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ITT: We play Steam games *WE NEVER INSTALLED BEFORE* for ~15-30 mins; review them


needs 2 extra inches
Good evening, fellow impulsive buyers.

The title and goal of this thread should be self-explanatory for most Steam users, but a quick summary wouldn't hurt:

I joined Steam roughly two years ago, and since then have added over 180 games to my collection. I've only installed 30-40% of those games, and only played a handful to completion. That's not something to be proud of, in fact it's an extremely bad habit that I need to work on.

I'm aware I'm not the only one suffering from this affliction. For years the running joke has been "buy Steam games during sales; never play them." Even Valve is aware of this, hence all the recent treasure hunts, egg gathering, coal mining, and ticket collecting meta-games. They want you to sample all those games you shoved to the corners of your collection.

This thread will serve a similar purpose. We will take the opportunity to try out different games, some might be known while others are so obscure even Valve forgot about or didn't bother to recommend. The goal is to try out as many games as possible, so that we can say with a straight that we played the majority of games in our collections.

The objectives are pretty simple:
  • Install a game you've never touched before.
  • Play for a short while.
  • Rate and review.

Here are some tips and guidelines to get you started:
  • Create a reasonable list of games you can commit to playing. I recommend creating a new library category. Observe...


  • Pick a number of games that weren't prioritized in your backlog. Avoid "Super Popular RPG III"and "AAA FPS 2" that you were planning to play in the near future, for greater justice. The same goes for daunting and tedious hardcore games, unless you're up to the challenge. In other words, don't kid yourself.

  • "15-30 mins" is merely a suggestion. Some people can get a good feel of an indie puzzler after playing for a period within that range, while other complicated or story driven games require more time. If you find yourself enjoying a game and wanting to play for an extended amount of time, then CONGRATS, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

  • The review could be a single sentence, or several paragraphs long. Just talk about whatever stands out to you, for better or worse. Speak your mind, no one is going to hound you or back-cover-quote-you. The rating should cover the quality of the game, but more importantly, the likeliness of you coming back to play it again. A 5/5 doesn't necessarily denote a perfect game, but one you're positive of revisiting in the future, now that you have a better idea of what it is about.

  • Adding screenshots or linking to videos is encouraged, but not required.

  • Chiming in, discussing other peoples takes or reviews, as well as giving out recommendations, are also appreciated. This doesn't have to be a list thread where every post is self-contained. Any form of discussion is welcomed.
    Example: Defending a game you've played thoroughly after being poorly received by other players in this thread. You can explain the merits of the game after the initial stages, and why they should stick to playing it. This should give some games a better fighting chance, and the fans the opportunity to contrast their own reviews of the games with ones featured here. (Just remember: play nice, keep it civil, and don't scare off potential participants)

Here's what everyone been up to so far: List of impressions sorted and updated by Toma.

Lastly, I want express how unsure I am of the success of such a topic. I was going to task myself of doing this on my own, but I thought why not share it, involve more people, if only to raise encouragement. Prove me wrong (or right?), Steam users.

And most important of all, have fun and enjoy your time.


Sounds fun. I got a few games from various bundles I haven't installed either, so I'll play them for a few and review.


I like this idea and will participate tomorrow. I certainly won't have trouble finding games on my list to try this on!
Faerie Solitaire

A lunch break with faeries?! Yes, it's possible. No need to wallow in mediocrity in the process of making your dreams come true. It's that good!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
This sounds like an awesome idea for a thread, but I'd rather not spend money just to post my thoughts on a game, and I don't buy games I don't intend to play immediately. (seriously, you guys who own games you've never played, there needs to be a Steamaholic support group for you guys)


This sounds like an awesome idea for a thread, but I'd rather not spend money just to post my thoughts on a game, and I don't buy games I don't intend to play immediately. (seriously, you guys who own games you've never played, there needs to be a Steamaholic support group for you guys)

I agree with the gist of this, but sometimes I'll buy indie bundles, or Steam bundles, and get a whole bunch of games I never planned to play.

I may join in. I've been clearing my PS3 backlog this week, and I've ploughed through most of the PS+ stuff (really, most of it is cack), so I'm moving on to my Steam games next.
This sounds like an awesome idea for a thread, but I'd rather not spend money just to post my thoughts on a game, and I don't buy games I don't intend to play immediately. (seriously, you guys who own games you've never played, there needs to be a Steamaholic support group for you guys)
I assumed OP was asking games found in backlog. A lot of them are from donation drive or part of a free promotion.


Okay, I'm in. Here's my list:


Got all of these in indie bundles (except Sequence, which was kindly given away by its creator on GAF a few months back -- what? I've been busy!) and I installed them yesterday (when they were officially added to my backlog), until that time I've not touched them.

Any suggestions on where to begin? I may also livestream me playing them if there's enough interest...


erotic butter maelstrom
I like this idea. There are definitely a few games I got through bundles or whatever that I've never even considered playing. When you hit the 100-200 mark, it's easy for lower profile games to get buried.

