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Lead Writer Sam Maggs confirms that Rivet is canonically a lesbian

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Angry Harrison Ford GIF
This sums the whole thing up.

Cool, I guess. But this means nothing other than point scoring unless it’s actually relevant to the narrative, which I’m assuming it wasn’t in a R&C game.

“Oh by the way, that character is [insert marginalised group], we felt it was important to point this out so people can better engage with the game.”

Maybe she’s trans too? That’s some easy points to score.

And maybe a furry that was REALLY dedicated to the cause…


Gold Member
Actually a lot of them are seeing now Maggs was kind of all about herself, and some of them are developers on era or know the medium well that its not about one person's view but a collaborative effort. She wanted her politics and view points to shine in the character. Rest of the studio disagreed. End of story.

But she makes it out like she is the victim, and now that other people at the studio have spoken up it's now apparent she was shouting loud to get her way. Nothing was lost. Glad the studio stood their ground. And them standing their ground does not make it a toxic place to work like Era thinks it is.

NOTICE no one at Insomniac is talking about ERA nor anyone who was on ERA from the studio is saying shit.
They literally banned a gaffer for saying that those 2 were the toxic ones...


Gold Member
Actually a lot of them are seeing now Maggs was kind of all about herself, and some of them are developers on era or know the medium well that its not about one person's view but a collaborative effort. She wanted her politics and view points to shine in the character. Rest of the studio disagreed. End of story.

But she makes it out like she is the victim, and now that other people at the studio have spoken up it's now apparent she was shouting loud to get her way. Nothing was lost. Glad the studio stood their ground. And them standing their ground does not make it a toxic place to work like Era thinks it is.

NOTICE no one at Insomniac is talking about ERA nor anyone who was on ERA from the studio is saying shit.

Damn......now I really am concerned about the KOTOR remake
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Damn......now I really am concerned about the KOTOR remake

No need, she's no longer on the project and even from the blurb on her website, it looks like she left there under similar circumstances.

I was on this project for like 9 months in 2021 and then I quit. You’re gonna be okay. If you e-mail or message me about it, I won’t see it. My filters are really good.


Well that's not really interesting at all.

Rivet is a cool character and I didn't gave a fk about her sexuality during my playtime, there wasn't any point to care about that.



Nintendo doesn't feel the need to expose little children to sexuality like that.
Yes, and for Sony, that is what happen when they turn a Japanese company into a Western company. Political correctness in the West will undoubtedly have an impact on their internal culture.
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Gold Member
This is what you get when you got people heavy into politics using social media. Her Twitter is crazy weird.

A lot of these pushy people have freedom on social media to do what they want. It takes a high level of heinous activity to get banned from a platform. And even if you do, it's probably temporary.

So what happens is they notice they have an online profile to do and say what they want and they might get lots of followers supporting them. It then becomes a big part of their life, so when working at a company their home life/social media life extends to the workplace.

And since Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok are ok with their posts, they purposely or subconsciously think an office environment with mellow norms and requiring to work with people face to face should be just as accommodating to their political personality.

Traditionally, people keep work and home life separate. But some people cant tell the difference where it becomes one blended lifestyle.
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Gold Member
If you think the topic about this one on reee is pathetic, take a look at the cultural appropriation one for horizon fw...

The guy who opened the topic having his wife bought by his parents and talking about cultural respect is the icing on the shit-cake...

Dick Jones

Gold Member

If i were her, I wouldn't boast about having great filters considering the endless bullshit that gets through in her messages.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I like Rivet, & no disrespect to any of the the designers, but it probably has more to do with this lady's voice acting than anything else.



Jennifer Hale is the one who truly brings Rivet to life, as she does with pretty much all the characters she voices.
You're wrong. TEAM!!! As Sam Maggs is part of the team, she gets the glory. 😂


Gold Member


If you think the topic about this one on reee is pathetic, take a look at the cultural appropriation one for horizon fw...

The guy who opened the topic having his wife bought by his parents and talking about cultural respect is the icing on the shit-cake...

wtf. this beats that one guy who finances a whore that according to him really is into him and not into his wallet.


Neo Member
Gay people make up about 3-5% of our society. Why is it that the entertainment sector seems to believe its closer to 70%? At some point the vast majority has to get tired of this shit, don't we? Why are we so damn apathetic about this?


Gold Member
wtf. this beats that one guy who finances a whore that according to him really is into him and not into his wallet.
I know exactly the guy you are talking about, can't remember his name tho.
Gay people make up about 3-5% of our society. Why is it that the entertainment sector seems to believe its closer to 70%? At some point the vast majority has to get tired of this shit, don't we? Why are we so damn apathetic about this?
If you say something you are an homophobic or some shit, so majority of normal people prefer to ignore the crazy crowd to not fight with them.


