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Kid that punk'd ACORN arrested for apparently wiretapping Dem Senator office (Fed pp

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Update: Apparently they were NOT trying to wiretap . . . but instead "see the reaction of the Senators staff when told that there phones are not working". Apparently they were upset that the voice mail boxes were constantly full from people calling all the time.

Oh my. "Louisiana Watergate"

Punked ACORN . . . now headed to jail?

NEW ORLEANS – A hero of conservatives who bruised the liberal group ACORN by posing as a pimp on hidden camera is now accused in an attempt to tamper with phone lines at Democratic U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu's office inside a federal building.

It's not clear what James O'Keefe, 25, and three other young conservatives were trying to accomplish Monday at the New Orleans office of Landrieu, who has been criticized for securing more Medicaid benefits for her state in exchange for her support on health care legislation.

State Democrats quickly called the alleged plot a "Louisiana Watergate," but federal officials have not yet said why the men wanted to interfere with Landrieu's phones, whether they were successful, or even if the goal was political espionage.

A staff member in the office told the FBI that two of the suspects, including the son of an acting U.S. Attorney, wore white hard harts, tool belts and flourescent vests and said they needed to fix a problem with the phone system.

According to an FBI affidavit, O'Keefe was already sitting in the waiting area and recorded the men on his cell phone when they walked in.

A federal law enforcement official said one of the suspects was picked up in a car a couple of blocks away with a listening device that could pick up transmissions. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the information was not part of the FBI affidavit.

O'Keefe said only "veritas," Latin for truth, as he left jail Tuesday with suspects Stan Dai and Joseph Basel, both 24. All declined to comment.

As he got into a cab outside the jail, O'Keefe said, "The truth shall set me free."

The fourth suspect, Robert Flanagan, 24, was released earlier Tuesday. His father, Bill, is the acting U.S. Attorney based in Shreveport. He was first assistant under Republican President George W. Bush appointee Donald Washington before Washington stepped down this month. President Barack Obama recently nominated Stephanie A. Finley for the post. His father's office declined to comment.

All four suspects were charged with entering federal property under false pretenses for the purpose of committing a felony, which carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Flanagan is the only suspect from Louisiana. Basel is from Minnesota; O'Keefe, New Jersey; and Dai, the D.C.-Virginia area.

"It was poor judgment," Flanagan's lawyer, Garrison Jordan, said in a brief interview outside the courtroom. "I don't think there was any intent or motive to commit a crime."

Flanagan recently criticized Landrieu for her vote on the Senate health care bill after securing a Medicaid provision estimated in value at up to $365 million for Louisiana. Conservatives accused her of selling her vote but she insisted no "special deals" were made.

"Do not be fooled into believing Landrieu is helping the state of Louisiana," Flanagan wrote in a Nov. 25 post on the Web site for the Pelican Institute, a Louisiana think tank that promotes the free market and limited government. "If the proposed healthcare legislation were to be signed into law, the $300 million allocated to Louisiana will pale in comparison to the long-term debt Louisiana citizens will ultimately shoulder."

Dai, who authorities said was arrested outside the building, is a former assistant director of a program at Trinity Washington University that taught students about careers in intelligence, university president Patricia McGuire said.

The program was part of a national effort following the Sept. 11 attacks to interest students at liberal arts colleges in careers as spies. McGuire said Dai was an administrator and that the program did not teach spy craft. He was also active in the conservative newspaper and other organizations at George Washington University.

O'Keefe and Basel were also active in conservative publications at their respective colleges, Rutgers University and the University of Minnesota-Morris. They gave a joint interview Jan. 14 to CampusReform.org, a Web site that supports college conservatives on student publications.

The allegations quickly prompted outrage from Democrats and claims of vindication at ACORN, which lost its affiliation with the U.S. Census Bureau and federal funding after the uproar over O'Keefe's videos.

Landrieu, who was in Washington at the time, said in a statement Tuesday that the plot was "unsettling" for her and her staff. She said she looked forward to the investigation to learn their motives.

O'Keefe's arrest "is further evidence of his disregard for the law in pursuit of his extremist agenda," ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said in a statement. The organization's Twitter feed commented on the news: "Couldn't have happened to a more deserving soul."

O'Keefe managed to do what Republicans had been trying to for years: hurt the political affiliates of ACORN, which have registered hundreds of thousands of voters in urban and other poor areas of the country.

Using a hidden camera, O'Keefe, posing as a pimp and accompanied by a young woman posing as a prostitute, shot videos in ACORN offices where staffers appeared to offer illegal tax advice and to support the misuse of public funds and illegal trafficking in children.

