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Iwata explains the reasons of 3DS's price cut; gives it 4 months to resurrect


I think people are overemphasizing the issue of product confusion with the wii u. Nintendo hasn't started marketing the thing yet because its still too far out. When they start their ad push don't think they will repeat their mistakes with the 3ds as far as differentiating it from the ds line. I do wish Nintendo went with a different name but all they need is proper advertising to communicate that the wii u is a new console. Something like "all new, always on, always ready for U." or whatever to emphasize that its a new console, always online, and can be played without the tv or something.
artwalknoon said:
I think people are overemphasizing the issue of product confusion with the wii u. Nintendo hasn't started marketing the thing yet because its still too far out. When they start their ad push don't think they will repeat their mistakes with the 3ds as far as differentiating it from the ds line. I do wish Nintendo went with a different name but all they need is proper advertising to communicate that the wii u is a new console. Something like "all new, always on, always ready for U." or whatever to emphasize that its a new console, always online, and can be played without the tv or something.

Agreed. Better marketing and showing that it is a completely new console is key. I do think a name change would be better, though. But it isn't too big of a deal.
It should totally be called Wii2U

Also, I can't believe that even on Japanese ads there is usually a section saying that "3DS games don't work on a DS. You need a 3DS to work these games." It is crazy to me.


I don't think the WiiU "confusing upgrade vs. True Successor" siituation is quite as bad as it is with the 3DS (particularly since it's not even out yet!) but I think the potential for people to not really understand it as a brand new system is there. The "Wii X" name has applied to games and peripherals for years: Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Wii Music, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Play, Wii Play Motion, and the Wii Balance Board and Wii Zapper are all things that you use with the Wii. That makes sense. It also doesn't include the likely dozens of games that start with "We" in a thinly veiled attempt to cash in on that branding power.

Now there's going to be WiiU, and the reveal was focused almost exclusively on a brand new controller that they showed playing existing Wii properties, including Wii Fit, various Wii Sports and other Mii-focused minigames, and a game confusingly called, of all things, New Super Mario Bros. Mii. And this is after Nintendo has released a line of dual-screened handhelds called the DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL, and 3DS, all of which (sans the 3DS) are gradual upgrades of each other.

I think you have to admit that there's a massive potential for confusion as to whether the WiiU is a "new system" or not; nothing's set in stone, but when the ducks are lining in a row like so, and people have (rightly, IMO) criticized Nintendo for not clarifying the 3DS's identity as a "new system," I think it's natural to connect the dots and wonder if Nintendo will do the same for WiiU.


I think the games lacking anti aliasing is what gives them the older gen look. Sorry for causing a stir but yes it's the lack of filtering that make the games look bad. Ridge racer 5 on ps2 looks beautiful even today yet ridge 3d doesn't even come close. Luigi's mansion was amazing on gamecube but on 3ds not only does it look sparse, but it just looks messy. All I'm trying to say is there's just no excuse for the games to look the way they do. Especially first party offerings.


thirty said:
I think the games lacking anti aliasing is what gives them the older gen look. Sorry for causing a stir but yes it's the lack of filtering that make the games look bad. Ridge racer 5 on ps2 looks beautiful even today yet ridge 3d doesn't even come close. Luigi's mansion was amazing on gamecube but on 3ds not only does it look sparse, but it just looks messy. All I'm trying to say is there's just no excuse for the games to look the way they do. Especially first party offerings.
Did you play Luigi's Mansion at E3 and that's what gives you this impression?


Really? No but really? You look at Nintendo's own gameplay videos and can say truthfully that it looks better than the original? I'd like to know where the 3ds's specs lie compared to gamecube.


thirty said:
Really? No but really? You look at Nintendo's own gameplay videos and can say truthfully that it looks better than the original? I'd like to know where the 3ds's specs lie compared to gamecube.
I'm assuming you are responding to me. I think you should re-read my comment. I asked a question, I never said anything about the visual quality of any 3ds game or discuss the specs of the 3ds. If you're itching for an argument you should look elsewhere but if you'd like to respond to my question that'd be nice.
why doesnt nintendo do commercials during 3d movies? i thought thatd be a no brainer. it cant be more expensive than tv ads can it?
effingvic said:
why doesnt nintendo do commercials during 3d movies? i thought thatd be a no brainer. it cant be more expensive than tv ads can it?

The amount of people who would see those ads would be miniscule compared to general advertising, and the percentage of people who are part of the 3DS install base and see movies in 3D or own a 3D TV is probably even smaller than that.

Total speculation here of course.

