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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer


Question about this though, how do you tell if they're low on health?

Or is it on enemies considered physically weaker?

Does it only happen on their death?

I'm just a bit confused as to the mechanics.

I just hit 'em a couple of times and then spam the capture power at them. Usually you can get a feel for how many hits a dude takes to die, just hit him one less. Its not like you "lose" the pokeballs, as long as you have the power equipped you will start the level with 10 uses or whatever. I got a bunch of idols like this. I also died a number of times trying to get idols like this, forgetting I had set the level for, like, 7.5 or something like that.

@ kevincow - Holy shit yes, they are freaking FAST. Maybe the whole point is that if you try and "open" one you get punished no matter what? Are you allowed to damage them whilst they are still closed?


Definitely have mixed feelings so far about this game.

On the one hand, I absolutely love the charm of the enemy designs, the parody like nature of the game, all the optional content to seek out, and surprisingly, the multiplayer.

On the other hand, the main campaign really isn't doing much for me. Sure, I love the world and the dialogue, but the actual gameplay seems really repetitive, and on the harder difficulty setting, the controls really start to show their flaws. I know I'm not half way through the game yet, but it's harder and harder to pick up and play for me.

Still enjoying it for the most part, but I think this would have possibly been one of my favorite games if it had truly supported the CPPro

Did you try out the control set up I posted earlier? I find it makes it a lot easier to manage

I shall now fix the stylus controls for everyone having issues with them.




Now for Air Battle

Slide the bottom bar all the way to the second to last white line on the left under the P on "stop quickly"

For the cursor aka the top bar slide it all the way to the right.

Now for Ground Battle

Slide the bottom bar to the second to last white line on stop slowly, this makes it so you don't have to flick much and have much greater control over the camera. Unless you want to do a hard 180 then you flick hard, this lets you control your turning more easy.

Next change your Horizontal aiming to just above the O in slow, you actually don't use the full screen to aim in this mode, the cursor is boxed in a invisible bounding box this lets you control the small area you are in better.

Next change your vertical aim to max speed. Shit likes to come at you from above, the vertical aim box on this is actually bigger than the horizontal, so not having to move much to cover more space is a great thing.

Try this out for about 10 minutes in training or act 1 or 2 and get back to me with how you guys feel now.


How the fuck are you supposed to not get kicked by the chests with legs? It doesn't seem to matter when I dodge, I always get caught in their stupid fucking flurry of kicks and they take like half my goddamn health.

They are terrible. Their lightning legs take off a third of your health. I always try to run around the geometry to confuse them.


They might indicate whether you completed the level in one shot, with no continues.

Yes, if it's Green, then the only times you've completed it were when you died.
If it's Gold, you beat it without dying at least once.

Also, just got through Chapter 9.
That was some great stuff, but I only managed to do it at 6.0...

Tons of Powers all over though.
Also Hades is incredible


Oh yeah I wanted to ask about this! I got a SpotPass this morning but I don't know where to go within the menus of the game to find out what I got! Can someone help me?

It's in the streetpass menu even if you got it via spotpass. And it cost many hearts to convert down to an actual weapon!

Do we know if some cards are rarer than other ones? Anyway I just set all of mines on ebay.

I'm enjoying the game a little more now compared to two days ago. Land controls will definitely be the main con of the game, too bad. It can't work like that, it was somehow the same problem with Subspace Emissary in Brawl. Sakurai needs to be more carefull to provide an equally good experience in all the modes/control schemes next time.

boiled goose

good with gravy
nintendo should have really implemented dual analogue for the game.
people interested in superior controls will try all the options. (and people have different tastes)

the controls will be a barrier for some, why not remove this barrier?

truly a shame. Same as with DKCR on the wii.


Is there a weapon fusion chart anywhere? I've started writing down some combinations and I might throw it into a spreadsheet for personal use, but if someone's already done the work I'd happily use that. I just want to be able to find the right fusion paths to get my high power and good bonuses onto weapon types I like.


Super Protip Tech for chapter 13 boss:
Autoret power.
Works in the dark.

I'm a total whore for Palm and Oribitars. LOVE my reaper palms.


Is there a weapon fusion chart anywhere? I've started writing down some combinations and I might throw it into a spreadsheet for personal use, but if someone's already done the work I'd happily use that. I just want to be able to find the right fusion paths to get my high power and good bonuses onto weapon types I like.

there will prolly be one once the strategy guide gets released


Is there a weapon fusion chart anywhere? I've started writing down some combinations and I might throw it into a spreadsheet for personal use, but if someone's already done the work I'd happily use that. I just want to be able to find the right fusion paths to get my high power and good bonuses onto weapon types I like.