The videos were first posted on biggovernment.com, a site run by conservative Andrew Breitbart. In the past, Breitbart has said O'Keefe — now a paid contributor to biggovernment.com — is an independent filmmaker, not an employee.

In a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press, Breitbart said: "We have no knowledge about or connection to any alleged acts and events involving James O'Keefe at Senator Mary Landrieu's office. We only just learned about the alleged incident this afternoon. We have no information other than what has been reported publicly by the press. Accordingly, we simply are not in a position to make any further comment."

O'Keefe's father, James O'Keefe, Jr., of Westwood, N.J., said he hasn't spoken to his son in several days and didn't know he traveled to New Orleans, let alone why he went to Landrieu's office.

"That would not be something that I can even imagine him doing," he said of the allegations against his son. "I think this is going to be blown out of proportion."

O'Keefe said his son travels frequently for speaking engagements.

"He's a good kid," he said. "He's a very talented, very creative creative guy."

All for law & order, eh? Well, just like your heroes G. Gordon Liddy & Oliver North.


Article said:
O'Keefe said only "veritas," Latin for truth, as he left jail Tuesday with suspects Stan Dai and Joseph Basel, both 24. All declined to comment...

Oh hey, what's up.

i_am_ben said:
Anyone have the Latin for fucked?

"Raptus Regaliter"

Update: Apparently they were NOT trying to wiretap . . . but instead "see the reaction of the Senators staff when told that there phones are not working". Apparently they were upset that the voice mail boxes were constantly full from people calling all the time.


speculawyer said:
Update: Apparently they were NOT trying to wiretap . . . but instead "see the reaction of the Senators staff when told that there phones are not working". Apparently they were upset that the voice mail boxes were constantly full from people calling all the time.

I call bullshit.


speculawyer said:
Update: Apparently they were NOT trying to wiretap . . . but instead "see the reaction of the Senators staff when told that there phones are not working". Apparently they were upset that the voice mail boxes were constantly full from people calling all the time.

:lol Of course they were, surely that's a reason to act like you work for a phone company.
Drakeon said:
:lol Of course they were, surely that's a reason to act like you work for a phone company.

It is probably true . . . apparently they did not have any equipment with them that would allow them to actually wiretap and they did have cameras with them to record what happened.

However, what they did is still illegal . . . it just is not as bad as trying to wiretap.


Using a hidden camera, O'Keefe, posing as a pimp and accompanied by a young woman posing as a prostitute, shot videos in ACORN offices where staffers appeared to offer illegal tax advice and to support the misuse of public funds and illegal trafficking in children.

Worth mentioning that this 'controversial footage' was later discovered to have been falsified with the scenes edited by the use of voiceovers.



Unconfirmed Member
Watching Fox News try to spin this into "he was just trying to pull a prank, that's not illegal!" has been one of the more boggling things I've seen them try to pull in quite a while.

The kid fraudulently gained access to federal offices and, whether he was trying to wiretap or not, still tampered with the communications of a U.S. Senator. That's pretty obviously a felony, no matter who you are or how you look at it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
MetatronM said:
Watching Fox News try to spin this into "he was just trying to pull a prank, that's not illegal!" has been one of the more boggling things I've seen them try to pull in quite a while.

The kid fraudulently gained access to federal offices and, whether he was trying to wiretap or not, still tampered with the communications of a U.S. Senator. That's pretty obviously a felony, no matter who you are or how you look at it.

Can't believe FoxNews is taking up for this guy.
MetatronM said:
Watching Fox News try to spin this into "he was just trying to pull a prank, that's not illegal!" has been one of the more boggling things I've seen them try to pull in quite a while.

The kid fraudulently gained access to federal offices and, whether he was trying to wiretap or not, still tampered with the communications of a U.S. Senator. That's pretty obviously a felony, no matter who you are or how you look at it.

If it was a Republican Senator, it would have been "terrorism".
O'Keefe speaks (or blogs):

...I learned from a number of sources that many of Senator Landrieu’s constituents were having trouble getting through to her office to tell her that they didn’t want her taking millions of federal dollars in exchange for her vote on the healthcare bill. When asked about this, Senator Landrieu’s explanation was that, “Our lines have been jammed for weeks.” I decided to investigate why a representative of the people would be out of touch with her constituents for “weeks” because her phones were broken. In investigating this matter, we decided to visit Senator Landrieu’s district office – the people’s office – to ask the staff if their phones were working.
On reflection, I could have used a different approach to this investigation, particularly given the sensitivities that people understandably have about security in a federal building. The sole intent of our investigation was to determine whether or not Senator Landrieu was purposely trying to avoid constituents who were calling to register their views to her as their Senator...