Gold Member
Good grief, so they'll turn on other women for not thinking the same way, how dare this woman agree with the cis man!
That is how these CULTure movements work.

They put on a false virtue that it's about "women's rights", "believe all women (just not those over there)" or "people of color," but as soon as someone that is either a woman or PoC doesn't go along with the hypocritical and every changing narrative, they are demonized and labeled (sometimes worse) than the supposed boogie man oppressors.

They're all a bunch of Stephen's on the mental plantation of the ideology.
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Jesus fucking Christwhy do these people all have to declare and know how and who they are boning in private life to work as a team? I don't know that shit about my coworkers and I fucking don't care...do your job and bone / live your best life on your own time.


Gold Member
Jesus fucking Christwhy do these people all have to declare and know how and who they are boning in private life to work as a team?
It's almost as if all this sexual deviancy in current year we hear about in the gaming companies, are possibly those who want to talk about and project their sexual refences in everything they do.

Things that make you go, hmmm :pie_thinking:


Gold Member
Gay people make up about 3-5% of our society. Why is it that the entertainment sector seems to believe its closer to 70%? At some point the vast majority has to get tired of this shit, don't we? Why are we so damn apathetic about this?
Probably because a lot of people dont really care enough to complain. Or they just let it go as idiots making fools of themselves looking for PR pts.

But it does seem to affect some industries. And they wonder why their sales or tv ratings are dropping 50%.


Right....the same Sam Maggs who took credit for "signing off" on the name Rivet, but an intern at Insomniac put her in her place and revealed who actually came up with the name.

And then it descended into madness....

Good lord. If that's what it's like to work with pronoun patrol, I'm just going to work in the corner with the headphones on.


Gold Member
"Hey, you see this character? He is gay! Just "Because"" lol

I really don't care but this industry man :messenger_grinning_sweat:
It's also asinine with the lore of the series.

Ratchet, the last of the Lombax species in his dimension, meets the first female adult Lombax ever, or in a really fucking long time.

But sorry not sorry, she gay, just because. So you both die out as a species, toodles.

It's literally death-cult shit :pie_roffles:


Gold Member
Good lord. If that's what it's like to work with pronoun patrol, I'm just going to work in the corner with the headphones on.
It goes to show how weird and petty politically heavy video game employees are. All this back and forth over a video game character name. Yelling, taking credit or not, quitting, etc.... Shallow.

I don't know who came up with the name Bubly for Pepsi, but there's got to be one person who came up with the name. And that's got to be a billion dollar brand.

I don't see anyone trying to take credit for that name. Someone in marketing probably came up with it and it stuck. Who's the marketing person on the internet boasting it's their idea? Who knows because 99% of people in the world arent on a spree of "me me me I'm the best worker".
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As a straight white male can I can complain that I don't wish to be refrered to as 'CIS' and that if you use a generic pronoun for me I'll be deeply offended?
Your reality for thee, my reality not for me.

Didn't think so.



Sol Brennan (they/them)
Respectfully Laura, I don’t know who ‘they’ are. Is it cis white men?
Because every other woman I talked to around the issue at the studio supported our efforts on Rivet.
We were loud about it because our efforts to be quiet had been dismissed so many times.

This text checks a lot of boxes.


Besides woke points for the designers, does this add anything meaningful?

It adds a meaningful line of thought to explore while one goes down the rabbit hole of scrutinizing Canadian federal and provincial government funding toward higher education colleges or universities, that churn out woke blogger credentials that aren't worth more than a roll of toilet paper, while mental healthcare is short staffed and access waiting listed for years, across the whole country.


I have a very hard time believing that if she was treated this way and is telling the truth that Rivet would've made it into the game.
Why the hell would someone who supposedly treats women that way suddenly turn around and go along with it just because she nagged on about it?

Also was it only him who was against it supposedly?
Why does she think she's the only person who gets to decide these things?
Just because you're a writer for a game doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want and get it your way every time.
I am pretty sure that writers for games don't get to just single-handidly decide on the characters and have full control over that...
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Can’t even imagine how happy the other Insomniac writers were to work at home once COVID happened just to avoid her/him/whatever.


Gold Member
Can’t even imagine how happy the other Insomniac writers were to work at home once COVID happened just to avoid her/him/whatever.
Best way to get away from weird people.

That's probably why so many bloggers, journalists etc... work remotely and freelance without a FT job designation. They can churn out great stuff, but the personality can be so volatile and off-putting, it's not the type of people you want to hire FT and have them have a desk at head office or a regional office. You let these kinds of people work from home and send in their work.

On the other hand, people working in finance, supply chain, legal department, marketing etc... are traditional office roles with FT tenure. They arent the types of roles with wacky personalities rocking the boat. They need to work together.