The M.O.B

effingvic said:
why doesnt nintendo do commercials during 3d movies? i thought thatd be a no brainer. it cant be more expensive than tv ads can it?

Nintendo's whole mantra for the 3DS is "No Glasses Needed", i'm not sure how that would affect a room full of people wearing 3d glasses...

I don't think the theaters would like it since people would be like "WTF, why we gotta pay extra for these glasses when they shouldn't be needed in the first place."


Wow, this discussion has become just straight stupid. I love my Saturn but motherfuck guys, the 3DS is far more powerful than that.

I think the Wii U will be fine for marketing as long as they market it as a successor, thats going to be key honestly. I'm sure they learned from their mistakes on 3DS marketing. For the 3DS, they should market it as a multifunctional device that also does 3D. And show the graphics damnit! That would make it a clear differenator.


I really don't even see the point of the graphical discussion concerning the 3DS. I mean, it's definitely not the most powerful thing on the block, even relative to its size and market, but such a design is hardly odd for a modern Nintendo design. What I find more annoying about the device is that it's only defining feature is a gimmick. No new input method, nothing that really sets it apart from the original DS in that way (I don't count the nub as "new") - which I think is the biggest problem it has. It just seems atypical for Nintendo, and it's shocking that PSVita is more innovative with its inputs than the latest Nintendo handheld.


thirty said:
Really? No but really? You look at Nintendo's own gameplay videos and can say truthfully that it looks better than the original? I'd like to know where the 3ds's specs lie compared to gamecube.
In terms of raw horsepower, GCN eats it alive. It's a bit below PS2, in fact. However, it has more RAM than even the Wii, and supports shaders that are more advanced than the Wii and even the original XBox. Combine that with the fact that its rendering resolution is tiny, and it's pretty much impossible to place it in between any two systems.

teiresias said:
I really don't even see the point of the graphical discussion concerning the 3DS. I mean, it's definitely not the most powerful thing on the block, even relative to its size and market, but such a design is hardly odd for a modern Nintendo design. What I find more annoying about the device is that it's only defining feature is a gimmick. No new input method, nothing that really sets it apart from the original DS in that way (I don't count the nub as "new") - which I think is the biggest problem it has. It just seems atypical for Nintendo, and it's shocking that PSVita is more innovative with its inputs than the latest Nintendo handheld.
Yes, because a touchpad that you can't even see is clearly going to change handheld gaming forever.


I'm in the camp that thinks WiiU should just be named Wii 2 to avoid the identity issue the 3DS has now. People need to know it's the new generation of hardware immediately, rather than a revision.


BurntPork said:
In terms of raw horsepower, GCN eats it alive. It's a bit below PS2, in fact. However, it has more RAM than even the Wii, and supports shaders that are more advanced than the Wii and even the original XBox. Combine that with the fact that it's rendering resolution is tiny, and it's pretty much impossible to place it in between any two systems.
Thanks. Clears that up. Again I'll stick with my thought of the hurting factor being the lack of aa then. That and the combination of the low resolution screen when compared to other handheld devices today. I'll admit my Saturn comparison was off horsepower wise but again it's the lack of aa that brings the overall look of the games down.
Fantastical said:
Except that consumers won't think that it is the next console and just another throwaway peripheral.


BurntPork said:
Yes, because a touchpad that you can't even see is clearly going to change handheld gaming forever.

Great argument, you obviously served on the forensics team. First of all, I never said it would change handheld gaming forever, but it is something new and I feel it's already been shown to be put to good use in some launch games. Regardless, your current opinion on how useful it is or not wasn't the point, at least it is something new that could possibly be used in interesting ways (it is lined up 1:1 one with the screen itself, so that's how you use it without needing to actually look at it, btw).
BurntPork said:
In terms of raw horsepower, GCN eats it alive. It's a bit below PS2, in fact. However, it has more RAM than even the Wii, and supports shaders that are more advanced than the Wii and even the original XBox. Combine that with the fact that its rendering resolution is tiny, and it's pretty much impossible to place it in between any two systems.

I don't know if you guys have seen the Animal Crossing trailer, but it shows how advanced the shaders are pretty well.


teiresias said:
Great argument, you obviously served on the forensics team. First of all, I never said it would change handheld gaming forever, but it is something new and I feel it's already been shown to be put to good use in some launch games. Regardless, your current opinion on how useful it is or not wasn't the point, at least it is something new that could possibly be used in interesting ways (it is lined up 1:1 one with the screen itself, so that's how you use it without needing to actually look at it, btw).
I know how it's used, but from what I've seen it's a control gimmick and mostly serves the function of making up for Vita's missing buttons or giving a way to use touch without covering the screen. It Everything the pad does can be done on a capacitive screen, so it doesn't really add anything, while 3D actually can affect gameplay in unique ways if done right.

