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James Bond 007 | OT | The name's Bond, James Bond

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Both Dalton movies are very good despite them going in different directions, I personally favour TLD because it's one of the few films to hit all the Bond tropes successfully (well, maybe not in the villain department) but LTK is a wonderful diversion and I wish more Bond movies were like it.

I have seen all of the Daniel Craig films but recently wanted to watch some more Bond. Started with From Russia With Love and then Goldfinger - both which I really enjoyed.

Question for you guys, should I watch them all in order? Or is there another good way to go about them?

Depends how much time you want to sink into the series, if you are going to skip some I'd say: Thunderball, YOLT, OHMSS, LALD, TSWLM, FYEO, TLD, LTK, GoldenEye. And maybe think about going back to Dr No, that'll be a step back from the two movies you've watched but it's an important milestone.


sparkle this bitch
Living Daylights is the best classical Bond film since Thunderball, which I would only put behind it and From Russia with Love.

License to Kill did what Casino Royale did 20 years earlier. Definition of too soon.
I have seen all of the Daniel Craig films but recently wanted to watch some more Bond. Started with From Russia With Love and then Goldfinger - both which I really enjoyed.

Question for you guys, should I watch them all in order? Or is there another good way to go about them?

If you are intent on watching them all, do it in order. I think it's less stylistically jarring that way, as you can see how they evolved, and see what they were going for. I maintain that half or more of the purpose of the Moore films is stunts and set pieces. Recall that this was before the huge action movie boom of the 80s.
License to Kill is way, way better than Living Daylights.

Embrace your contrarian Bondism. The Bond movies most frequently derided are some of the best imo, while some of the more lauded titles have me scratching my head wondering if I saw the same film.

I suppose I'm in the same boat, as I found the frequently lauded Goldeneye to be just fine. A step down from the Dalton outings in fact.
Living Daylights is the best classical Bond film since Thunderball, which I would only put behind it and From Russia with Love.

License to Kill did what Casino Royale did 20 years earlier. Definition of too soon.

You're so right, I've watched Living Daylights repeatedly over the past couple of years and it's really a great film with a lot of unique ideas, It's becoming my go-to bond film to put on while working on stuff.

Licence to Kill is a ton of fun but it's a product of the 80's through and through, and I can't help but laugh at Benicio del Toro's character every time he's on screen because he looks and sounds ridiculous (we gave her a nice honeymoooooooooooon). Also I think people forget that there are literally ninjas in the film. Regardless I still enjoy it and it was the film to initially turn me around on Timothy Dalton and got me to give the Living Daylights another shot years ago.
Someone explain to me how Eon can cast a quintessential Bond in Pierce Brosnan and then give him movies that rank with Roger Moore's worst.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Someone explain to me how Eon can cast a quintessential Bond in Pierce Brosnan and then give him movies that rank with Roger Moore's worst.

After watching all the Brosnan bond films back to back, it truly is baffling. They get progressively worse as they go along, and they start stripping away good elements.

The Living Daylights is more definitely a top Bond film. I need to rewatch License to Kill when I get a chance. I remember not caring for the opening scene at all. It's too much for me, even for a Bond film.

I attempted to give some Moore era Bond a watch this past weekend. Thanksgiving leftovers and Octopussy are the cure for any sleep disorders. I passed out during the clown scene, instant coma.
Pam Bouvier >>>>>>>>>>>>>



The Living Daylights is the fucking bomb. It's Goldeneye-quality years before Goldeneye, but with a more serious Bond.

I have no idea how License To Kill happened after that. Must've been a huge budget cut.


Someone explain to me how Eon can cast a quintessential Bond in Pierce Brosnan and then give him movies that rank with Roger Moore's worst.

Quintessential in this case is not a good thing. All the Bond actors before and after him have brought their own take on Bond with them. Not Brosnan - he's a Bond cliche.

He's fine, but it was inevitable filmmakers would have little left to do with him other than increasingly absurd action setpieces.


Someone explain to me how Eon can cast a quintessential Bond in Pierce Brosnan and then give him movies that rank with Roger Moore's worst.
Brosnan was so good. Best bond, bad films.

If only he'd been in Casino Royale, instead of the angry baby face man.
Quintessential in this case is not a good thing. All the Bond actors before and after him have brought their own take on Bond with them. Not Brosnan - he's a Bond cliche.

He's fine, but it was inevitable filmmakers would have little left to do with him other than increasingly absurd action setpieces.

This is pretty much it, I think.

He feels more like a stereotype of Bond than "real" Bond, if you know what I mean.


I wish Dalton had done Goldeneye instead of Brosnan.

He deserved more flicks.

Oh how much I wish this had happened.

Brosnan always felt like he was phoning it in to me, he had the "look" so didn't need to do much else, where Dalton had read all the Fleming novels and wanted to add some layers to the character.