I noticed that when fusing Weapon Type A with Weapon Type B, it'll always result in Weapon Type C, so I made this chart. I guess someone somewhere might find it useful somehow.


There were a few combinations I couldn't do. Since all the other weapon types have 5 ways to make them, I assume that three of the blanks are cannons and the last one is a club.

My Meteor Bow kicks such ass. Great at a distance and it does amazing damage for a bow up close.
Added speed kicks lots of behinds in multi. Most maps also consist of relatively tight quarters. If there is an open map my Sonic Gun kicks all kinds of asses but I usually get screwed.

Also I never got the mystery bonus up until now. Played a series of matches and one dude got ALL of them. Had the most op weapon to boot too - ugh!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Multiplayer is so fucking sick. I really hope the game keeps a community. I love how even among weapon types there are different feels between specific weapons.


Okay. I just finished chapter 13. I have gold on chapters 1, 9, 10, and 11. Makes no sense looking at my stats for them.

once you have beat it by clicking on the helmet on the chapter select screen. Holy crap, this game.


Man, what the fuck. I need some help on Chapter 23 (I think):
The boss has an unblockable, undodgable instakill attack. What? What the fuck? What am I supposed to do? The game gives me no hints except WATCH OUT. Gee, fucking thanks!

And I absolutely love how I get to sit through some unskippable dialogue every fucking time this cheap piece of shit kills me like that.

Edit: Nevermind. Beat it. That was still fucking bullshit, though.


Yes, if it's Green, then the only times you've completed it were when you died.
If it's Gold, you beat it without dying at least once.
I don't know if that's completely true; I have a green on a level where I didn't die; however, I did stop and resume a few times by closing the 3DS.
I think the ratings are based on both difficuly and death rates.

My first time through a level, I play at 2.2 to get a feel for it. No deaths. I'll still end up with a green laurel. Next, I'll play on 4-5 with no deaths and get a gold laurel.


Thanks. I just found something else that says 10-12 hours for a playthrough so that seems pretty good.

Keep in mind that most reviewers are just saying that length for a single run, without going through all the doors, and I imagine their Intensity is at 6.0 or less (or maybe I just suck).


I just hit 'em a couple of times and then spam the capture power at them. Usually you can get a feel for how many hits a dude takes to die, just hit him one less. Its not like you "lose" the pokeballs, as long as you have the power equipped you will start the level with 10 uses or whatever. I got a bunch of idols like this. I also died a number of times trying to get idols like this, forgetting I had set the level for, like, 7.5 or something like that.

@ kevincow - Holy shit yes, they are freaking FAST. Maybe the whole point is that if you try and "open" one you get punished no matter what? Are you allowed to damage them whilst they are still closed?

Ahhh, ok, thanks!


OT, but if you don't have Meteos DS, fix that immediately.

My response to the CN survey question about why I was planning to buy it was "SAKURAI."


Is there any reason to do the Club Nintendo survey now and not later?

Also, the one odd thing about this game is
has a 3D idol but didn't actually appear in the story as far as I can tell (aside from his voice in the one chapter, I mean).

EVERYTHING has an idol in this game. Every member of every faction, every boss and boss form, every item, every weapon, every location. Best trophy gallery by far.

I got
in a single egg toss (awesome scepter she has), and
in another. <3
-What's everyone's favorite weapons? I'm finding good luck with Palms, Orbitars, and Clubs. Those are my favorite right now, but I haven't even given some others a fair chance. Also I'm TERRIFIED to fuse weapons! I'm scared I'll never be able to get the base weapons back :(

For single player I've grown to be a firm believer in Orbitars. The lack of speed reduction really helps salvage my awful dodging skills.

On Multiplayer I've grown to love Clubs. They've got the most awesome charge shot around & whacking people with a club up close is so damn satisfying.

I will say that there's some weapons I might grow to like more as time goes. Actually sniping people properly with a staff for the first time felt incredibly good, and I feel like I haven't given palms and arms a proper run yet.


Ok, here's every FC I noticed skimming through the last few pages:


Add yourself and all that and maybe we can get some games going.

Edit: Changed to spreadsheet because that seems like it would have way less clutter.
Okay, added myself and will add everyone else in a sec.