He's also angry at poor journalism:
MSNBC falsely claimed that I violated a non-existent “gag order.” The Associated Press incorrectly reported that I “broke in” to an office which is open to the public. The Washington Post has now had to print corrections in two stories on me. And these are just a few examples of inaccurate and false reporting. The public will judge whether reporters who can’t get their facts straight have the credibility to question my integrity as a journalist.



Professional Schmuck
Did you know ACORN was absolved of all charges and funding was restored (by a federal court) based on evidence that the video was doctored with footage of him wearing the pimp outfit, the sound was re-recorded, and the editing was inconsistent with the actual events?

1. ACORN absolved by federal court
2. funding freeze blocked
3. wow, what a jackass
PantherLotus said:
Did you know ACORN was absolved of all charges and funding was restored (by a federal court) based on evidence that the video was doctored with footage of him wearing the pimp outfit, the sound was re-recorded, and the editing was inconsistent with the actual events?

1. ACORN absolved by federal court
2. funding freeze blocked
3. wow, what a jackass

Wow .... what a fucking asshole. :lol


PantherLotus said:
Did you know ACORN was absolved of all charges and funding was restored (by a federal court) based on evidence that the video was doctored with footage of him wearing the pimp outfit, the sound was re-recorded, and the editing was inconsistent with the actual events?

1. ACORN absolved by federal court
2. funding freeze blocked
3. wow, what a jackass

Link please?

MetatronM said:
Watching Fox News try to spin this into "he was just trying to pull a prank, that's not illegal!" has been one of the more boggling things I've seen them try to pull in quite a while.

I disagree:

Armed Student Hoaxer Causes Panic in Spain

Fox Network Affiliate said:
A student in Spain caused panic when he arrived at his college dressed in military gear and carrying what appeared to be real weapons, Spanish media said Wednesday.

The student, Ivan, 22, said he had wanted to "play a joke" on his fellow students and teachers....

:lol :lol


The public will judge whether reporters who can’t get their facts straight have the credibility to question my integrity as a journalist.

Your integrity goes out the window when you doctor footage to suit your slant you flaccid cock.
PantherLotus said:
Did you know ACORN was absolved of all charges and funding was restored (by a federal court) based on evidence that the video was doctored with footage of him wearing the pimp outfit, the sound was re-recorded, and the editing was inconsistent with the actual events?

1. ACORN absolved by federal court
2. funding freeze blocked
3. wow, what a jackass

holy shit you serious?
I love how he's lecturing the media while billing himself as a journalist. Nevermind that he was caught attempting to disable a senator's phones and then run a story on her ignoring calls. And it's just rich seeing Breibart and other right wingers dismissing this as a joke, when if this had succeeded they'd be harping on it as a major story.


Leunam said:
Your integrity goes out the window when you doctor footage to suit your slant you flaccid cock.
bdizzle said:
holy shit you serious?

I've been searching for the last 20 minutes for evidence of that. My conclusion is that this statement is false.

Let me know if you find anything about it--I'd be really interested to read it.


Neckbeard said:
I've been searching for the last 20 minutes for evidence of that. My conclusion is that this statement is false.

Let me know if you find anything about it--I'd be really interested to read it.
It's talked about in that Huffington Post article in this thread .

No citations, though, they just baldly state it as fact.

Hope someone can track down a source on this tape-doctoring. I'd be interested to see any proof or evidence of that myself.


Leunam said:

It's odd that Googling ACORN video doctored yields 0 results from anything other than blogs... heh.

I never said that I denied outright the claims that the videos were doctored. In fact, it is more than believable. I just couldn't find evidence myself.

On December 7 an independent report by Scott Harshbarger, the former Massachusetts Attorney General and former president of Common Cause, cleared ACORN of any illegal conduct. The report stated, "While some of the advice and counsel given by ACORN employees and volunteers was clearly inappropriate and unprofessional, we did not find a pattern of intentional, illegal conduct by ACORN staff; in fact, there is no evidence that action, illegal or otherwise, was taken by any ACORN employee on behalf of the videographers." His report also noted that the videos were doctored and misleading.

"The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voice-over for significant portions of Mr. O'Keefe's and Ms. Giles's comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding. A comparison of the publicly available transcripts to the released videos confirms that large portions of the original video have been omitted from the released versions."

That being said, it was an internal review, so one can't just take it at face value.

For posterity's sake, I think O'keefe is a clown.

Cyan said:
It's talked about in that Huffington Post article in this thread .

No citations, though, they just baldly state it as fact.

Hope someone can track down a source on this tape-doctoring. I'd be interested to see any proof or evidence of that myself.



Professional Schmuck
The fact that these revelations occured a month ago and nobody knows about it is the real mark of shame. I told somebody here at work and he called me a liar.