I started a new folder with the following games:

Blocks that Matter
Blueberry Gardens
Crayon Physics Deluxe
From Dust
Iron Grip: Warlord
Samorost 2
Time Gentleman, Please!

I may not last longer than 30 minutes with some of them, but that's better than never playing them at all.



Renegade Ops Review
Playtime: 15 minutes.

Explosions everywhere; I felt like a badass in this arcade-style shmup rampage point-grabbing madness that's hella fun and looks good.

5/5 (will play again).

Card Boy

I'm expecting heaps of reviews from Joe lol.

A Game of Thrones (RTS) Review
Playtime: 15minutes.

Feels like it was made in 1999. Graphics are piss poor bad.



Just an FYI, sAPI has a feature that will randomly select a game from your library (the dice icon). I use it sometimes when I'm at a loss for what to play. I do like this thread idea though, might inspire me to play some things in my library I wouldn't otherwise (stuff I got as a part of a bundle for example).

Crap...first game the dice roll picked for me was Sequence, which I've already logged 20 hours in and I've already 100%ed on achievements.


Love this idea, I have a ton of games from bundles and this gives me a reason to invest some time in them and move on.

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Playtime: 17 minutes

This game must be hell's version of Mario Kart; handling felt terrible; looked decent enough but couldn't keep me playing.



Spacechem - holy Avogadro did things get crazy quick. It's like chemistry and programming and insanity all would up into the most deceivingly complex puzzle game. I'll have to dive more into tomorrow but this is actually really fun to play.

stupid thread is helping me procrastinate :\


Binding of Isaac

So it looks fucking gross, but still cute. It's weird. But it's really addicting. I keep dying, and don't really understand what half the items do (the wikia page is helpful for that though)and the lack of proper controller support is a bit annoying.

Still... I really like it. A lot. The randomness, the HOLY SHIT I CAN FLY NOW?! and the heartbreak of dying and permanently losing said awesome flying ability until maybe I find it again is fun. Great game to waste some time with.

(just did this a few days ago... I hope this counts)

The Polynomial

Seems like a fun distraction of a game. It's pretty straight forward, no real risk/reward that would make me get really intense about it, but it's fun enough to spend some brief chunks of time with, I suppose.
You fly around in first person shooting at little pacman looking enemies that shoot at you. You can also pick up power ups, but they're not enough of game changers to do much of anything. The best part is how the environments alter with the changing of the music, and you can sometimes end up warping between levels.

I was only disappointed that I thought it would be like Audiosurf and use my own music. Oh well, the tracks they have are decent enough.

Give it a try for around $5 or less.


Okay, I'm in. Here's my list:


Got all of these in indie bundles (except Sequence, which was kindly given away by its creator on GAF a few months back -- what? I've been busy!) and I installed them yesterday (when they were officially added to my backlog), until that time I've not touched them.

Any suggestions on where to begin? I may also livestream me playing them if there's enough interest...

Wait, no I don't.


erotic butter maelstrom
Blueberry Garden.


Wow, I did not last long. First and foremost, it's an "artsy" game, but I guess you could describe it as a physics-based platformer. The problem is that it's extremely slow, and the controls feel terrible (plus movement with the arrow keys? come on, man). I had to stack some rocks or some shit to get over a ledge, then I ate some blueberries and nothing happened, then I fell down a hole and drowned. Admittedly, I didn't give it much of a chance, but I was already too bored and put off by the controls to go on. The hand drawn art is somewhat charming, but not enough to motivate me to press on.

Time played: 15 minutes
Will I ever play it again?: lol no

Hopefully I'll last longer with the next one.



Breath of Death VII Review
Playtime: 15 minutes

Funny and self-aware RPG game that's a steal for the price ($3!), but not as good as the other RPG (Call of Cthulhu) from the same developer, which comes with it in the bundle on Steam.

3/5 (may play again).
Just did this this weekend, actually with...


Total Play Time: 3 hours (over 3 days)


A pretty cool twist on a falling block game. A lot more depth in "set ups" than it initially seems. Some of the adventure mode levels are a downer though with too many gimmick rules (the gravity altering levels kind of suck for example).

Will Play Again?: Definitely. A great "appetizer game."

I'm in! I can do this.

Installing now and first up: Eets

Playtime: 20 minutes

Review: Pretty fun little puzzle platformer. Didn't get to any difficult puzzles in the first amount of time but it's a fun time-waster. Seems similar to games like Mario vs. Donkey Kong with a bit of The Incredible Machine mixed in.


needs 2 extra inches
(I'm glad people are responding well, I feared this thread was going to be a dud...)

Atom Zombie Smasher

Time played: 15 minutes. I was going to play some more if it wasn't for BSOD. Holy shit, I hope it's the game rather than my computer.

The game clicked right away with me. Very nice presentation for such a simplistic game. There was a good amount of game mode customization, which I appreciated since it allowed me to scale it for casual and quick play. The objectives were clear, the controls were simple, and the levels I cleared (4 so far) had a good pacing, in terms of revealing game mechanics and units. Yes, I feel like returning to this game.