Apologies if this question has already been answered, but I don't see a clear answer on this anywhere. I'm left-handed, and I really want to play Kid Icarus. Will I be able to just play it, or do I need to contort myself/use the Circle Pad Pro?
You'll find something that works for you. I wouldn't worry about it because the game is rather accommodating. Controls were my biggest fear, but they turned out totally fine.

How are some other left-handed people sans CCPro playing?
I prefer the Circle Pad aiming + ABXY movement scheme with reticule sensitivity cranked up a bit.

I wish there was a way to map four of your powers to the different directions on the d-pad for quick access at any moment instead of having to cycle through them. I barely every use them because I'm too busy shooting things and trying not to die to think about them.
I really like the ABXY movement scheme for this because toggling through powers while running away/attacking seems a lot easier to do when you're not holding a stylus. =\

This right here is the 3DS's killer app. Incredible game.


Okay, so it's inconceivable for me to go through this monstrous thread and read what everyone has said, so I'm going to ask some questions that have probably already been asked, so I apologize in advance. Most of these are good for discussion though :)

-What's everyone using for their control scheme? I'm using the default stylus control, but I tweaked the sensitivity a bit. I made the camera control "stop quickly" so that I didn't have to stop it after flicking the stylus. Seems to be working well for me so far. Anyone else do this? I also raised the reticle speed a lot, and I think that helped me a bit, too. What else have you guys done that has helped you get the "perfect" scheme?

-What's everyone's favorite weapons? I'm finding good luck with Palms, Orbitars, and Clubs. Those are my favorite right now, but I haven't even given some others a fair chance. Also I'm TERRIFIED to fuse weapons! I'm scared I'll never be able to get the base weapons back :(

Yeah, it seems I'm using the exact control scheme as you, but I also recommend mapping 'align camera' to up on the d-pad for quick 180 turns.

As for weapons, I prefer the 'default' blades but have gained an affinity for staves also. I suppose it comes down to how you like to play. Fusions are great, no need to be afraid.

I'm having trouble understanding what all the weapon stats mean, I guess this is a good staff:

Obviously the higher the value the better, but what do stars mean? Coloured/ uncoloured? And there are so many added extras its very hard to compare weapons with similar strength values.
Where do I go to get my spotpass weapons? The notification says game case, but I don't see anything called the gem case. Are they just in the regular store?


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Yeah, it seems I'm using the exact control scheme as you, but I also recommend mapping 'align camera' to up on the d-pad for quick 180 turns.

As for weapons, I prefer the 'default' blades but have gained an affinity for staves also. I suppose it comes down to how you like to play. Fusions are great, no need to be afraid.

I'm having trouble understanding what all the weapon stats mean, I guess this is a good staff:

Obviously the higher the value the better, but what do stars mean? Coloured/ uncoloured? And there are so many added extras its very hard to compare weapons with similar strength values.

I think of the hollow stars as a .5. Pretty sure that's what they mean.


Parmesan et Romano
Where do I go to get my spotpass weapons? The notification says game case, but I don't see anything called the gem case. Are they just in the regular store?

They're in the View Gems section in the Streetpass menu. The ones they've given out so far are incredibly expensive though.
Obviously the higher the value the better, but what do stars mean? Coloured/ uncoloured? And there are so many added extras its very hard to compare weapons with similar strength values.

Staffs are sniper like weapons, so their base Ranged attack is good. Since it has 5 1/2 stars. It's Almost as good as the best orb ranged attack you could get (If 6 stars is indeed the max amount.

Then factors like defence, is great since it has very poor attack, a low chance of poison with every hit you land and then a backwards charge shot does a bit of extra damage.

Did that help?
Favorite weapon so far is a Viper Blade with Petrification +4. I just run around assisting teammates.

Also love the Meteor Bow for sniping and the Black Club for melee. I haven't found a Palm I like, but everything else is pretty interesting in one way or another.


Staffs are sniper like weapons, so their base Ranged attack is good. Since it has 5 1/2 stars. It's Almost as good as the best orb ranged attack you could get (If 6 stars is indeed the max amount.

Then factors like defence, is great since it has very poor attack, a low chance of poison with every hit you land and then a backwards charge shot does a bit of extra damage.

Did that help?

Yes thanks, I might spend more time thinking about how fusions effect the extra stats rather than just fusing the highest strength value from now on.


I was just having a hell of time fending off your invisibility attacks ;)

I was getting destroyed. I went over 1K in a couple of games but I ended the rest with like 18 points.

Also screw all of you with claws and reflective shields. Every time I shot a charge shot it came right back at me.

Fun stuff though, looking forward to more later.
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