But I would sure love to sit in on a creative meeting where a bunch of writers and artists sitting in a room talking about what gets approved or not. The egos being boosted or busted must be insane.

I already get a gist of this from marketing people at work working with the ad agencies doing creative. The marketing DIRECTORS may not like something and want the artists at the ad agency to change it and believe it or not, despite our company paying the bills the person doing the art may push back saying it's their vision and better than what the directors want so they arent changing anything. Either big ego or big laziness. Then it has to get elevated where a boss at the ad agency has to push their artist to change it to how we want it.

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To anyone who's been paying attention these last few years, it should be painfully obvious that none of this is sustainable in the long run. For a while now the inmates have been running the asylum, frantically screaming at each other like the deranged lunatics they are, not only eating their own, but also making a complete mockery out of the values they once supposedly stood for. Instead of generating kindness, understanding and respect, these people do nothing but create pointless, distracting conflicts, pitting groups of people against each other, and resorting to the same hateful behaviors that once inspired them to stand up for a just cause.

At the end of they day, ironically, women, minorities and the LGBT community, are the biggest victims of their crazy behavior, because a lot of the progress that had been made over the last few decades in mending relationships between different types of people, has been steadily undone by the actions of these attention-seeking narcissists. Instead of moving forward as one, equal people, we now pit men against women, white people against minorities, 'cis' people against LGBT and 'terfs' against trans people. And none of it is making anyone's lives better.

And what's most sad about all of this, is that most of this only exists and spreads online. You talk to people in the real world, you find our people have drastically different priorities and ambitions. Women aren't asking for femininity to be erased from all media, gay people aren't asking to be used as token stereotypes to be inserted in every corner of every industry 'because reasons', and trans people aren't asking to be used as weapons to hit people over the head with for woke points. People just want to be accepted for who they are, have a seat at the table, be fairly represented and most of all, be left alone to live their lives in peace, things I believe people from all walks of life can agree to. Nobody voted for any of these people to be their representatives, and we and the media need to stop treating them as such.

I just hope we can leave this clown-world-era behind us soon so we can all stop hating each other over some hateful garbage spewed by a handful of blue-check twitter accounts.
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This is what you get when you got people heavy into politics using social media. Her Twitter is crazy weird.

A lot of these pushy people have freedom on social media to do what they want. It takes a high level of heinous activity to get banned from a platform. And even if you do, it's probably temporary.

So what happens is they notice they have an online profile to do and say what they want and they might get lots of followers supporting them. It then becomes a big part of their life, so when working at a company their home life/social media life extends to the workplace.

And since Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok are ok with their posts, they purposely or subconsciously think an office environment with mellow norms and requiring to work with people face to face should be just as accommodating to their political personality.

Traditionally, people keep work and home life separate. But some people cant tell the difference where it becomes one blended lifestyle.
This is a very good take imo
This is what you get when you got people heavy into politics using social media. Her Twitter is crazy weird.

A lot of these pushy people have freedom on social media to do what they want. It takes a high level of heinous activity to get banned from a platform. And even if you do, it's probably temporary.

So what happens is they notice they have an online profile to do and say what they want and they might get lots of followers supporting them. It then becomes a big part of their life, so when working at a company their home life/social media life extends to the workplace.

And since Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok are ok with their posts, they purposely or subconsciously think an office environment with mellow norms and requiring to work with people face to face should be just as accommodating to their political personality.

Traditionally, people keep work and home life separate. But some people cant tell the difference where it becomes one blended lifestyle.

They really need to screeen peoples social media accounts before they hire them.

Can you imagine hiring this woman after seeing how she bad mouthed her previous employer and “quit” her latest employer? It’s nothing but a liability, i dont care if shes the best writer in hollywood, the drama and mental health of the studio is far more important.
I have a very hard time believing that if she was treated this way and is telling the truth that Rivet would've made it into the game.
Why the hell would someone who supposedly treats women that way suddenly turn around and go along with it just because she nagged on about it?

Also was it only him who was against it supposedly?
Why does she think she's the only person who gets to decide these things?
Just because you're a writer for a game doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want and get it your way every time.
I am pretty sure that writers for games don't get to just single-handidly decide on the characters and have full control over that...
It's a new generation of people who don't have much experience in gaming.

They are on "combat" mode at all times. They bring a chip with them and they drastically want to bring their agenda forward at all times whether it is appropriate or could be done tactfully or subtly making it more meaningful.

This link discusses how Xavier CK went to war with an artist over her designs


Note: By January of 2019, someone was already trying to get this guy fired from Insomniac. Within 9 months they would be gone, but because Insomniac was toxic, not him.
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