(I'd give it a 5, since I liked it enough to restart it right away, but the GSOD scared the shit out of me :()


Legend of Fae

+Cute art style.
+Fun match three puzzle/Rock Paper Scissor style combat



shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Great idea for a thread. I'll pick something at random later and give it a try.

e: dammit Stump.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Great, will play more!


As mentioned before, great idea! Will post something better tomorrow, 3 a.m. is too late to install something new.


Great Idea for a thread.

Will pitch in later this week. I'm at 276 games on steam and have not played like 35% of my games either.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
This should be enough to start with:


You just made a list consisting of only games I've never heard of. Congratulations. I'd imagine that this isnt super easy to accomplish.

Edit: Except the Sideway one, if its that Sideway New York thing.



I am cheating and also including Blur and Revelations, games which I have installed within the past week, but still never actually played.

But I think I'll start with Stacking, a game that will probably justify how much I regret giving money to the Double Fine thing when I don't actually like adventure games.

Not seen in screenshot: Every telltale game that I have never played despite owning.

EDIT: A much more obtainable list of games that I will still probably never play but at least some are downloading.
Just did another one:

Game: Samorost 2
Playtime: 25 minutes


I never heard of this game before. I don't know how I got it and didn't even know what type of game was. I just installed it blind. It's a point and click adventure game on a strange alien planet. Very nice art and some clever enemies. However, I played for 25 minutes and only made it 5 screens in. The pixel hunt is pretty annoying. I got stuck on the second screen because I couldn't see the exact spot to click to go down a path. Similar problems of not noticing interactive objects on screens 3 and 4. A bummer because the production values seem nice.

Rating: 2.5/5

Will Play Again?: Maybe. It's a cool world but a tough sell due to the tedious pixel hunt. If interactive objects were highlighted somehow it would be be a huge improvement.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
We should find some sort of overall impressions rating for these games. Like highlighting games that most users rated 3/5 or better or something. Or even calculating an average score and then applying a ranking to the games, compiling them into a "Games that just might surprise you if you finally check them out"-list.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I am cheating and also including Blur and Revelations, games which I have installed within the past week, but still never actually played.

But I think I'll start with Stacking, a game that will probably justify how much I regret giving money to the Double Fine thing when I don't actually like adventure games.

Not seen in screenshot: Every telltale game that I have never played despite owning.

EDIT: A much more obtainable list of games that I will still probably never play but at least some are downloading.

Oh god, lol. The Void. Push that up front please, so I can read your quick impressions about it tomorrow :p
(I'm glad people are responding well, I feared this thread was going to be a dud...)

Atom Zombie Smasher

Time played: 15 minutes. I was going to play some more if it wasn't for BSOD. Holy shit, I hope it's the game rather than my computer.

It's not, it's the game. The dev ships some hacked video driver that overrides your system's installed one, and causes BSODs on some machines while supposedly fixing some problem on others. He apparently knows this happens, too.



Playtime: 30 min

Fun off road arcade racer. Game asks after every race if you want to explore the open world which I didn't know it had. I gave the open world a try and cruised around for a day in the game world but didn't see any point to keep doing so. Cranked the graphics to max and it still looks and ran well.

Game was fun but I don't see myself trying to complete the career mode.


erotic butter maelstrom



It's an 8-bit inspired platformer with an interesting twist: you make your way through levels using "Eversions", which alter the level in specific ways. One Eversion turns clouds into platforms, another makes blocks breakable, you get the idea. It's a clever idea that adds a puzzle twist to the platforming. The whole faux-retro thing is a bit played out, but I like the colorful visuals and the cheerful soundtrack. Overall it seems like a decent way to spend a few hours, I would have played longer but the part in the second pic with the giant hands was kind of a bitch so I bailed.

Time played: 23 minutes
Will I play it again?: Possibly. I won't uninstall it.


Hammerfight Review
Playtime: 25 minutes

I wanted to like it for its fun physic-based concept and smooth style, but the gameplay didn't hold up for me, which is the main draw for this admittedly interesting game.

2/5 (probably won't play again).

Playtime: 35 minutes

So I got Shank from one of the Humble Bundles a while back and its always looked interesting to me, but I never really bothered looking into it too much, so I was going in semi-blind as to what kind of game it would be. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. I mean the game isn't SPECTACULAR and I can see it getting a little repetitive, but its definitely fun and visually pleasing and I can see myself going back and beating it, doesn't seem like too long of a game. Although I could benefit from using a controller of some kind instead of keyboard controls, but tweaking the control config definitely makes it very playable.



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Time played: 23 minutes
Will I play it again?: Possibly. I won't uninstall it.

You'll be able to beat it rather quickly since its only 1-2 hours long. In case you wanted to know for finishing a game from your backlog.



Birth of America

Ultra-detailed, ultra-dry Revolutionary War game that's really just cognitive overload waiting to happen. The margin of error seems to be next to nonexistent. Fire Emblem and the like seem far more forgiving and less puzzley than this does at first brush.

Time Played: 15 minutes. Completed the Tutorial scenario. Understood next to nothing.

Will I Play Again: Maybe. This is the sort of game I'd love to enjoy, but really don't.
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