That's just my take. In all honestly, both needed something more, but in the end I couldn't care less. I just want my games!

Ellis Kim

I think that the faster that they
release a Smash Bros game for the 3DS, the better.

I also think that Mario Kart will help the 3DS's cause a lot. Mario Kart was the killer app on the DS, and I can't imagine it being any different on the 3DS.

Honestly, though, I don't understand why Nintendo even thought that the $250 price point was even acceptable from the beginning.

The 3DS will survive and eke out its own niche, I think, but with the onset and popularity of ipod touches, I just don't see a repeat of the DS's success. That GDC keynote didn't help Nintendo's case any, either.
It will be fun to see Nintendo try to juggle developing games for two system considerably more powerful than their predecessors. They struggled to put out games for the Wii and has taken them 3+years to release Zelda:SS. Now they have to support two new systems which has more competition than ever and their competitors have the resources and man power to pump out more games. Unless Nintendo's staff dramatically increases software could be the biggest trouble. Currently seems like most of their first party studios are working on 3ds titles and I don't see how they will have hardcore games ready for the launch of the Wii U


IMO 3DS customers are closer to hardcore then casual, they buy good games and they do their research. If you don't have enough games on your system they will not justify the purchase just for 3D. I hope this makes Nintendo more cautious with their Wii U launch(if they are going after hardcore that is) and have some games ready for the masses.

effingvic said:
why doesnt nintendo do commercials during 3d movies? i thought thatd be a no brainer. it cant be more expensive than tv ads can it?
If I were them I would show them before Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks 3D movies. Sony should do the same but probably for Action/Horror 3D movies. If I would have seen a 3D uncharted, or maybe Motorstorm commercial on the bigscreen I probably would have gotten a 3Dtv by now:/


neptunes said:
Let me get this straight, Iwata is hoping people will buy the 3DS purely on the new pricepoint and not because of the software?

If the software was there the price wouldn't have been an issue.

Was that true for the PS3 release?
sly2thefox said:
It will be fun to see Nintendo try to juggle developing games for two system considerably more powerful than their predecessors. They struggled to put out games for the Wii and has taken them 3+years to release Zelda:SS. Now they have to support two new systems which has more competition than ever and their competitors have the resources and man power to pump out more games. Unless Nintendo's staff dramatically increases software could be the biggest trouble. Currently seems like most of their first party studios are working on 3ds titles and I don't see how they will have hardcore games ready for the launch of the Wii U

I've been wondering for years, firstly, why their game output seems low (I can only assume I dramatically underestimate how much effort goes into simplistic games like Wii ___ or Brain Training), but also why Nintendo doesn't beef up their development staff or exclusive game lineup, one way or another.

Actually, make that "I wish they would" rather than "why don't they?". I can speculate the why just as well as anyone, but anyone familiar with Nintendo's business knows they have only the most casual of relationships with logic.
Apparently GamePro thinks the 3DS, a platform released just a few months ago, is toast.

Part of the problem was Nintendo's strategy: Nintendo arguably decided to hold some of its best games for the holiday season—effectively creating a dead zone for months where the 3DS was out of the news and lacking new software.
As more and more users flock to the cool new Vita or the more functional phone platforms, the 3DS is going to go quietly into that good night.

Woo boy.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
24FrameDaVinci said:

Part of the problem was Nintendo's strategy: Nintendo arguably decided to hold some of its best games for next year—effectively creating a dead zone for months where the DS was out of the news and lacking new software.
As more and more users flock to the cool new PlayStation Portable, the DS is going to go quietly into that good night.

Seems familiar...

The M.O.B

As more and more users flock to the cool new GiantBomb or the more functional NeoGAF forums, GamePro is going to go quietly into that good night.


'Credible' sources proclaiming the 3DS dead is actually genuinely entertaining reading material to me, because come holiday season they'll have to add a whole damn lot of clauses to their predictions. How they can be so short-sighted is beyond me.
electroplankton said:
I really ask to myself why people can't remember typical launch line-up? PS2 had just Tekken Tag, TimeSplitters and SSX during its first months worth to be bought, DS even less (surely not something as Ocarina or Dead or Alive). Why do people have a so scarce memory? We'll see when all the new console will be launched...

