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James Damore lawsuit: Fired engineer sues Google

Oh god there he goes with all the bold text... he's in full irrational/sjw mode again...

You claimed women gets paid less then men for the same work and never provided evidence, then called me all kinds of names for pointing out that lack of evidence. At least flat earthers TRY to be convincing with their bullshit...
Are you done trying to deny reality, you misogynist?

Like, holy crap it's literally the first result in "women paid less for same job" on google.

I like how I first link to a detailed study showing how women across the board are paid less then men, but because of the wording I used he tried to make me seem like a liar.

And how cute, he called me an "SJW", AKA I have political views to the left of Hitler.
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Are you done trying to deny reality, you misogynist?

Like, holy crap it's literally the first result in "women paid less for same job" on google.

I like how I first link to a detailed study showing how women across the board are paid less then men, but because of the wording I used he tried to make me seem like a liar.

And how cute, he called me an "SJW", AKA I have political views to the left of Hitler.

(this part was deleted because lol "And protip, using "SJW" as a slur is yet more Nazi rhetoric.")
There is just so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to start... Let's attempt shall we?
-Trying to discredit me by calling me a mysogynist, despite the fact that I've never said anything that would lead any rational person to come to that conclusion
-Using the first clickbait article google shows as evidence
-Claiming I called him a liar
-Claiming that "the wording I used" being wrong is somehow not the exact same thing as being wrong
-Claiming SJW has anything to do with political views and not posting style(for example, doing everything I listed above)
-Claiming the use of the term SJW is "Nazi rhetoric" and a slur

And more importantly, the article itself which STILL does not prove that women get paid less for the same work. From the article:
"There are two elements holding down women’s salaries.

Firstly, there is the glass ceiling effect. This is where women are unable to break through to senior positions. The second more jarring aspect is direct on-the-job discrimination. That is, paying women less than men for the same work but this is often hard to prove. Salary is a function of a range of factors, from experience, to capabilities through to knowledge."

If women aren't working senior positions, they aren't doing the same work now are they? Also, how can someone make the claim that on the job discrimination is a factor and then say it's hard to prove in the same breath? Either it's provable and it's a factor, or it's not provable and it's not a factor. Pick one... keeping in mind such discrimination is illegal, and if women are automatically paid less than why would anyone hire men?
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Both sides do not make valid points. One side here is objectively and morally wrong.

The Wage Gap is so plain and obvious, clearly visible from raw numbers that anybody denying it is doing it because they don't want it fixed.

Because they want women to be paid less.

Because they're sexist.

And no, it's not that women choose to take less paying jobs. Jobs that women take become less paying. Like in most of the world, doctors are a high paid profession.

Except in Russia, where the majority of doctors are women.

So I'd agree that the jobs women choose are paid less on average, but it's plain to see that this has carried over from decades and decades of tradition and normality, guess what, everyone here will agree that people were incredibly sexist in the 60's and earlier. And the systems and societal norms put in place then carried over to now. That doesn't mean that a CEO for a company who has the power to raise pay to his nurses in his private hospital is a sexist pig. The CEO has to deal with the market realities of today and stay competitive.

When you account for the exact position, hours worked, seniority (time in the position/with the company), and performance-based bonuses; the wage gap shrinks a lot, suddenly it's more like 95 - 97%. Now to your point, this is still bad, and as a society we definitely need to refocus efforts into paying traditionally female-dominated careers more, much more. And I'm sure some managers and business owners really are sexist and really do hold women in their employ "down", but it's not a sexist conspiracy, and the entire wage cap can't be accounted for by "because they don't want to pay women because they're sexist".


And notice the lack of name calling in this post.

And hey, would you look at that, valid points from both sides.
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Are you done trying to deny reality, you misogynist?

Like, holy crap it's literally the first result in "women paid less for same job" on google.

I like how I first link to a detailed study showing how women across the board are paid less then men, but because of the wording I used he tried to make me seem like a liar.

And how cute, he called me an "SJW", AKA I have political views to the left of Hitler.
I seen the “study”, however I don’t see where if accounts for the many factors that cause pay differences. And there are many factors.

1. Education
2. Previous experience

Those are just 2 huge factors that I can’t seem to find in that article. If I missed it, would you kindly point it out.


Are you done trying to deny reality, you misogynist?

Like, holy crap it's literally the first result in "women paid less for same job" on google.

I like how I first link to a detailed study showing how women across the board are paid less then men, but because of the wording I used he tried to make me seem like a liar.

And how cute, he called me an "SJW", AKA I have political views to the left of Hitler.
6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die

That beside there is a small gap of max 7-9 Cents but not your fantasy 20 or even 27 cents. This gap can be explained with women not wanting to negotiate more for their wage like man do. Why? I do not know however I believe what we need to do is to encourage women more instead of trying to hammer than day after day how oppressed they are here and how terrible men and society is to women. If would her this on a daily bais my confidence would also be damn low thats for sure.

As for your doctor example: There are different fields here. Like already meantioned surgeons earn way more than normal doctors. Women who in general chose more social jobs are going for this field but rather a doctor and this is a field that is not as paid well as lets say a surgeon.

But in the end this has nothing to do with this thread but If you want to open a thread about it I would glady discuss this with you and other people.
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The guy is misguided, but I don't think he's bigoted. I think Google was wrong to fire him, unless he had a history and this was simply the last straw. Personally, I hope he gets a decent settlement, but I highly doubt it.


Google did not take anything from white males. They added new programs for women and minorities.
As with Lego (except she didn't care about skin color of boys) and it has been said already at least twice. You still keep repeating the same beaten argument.

White men already have these programs innately, they're mixed into the company DNA.
There are programs I can enroll my daughter in, but not my son. What the hell is the "company DNA" and how do I apply my kid for it?

...and as a society we definitely need to refocus efforts into paying traditionally female-dominated careers more, much more. ...
How does that work in a capitalist system?

Your link is to an article titled: "On Course To Miss 2020 Climate Targets, Germany Opts To Scrap Them".
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Well, there's a lot of good scientific evidence to that end. Men have much more naturally occurring testosterone which is a driver of interest and mastery in humans. There are many studies to this end.

But his conclusion isn't "oh well", it's to promote blind hiring that would benefit women should factors change and increase their numbers in the field.

He's against forcing equal representation when there's not equal interest.
So you are on the side that women are simply not "wired" to work in the tech industry except for unusual circumstances, but, men are just naturally wired to work in the tech industry? Is that why women are just not interested?

Differences in preferences and abilities among men and women is a scientific fact, where are you reading "inferior" in it? There are fields where women outperform men (such as linguistics) on average and vice versa (e.g. geometry) and indeed, given the differences, it is strange to expect equal representation of both genders across all fields. Tech industry gets highlighted for some reason, but there are huge gender misparities all over the place, many of them dominated by women, e.g. HR department.

Yes, men run faster and women communicate better. Seems to me that great communication is a highly valuable trait in a group project. How are women just predisposed to be not good at tech?
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Yes, men run faster and women communicate better. Seems to me that great communication is a highly valuable trait in a group project. How are women just predisposed to be not good at tech?

No one really says they are not good in tech. Example women normally outclass men these days in math. It is just they are not as interested and invested in tech and mechanical jobs but rather prefer jobs which require more social skills. Medcine, laywer, healthcare, teacher etc.
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