I wish Dalton had done Goldeneye instead of Brosnan.

He deserved more flicks.
That's true too, but at least he got two decent ones.

I think Brosnan added nuance to his performances, espeacially in GE and TWINE, he did the 'pain of the job' part well in an understated way. He was also capable of cheeky humour

Craig is good too, just like Brosnan his films keep getting worse as they go along, but in a different way (Brosnan'a films went broad cheese, the latest aeries has devolved into ham-fisted grand-wank)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Rewatched Licence to Kill. Solid Bond movie, easily among the better films. Pam is a stellar Bond girl. Looks amazing and is useful from start to finish.

What takes it down a notch is the first scene and the last scene. It's bookended by these really silly and tonally odd moments. The drug cartel gun fight into a wedding drop-in just doesn't work for me. And the ending is a mad rush to give Felix a happy ending even though his wife is dead and he's been mutilated, in addition to resolving the love triangle.

Dalton still hit it out of the park both times.
License to Kill is a fine movie, but it's such a formula, by-the-number "deep cover" movie that it really stands out as unlike other Bond movies.

The incredible thing to me is how closely so many of these movies follow the same formula. The best of all of them is Miller's Crossing.
Pam Bouvier >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Third hottest Bond girl.

The first two being Olga Kurylenko and Famke Janssen.

License to Kill is a fine movie, but it's such a formula, by-the-number "deep cover" movie that it really stands out as unlike other Bond movies.

The incredible thing to me is how closely so many of these movies follow the same formula. The best of all of them is Miller's Crossing.

Damn, now I want a Coen-directed Bond movie.

Miller's Crossing is an incredible movie.
Quintessential in this case is not a good thing. All the Bond actors before and after him have brought their own take on Bond with them. Not Brosnan - he's a Bond cliche.

He's fine, but it was inevitable filmmakers would have little left to do with him other than increasingly absurd action setpieces.

You know I didn't think about it before but this is a good point.

Rewatched Licence to Kill. Solid Bond movie, easily among the better films. Pam is a stellar Bond girl. Looks amazing and is useful from start to finish.

What takes it down a notch is the first scene and the last scene. It's bookended by these really silly and tonally odd moments. The drug cartel gun fight into a wedding drop-in just doesn't work for me. And the ending is a mad rush to give Felix a happy ending even though his wife is dead and he's been mutilated, in addition to resolving the love triangle.

Dalton still hit it out of the park both times.

The funny thing is I actually considered The Living Daylights to be tonally inconsistent one.

The dock worker smothering her boss with her tits, the pipeline bobsled, THE GHETTO BLASTER, that Gilligan cut when Bond goes to retrieve the cello, his skiing car, the cello sled, Whittaker in general.

It felt obvious to me they wrote it before knowing exactly what tone they were after.


I feel like the first Bond movie a Bond actor does is usually their best. I would say FRWL was better than Doctor No and maybe TLD>AV2AK but otherwise this holds true IMO.

I really think their should also be a strict 3 movie limit per Bond actor. The beyond the third films things always seem to get derivative or forced.

Also, the lack of an Elon Musk inspired villain is just ridiculous at this point. It may be obvious, but it is so right. How do you take down somebody who is loved by the public or at least in the public eye. I think that is a relevant starting point for a new villain.

I also think Russia should be brought back into the fold as their covert (and overt) involvement has steadily increased in the last decade. Maybe foiling a Russian operation to place agents in US/UK government.

Also, they need to ditch any plot point centered on computer hacking as if it is a staple of modern times. Not saying it should be totally excluded, but it needs to settle down.
Also, the lack of an Elon Musk inspired villain is just ridiculous at this point. It may be obvious, but it is so right. How do you take down somebody who is loved by the public or at least in the public eye. I think that is a relevant starting point for a new villain.

Didn't stop them with Steve Jobs



This is pretty much it, I think.

He feels more like a stereotype of Bond than "real" Bond, if you know what I mean.

I think that's kind of what was needed though. Brosnan was safe but he was a great mass market Bond to try and get things rolling again after the hiatus and the mixed reception to License to Kill. He did have his moments and touches though. I enjoyed the boyish charm he brought to role(Tomorrow Never Dies parking lot scene for one) and the darker moments like his waiting for an assassin in his hotel room in TMD and taking out Elektra in TWINE.

He may not have excelled at any one thing but he was still comfortable at doing whatever the role required from the more serious elements to the sillier stuff. Dalton for example never seemed comfortable with the romantic, womanizer side of Bond
I dunno where I came across this article, but someone wrote an interesting piece about where the next Bond would be in terms of world events:

The Independent: How Donald Trump and Brexit will affect James Bond

James Bond will likely next grace cinema screens towards the end of 2018.