Outside of the Metroid Prime Hunters demo and Mario 64 the DS launch lineup was complete and utter manure. The 3DS, even with its rushed launch, had way more fun packed into the box and has easily had the better first four months -- in terms of the quality of software at least. The gamepro article is premature to say the least. I'd go so far as to say its retarded. We'll see.
radioheadrule83 said:
Outside of the Metroid Prime Hunters demo and Mario 64 the DS launch lineup was complete and utter manure. The 3DS, even with its rushed launch, had way more fun packed into the box and has easily had the better first four months -- in terms of the quality of software at least. The gamepro article is premature to say the least. I'd go so far as to say its retarded. We'll see.

In these first months I can actually see at least 5 titles that are worth attention (Zelda, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, Ghost Recon and The Mercenaries 3D) plus some games which may interest someone and are not totally bad (Samurai Warriors, Nintendogs, Pilotwings, Steel Diver, Ridge Racer). But this is true for almost every console launched in the past decade.
If you buy a console in its first months you cannot expect thousand of games, it's pretty obvious. Check the reality complaining videogamers (and journalists).


DS being out since 2004, people have forgotten how bad it was at launch. the 3DS is the first console to launch when its predecessor has sold 150m before its launch, sic years before, and is still selling very strong and has the biggest lineup for an handheld ever. Even the GBA has not all of these.

People even argue about the lack of RPG, the fist to come on the DS was quite late (was it FFIII) ?? We will got Tales of Abyss this fall. In fact, come november, the 3DS line up will eat the DS for gamers without hesitation. What will be missing is a true NEW killer ap for casual not based on past success.


rpmurphy said:
The Wii has not had one single hardware redesign or functionally-different SKU this generation.

They've had a lot of accessories though.

I thought Wii U was the name of the new controller. There was a ton of emphasis placed on the controller during the E3 show, so it was a quick conclusion and Nintendo did next to nothing to tell me otherwise. It wasn't until a few days later, after casually reading an article on the reveal, that I figured out it was a new console. I think they should name it Wii 2.


Unconfirmed Member
Paco said:
They've had a lot of accessories though.

I thought Wii U was the name of the new controller. There was a ton of emphasis placed on the controller during the E3 show, so it was a quick conclusion and Nintendo did next to nothing to tell me otherwise. It wasn't until a few days later, after casually reading an article on the reveal, that I figured out it was a new console. I think they should name it Wii 2.
I think the problem is less the title and more that Nintendo were trying to sell it as an expansion to Wii rather than a true successor. It's the same dumb strategy they were running with for 3DS, so with how that's turned out I'm sure they'll have a different approach when next we see Wii U.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Krev said:
I think the problem is less the title and more that Nintendo were trying to sell it as an expansion to Wii rather than a true successor. It's the same dumb strategy they were running with for 3DS, so with how that's turned out I'm sure they'll have a different approach when next we see Wii U.
Yep. The name alone is far from being a problem.


Krev said:
I think the problem is less the title and more that Nintendo were trying to sell it as an expansion to Wii rather than a true successor. It's the same dumb strategy they were running with for 3DS, so with how that's turned out I'm sure they'll have a different approach when next we see Wii U.

Maybe so. It will be interesting to see how Nintendo adjusts their marketing strategy this fall/holiday with the 3DS after such a miserable launch...may be telling of how they approach the Wii U.
I get why they're not calling it Wii 2. It doesn't convey the new aspects of the console, the wireless streaming, the new controller etc. It also makes it sound like a new iteration of a console that perhaps not everyone was happy with by the end of its life... they explained the "U" thinking as saying to those who didn't like Wii - "this is for you too".

In that case, I think they should just call it U. Keep the blue logo that represents the controller and screen, and prefix it only with Nintendo. Nintendo U. Slap bullet points on the box about HD etc, and a sticker saying it plays your old Wii games.

I'd prefer another name entirely if I'm honest. I thought Striim and Beem were both better names than what they settled on. I do think they can make it work if they don't fudge the marketing as they did on 3DS though.


Krev said:
I think the problem is less the title and more that Nintendo were trying to sell it as an expansion to Wii rather than a true successor. It's the same dumb strategy they were running with for 3DS, so with how that's turned out I'm sure they'll have a different approach when next we see Wii U.

Maybe they'll rename it to Woo. O is the "sequel" it i. The could even haul out the old "Fun Machine" slogan. WOO! The fun machine!


paid requisite penance
Not nearly everyone here believes that Nintendo's move and the tepid launch of the 3DS is due to the advent of iOS games.
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