs need to compromise on their game design. An ambitious game that uses technically advanced features may need to be cut down because otherwise the 60fps mandate can't be achieved.

Just ponder on the stuff you'd most likely be losing on if devs weren't be able to use the extra power that 30fps would provide.

It's not a black and white issue. 60fps is better but is not always the biggest benefit.
I can't believe we are in 2017 and people still expect a standard 60 FPS on consoles.
There's a reason movies like Fast 8 is making a billion and Moonlight barely registers. The average person is aiming for turning their brain off, not browsing Neogaf and digital foundry.


Im 100% with you OP.
60 fps is the real gamechanger, but somehow 4k got prioritized over it. I can understand it for movies... but games? FPS are critical for gameplay, which *would* be the most important aspect of any videogame.
I don't expect 60fps in every game on consoles but I do expect it in certain games such as online shooters.

Destiny being 30fps and a game of that scale using p2p is a joke considering how much money it makes plus the overpriced dlc.


Im 100% with you OP.
60 fps is the real gamechanger, but somehow 4k got prioritized over it. I can understand it for movies... but games? FPS are critical for gameplay, which *would* be the most important aspect of any videogame.

A lot of older 4k TV's can only do 30, IIRC. Plus resolution is mainly GPU-reliant, as are graphical stuffs...


The Amiga Brotherhood
If there's good motion blur as a number of games do have then it's OK and you have a much smoother looking game but if there's not like Destiny 2 then it's juddery hot trash.
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