Everywhere I hear about ACORN or O'Keefe, you're going to see me saying the same thing. The guy is a con artist that sets people up on film and uses their humane reactions as evidence of rampant liberalism. He's a piece of shit and I hope he dies suffers.


Professional Schmuck
Neckbeard said:
It's odd that Googling ACORN video doctored yields 0 results from anything other than blogs... heh.

I never said that I denied outright the claims that the videos were doctored. In fact, it is more than believable. I just couldn't find evidence myself.

That being said, it was an internal review, so one can't just take it at face value.

For posterity's sake, I think O'keefe is a clown.


Little wonder you can find it. Trusty news sources like Politico dont even mention it!

PantherLotus said:
The fact that these revelations occured a month ago and nobody knows about it is the real mark of shame. I told somebody here at work and he called me a liar.

Everywhere I hear about ACORN or O'Keefe, you're going to see me saying the same thing. The guy is a con artist that sets people up on film and uses their humane reactions as evidence of rampant liberalism. He's a piece of shit and I hope he dies suffers.

Same thing I was wondering. I haven't heard a damn thing about it on any major news outlet. I assumed all this shit was true. I'm guessing American Idol's best of the worst contestants is more news worthy :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cyan said:
It's talked about in that Huffington Post article in this thread .

No citations, though, they just baldly state it as fact.

Hope someone can track down a source on this tape-doctoring. I'd be interested to see any proof or evidence of that myself.

Why do you guys think the video wasn't doctored?
What is the name of the group that O'Keefe works for/with to do these ACORN busts? Does he also write for Biggovernment.com?

It'd be amazing if he's an employee of one of these Republican pundits or something, like Breitbart. OF COURSE they'd have to spin it/distance themselves from it. :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
captmcblack said:
What is the name of the group that O'Keefe works for/with to do these ACORN busts? Does he also write for Biggovernment.com?

It'd be amazing if he's an employee of one of these Republican pundits or something, like Breitbart. OF COURSE they'd have to spin it/distance themselves from it. :lol
According to wiki...

O'Keefe currently works as a speaker and blogger. In addition, in a January 26, 2010 interview Andrew Breitbart, owner of BigGovernment.com, says he pays O'Keefe a salary and for his "life rights".[


mckmas8808 said:
Why do you guys think the video wasn't doctored?
Why do you think I think it wasn't doctored? :p

I realize that a lot of the time when someone says "I'd like to see evidence," they are really saying "you are a fucking liar and I don't believe a word you say," but in this case I'd actually like to see some evidence. If the video really was doctored, that's pretty much insta-win anytime anyone brings up this whole fiasco ever again. But I'm not about to cite that claim without anything to back it up.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cyan said:
Why do you think I think it wasn't doctored? :p

I realize that a lot of the time when someone says "I'd like to see evidence," they are really saying "you are a fucking liar and I don't believe a word you say," but in this case I'd actually like to see some evidence. If the video really was doctored, that's pretty much insta-win anytime anyone brings up this whole fiasco ever again. But I'm not about to cite that claim without anything to back it up.

The people on the Acorn case saw it and said it was doctored. Why do you personally have to see it first?


mckmas8808 said:
The people on the Acorn case saw it and said it was doctored. Why do you personally have to see it first?
What you are reading is different from what I am writing.
Cyan said:
Why do you think I think it wasn't doctored? :p

I realize that a lot of the time when someone says "I'd like to see evidence," they are really saying "you are a fucking liar and I don't believe a word you say," but in this case I'd actually like to see some evidence. If the video really was doctored, that's pretty much insta-win anytime anyone brings up this whole fiasco ever again. But I'm not about to cite that claim without anything to back it up.
You can go to Breitbarts website to get the actual transcript of the videos and compare it to the released video. You will find all the edits that way. There is a pdf from Acorn that chronicles them (hopefully, the link isn't dead since it isn't working for me right now).
reilo said:
According to wiki...

So he's an employee of a right-wing pundit?
That makes these "stings" of ACORN make sense, and makes the skulduggery involved (fake pimps and pregnant moms, sneaking into federal buildings, illegal wiretapping, doctored videos) even more lulzy. Can't this shit be reported on more? Isn't it like, really bad for the people trying to report these bad doings by the Dems to be caught actually deliberately messing with the evidence, or setting up the bad doings in the first place?

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Step 1: Record footage of Landieu employees being told by men in phone company outfits that their phones are not working

Step 2: Have a different person go in a few hours later in plain clothes and tell them a story about an uncle who just beat cancer. Record the reaction

Step 3: Splice the reaction to the cancer story after the shot of them being told the phones no longer work

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