Whether he will inhabit a filmic world in which the UK is no longer a member of the European Union and Donald Trump is the US president is yet to be seen – but if so, what a different world it will be. Bond’s mission is likely to involve the navigation of an increasingly porous Europe, vulnerable to malign influences from a resurgent Russia. The UK’s cyber-security defences face further challenges as industrial espionage and military and intelligence hacking intensifies. Bond is going to have his work cut out for him.

Since Bond is British, Brexit and the contemporary backlash against globalisation seem the most obvious things to consider. The ramifications of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the disillusionment with neo-liberal globalisation will certainly alter the way in which he is able to move and execute his secret missions in both subtle and not so subtle ways.

It's an interesting read

This sense of unease with the UK-US relationship is sure to only increase with Trump as president. He may prime his administration to insulate and isolate the United States from forms of globalisation that are antithetical America’s recovery to “greatness”. America (as represented through the CIA) may well not want to work with Bond/M16 and share its resources and intelligence as part of a new directive to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Leiter could be told in the future not to share intelligence with Bond because America needs to protect its interests first and foremost.

So in a world without the security of an Anglo-American connection in addition to the degradation of European partnerships, Bond’s role is likely to look very different. Will Bond still fight for global security or be repositioned more and more as a lone hero who fights for Britain and its safety in a post-globalised world? It might be too much to think that Bond could make Britain “great” again but he could help to stop a further “slide” down the international pecking order.
I feel like the first Bond movie a Bond actor does is usually their best. I would say FRWL was better than Doctor No and maybe TLD>AV2AK but otherwise this holds true IMO.

The Living Daylights was Dalton's first, AV2AK was Moore. I think you got your wires crossed there.
I hope they just say fuck it and make the main enemy of the next film the American government spearheaded by an increasingly unhinged President Trump.

This would be amazing.

Have the main villain be the Man Behind The Man:


Played by Daniel Day Lewish in There Will Be Blood mode
I'm going to be generous and say the first 30 minutes of Die Another Day is tolerable.

Sure, it looks like shit (like the rest of the film), the action is cut to shit and poorly staged, and the Madonna song is FUCK AWFUL, but it's passable.

The rest? Holy shit what a nadir for the franchise. It's James Bond by way of Asylum films. A (not-so) shining monument that maybe the collective intelligence of the human race has been on the upswing, because I refuse to believe something like this could be green-lighted now. I haven't seen such shoddy big budget franchise film-making since Batman and Robin.

I need an injection of Casino Royale immediately.


I'm going to be generous and say the first 30 minutes of Die Another Day is tolerable.

Sure, it looks like shit (like the rest of the film), the action is cut to shit and poorly staged, and the Madonna song is FUCK AWFUL, but it's passable.

The rest? Holy shit what a nadir for the franchise. It's James Bond by way of Asylum films. A (not-so) shining monument that maybe the collective intelligence of the human race has been on the upswing, because I refuse to believe something like this could be green-lighted now. I haven't seen such shoddy big budget franchise film-making since Batman and Robin.

I need an injection of Casino Royale immediately.

I've always felt that Die Another Day's initial premise is fucking cool, it's such a bummer it gets dropped after barely ten minutes. I would have loved a movie where Bond gets captured in North Korea after a failed assassination plot, and is subsequently disavowed by MI6 and the British government. He then has to somehow escape whatever prison camp he's in and decide whether to make a break for the Chinese border or the DMZ, relying solely on his training as a 00 agent - no gadgets, no fancy cars or weapons, etc. I think it could have lead to a really unique entry in the franchise.
Well I've finally done it. I've watched every James Bond film Eon has ever released.

I wish Spectre was a better note to go out on but I can scratch this off my bucket list.


I'm not the biggest watcher of Bond, but I recently watched all of the Craig movies. I really like Casino Royale, although I feel that the movie after the casino and the interrogation scene takes a dive for the worse. Skyfall is my favorite Craig movie though.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
How would you guys fix some Jimbo movies?


1. Remove the "this never happened to the other guy" line
2. Remove the scene of him taking all the shit out of his desk with the music from each previous movie playing.
3. Remove the fried chicken garbage.
4. Change it so that the Bond theme doesn't immediately start blaring during the credits, that is a massive tonal shift from the end of the film and makes no sense.
How would you guys fix some Jimbo movies?


1. Remove the "this never happened to the other guy" line
2. Remove the scene of him taking all the shit out of his desk with the music from each previous movie playing.
3. Remove the fried chicken garbage.
4. Change it so that the Bond theme doesn't immediately start blaring during the credits, that is a massive tonal shift from the end of the film and makes no sense.

Change Bond's cover so that he isn't pretending to be gay.
Make the plot extracting secrets from world VIPs' wive, not brainwashing them.
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